83 resultados para Osteosynthesis


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Background: This multicentre study aimed to investigate long-term radiographic and functional results following the treatment of condylar fractures using an angulated screwdriver system and open rigid internal fixation with an intraoral surgical approach.Methods: Twenty-nine patients with a total of 32 condylar fractures were evaluated. The patients were investigated prospectively based on the following variables: age, sex, aetiology, side, location and classification of the fracture, degree of displacement, associated fractures, surgical approach, oral health status, type of osteosynthesis plate, duration of surgery, mouth-opening, complications, and duration of follow-up.Results: The fractures were classified as subcondylar (n = 25) or condylar neck (n = 7). Mean patient age was 36.38 +/- 16.60 years. The median duration of postoperative follow-up was 24.39 +/- 13.94 months. No joint noise, weakness of the facial nerve, joint pain, or muscle pain was observed. An additional retromandibular approach was necessary to enable the treatment of one subcondylar fracture with medial displacement.Conclusion: Subcondylar or condylar neck fractures with medial or lateral displacement can be treated using an intraoral approach with satisfactory results with the advantages of the absence of visible scarring, the avoidance of facial nerve injury, and the ability to obtain rapid access to the fracture. (C) 2014 European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fractures of the mandibular angle deserve particular attention because they represent the highest percentage of mandibular fractures and have the highest postsurgical complication rate, making them the most challenging and unpredictable mandibular fractures to treat. Despite the evolution in the treatment of maxillofacial trauma and fixation methods, no single treatment modality has been revealed to be ideal for mandibular angle fractures. Several methods of internal fixation have been studied with great variation in complications rates, especially postoperative infections. Recently, new studies have shown reduction of postsurgical complications rates using three-dimensional plates to treat mandibular angle fractures. Nevertheless, only few surgeons have used this type of plate for the treatment of mandibular angle fractures. The aim of this clinical report was to describe a case of a patient with a mandibular angle fracture treated by an intraoral approach and a three-dimensional rectangular grid miniplate with 4 holes, which was stabilized with monocortical screws. The authors show a follow-up of 8 months, without infection and with occlusal stability.


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The objective of this study was to compare the bone repair along a mandibular body osteotomy stabilized with 2.0 mm absorbable and metallic systems. 12 male, adult mongrel dogs were divided into two groups (metallic and absorbable) and subjected to unilateral osteotomy between the mandibular third and fourth premolars, which was stabilized by applying two 4-hole plates. At 2 and 18 weeks, three dogs from each group were killed and the osteotomy sites were removed and divided equally into three parts: the upper part was labelled the tension third (TT), the lower part the compression third (CT), and the part between the TT and CT the intermediary third (IT). Regardless of the treatment system, union between the fragments was observed at 18 weeks and the CT showed more advanced stages of bone repair than the TT. Histometric analysis did not reveal any significant differences among the 3 parts or systems in the distance between bone fragments at 2 weeks. Although at 18 weeks the proportions of newly formed bone did not differ among TT, IT and CT, significantly enhanced bone formation was observed in all sections for the metallic group. The patterns of repair were distinct between treatments.


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Background: The bone tissue responses to Cyanoacrylate have been described in the literature, but none used N-butyl-2-cyanoacrilate (NB-Cn) for bone graft fixation. Purpose: The aims of the study were: (a) to analyze the bone grafts volume maintenance fixed either with NB-Cn or titanium screw; (b) to assess the incorporation of onlay grafts on perforated recipient bed; and (c) the differences of expression level of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) protein involved in bone resorption. Materials and Methods: Eighteen New Zealand White rabbits were submitted to calvaria onlay grafting on both sides of the mandible. On one side, the graft was fixed with NB-Cn, while on the other hand the bone graft was secured with an osteosynthesis screw. The computed tomography (CT) was performed just after surgery and at animals sacrifice, after 1 (n = 9) and 6 weeks (n = 9), in order to estimate the bone grafts volume along the experiments. Histological sections of the grafted areas were prepared to evaluate the healing of bone grafts and to assess the expression of TRAP protein. Results: The CT scan showed better volume maintenance of bone grafts fixed with NB-Cn (p = 0.05) compared with those fixed with screws, in both experimental times (analysis of variance). The immunohistochemical evaluation showed that the TRAP expression in a 6-week period was significantly higher compared with the 1-week period, without showing significant difference between the groups (Wilcoxon and MannWhitney). Histological analysis revealed that the NB-Cn caused periosteum damage, but provided bone graft stabilization and incorporation similar to the control group. Conclusion: The perforation provided by screw insertion into the graft during fixation may have triggered early revascularization and remodeling to render increased volume loss compared with the experimental group. These results indicate that the NB-Cn possesses equivalent properties to titanium screw to be used as bone fixation material in osteosynthesis.


