935 resultados para Outdoor thermal comfort


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The study was conducted in a facility for pigs during the nursery and finishing in the town of 'Montadas', in the semiarid of the state of Paraiba, Brazil, in the rainy and dry season, aiming to evaluate the concentration of oxygen, methane, carbon monoxide and ammonia, and the bioclimatic indexes: ambient temperature (AT), relative humidity (RH) and the index of black globe temperature and humidity (IBGTH). These indexes differed significantly (P>0.05) between the periods and times. The AT in the rainy season was in the thermal comfort zone(TCZ) in most of the times in the nursery; for the finishing phase, thermal discomfort occurred; during the dry season, there was thermal comfort in the nursery phase; in the finishing phase the thermal discomfort occurred at all times. In the rainy season, the IBGTH was in TCZ; in the dry season, it was above the TCZ. The RH in the rainy period was in the TCZ; in the dry season, in most of the times, below the range of the TCZ. The concentration of gases showed no differences (P > 0.05) between periods and between the times, and the carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulfide and methane were below 1.0 ppm, and the ammonia showed a mean of 5.2 ppm. None of the analyzed gases exceeded the limits established by Brazilian and international standards for animals and workers.


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The research proposes a methodology for assessing broiler breeder response to changes in rearing thermal environment. The continuous video recording of a flock analyzed may offer compelling evidences of thermal comfort, as well as other indications of welfare. An algorithm for classifying specific broiler breeder behavior was developed. Videos were recorded over three boxes where 30 breeders were reared. The boxes were mounted inside an environmental chamber were ambient temperature varied from cold to hot. Digital images were processed based on the number of pixels, according to their light intensity variation and binary contrast allowing a sequence of behaviors related to welfare. The system used the default of x, y coordinates, where x represents the horizontal distance from the top left of the work area to the point P, and y is the vertical distance. The video images were observed, and a grid was developed for identifying the area the birds stayed and the time they spent at that place. The sequence was analyzed frame by frame confronting the data with specific adopted thermal neutral rearing standards. The grid mask overlapped the real bird image. The resulting image allows the visualization of clusters, as birds in flock behave in certain patterns. An algorithm indicating the breeder response to thermal environment was developed.


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In the first week of a chick life, broilers are very sensitive to different conditions outside their thermoneutral zone. Thus, the goal of this study was to evaluate the behaviors and productive responses of broilers subjected to conditions of thermal comfort or challenge at different intensities (27, 30, 33 and 36ºC) and durations (1, 2, 3 and 4 days starting on the second day of life). In the experiment, ten minutes of images from each hour of each treatment were analyzed to evaluate the key behaviors of the birds. Similar behavior at different dry-bulb air temperatures were identified by using Ward's method of cluster analysis. These behaviors were grouped by dendograms in which the similarity of these data was qualified. Feed intake, water intake and body mass of these animals were evaluated and used to support the observed behaviors. Thus, a similar huddling behavior was observed in the birds from the 2nd to the 5th day of life subjected to 27ºC and 30ºC, while at 30ºC and 33ºC the behavior of accessing feeders and drinkers was also similar. Chicks subjected to 33ºC presented the best performance, and at 30 and 36ºC showed intermediate development.


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Brazil is a country of tropical climate, a fact that hinders the poultry production in the aspect of thermal comfort. Thus, we aimed to evaluate the thermal environment in commercial poultry houses with different covers during the months of December 2012 to May 2013, in the municipality of Rio Verde, Goiás. The experimental design was completely randomized in split plots with factorial arrangement of treatments 2x3, being two shed models (thermal and aluminum roof tiles) and three sections within each shed (initial, central and final) for 182 days, having the days as replicates. The thermal environment was assessed through thermal comfort indices: Temperature and Humidity Index, Black Globe Temperature and Humidity Index, Radiant Heat Load and Enthalpy. The data was analyzed by SISVAR 5.1., through the analysis of variance, the Scott Knott test used to compare the means, considering a significance level of 1%. The results showed a significant statistical difference between the sheds and the points assessed (P < 0.05). The thermal shed had the lowest values for the environmental variables (Dbt and Bgt) and thermal indices studied, but larger values for the RH compared to the shed with aluminum covering. The use of thermal covers minimizes the difference in temperature range throughout various times of the day, being at 14:00 o'clock the prominence time to others.


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A year-long field study of the thermal environment in university classrooms was conducted from March 2005 to May 2006 in Chongqing, China. This paper presents the occupants’ thermal sensation votes and discusses the occupants’ adaptive response and perception of the thermal environment in a naturally conditioned space. Comparisons between the Actual Mean Vote (AMV) and Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) have been made as well as between the Actual Percentage of Dissatisfied (APD) and Predicted Percentage of Dissatisfied (PPD). The adaptive thermal comfort zone for the naturally conditioned space for Chongqing, which has hot summer and cold winter climatic characteristics, has been proposed based on the field study results. The Chongqing adaptive comfort range is broader than that of the ASHRAE Standard 55-2004 in general, but in the extreme cold and hot months, it is narrower. The thermal conditions in classrooms in Chongqing in summer and winter are severe. Behavioural adaptation such as changing clothing, adjusting indoor air velocity, taking hot/cold drinks, etc., as well as psychological adaptation, has played a role in adapting to the thermal environment.


