204 resultados para Oryzomys scotti


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This study evaluated the effect of post surface conditioning on the fatigue resistance of bovine teeth restored with resin-bonded fiber-reinforced composite (FRC). Root canals of 20 single-rooted bovine teeth (16 mm long) were prepared to 12 mm using a preparation drill of a double-tapered fiber post system. Using acrylic resin, each specimen was embedded (up to 3.0 mm from the cervical part of the specimen) in a PVC cylinder and allocated into one of two groups (n = 10) based on the post surface conditioning method: acid etching plus silanization or tribochemical silica coating (30 μm SiOx + silanization). The root canal dentin was etched (H2PO3 for 30 seconds), rinsed, and dried. A multi-step adhesive system was applied to the root dentin and the fiber posts were cemented with resin cement. The specimens were submitted to one million fatigue cycles. After fatigue testing, a score was given based on the number of fatigue cycles until fracture. All of the specimens were resistant to fatigue. No fracture of the root or the post and no loss of retention of the post were observed. The methodology and the results of this study indicate that tribochemical silica coating and acid etching performed equally well when dynamic mechanical loading was used.


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This study sought to investigate the surface roughness and the adherence of Streptococcus mutans (in the presence and absence of saliva) to ceramics and composites. The early dental biofilms formed in situ on the materials were illustrated, using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Feldspathic and leucite/feldspathic ceramics and microhybrid and microfilled composites were evaluated. Human dental enamel was used as the control. Standardized specimens of the materials were produced and surface roughness was analyzed. The adhesion tests were carried out in 24-well plates and colony forming units (CFU/mL) were evaluated. Values of roughness (μm) and adherence (CFU/mL) were analyzed statistically. Of all the surfaces tested, enamel was the roughest. Leucite/feldspathic ceramics were rougher than the feldspathic ceramic, while composites were similar statistically. Enamel offered the highest level of adherence to uncoated and saliva-coated specimens, while the leucite/feldspathic ceramic demonstrated greater adherence than the feldspathic ceramic and the composites were similar statically. The rougher restorative materials increased the adherence of S, mutans on the material surfaces.


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This study evaluated the effect of mechanical cycling on the bond strength of zirconia posts to root dentin. Thirty single-rooted human teeth were transversally sectioned to a length of 16 mm. The canal preparation was performed with zirconia post system drills (CosmoPost, Ivoclar) to a depth of 12 mm. For post cementation, the canals were treated with total-etch, 3-steps All-Bond 2 (Bisco), and the posts were cemented with Duolink dual resin cement (Bisco). Three groups were formed (n = 10): G1 - control, no mechanical cycling; G2 - 20,000 mechanical cycles; G3 - 2,000,000 mechanical cycles. A 1.6-mm-thick punch induced loads of 50 N, at a 45° angle to the long axis of the specimens and at a frequency of 8 Hz directly on the posts. To evaluate the bond strengths, the specimens were sectioned perpendicular to the long axis of the teeth, generating 2-mm-thick slices, approximately (5 sections per teeth), which were subjected to the push-out test in a universal testing machine at a 1 mm/min crosshead speed. The push-out bond strength was affected by the mechanical cycling (1-way ANOVA, p = .0001). The results of the control group (7.7 ± 1.3 MPa) were statistically higher than those of G2 (3.9 ± 2.2 MPa) and G3 (3.3 ± 2.3 MPa). It was concluded that the mechanical cycling damaged the bond strength of zirconia posts to root dentin.


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Os roedores formam uma das mais numerosas e antigas ordens da classe Mammalia. Na América do Sul, a ordem Rodentia compreende cerca de 42% das espécies de mamíferos, sendo que desta parcela mais de 50% pertencem a família Cricetidae, que inclui a subfamília Sigmodontinae. O gênero Hylaeamys está agrupado na tribo Oryzomyini e corresponde a um dos 10 novos gêneros propostos para espécies e grupos de espécies dentro de Oryzomys. Hylaeamys corresponde ao “grupo megacephalus”, sendo constituído pelas espécies H. acritus, H. laticeps, H. megacephalus, H. perenensis, H. oniscus, H. tatei e H. yunganus distribuídas na Venezuela, Trinidad, Guianas, Paraguai e no Brasil, em áreas de floresta tropical amazônica, mata atlântica e cerrado. Este trabalho visa analisar marcadores cromossômicos em duas espécies do gênero Hylaeamys, fornecendo dados que auxiliem na sua caracterização taxonômica e citogenética. Foram trabalhadas dezenove amostras de Hylaeamys megacephalus (HME) e quatro de Hylaeamys oniscus (HON). HME apresenta 2n=54 e HON, 2n=52. Os resultados obtidos por bandeamentos G, C e por hibridização in situ, com sondas de cromossomo total de Hylaeamys megacephalus permitiram determinar as características cromossômicas das espécies em estudo, além de permitir uma análise comparativa entre as mesmas e em relação a Cerradomys langguthi, observando assim suas homeologias e diferenças cariotípicas. As duas espécies de Hylaeamys diferem por um rearranjo tipo fusão/fissão cêntrica onde HON apresenta a associação 14/19 de HME. Esta associação é compartilhada com CLA com inversão (19/14/19). Este trabalho é um marco para estudos de filogenia cromossômica do gênero Hylaeamys.


