77 resultados para Osteoblastos


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Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the behavior of the polymer histomorphometrically castor during the healing process of defects of critical size calvarial preparations in rats. Materials and Methods: Twenty animals underwent a surgical procedure that was to be held in the calvaria of each animal a critical defect of 8 mm in diameter with a drill trephine. The rats were divided into two groups according to the following procedures: group C received no treatment and the bone defect site was filled with blood clot, group M, the bone defect was filled with castor oil polymer particles. The animals were sacrificed 180 days after the surgical procedures. After routine laboratory procedures the specimens were subjected to analysis histomorphometric. Results: In groups C the newly formed bone tissue was well developed, with adjacent areas of osteoid matrix rich in osteoblasts, and restricted to the vicinity of the edges of the defect. In animals of group M was observed newly formed lamellar bone tissue restricted to the vicinity of the defect edges and particles of polymer Castor distributed throughout the defect. There was a higher percentage of newly formed bone area was statistically significant in group C compared to animals in group M. Conclusions: Within the limits of this study can conclude that the castor oil polymer is biocompatible and had kept the area during the healing of critical size defects in surgically prepared rat calvariae.


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Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the behavior of the polymer histomorphometrically castor during the healing process of defects of critical size calvarial preparations in rats. Materials and Methods: Twenty animals underwent a surgical procedure that was to be held in the calvaria of each animal a critical defect of 8 mm in diameter with a drill trephine. The rats were divided into two groups according to the following procedures: group C received no treatment and the bone defect site was filled with blood clot, group M, the bone defect was filled with castor oil polymer particles. The animals were sacrificed 180 days after the surgical procedures. After routine laboratory procedures the specimens were subjected to analysis histomorphometric. Results: In groups C the newly formed bone tissue was well developed, with adjacent areas of osteoid matrix rich in osteoblasts, and restricted to the vicinity of the edges of the defect. In animals of group M was observed newly formed lamellar bone tissue restricted to the vicinity of the defect edges and particles of polymer Castor distributed throughout the defect. There was a higher percentage of newly formed bone area was statistically significant in group C compared to animals in group M. Conclusions: Within the limits of this study can conclude that the castor oil polymer is biocompatible and had kept the area during the healing of critical size defects in surgically prepared rat calvariae