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Objetivo: Estudar o hemograma e avaliar radiológica e morfológicamente a reparação do calo ósseo após a lesão na diáfise femural de coelhos. Métodos: foram utilizados 48 coelhos independentes do sexo, Nova Zelândia, onde estes foram anestesiados e submetidos à ostectomia do côndilo femoral medial direito e osteossíntese, randomizados e distribuídos em 4 grupos (n = 12 em cada): Grupo Controle (I), Grupo Sulfato de Condroitina-A associado ao Sulfato de Glucosamina (II), sendo que a aplicação de Sulfato de Condroitina-A associado ao Sulfato de Glucosamina (2mL.10Kg -1 ) iniciou no pós-operatório imediato seguido de aplicações a cada 3 dias; Grupo Oxigenoterapia Hiperbárica (III): com sessões diárias (3 ATA durante 130 minutos, sendo 90 minutos de pressão absoluta) iniciadas no primeiro dia de pós-operatório; Grupo Sulfato de Condroitina-A associado ao Sulfato de Glucosamina e Oxigenoterapia Hiperbárica (IV). Os animais foram eutanasiados após 2 (n=6 de cada grupo) e 6 semanas (n=6 de cada grupo) de pós-operatório. Resultados: Diferenças significantes foram encontradas entre os grupos de 2 e 6 semanas de pós-operatório, quanto à média do comprimento do calo ósseo nos grupos: I (p = 0,001), II (p = 0,012) e IV (p = 0,001). A comparação entre os quatro grupos após 2 semanas mostrou diferença significante (p < 0,001), onde o grupo I apresentou média de comprimento caloso menor que os grupos II (p = 0,001), III (p = 0,001) e IV (p = 0,008), de maneira significante. Os demais grupos não se diferenciaram de forma significante (p > 0,05) nas demais comparações. Entretanto, após 6 semanas a comparação entre os quatro grupos mostrou diferença significante onde: o grupo I apresentou média de comprimento menor que os grupos III (p = 0,006) e IV (p < 0,001); o grupo II apresentou média de comprimento menor que os grupos III (p = 0,001) e IV (p < 0,001). Os demais grupos não se diferenciaram de forma significante (p > 0,05) nas demais comparações. Nos achados radiológicos de até duas semanas encontramos uma formação calosa rápida nos grupos que receberam oxigenoterapia hiperbárica (83% dos animais do grupo III) isoladamente ou em associação com o sulfato de condroitina-a associado ao sulfato de glucosamina (33% dos animais do grupo IV) quando comparados ao grupo controle. Já com seis semanas esta diferença diminui, mas ainda o grupo III (83%) apresenta um maior número de animais com formação calosa do que no grupo IV (67%). Sendo que os resultados radiológicos mostram a possibilidade de uma melhor ação da oxigenoterapia hiperbárica (83% dos animais) de forma isolada, pois quando comparada com o grupo II isolado (67% dos animais) ainda sugere uma superioridade na formação calosa mais rápida ao término do período precoce. Não foram encontradas alterações nos parâmetros hematológicos com as intervenções utilizadas. Conclusões: A oxigenoterapia hiperbárica e o sulfato de condroitina-a associado ao sulfato de glucosamina, isoladas ou em associação promovem aumento do calo ósseo e não promovem alterações nos parâmetros hematológicos dos animais nos tempos estudados.