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A doença de Chagas aguda (DCA) é endêmica na Amazônia Brasileira sendo a via oral a principal forma de transmissão com surtos familiares ou multifamiliares. Esta via independe da colonização de triatomíneos no domicílio e a ocorrência é regular com média de 100 casos/ano e 5% de óbitos. Apresenta distribuição espaço-temporal bem definida, colocando a enfermidade como emergência de importância em saúde pública nos estados do Pará, Amapá e Amazonas. A presença de mamíferos e triatomíneos silvestres, infectados naturalmente com o c e habitando distintos ecótopos terrestres e arbóreos, mantém um intenso ciclo enzoótico em toda a Amazônia. Perfis moleculares de linhagens de T. cruzi na região estão associados a hospedeiros mamíferos (incluindo o homem), triatomíneos, ecótopos e manifestações clínicas. Foram estudados quatro surtos de DCA ocorridos nos Municípios de Barcarena, Belém e Cachoeira do Arari no Estado do Pará e em Santana, no Estado do Amapá e abordados os aspectos epidemiológicos (parasitológico e sorológico manifestações clínicas, reservatórios e triatomíneos silvestres associados aos surtos). Foi investigado também em São Luís, Estado do Maranhão, o ciclo domiciliar e silvestre do T. cruzi, porém sem a ocorrência de casos de DCA. O estudo incluiu também a genotipagem molecular de T. cruzi pelo gene de mini-exon dos isolados (homem, mamíferos e triatomíneos silvestres) associados aos diferentes ciclos de transmissão. O diagnóstico parasitológico foi confirmado em 63 pacientes com a seguinte sensibilidade nos testes aplicados: 41,3% (26/63) pela gota espessa; 58,7% (37/63) no QBC; 79,4% (50/63) no xenodiagnóstico e 61,9% (39/63) na hemocultura. A sorologia de 2648 pessoas por hemaglutinação indireta (HAI) foi de 3,05% (81/2648) e imunofluorescência indireta IFI apresentaram respectivamente resultados de e 2,49% (66/2648) para IgG e 2,37 (63/2648) para IgM. Os resultados em São Luís foram todos negativos. Foram capturados 24 mamíferos, 13 Didelphis marsupialis, 1 Marmosa cinerea, 5 Philander opossum, 3 Metachirus nudicaudatus, 1 Oryzomys macconnelli, 1 Oecomys bicolor e 433 R. rattus. A taxa de infecção para T. cruzi foi de 7,14% (29/404). Um total de 3279 triatomíneos foi capturado sendo: Triatoma rubrofasciata (n=3008), com taxa de infecção (TI) de 30.46%, (39/128), Rhodnius robustus (n=137), com TI de 76% (79/104), R. pictipes (n=94), TI de 56,9% (49/86%), E. mucronatus (n=6) e P. geniculatus (n=12) com TI de 50% e as demais espécies sem infecção R. neglectus (n=5) e P. lignarius (n=6). As palmeiras foram os principais ecótopos dos triatomíneos silvestres. O urucurizeiro (S. martiana) apresentava infestação de 47,41% (101/213) dos triatomíneos; o “inajazeiro” (Maximiliana regia) 35,21% (75/213); o “babaçueiro” (Orbgnya. speciosa) 5,16% (11/213); o “dendezeiro” (Eleas melanoccoca) 1,87% (4/213) e a “bacabeira” (Oenocarpus bacaba) 10,32% (22/213). Para a genotipagem foram obtidos 46 isolados de tripanossomas de origem humana, 31 isolamentos de mamíferos silvestres e 74 amostras de triatomíneos. Todos os isolados foram caracterizados como da linhagem TcI de T. cruzi. Todos os casos humanos no Pará foram caracterizados como positivos por exame parasitológico. Nem todos os casos de Santana, Amapá, apresentaram casos parasitológicos positivos, pela demora do diagnóstico, mesmo assim estes foram definidos como DCA. Exames como xenodiagnóstico, hemocultura e o QBC® foram mais sensíveis do que a gota espessa. A sorologia por HAI e IFI (IgG e IgM) tiveram excelente sensibilidade para detectar os casos agudos em tempos distintos de infecção. O achado de mamíferos (D. marsupilais) e triatomíneos silvestres (R. pictipes e P. geniculatus) infectados com consideráveis taxas de infecção para T. cruzi no entorno das residências dos pacientes sustentam a importância destes hospedeiros associados à transmissão da DCA. Apesar de na Amazônia circularem vários genótipos de T. cruzi nos diferentes hospedeiros, neste trabalho foi identificada somente a linhagem TCI de T. cruzi, a mais predominante na Região. Em São Luís, Maranhão, embora sem registro de casos de DCA apresenta um ciclo domiciliar associados ao rato doméstico e o triatomíneo da espécie T. rubrofasciata, e um ciclo silvestre mantido por didelfídeos. Nos dois ciclos circulam a linhagem TCI de T. cruzi. Estudos com marcadores de maior resolução com isolados de T. cruzi regionais podem ajudar a esclarecer os ciclos de transmissão, as rotas de contaminação e os hospedeiros envolvidos em casos de DCA na Amazônia.