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Stress is an environmental factor that may predispose individuals to depression. Benzodiazepines have been prescribed as effective drugs in these situations. The purpose of this study was histological evaluate of the effect of chronic stress and benzodiazepine drugs on bone healing. Bone cavities were created in both tibias of 40 male rats were divided into two groups: Control and Treaty. In this, the stressor stimulus was applied 40 days pre-operative and all post-operative days until sacrifice in the morning for 2 hours, by immobilizing restraint. These animals also received diazepam benzodiazepine group, daily, at a concentration of 5mg/Kg/peso body within 15 days of preoperative. In groups of five animals were sacrificed at 7, 14, 30 and 60 days post-surgery. At 7 days postoperatively, while the control group exhibited tissue rich in fibroblasts, the treated group showed newly formed tissue with few fibroblasts and capillaries along with lymphocytes and macrophages. At 14 days postsurgery, the control group showed newly formed trabecular bone while the treated group progressed to thin trabecular bone with numerous osteoblasts on their borders. At 30 days post-operative bone healing is complete in both groups. At 60 days post-operative characteristics observed in the treated and control groups are similar to the previous period, but with more advanced osteogenesis.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O nicho endosteal da medula óssea abriga as células-tronco hemopoéticas (CTH) em quiescência/autorrenovação. As CTH podem ser classificadas em dois grupos: células que reconstituem a hemopoese em longo prazo (LT-CTH) e curto prazo (CT-CTH). Investigamos, neste trabalho, os efeitos da desnutrição proteica (DP) no tecido ósseo e a participação do nicho endosteal na sinalização osteoblasto-CTH. Para tanto, utilizamos camundongos submetidos à DP induzida pelo consumo de ração hipoproteica. Os animais desnutridos apresentaram pancitopenia e diminuição nas concentrações de proteínas séricas e albumina. Quantificamos as CTH por citometria de fluxo e verificamos que os desnutridos apresentaram menor porcentagem de LT-CTH, CT-CTH e de progenitores multipotentes (PMP). Avaliamos a expressão das proteínas CD44, CXCR4, Tie-2 e Notch-1 nas LT-CTH. Observamos diminuição da expressão da proteína CD44 nos desnutridos. Isolamos as células LT-CTH por cell sorting e avaliamos a expressão gênica de CD44, CXCR4 e NOTCH-1. Verificamos que os desnutridos apresentaram menor expressão de CD44. Em relação ao ciclo celular, verificamos maior quantidade de LT-CTH nas fases G0/G1. Caracterizamos as alterações do tecido ósseo femoral, in vivo. Observamos diminuição da densidade mineral óssea e da densidade medular nos desnutridos. A desnutrição acarretou diminuição da área média das seções transversais, do perímetro do periósteo e do endósteo na cortical do fêmur dos animais. E na região trabecular, verificou-se diminuição da razão entre volume ósseo e volume da amostra e do número de trabéculas, aumento da distância entre as trabéculas e prevalência de trabéculas ósseas em formato cilíndrico. Avaliamos a expressão de colágeno, osteonectina (ON) e osteocalcina (OC) por imuno-histoquímica, e de osteopontina (OPN) por imunofluorescência no fêmur e verificamos diminuição da marcação para OPN, colágeno tipo I, OC e ON nos desnutridos. Evidenciamos, pela técnica do Picrosírius, desorganização na distribuição das fibras colágenas e presença de fibras tipo III nos fêmures dos desnutridos, além de maior número de osteoclastos evidenciados pela reação da fosfatase ácida tartarato resistente. Os osteoblastos da região femoral foram isolados por depleção imunomagnética, imunofenotipados por citometria de fluxo e cultivados em meio de indução osteogênica. Observamos menor positividade para fosfatase alcalina e vermelho de alizarina nas culturas dos osteoblastos dos desnutridos. Avaliamos, por Western Blotting, a expressão de colágeno tipo I, OPN, osterix, Runx2, RANKL e osteoprotegerina (OPG), e, por PCR em tempo real, a expressão de COL1A2, SP7, CXCL12, ANGPT1, SPP1, JAG2 e CDH2 nos osteoblastos isolados. Verificamos que a desnutrição acarretou diminuição da expressão proteica de osterix e OPG e menor expressão gênica de ANGPT1. Avaliamos a proliferação das células LSK (Lin-Sca1+c-Kit+) utilizando ensaio de CFSE (carboxifluoresceína succinimidil ester). Foi realizada cocultura de células LSK e osteoblastos (MC3T3-E1) na presença e ausência de anti-CD44. Após uma semana, verificamos menor proliferação das LSK dos desnutridos. O bloqueio de CD44 das LSK do grupo controle diminuiu a proliferação destas em três gerações. Entretanto, nos desnutridos, esse bloqueio não afetou a proliferação. Concluímos que a DP promoveu alterações no tecido ósseo e nas CTH. Entretanto, não podemos afirmar que as alterações observadas no sistema hemopoético foram decorrentes de alterações exclusivas do nicho endosteal.