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1.Ricostruzione mandibolare La ricostruzione mandibolare è comunemente eseguita utilizzando un lembo libero perone. Il metodo convenzionale (indiretto) di Computer Aided Design e Computer Aided Manifacturing prevede il modellamento manuale preoperatorio di una placca di osteosintesi standard su un modello stereolitografico della mandibola. Un metodo innovativo CAD CAM diretto comprende 3 fasi: 1) pianificazione virtuale 2) computer aided design della dima di taglio mandibolari, della dima di taglio del perone e della placca di osteosintesi e 3) Computer Aided Manufacturing dei 3 dispositivi chirurgici personalizzati. 7 ricostruzioni mandibolari sono state effettuate con il metodo diretto. I risultati raggiunti e le modalità di pianificazione sono descritte e discusse. La progettazione assistita da computer e la tecnica di fabbricazione assistita da computer facilita un'accurata ricostruzione mandibolare ed apporta un miglioramento statisticamente significativo rispetto al metodo convenzionale. 2. Cavità orale e orofaringe Un metodo ricostruttivo standard per la cavità orale e l'orofaringe viene descritto. 163 pazienti affetti da cancro della cavità orale e dell'orofaringe, sono stati trattati dal 1992 al 2012 eseguendo un totale di 175 lembi liberi. La strategia chirurgica è descritta in termini di scelta del lembo, modellamento ed insetting. I modelli bidimensionali sono utilizzati per pianificare una ricostruzione tridimensionale con il miglior risultato funzionale ed estetico. I modelli, la scelta del lembo e l' insetting sono descritti per ogni regione. Complicazioni e risultati funzionali sono stati valutati sistematicamente. I risultati hanno mostrato un buon recupero funzionale con le tecniche ricostruttive descritte. Viene proposto un algoritmo ricostruttivo basato su template standard.


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Gegenstand der Arbeit: Die distale Radiusfraktur ist der häufigste Bruch des Menschen. Neben etablierten Verfahren wie der dorsalen und palmaren Plattenosteosynthese gibt es seit Kurzem neuartige minimalinvasive Osteosynthesesysteme. Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Untersuchung der biomechanischen Stabilität von zwei neuartigen Implantaten für die distale extraartikuläre Radiusfraktur. rnMethodik: Es handelt sich einerseits um das System XSCREW (Zimmer, Freiburg i. Br., Deutschland), eine kanülierte Schraube, die über den Processus styloideus eingeführt wird und mit bis zu neun Bohrdrähten im Knochen fixiert werden kann. Das Vergleichsimplantat DorsalNailPlate (HandInnovations, Miami, Florida, USA) ist ein Hybrid aus einer dorsalen Platte und einem Marknagel. Beide Systeme wurden an 8 paarigen frischen unfixierten Leichenradii unter Axialbelastung bis 100 N und Torsionsbelastung bis 1,5 Nm getestet. Die A3-Fraktur wurde durch eine standardisierte Keilosteotomie simuliert. Das Biomaterial wurde prä- und postinterventionell sowie nach einem Dauerbelastungstest unter 1000 Zyklen in Rotation mit 0,5 Hz untersucht. Ein Versagenstest mit steigendem Drehmoment beendete das Experiment. rnErgebnisse: Die XSCREW erreichte eine Axialsteifigkeit von 136 N/mm und eine Torsionssteifigkeit von 0,16 Nm/°. Die DNP erzielte hingegen axial 70 N/mm und torsional 0,06 Nm/°. Der Unterschied zwischen beiden Verfahren war nur für die Torsion eindeutig statistisch auffällig (p=0,012), jedoch nicht für die Axialsteifigkeit (p=0,054). Die ursprüngliche Axial- und Torsionssteifigkeit wurde durch die XSCREW signifikant besser wiederhergestellt als durch die DNP (p=0,012). Beide Verfahren erzielten nach der Intervention signifikant niedrigere Steifigkeiten als die intakten Knochen (p=0,012). Ein Präparat der DNP-Gruppe und vier Präparate der XSCREW-Gruppe überstanden den Dauerbelastungstest. Das Drehmoment bei Versagen war mit der XSCREW höher als mit der DNP, der Unterschied zwischen den Verfahren war signifikant (p=0,043). Die Schwachstellen beider Systeme lagen vorwiegend in der proximalen Verankerung im Knochen. Kirschner-Drähte bzw. Verriegelungsschrauben führten unter andauernder Belastung zu einer Spaltung der Kortikalis im Schaftbereich. Bedingt durch die Ausrichtung der distalen Verriegelungen können mit beiden Implantaten Schäden an der radiocarpalen bzw. radioulnaren Gelenkfläche entstehen. rnZusammenfassung: Die XSCREW ermöglicht insgesamt eine höhere mechanische Stabilität als die DNP. Beide Verfahren sind jedoch einer winkelstabilen palmaren Plattenosteosynthese insbesondere unter rotatorischer Dauerbelastung unterlegen und erreichen nicht die Stabilität eines anderen neuartigen minimalinvasiven Systems.