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Airflow through urban environments is one of the most important factors affecting human health, outdoor and indoor thermal comfort, air quality and the energy performance of buildings. This paper presents a study on the effects of wind induced airflows through urban built form using statistical analysis. The data employed in the analysis are from the year-long simultaneous field measurements conducted at the University of Reading campus in the United Kingdom. In this study, the association between typical architectural forms and the wind environment are investigated; such forms include: a street canyon, a semi-closure, a courtyard form and a relatively open space in a low-rise building complex. Measured data captures wind speed and wind direction at six representative locations and statistical analysis identifies key factors describing the effects of built form on the resulting airflows. Factor analysis of the measured data identified meteorological and architectural layout factors as key factors. The derivation of these factors and their variation with the studied built forms are presented in detail.


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Three-dimensional computational simulations are performed to examine indoor environment and micro-environment around human bodies in an office in terms of thermal environment and air quality. In this study, personal displacement ventilation (PDV), including two cases with all seats taken and two middle seats taken, is compared with overall displacement ventilation (ODV) of all seats taken under the condition that supply temperature is 24℃ and air change rate is 60 l/s per workstation. When using PDV, temperature stratification, the characteristic of displacement ventilation, is obviously observed at the position of occupant’s head and clearer in the case with all seats taken. Verticalertical ertical temperature temperature temperature temperature temperature differences below height of the head areare under under under 2℃ in two cases in two cases in two cases in two cases in two cases in two cases in two cases in two cases with all seats taken,and the temperature with PDV is higher than that with ODV. Verticalertical ertical temperature temperature temperature temperature temperature temperature difference is under 3 under 3under 3 under 3℃ in the case in the case in the case in the case in the case in the case in the case with two middle seats taken. CO2 concentration is lower th is lower th is lower this lower this lower than 2 g/man 2 g/m an 2 g/man 2 g/man 2 g/man 2 g/m 3 in the breath zone. in the breath zone. in the breath zone. in the breath zone. in the breath zone. in the breath zone. in the breath zone. in the breath zone. in the breath zone. The results indicate that PDV can be used in the room with big change of occupants’ number to satisfy the need of thermal comfort and air quality. When not all seats are taken, designers should increase supply air requirement or reduce its temperature for thermal comfort. INDEX TERMS


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Rapid rates of urbanization have resulted into increased concerns of urban environment. Amongst them, wind and thermal comfort levels for pedestrians have attracted research interest. In this regards, urban wind environment is seen as a crucial components that can lead to improved thermal comfort levels for pedestrian population. High rise building in modern urban setting causes high levels of turbulence that renders discomfort to pedestrians. Additionally, a higher frequency of high ris e buildings at a particular region acts as a shield against the wind flow to the lower buildings beyond them resulting into higher levels of discomfort to users or residents. Studies conducted on developing wind flow models using Computational Fluid Dynami cs (CFD) simulations have revealed improvement in interval to height ratios can results into improved wind flow within the simulation grid. However, high value and demand for land in urban areas renders expansion to be an impractical solution. Nonetheless, innovative utilization of architectural concepts can be imagined to improve the pedestrian comfort levels through improved wind permeability. This paper assesses the possibility of through-building gaps being a solution to improve pedestrian comfort levels.


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Designing for indoor thermal environmental conditions is one of the key elements in the energy efficient building design process. This paper introduces a development of the Chinese national Evaluation Standard for indoor thermal environments (Evaluation Standard). International standards including the ASHRAE55, ISO7730, DIN EN, and CIBSE Guide-A have been reviewed and referenced for the development of the Evaluation Standard. In addition, over 28,000 subjects participated in the field study from different climate zones in China and over 500 subjects have been involved in laboratory studies. The research findings reveal that there is a need to update the Chinese thermal comfort standard based on local climates and people's habitats. This paper introduces in detail the requirements for the thermal environment for heated and cooled buildings and free-running buildings in China.


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The personalised conditioning system (PCS) is widely studied. Potentially, it is able to reduce energy consumption while securing occupants’ thermal comfort requirements. It has been suggested that automatic optimised operation schemes for PCS should be introduced to avoid energy wastage and discomfort caused by inappropriate operation. In certain automatic operation schemes, personalised thermal sensation models are applied as key components to help in setting targets for PCS operation. In this research, a novel personal thermal sensation modelling method based on the C-Support Vector Classification (C-SVC) algorithm has been developed for PCS control. The personal thermal sensation modelling has been regarded as a classification problem. During the modelling process, the method ‘learns’ an occupant’s thermal preferences from his/her feedback, environmental parameters and personal physiological and behavioural factors. The modelling method has been verified by comparing the actual thermal sensation vote (TSV) with the modelled one based on 20 individual cases. Furthermore, the accuracy of each individual thermal sensation model has been compared with the outcomes of the PMV model. The results indicate that the modelling method presented in this paper is an effective tool to model personal thermal sensations and could be integrated within the PCS for optimised system operation and control.