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A alveolite seca (AS) é uma das complicações pós-operatórias mais comuns e sintomáticas na odontologia, porém, até o momento não há um protocolo de tratamento definido. O composto fenólico guaiacol (Gu) é um dos materiais utilizados para revestimento intra-alveolar devido às suas propriedades analgésicas, antioxidantes e antimicrobianas. Contudo, sua desvantagem é a dificuldade de manipulação decorrente da sua baixa estabilidade, alta volatilidade e sensibilidade à oxidação. Para melhorar suas propriedades e aumentar sua aplicabilidade clínica, um complexo de inclusão de Gu com ß-ciclodextrina (ßcd) foi desenvolvido. A formação do complexo supramolecular de Gu:ßcd foi caracterizada mediante a ressonância magnética nuclear (RMN), nos experimentos de 1H e 2D ROESY. A atividade antibacteriana do Gu e Gu:ßcd frente a Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mitis, Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus sanguis e Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans foi analisada pelo método da microdiluição e sua citotoxicidade em osteoblastos de calvária de rato, foi estudado com o ensaio do MTT. O processo de reparo alveolar induzido pelo Gu:ßcd foi avaliado histologicamente após tratamento de alveolite seca em molares inferiores de ratos. A RMN mostrou correlações espaciais entre os hidrogênios internos (H3 e H5) da ßcd e os hidrogênios aromáticos, H(a) e H(b) do Gu, confirmando a formação do complexo. A complexação do Gu na ßcd potencializou seu efeito antibacteriano e reduziu sua citotoxicidade em osteoblastos. O estudo in vivo evidenciou a ocorrência de ossificação no ápice alveolar dos ratos tratados com Gu:ßcd, no 7o dia. No 14o dia, as trabéculas ósseas ocuparam também o terço médio do alvéolo e no 21o dia, todo o alvéolo se encontrava preenchido por osso neoformado. Estes resultados foram similares ao controle negativo e superiores ao controle positivo (Alvogyl®). Os benefícios obtidos pela inclusão do Gu na ßcd foram demonstrados pela melhora das propriedades biológicas do Gu in vitro e o adequado reparo alveolar in vivo.


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The chronic state of hyperglycemia due to diabetes mellitus affects multiples organs impairing life quality. In bone, diabetes alters strength and mineral density and also suppresses the osteoblast activity, leading to an unbalanced bone healing process. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO) is suggested as an adjuvant treatment to accelerate bone repair. This study evaluated the effects of HBO in the number of mast cells and in new bone formation at the initial stage of bone repair in normoglycemic and diabetic rats. It was hypothesized that HBO treatment may improve bone repair in diabetic bone. The rats were equally divided in four groups: Control (C); Control + HBO (CH); Diabetes (D) and Diabetes + HBO (DH). Diabetes was induced by streptozotocin (65mg/kg) and femoral bone defects were created thirty days after diabetes induction in all groups. HBO initiated immediately after surgery procedure and was performed daily, for 7 days, in the CH e DH groups. Seven days after surgery, all animals were euthanized. The femur diaphyses were removed, fixated, decalcified and processed for paraffin embedding. The semi-serial histological sections obtained were stained with Hematoxylin-Eosin (HE), Mallory Trichrome and Toluidine Blue. The qualitative analysis was conducted in the histology slides stained with HE, where it was evaluated the morphological aspects of bone repair in the lesion area, observing the presence of clot, inflammatory cells, granulation tissue, type of bone tissue, morphology of bone cells, and thickness and organization of bone trabeculae. In the slides stained with Mallory Trichrome and Toluidine Blue were evaluated the percentage of new bone formation and number of mast cells, respectively. The qualitative analysis showed that the CH group presented a more advanced stage of bone repair compared to the C group, showing thicker trabeculae and greater bone filling of the lesion area. In D and DH group, the lesion area was partially filled with new bone formation tissue and presented thinner trabeculae and fewer areas associated to osteoclasts compared to control group. The histomorphometric analysis showed a significant improvement in new bone formation (p<0.001) comparing CH (38.08 ± 4.05) and C (32.05 ± 5.51); C and D (24.62 ± 2.28 and CH and DH (27.14 ± 4.21) groups. In the normoglycemic rats there was a significant increasing in the number of mast cells (p<0.05) comparing C (8.06 ± 5.15) and CH (21.06 ± 4.91) groups. In conclusion, this study showed that diabetes impaired bone repair and HBO was only able to increase new bone formation and the number of mast cells in the normoglycemic animals.