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Die Förderung der Zelladhäsion durch sogenannte biomimetische Oberflächen wird in der Medizin als vielversprechender Ansatz gesehen, um Komplikationen wie z. B. Fremdkörperreaktionen nach der Implantation entgegenzuwirken. Neben der Immobilisierung einzelner Biomoleküle wie z. B. dem RGD-Peptid, Proteinen und Wachstumsfaktoren auf verschiedenen Materialien, konzentriert man sich derzeit in der Forschung auf die Co-Immobilisierung zweier Moleküle gleichzeitig. Hierbei werden die funktionellen Gruppen z. B. von Kollagen unter Verwendung von nur einer Kopplungschemie verwendet, wodurch die Kopplungseffizienz der einzelnen Komponenten nur begrenzt kontrollierbar ist. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Entwicklung eines Immobilisierungsverfahrens, welches die unabhängige Kopplung zweier Faktoren kontrolliert ermöglicht. Dabei sollten exemplarisch das adhäsionsfördernde RGD-Peptid (Arginin-Glycin-Asparaginsäure) zusammen mit dem Wachstumsfaktor VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor) auf Titan gebunden werden. In weiteren Experimenten sollten dann die pro-adhäsiven Faktoren Fibronektin, Kollagen, Laminin und Osteopontin immobilisiert und untersucht werden. rnDie Aminofunktionalisierung von Titan durch plasma polymerisierte Allylaminschichten wurde als Grundlage für die Entwicklung des nasschemischen Co-immobilisierungsverfahren verwendet. Für eine unabhängige und getrennte Anbindung der verschiedenen Biomoleküle stand in diesem Zusammenhang die Entwicklung eines geeigneten Crosslinker Systems im Vordergrund. Die Oberflächencharakterisierung der entwickelten Oberflächen erfolgte mittels Infrarot Spektroskopie, Surface Plasmon Resonance Spektroskopie (SPR), Kontaktwinkelmessungen, Step Profiling und X-Ray Photoelectron Spektroskopie (XPS). Zur Analyse der Anbindungsprozesse in Echtzeit wurden SPR-Kinetik Messungen durchgeführt. Die biologische Funktionalität der modifizierten Oberflächen wurde in vitro an Endothelzellen (HUVECs) und Osteoblasten (HOBs) und in vivo in einem Tiermodell-System an der Tibia von Kaninchen untersucht.rnDie Ergebnisse zeigen, dass alle genannten Biomoleküle sowohl einzeln auf Titan kovalent gekoppelt als auch am Bespiel von RGD und VEGF in einem getrennten Zwei-Schritt-Verfahren co-immobilisiert werden können. Des Weiteren wurde die biologische Funktionalität der gebundenen Faktoren nachgewiesen. Im Falle der RGD modifizierten Oberflächen wurde nach 7 Tagen eine geförderte Zelladhäsion von HUVECs mit einer signifikant erhöhten Zellbesiedlungsdichte von 28,5 % (p<0,05) gezeigt, wohingegen auf reinem Titan Werte von nur 13 % beobachtet wurden. Sowohl VEGF als auch RGD/VEGF modifizierte Proben wiesen im Vergleich zu Titan schon nach 24 Stunden eine geförderte Zelladhäsion und eine signifikant erhöhte Zellbesiedlungsdichte auf. Bei einer Besiedlung von 7,4 % auf Titan, zeigten VEGF modifizierte Proben mit 32,3 % (p<0,001) eine deutlichere Wirkung auf HUVECs als RGD/VEGF modifizierte Proben mit 13,2 % (p<0,01). Die pro-adhäsiven Faktoren zeigten eine deutliche Stimulation der Zelladhäsion von HUVECs und HOBs im Vergleich zu reinem Titan. Die deutlich höchsten Besiedlungsdichten von HUVECs konnten auf Fibronektin mit 44,6 % (p<0,001) und Kollagen mit 39,9 % (p<0,001) nach 24 Stunden beobachtet werden. Laminin zeigte keine und Osteopontin nur eine sehr geringe Wirkung auf HUVECs. Bei Osteoblasten konnten signifikant erhöhte Besiedlungsdichten im Falle aller pro-adhäsiven Faktoren beobachtet werden, jedoch wurden die höchsten Werte nach 7 Tagen auf Kollagen mit 90,6 % (p<0,001) und Laminin mit 86,5 % (p<0,001) im Vergleich zu Titan mit 32,3 % beobachtet. Die Auswertung der Tierexperimente ergab, dass die VEGF modifizierten Osteosyntheseplatten, im Vergleich zu den reinen Titankontrollen, eine gesteigerte Knochenneubildung auslösten. Eine solche Wirkung konnte für RGD/VEGF modifizierte Implantate nicht beobachtet werden. rnInsgesamt konnte gezeigt werden, dass mittels plasmapolymerisierten Allylamin Schichten die genannten Biomoleküle sowohl einzeln gebunden als auch getrennt und kontrolliert co-immobilisiert werden können. Des Weiteren konnte eine biologische Funktionalität für alle Faktoren nach erfolgter Kopplung in vitro gezeigt werden. Wider Erwarten konnte jedoch kein zusätzlicher biologischer Effekt durch die Co-immobilisierung von RGD und VEGF im Vergleich zu den einzeln immobilisierten Faktoren gezeigt werden. Um zu einer klinischen Anwendung zu gelangen, ist es nun notwendig, das entwickelte Verfahren in Bezug auf die immobilisierten Mengen der verschiedenen Faktoren hin zu optimieren. rn