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Com o objetivo de avaliar a diversidade de insetos hematófagos e de vertebrados silvestres, bem como, a fauna de arbovírus circulante antes das ações de exploração mineral na jazida polimetálica do Salobo, Província Mineral de Carajás, Pará, Brasil, no período de dezembro de 2005 a junho de 2007, um estudo longitudinal foi realizado (sete viagens) sendo capturados e identificados insetos hematófagos (famílias Ceratopogonidae, Culicidae, Psychodidae e Simulidae) capturados em armadilhas luminosas CDC e Shannon, e atração humana; e também foram capturados e identificados vertebrados silvestres das classes das aves (redes de nylon), dos mamíferos e dos répteis (armadilhas Shermann e Tommahwak); foi feita pesquisa e determinação da prevalência de anticorpos nos soros e/ou plasmas desses vertebrados contra arbovírus e tentativas de isolamento viral. Foram capturados 44.795 (1.220 lotes) insetos hematófagos, sendo a família Psychodidae a mais prevalente. As espécies mais abundantes de culicídeos foram Haemagogus leucocelaenus e Haemagogus janthinomys. Foram também capturados 1.288 vertebrados silvestres, e os roedores Proechimys guyannensis e Oryzomys capito, e as aves Turdus albicollis e Phlegopsis nigromaculata foram as espécies mais prevalentes. Foram isoladas em camundongos recém-nascidos, três cepas do Virus Tucunduba, obtidas a partir de lotes de Anopheles (Nys.) species, Culex coronator e Wyeomyia species; foram detectados anticorpos para os seguintes arbovírus: encefalite Saint Louis (VSLE), Ilhéus, encefalite eqüina Oeste, Cacipacoré, Icoaraci, Rocio, Bussuquara e Mucambo, sendo a maior prevalência de anticorpos obtida para o VSLE.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Biológicas (Zoologia) - IBRC