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Este trabalho divide-se em duas partes distintas: uma longa e detalhada revisão bibliográfica acerca das temáticas anatomia peri-implantar, espaço biológico, osso alveolar, osteointegração, cone Morse e platform-switching e FEA (Finit Element Analisys) ; e um estudo sobre tensões peri-implantares em implantes do tipo cone Morse colocados infra e justa crestalmente. Foi possível concluir com este estudo laboratorial que os implantes colocados justacrestalmente apresentam melhores resultados biomecanicamente, ou seja, apresentam um menor volume de osso em tensão. Materiais e métodos: Foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica na PubMed e Medline explorando os seguintes items: “osteointegração”, “saucerização”, “platform switching”, “cone Morse”, “osso alveolar”, “anatomina peri-implantar”, “espaço biológico”, “osteoclastos”, “osteoblastos”, “remodelação óssea”, “colocação de implantes justacrestalmente”, “colocação de implantes infra-crestalmente” e “análise de FEA”. Na bibliografia encontrada com as temáticas supra-citadas foi feita uma cuidadosa selecção de acordo com aquilo a que este trabalho se propunha. Simultaneamente, um modelo 3D de dois implantes, um de conexão externa hexagonal e outro de conexão interna do tipo cone Morse, exactamente iguais com exceção da já referida conexão, de 10mm de comprimento e 4mm de diâmetro, foram inseridos num bloco ósseo obtido através de uma CT e sujeitos a uma força axial de 150N e uma força oblíqua de 150N a 45º, tendo sido avaliados por uma análise de elementos finitos.


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The development of scaffolds based on biomaterials is a promising strategy for Tissue Engineering and cellular regeneration. This work focuses on Bone Tissue Engineering, the aim is to develop electrically tailored biomaterials with different crystalline and electric features, and study their impacts onto cell biological behavior, so as to predict the materials output in the enhancement of bone tissue regeneration. It is accepted that bone exhibits piezoelectricity, a property that has been proved to be involved in bone growth/repair mechanism regulation. In addition electrical stimulations have been proved to influence bone growth and repair. Piezoelectric materials are therefore widely investigated for a potential use in bone tissue engineering. The main goal is the development of novel strategies to produce and employ piezoelectric biomaterials, with detailed knowledge of mechanisms involved in cell-material interaction. In the current work, poly (L-lactic) acid (PLLA), a synthetic semi-crystalline polymer, exhibiting biodegradibility, biocompatibility and piezoelectricity is studied and proposed as a promoter of enhanced tissue regeneration. PLLA has already been approved for implantation in human body by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and at the moment it is being used in several clinical strategies. The present study consists of first preparing films with different degrees of crystallinity and characterizing these PLLA films, in terms of surface and structural properties, and subsequently assessing the behavior of cells in terms of viability, proliferation, morphology and mineralization for each PLLA configuration. PLLA films were prepared using the solvent cast technique and submitted to different thermal treatments in order to obtain different degrees of crystallinity. Those platforms were then electrically poled, positively and negatively, by corona discharge in order to tailor their electrical properties. The cellular assays were conducted by using two different osteoblast cell lines grown directly onto the PLLA films:Human osteoblast Hob, a primary cell culture and Human osteosarcoma MG-63 cell line. This thesis gives also a comprehensive introduction to the area of Bone Tissue Engineering and provides a review of the work done in this field in the past until today, in that same field, including the one related with bone’s piezoelectricity. Then the experimental part deals with the effects of the crystallinity degrees and of the polarization in terms of surface properties and cellular bio assays. Three different degrees of crystallinity, and three different polarization conditions were prepared; which results in 9 different configurations under investigation.