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Thermochromic windows are able to modulate their transmittance in both the visible and the near-infrared field as a function of their temperature. As a consequence, they allow to control the solar gains in summer, thus reducing the energy needs for space cooling. However, they may also yield a reduction in the daylight availability, which results in the energy consumption for indoor artificial lighting being increased. This paper investigates, by means of dynamic simulations, the application of thermochromic windows to an existing office building in terms of energy savings on an annual basis, while also focusing on the effects in terms of daylighting and thermal comfort. In particular, due attention is paid to daylight availability, described through illuminance maps and by the calculation of the daylight factor, which in several countries is subject thresholds. The study considers both a commercially available thermochromic pane and a series of theoretical thermochromic glazing. The expected performance is compared to static clear and reflective insulating glass units. The simulations are repeated in different climatic conditions, showing that the overall energy savings compared to clear glazing can range from around 5% for cold climates to around 20% in warm climates, while not compromising daylight availability. Moreover the role played by the transition temperature of the pane is examined, pointing out an optimal transition temperatures that is irrespective of the climatic conditions.


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Cool materials are characterized by having a high solar reflectance r – which is able to reduce heat gains during daytime - and a high thermal emissivity ε that enables them to dissipate the heat absorbed throughout the day during night. Despite the concept of cool roofs - i.e. the application of cool materials to roof surfaces - is well known in US since 1990s, many studies focused on their performance in both residential and commercial sectors under various climatic conditions for US countries, while only a few case studies are analyzed in EU countries. The present work aims at analyzing the thermal benefits due to their application to existing office buildings located in EU countries. Indeed, due to their weight in the existing buildings stock, as well as the very low rate of new buildings construction, the retrofit of office buildings is a topic of great concern worldwide. After an in-depth characterization of the existing buildings stock in the EU, the book gives an insight into roof energy balance due to different technological solutions, showing in which cases and to what extent cool roofs are preferable. A detailed description of the physical properties of cool materials and their availability on the market provides a solid background for the parametric analysis carried out by means of detailed numerical models that aims at evaluating cool roofs performance for various climates and office buildings configurations. With the help of dynamic simulations, the thermal behavior of representative office buildings of the existing EU buildings stock is assessed in terms of thermal comfort and energy needs for air conditioning. The results, which consider several variations of building features that may affect the resulting energy balance, show how cool roofs are an effective strategy for reducing overheating occurrences and thus improving thermal comfort in any climate. On the other hand, potential heating penalties due to a reduction in the incoming heat fluxes through the roof are taken into account, as well as the aging process of cool materials. Finally, an economic analysis of the best performing models shows the boundaries for their economic convenience.


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The present research concerns about outdoor s thermal comfort conditions in hot-humid climate cities, understanding that life quality is a result of the urban object s type built for the human being in an environment with specific climate and morphological characteristics. It is presented as object of study the correlation between the neighborhood Renascença II s microclimate in São Luis /MA-Brazil, hot-humid climate city, and its urban morphological changes. As well as the thermal comfort s satisfaction level of its outdoor users. The research has as general goal to diagnosis the way these transformations caused by the urbanization influence the Renascença II s microclimate, identifying critical spots of the studied area, in order to contribute with land use recommendations based on bioclimatic architecture concepts and supply bases to urban design decisions adequate to the São Luis climate. It is presented as theoretical bases the urban climate, its concepts and elements. After that, the thermal comfort conditioners and its prediction models of thermal comfort sensation in outdoor are presented. The predictive models are presented along with bioclimatic assessment methods. Finally the use of bioclimatic assessment as an effective tool to identify places that need changes or preservation in order to seek environment quality. The applied methodology was based on the studies of Katzschner (1997), complemented by Oliveira s (1988) and Bustos Romero s (2001) studies that suggest an analysis and evaluation of maps of topography, buildings floors, land use, green areas and land covering, in order to overlap their characteristics and identify climate variable s measurements points; then a quantitative analysis of the climate variables (air temperature and humidity, wind speed and direction) of the chosen points takes place. It was perceived that Renaissance II has no permanence areas as squares or parks, its outdoor has little vegetation and presets high land impermeability and built density levels. The majority of the people interviewed said that was comfortable in a range of air temperature between 27,28ºC and 30,71ºC. The elaboration of a neighborhood master plan is important, which defines strategies for improvement of the life quality of its inhabitants


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Seis índices de estresse ambiental foram aplicados a 1.359 dados de 359 vacas Holandesas e 54 vacas Jersey em rebanhos comerciais do Ceará e Rio Grande do Norte. O critério de seleção aplicado aos índices foi sua correlação com a temperatura retal e a freqüência respiratória dos animais. O Índice de Temperatura e Umidade (THI) e o Índice de Globo e Umidade (BGHI) apresentaram os piores resultados, com correlações muito baixas com as respostas dos animais. Os índices escolhidos foram o Índice de Temperatura Equivalente (ESI), correlacionado significativamente com a temperatura retal (r = 0,293) e a freqüência respiratória (r = 0,520), e o Índice de Carga Térmica (HLI), com correlações r = 0,286 e r = 0,542 respectivamente.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)