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Congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia (CPT) is caused by an ill-defined, segmental disturbance of periosteal bone formation leading to spontaneous bowing, followed by fracture and subsequent pseudarthrosis in the first 2 years of life. The results of conventional treatment modalities (e.g., bracing, internal and external fixation and bone grafting) are associated with high failure rates in terms of persisting pseudarthrosis, malunion and impaired growth. As a more promising alternative, a more aggressive approach, including wide resection of the affected bone, reconstruction with free vascularised fibula grafts from the healthy contralateral leg and stable external fixation at a very early stage has been suggested. Between 1995 and 2007, 10 children (age 12-31 months, median 20 months) suffering from CPT were treated at our institutions according to this principle. Two patients were treated before a fracture had occurred. The length of the fibula graft was 7-9cm. End-to-end anastomoses were performed at the level of the distal tibia stump. The follow-up was 80 months (median, range 12 months to 12 years). Radiologic examination at 6 weeks postoperatively showed normal bone density and structure of the transplanted fibula in all cases and osseous consolidation at 19 of the 20 graft/tibia junctions. One nonunion was sucessfully treated with bone grafting and plate osteosynthesis. Pin-tract infection occurred in three patients. Five children sustained graft fractures that were successfully treated with internal or external fixation. Two patients developed diminished growth of the affected limb or foot; all others had equal limb length and shoe size. At long-term follow-up, tibialisation of the transplant had occurred, and normal gait and physical activities were possible in all children. We conclude that in spite of a relatively high complication rate and the reluctance to perform free flap surgery in infants at this young age, the present concept may successfully prevent the imminent severe sequelae associated with CPT.


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AIMS: To identify the rates and reasons for plate removal (PR) among patients treated for facial fractures. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective review of files of 238 patients. RESULTS: Forty-eight patients (20.2%) had plates removed. The reason for removal was objective in 33.3% and subjective in 29.2%. The most common subjective reason was cold sensitivity, and the most common objective reason was wound dehiscence/infection. Women had PR for subjective reasons more often than men (p=0.018). Removal was performed more often for subjective reasons after zygomatico-orbital fractures than after mandibular fractures (p=0.002). Plates inserted in the mandible from an intraoral approach were removed more frequently than extraorally inserted mandibular plates, intraorally inserted maxillary plates, and extraorally inserted plates in other locations (p<0.001). Orbital rim plates had a higher risk of being removed than maxillary or frontal bone plates (p=0.02). CONCLUSIONS: Subjective discomfort is a notable reason for PR among Finnish patients, suggesting that the cold climate has an influence on the need for removal. Patients receiving mandibular osteosynthesis with miniplates from an intraoral approach are at risk of hardware removal because of wound dehiscence/infection and loose/broken hardware, reminding us that more rigid fixation devices should not be forgotten despite the widespread use of miniplates.


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Removal of miniplates is a controversial topic in oral and maxillofacial surgery. Originally, miniplates were designed to be removed on completion of bone healing. The introduction of low profile titanium miniplates has led to the routine removal of miniplates becoming comparatively rare in many parts of the world. Few studies have investigated the reasons for non-routine removal of miniplates and the factors that affect osteosynthesis after osteotomy in large numbers of patients. The aim of the present study was to investigate complications related to osteosynthesis after bilateral sagittal split osteotomy (BSSO) in a large number (n=153) of patients. In addition to the rates of removal, emphasis was placed on investigating the reasons and risk factors associated with symptomatic miniplate removal. The rate of plate removal per patient was 18.6%, the corresponding rate per plate being 18.2%. Reasons for plate removal included plate-related complications in 16 patients and subjective discomfort in 13 patients. Half of the plates were removed during the first postoperative year. Smoking was the only significant predictor for plate removal. Patients undergoing orthognathic surgery should be screened with regard to smoking and encouraged and assisted to cease smoking, at least perioperatively.