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Purpose: To compare the shear bond strength (SBS) of two cements to two Y-TZP ceramics subjected to different surface treatments.Materials and Methods: Zirconia specimens were made from Lava (n = 36) and IPS e.max ZirCAD (n = 36), and their surfaces were treated as follows: no treatment (control), silica coating with 30-mu m silica-modified alumina (Al2O3) particles (CoJet Sand), or coating with liners Lava Ceram for Lava and Intensive ZirLiner for IPS e.max ZirCAD. Composite resin cylinders were bonded to zirconia with Panavia F or RelyX Unicem resin cements. All specimens were thermocycled (6000 cycles at 5 degrees C/55 degrees C) and subjected to SBS testing. Data were analyzed by post-hoc test Tamhane T2 and Scheffe tests (alpha = 0.05). Failure mode was analyzed by stereomicroscope and SEM.Results: With both zirconia brands, CoJet Sand showed significantly higher SBS values than control groups only when used with RelyX Unicem (p = 0.0001). Surface treatment with liners gave higher SBS than control groups with both ceramic brands and cements (p < 0.001). With both zirconia brands, the highest SBS values were obtained with the CoJet and RelyX Unicem combination (> 13.47 MPa). Panavia F cement showed significantly better results when coupled with liner surface treatment rather than with CoJet (p = 0.0001, SBS > 12.23 MPa). In untreated controls, Panavia F showed higher bond strength than RelyX Unicem; the difference was significant (p = 0.016) in IPS e.max ZirCAD. The nontreated specimens and those treated with CoJet Sand exhibited a high percentage of adhesive and mixed A (primarily adhesive) failures, while the specimens treated with liners presented an increase in mixed A and mixed C (primarily cohesive) failures as well as some cohesive failure in the bulk of Lava Ceram for both cements.Conclusion: CoJet Sand and liner application effectively improved the SBS between zirconia and luting cements. This study suggests that different interactions between surface treatments and luting cements yield different SBS: in clinical practice, these interactions should be considered when combining luting cements with surface treatments in order to obtain the maximum bond strength to zirconia restorations.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The Asteraceae, one of the largest families among angiosperms, is chemically characterised by the production of sesquiterpene lactones (SLs). A total of 1,111 SLs, which were extracted from 658 species, 161 genera, 63 subtribes and 15 tribes of Asteraceae, were represented and registered in two dimensions in the SISTEMATX, an in-house software system, and were associated with their botanical sources. The respective 11 block of descriptors: Constitutional, Functional groups, BCUT, Atom-centred, 2D autocorrelations, Topological, Geometrical, RDF, 3D-MoRSE, GETAWAY and WHIM were used as input data to separate the botanical occurrences through self-organising maps. Maps that were generated with each descriptor divided the Asteraceae tribes, with total index values between 66.7% and 83.6%. The analysis of the results shows evident similarities among the Heliantheae, Helenieae and Eupatorieae tribes as well as between the Anthemideae and Inuleae tribes. Those observations are in agreement with systematic classifications that were proposed by Bremer, which use mainly morphological and molecular data, therefore chemical markers partially corroborate with these classifications. The results demonstrate that the atom-centred and RDF descriptors can be used as a tool for taxonomic classification in low hierarchical levels, such as tribes. Descriptors obtained through fragments or by the two-dimensional representation of the SL structures were sufficient to obtain significant results, and better results were not achieved by using descriptors derived from three-dimensional representations of SLs. Such models based on physico-chemical properties can project new design SLs, similar structures from literature or even unreported structures in two-dimensional chemical space. Therefore, the generated SOMs can predict the most probable tribe where a biologically active molecule can be found according Bremer classification.


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It is important to determine the toxicity of compounds and co-solvents that are used in cell monolayer permeability studies to increase confidence in the results obtained from these in vitro experiments. This study was designed to evaluate the cytotoxicity of new nifuroxazide derivatives with potential activity against Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in Caco-2 cells to select analogues for further in vitro permeability analyses. In this study, nitrofurantoin and nifuroxazide, in addition to 6 furanic and 6 thiophenic nifuroxazide derivatives were tested at 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 mu g/mL. In vitro cytotoxicity assays were performed according to the MTT (methyl tetrazolium) assay protocol described in ISO 10993-5. The viability of treated Caco-2 cells was greater than 83% for all tested nitrofurantoin concentrations, while those treated with nifuroxazide at 2, 4 and 6 mu g/mL had viabilities greater than 70%. Treatment with the nifuroxazide analogues resulted in viability values greater than 70% at 2 and 4 mu g/mL with the exception of the thiophenic methyl-substituted derivative, which resulted in cell viabilities below 70% at all tested concentrations. Caco-2 cells demonstrated reasonable viability for all nifuroxazide derivatives, except the thiophenic methyl-substituted compound. The former were selected for further permeability studies using Caco-2 cells. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Hepatitis C is a worldwide public health problem. The available therapies are limited by their partial effectiveness and with meaningful side-effects. Sesquiterpene lactones (SLs) are a group of natural products with a wide variety of chemical structures and biological activities associated. There are few studies about the influence of the molecular structure of SLs for the anti-hepatitis C virus activity. In the present work, SLs are investigated in a subgenomic RNA replicon assay system and were analyzed using multiple linear regression along with self-organizing maps with DRAGON descriptors in order to identify the structural requirements for their biological activity and to predict the inhibitory potency of SLs. Characteristics such as stereochemistry and electronic effects demonstrated to be important for their anti-HCV activity, and the SOM produced a clear separation betwenn active and inactive compounds. Therefore, it is possible to use this map as a filter for virtual screening to predict the anti-HCV activity of SLs.