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Objetivos: Identificar microRNAs (miRNAs) diferencialmente expresados en muestras óseas con fractura osteoporótica respecto a huesos sanos. Material y métodos: Se extrajo RNA total a partir de hueso trabecular fresco del cuello femoral de mujeres sometidas a reemplazo de cadera, ya sea debido a fractura osteoporótica (n=6) o por artrosis en ausencia de osteoporosis (según la DMO) (n=6). Las muestras se hibridaron en un array de miRNAs y se realizaron diagramas de PCA y de mapa de calor. Para la comparación de los niveles de expresión, se fijó como significativo un umbral de cambio de >1,5 veces y un valor p<0,05 en la t de Student (corregido para múltiples pruebas). Resultados: Tanto los análisis de PCA como el mapa de calor mostraron una agrupación de las muestras según si eran de fractura o no. Se detectaron 790 miRNAs en las muestras de hueso, 82 de los cuales estaban alterados en las muestras osteoporóticas. Tras la validación en otro panel de 6 muestras osteoporóticas y 6 no osteoporóticas mediante PCR a tiempo real de los miRNAs más significativos, y para los que existía un ensayo disponible, se confirmaron los miRNAs miR-320a y miR-22-3p. Estos dos miRNAs se detectaron en cultivos de osteoblastos primarios, aunque no mantenían el mismo patrón de expresión que en las muestras de hueso total. Conclusiones: Hemos demostrado que existen diferencias en la expresión de miRNAs en muestras con fractura osteoporótica, lo que abre nuevas perspectivas para la investigación y diseño de nuevas terapias.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Bioquímica, apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2016.


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Human multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs), also known as mesenchymal stem cells, have become an important and attractive therapeutic tool since they are easily isolated and cultured, have in vitro expansion potential, substantial plasticity and secrete bioactive molecules that exert trophic effects. The human umbilical cord as a cell source for cell therapy will help to avoid several ethical, political, religious and technical issues. One of the main issues with SC lines from different sources, mainly those of embryonic origin, is the possibility of chromosomal alterations and genomic instability during in vitro expansion. Cells isolated from one umbilical cord exhibited a rare balanced paracentric inversion, likely a cytogenetic constitutional alteration, karyotype: 46,XY,inv(3)(p13p25~26). Important genes related to cancer predisposition and others involved in DNA repair are located in 3p25~26. Titanium is an excellent biomaterial for bone-implant integration; however, the use can result in the generation of particulate debris that can accumulate in the tissues adjacent to the prosthesis, in the local bone marrow, in the lymph nodes, liver and spleen. Subsequently may elicit important biological responses that aren´t well studied. In this work, we have studied the genetic stability of MSC isolated from the umbilical cord vein during in vitro expansion, after the cryopreservation, and under different concentrations and time of exposition to titanium microparticles. Cells were isolated, in vitro expanded, demonstrated capacity for osteogenic, adipogenic and chondrogenic differentiation and were evaluated using flow cytometry, so they met the minimum requirements for characterization as MSCs. The cells were expanded under different concentrations and time of exposition to titanium microparticles. The genetic stability of MSCs was assessed by cytogenetic analysis, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and analysis of micronucleus and other nuclear alterations (CBMN). The cells were able to internalize the titanium microparticles, but MSCs preserve their morphology, differentiation capacity and surface marker expression profiles. Furthermore, there was an increase in the genomic instability after long time of in vitro expansion, and this instability was greater when cells were exposed to high doses of titanium microparticles that induced oxidative stress. It is necessary always assess the risks/ benefits of using titanium in tissue therapy involving MSCs, considering the biosafety of the use of bone regeneration using titanium and MSCs. Even without using titanium, it is important that the therapeutic use of such cells is based on analyzes that ensure quality, security and cellular stability, with the standardization of quality control programs appropriate. In conclusion, it is suggested that cytogenetic analysis, FISH analysis and the micronucleus and other nuclear alterations are carried out in CTMH before implanting in a patient


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Biologia Marinha, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015