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Background Acetabular fractures still are among the most challenging fractures to treat because of complex anatomy, involved surgical access to fracture sites and the relatively low incidence of these lesions. Proper evaluation and surgical planning is necessary to achieve anatomic reduction of the articular surface and stable fixation of the pelvic ring. The goal of this study was to test the feasibility of preoperative surgical planning in acetabular fractures using a new prototype planning tool based on an interactive virtual reality-style environment. Methods 7 patients (5 male and 2 female; median age 53 y (25 to 92 y)) with an acetabular fracture were prospectively included. Exclusion criterions were simple wall fractures, cases with anticipated surgical dislocation of the femoral head for joint debridement and accurate fracture reduction. According to the Letournel classification 4 cases had two column fractures, 2 cases had anterior column fractures and 1 case had a T-shaped fracture including a posterior wall fracture. The workflow included following steps: (1) Formation of a patient-specific bone model from preoperative computed tomography scans, (2) interactive virtual fracture reduction with visuo-haptic feedback, (3) virtual fracture fixation using common osteosynthesis implants and (4) measurement of implant position relative to landmarks. The surgeon manually contoured osteosynthesis plates preoperatively according to the virtually defined deformation. Screenshots including all measurements for the OR were available. The tool was validated comparing the preoperative planning and postoperative results by 3D-superimposition. Results Preoperative planning was feasible in all cases. In 6 of 7 cases superimposition of preoperative planning and postoperative follow-up CT showed a good to excellent correlation. In one case part of the procedure had to be changed due to impossibility of fracture reduction from an ilioinguinal approach. In 3 cases with osteopenic bone patient-specific prebent fixation plates were helpful in guiding fracture reduction. Additionally, anatomical landmark based measurements were helpful for intraoperative navigation. Conclusion The presented prototype planning tool for pelvic surgery was successfully integrated in a clinical workflow to improve patient-specific preoperative planning, giving visual and haptic information about the injury and allowing a patient-specific adaptation of osteosynthesis implants to the virtually reduced pelvis.


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INTRODUCTION: The treatment of paediatric fractures is the concern of several different surgical specialties. There has been no scientific investigation on the different concepts of paediatric (PS) and adult surgeons (AS). METHODS: 62 paediatric traumatologists were asked concerning their experience with physeal fractures of the leg, including ten cases. RESULTS: Growth disturbances was estimated to be more rare by PS. On evaluation of the examples there were no significant differences in the judgement of degree and direction of the displacement. For displaced fractures, PS rather preferred closed reduction and immobilisation, whereas AS favoured osteosynthesis. DISCUSSION: There were no basic differences between PS and AS in the treatment of lower limb fractures. AS tend to act more invasively. At the same time they are more concerned about growth disturbances.


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Lumbopelvic distraction stabilization with (triangular osteosynthesis) or without additional iliosacral screw allows anatomic reduction of the posterior pelvic ring after severely displaced sacral fractures, correction or resection osteotomies of malunions, respectively, septic sacroiliitis and permits early weight bearing. However, this technique is complicated by wound necrosis or infection in up to 20% to 30%. We describe our experience with a less invasive technique.


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Surgical navigation systems visualize the positions and orientations of surgical instruments and implants as graphical overlays onto a medical image of the operated anatomy on a computer monitor. The orthopaedic surgical navigation systems could be categorized according to the image modalities that are used for the visualization of surgical action. In the so-called CT-based systems or 'surgeon-defined anatomy' based systems, where a 3D volume or surface representation of the operated anatomy could be constructed from the preoperatively acquired tomographic data or through intraoperatively digitized anatomy landmarks, a photorealistic rendering of the surgical action has been identified to greatly improve usability of these navigation systems. However, this may not hold true when the virtual representation of surgical instruments and implants is superimposed onto 2D projection images in a fluoroscopy-based navigation system due to the so-called image occlusion problem. Image occlusion occurs when the field of view of the fluoroscopic image is occupied by the virtual representation of surgical implants or instruments. In these situations, the surgeon may miss part of the image details, even if transparency and/or wire-frame rendering is used. In this paper, we propose to use non-photorealistic rendering to overcome this difficulty. Laboratory testing results on foamed plastic bones during various computer-assisted fluoroscopybased surgical procedures including total hip arthroplasty and long bone fracture reduction and osteosynthesis are shown.