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Il presente progetto di ricerca propone l’esegesi di alcune sezioni delle Grazie di Ugo Foscolo, secondo l’Edizione Nazionale (1985), a cura di Pagliai-Scotti. È stato fornito il commento delle seguenti sezioni: Prima redazione dell’Inno, Seconda redazione dell’Inno e Appendice alla Seconda redazione dell’Inno, Versi del Rito, Quadernone, Stesure milanesi: Viaggio delle api e frammenti sparsi. Tutte le stesure della Prima redazione dell’Inno e alcuni frammenti delle Stesure milanesi non erano mai stati commentati fino ad ora. Il commento offre una ricostruzione dell’intertesto delle Grazie – le fonti letterarie, erudite e figurative –, e punta alla storicizzazione e alla contestualizzazione della poesia di Foscolo. Attraverso lo studio dei frammenti nella loro evoluzione è possibile intendere come i tre inni, diventati uno soltanto nella redazione del Quadernone, rappresentino la sintesi di tutto il sapere e gli interessi foscoliani (eruditi, scientifici, filosofico-estetici e letterari), e come essi, sin dai primi esiti poetici, siano specchio delle esperienze biografiche dell’autore. Il commento proposto nella tesi ribadisce la complessità della poesia delle Grazie, nelle sue componenti civili e didattiche. Esso avanza nuovi e importanti spunti di indagine, ponendosi come viatico indispensabile per un futuro commento integrale.


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Calretinin (CR) and calbindin D-28k (CB) are cytosolic EF-hand Ca(2+)-binding proteins and function as Ca(2+) buffers affecting the spatiotemporal aspects of Ca(2+) transients and possibly also as Ca(2+) sensors modulating signaling cascades. In the adult hippocampal circuitry, CR and CB are expressed in specific principal neurons and subsets of interneurons. In addition, CR is transiently expressed within the neurogenic dentate gyrus (DG) niche. CR and CB expression during adult neurogenesis mark critical transition stages, onset of differentiation for CR, and the switch to adult-like connectivity for CB. Absence of either protein during these stages in null-mutant mice may have functional consequences and contribute to some aspects of the identified phenotypes. We report the impact of CR- and CB-deficiency on the proliferation and differentiation of progenitor cells within the subgranular zone (SGZ) neurogenic niche of the DG. Effects were evaluated (1) two and four weeks postnatally, during the transition period of the proliferative matrix to the adult state, and (2) in adult animals (3 months) to trace possible permanent changes in adult neurogenesis. The absence of CB from differentiated DG granule cells has no retrograde effect on the proliferative activity of progenitor cells, nor affects survival or migration/differentiation of newborn neurons in the adult DG including the SGZ. On the contrary, lack of CR from immature early postmitotic granule cells causes an early loss in proliferative capacity of the SGZ that is maintained into adult age, when it has a further impact on the migration/survival of newborn granule cells. The transient CR expression at the onset of adult neurogenesis differentiation may thus have two functions: (1) to serve as a self-maintenance signal for the pool of cells at the same stage of neurogenesis contributing to their survival/differentiation, and (2) it may contribute to retrograde signaling required for maintenance of the progenitor pool.


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Homozygous mutations in the Reelin gene result in severe disruption of brain development. The histogenesis of layered regions, like the neocortex, hippocampus and the cerebellum, is most notably affected in mouse reeler mutants and similar traits are also present in mice lacking molecular components of the Reelin signalling pathway. Moreover, there is evidence for an additional role of Reelin in sustaining synaptic plasticity in adult networks. Nitric oxide is an important gaseous messenger that can modulate neuronal plasticity both in developing and mature synaptic networks and has been shown to facilitate synaptic changes in the hippocampus, cerebellum and olfactory bulb. We studied the distribution and content of neuronal nitric oxide synthase in the olfactory bulbs of reeler and wildtype mice. Immunocytochemistry reveals that Reelin and neuronal nitric oxide synthase containing interneurons are two distinct, non overlapping cell populations of the olfactory bulb. We show by in situ hybridization that both nitrergic and Reelin expressing cells represent only a subset of olfactory bulb GABAergic neurons. Immunoblots show that neuronal nitric oxide synthase protein content is decreased by two thirds in reeler mice causing a detectable loss of immunolabelled cells throughout the olfactory bulb of this strain. However, neuronal nitric oxide synthase mRNA levels, essayed by quantitative real-time RT-PCR, are unaffected in the reeler olfactory bulb. Thus, disruption of the Reelin signalling pathway may modify the turnover of neuronal nitric oxide synthase in the olfactory bulb and possibly affects nitric oxide functions in reeler mice.