997 resultados para Orwell, George, 1903-1950. 1984


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This collection contains 40 stereo cards of Niagara Falls and the Niagara River. Images include Niagara Falls in winter (the ice bridge); Prospect Point; the Whirlpool Rapids and the Whirlpool; the Upper River rapids; the Maid of the Mist; and Dixon crossing the Niagara River on a tightrope below the Great Cantilever Bridge. Twenty of the cards were published by Underwood & Underwood. The remaining cards are from various publishers including Keystone View Company, American Stereoscopic, Griffith & Griffith, H.C. White Company, E. & H.T. Anthony & Company, and Realistic Travels Publisher. George E. Curtis and Geo. Barker are listed as photographers on a few of the cards.


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El proyecto será desarrollado en base al modelo ecológico del desarrollo humano, (Bronfenbrenner, 1999) partiendo desde la explicación y conceptualización del modelo en términos generales, guiando la investigación hacia un ámbito organizacional en donde se podrá aplicar la teoría descrita por Bronfenbrenner y así, determinar cuál es la estructura y funcionalidad de los sistemas en el modelo además de establecer qué utilidad tiene en entornos empresariales por medio del análisis de los múltiples sistemas, relaciones, interacciones y efectos que tienen y que desarrollan las empresas u organizaciones en el transcurso de su vida. A lo largo de la investigación se hará referencia a diferentes conceptos relacionados tanto con el modelo como con el mundo en que se desarrollan las organizaciones, tales como clusters, sistemas, sectores, estrategias, marketing relacional, comunidad, interacciones, influencias, entre otros; los cuales permitirán acercar lo mayor posible el modelo de Bronfenbrenner al mundo empresarial y lograr desarrollar de mejor manera la intención de aplicar el modelo al mundo organizacional.


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El presente trabajo busca retomar con una mirada seria y critica la manera como se plantean y se desarrollan los cursos de inducción a la economía solidaria (cooperativismo) en nuestro país.


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Revisión crítica de la ‘versión heredada’ sobre el resurgir del pragmatismo norteamericano. Aquí sostengo que ésta es una narrativa sobre la historia de la filosofía que puede ser usada para “reivindicar” la continuidad o para “añorar” la pérdida de esa tradición. Presento tres argumentos a favor de mi tesis sobre la versión heredada: i) es insuficiente para explicar el surgimiento del pragmatismo; ii) es un tipo de narrativa que hace plausible una imagen de la filosofía; iii) impide apreciar que la formación del canon obedece a los propósitos de los seguidores del movimiento.


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La corrupción sigue siendo uno de los principales problemas del Estado de Derecho en el siglo XXI. Su incidencia reduce la eficacia de la inversión, aumenta el valor de los bienes y servicios, reduce la competitividad de las empresas, vulnera la confianza de los ciudadanos en el ordenamiento jurídico y sobre todo condena a la miseria a quienes deben ser destinatarios de las políticas públicas.Sin embrago, la lucha que han realizado muchos gobiernos y funcionarios judiciales contra este fenómeno ha modificado sus formas de aparición, pues es cada vez menos frecuente la apropiación directa de los caudales públicos o la entrega de sobornos a los funcionarios, prefiriéndose métodos mucho más sutiles como los sobrecostos, la subcontratación masiva o la constitución de complicadas sociedades, en las cuales tienen participación los funcionarios públicos o sus familias.Este libro constituye un esfuerzo por el estudio jurídico y criminológico de la corrupción y los delitos contra la administración pública en Europa y Latinoamérica y reúne la selección de los temas penales más relevantes de la tesis doctoral del profesor Carlos Guillermo Castro Cuenca, denominada Aproximación a la Corrupción en la contratación pública y defendida en la universidad de Salamanca en febrero de 2008, con lo cual obtuvo la calificación de sobresaliente por unanimidad.


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As part of its contribution to the 1951 Festival of Britain, the Arts Council ran what can be seen in retrospect to be an important playwriting competition. Disregarding the London stage entirely, it invited regional theatres throughout the UK to put forward nominations for new plays within their repertoire for 1950-1951. Each of the five winning plays would receive, what was then, the substantial sum of £100. Originality and innovation featured highly amongst the selection criteria, with 40 per cent of the judges’ marks being awarded for “interest of subject matter and inventiveness of treatment”. This article will assess some of the surprising outcomes of the competition and argue that it served as an important nexus point in British theatrical historiography between two key moments in post-war Britain: the first being the inauguration of the Festival of Britain in 1951, the other being the debut of John Osborne’s Look Back in Anger in May 1956. The article will also argue that the Arts Council’s play competition was significant for two other reasons. By circumventing the London stage, it provides a useful tool by which to reassess the state of new writing in regional theatre at the beginning of the 1950s and to question how far received views of parochialism and conservatism held true. The paper will also put forward a case for the competition significantly anticipating the work of George Devine at the English Stage Company, which during its early years established a reputation for itself by heavily exploiting the repertoire of new plays originally commissioned by regional theatres. This article forms part of a five year funded Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) project, ‘Giving Voice to the Nation: The Arts Council of Great Britain and the Development of Theatre and Performance in Britain 1945-1994’. Details of the Arts Council’s archvie, which is housed at the Victoria & Albert Museum in London can be found at http://www.vam.ac.uk/vastatic/wid/ead/acgb/acgbf.html Keywords: Arts Council of Great Britain, regional theatre, playwriting, Festival of Britain, English Stage Company (Royal Court) , Yvonne Mitchell


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Chaetopelma Ausserer 1871 and Nesiergus Simon 1903 are revised. Cratorrhagus Simon 1891 is considered a junior synonym of Chaetopelma. Cratorrhagus tetramerus (Simon 1873) and the female of Cratorrhagus concolor (Simon 1873) are conspecific with C. olivaceum (C. L. Koch 1841). Ischnocolus gracilis Ausserer 1871, Ischnocolus syriacus Ausserer 1871, Chaetopelma shabati Hassan 1950 and Ischnocolus jerusalemensis Smith 1990 are also treated here as junior synonyms of C. olivaceum. Chaetopelma adenense Simon 1890 is proposed as a junior synonym of Ischnocolus jickelii L. Koch 1875. Chaetopelma gardineri Hirst 1911 is transferred to Nesiergus. Hence, Chaetopelma comprises three valid species: C. olivaceum (C. L. Koch 1841); C. karlamani Vollmer 1997; C. concolor (Simon 1873) n. comb. from the Middle East and northeastern Africa. Nesiergus, which appears endemic to the Seychelles archipelago, now comprises three valid species: N. gardineri (Hirst 1911) n. comb.; N. halophilus Benoit 1978; N. insulanus Simon 1903.


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Vol. 4; 129 p. b&w, color photographs; Sept. 1984 TOC: Leadership in Profile…10/Yearbook Reception…14/Mr. and Mrs. Fiorello LaGuardia…17/Faculty and Staff…20/College Wide Activities and Events…39/Continuing Education…42/Recreation…46/Student Government…51/Honors Night…56/Activities Events and Trips…65/Graduate Special Section…77/Graduates…83/In Memoriam…124/Yearbook Committee…127/Ads…129 YEARBOOK CREDITS: Project Director, VINCENT BANREY; Copy/Caption Writers and Editors: UMOJA KWANGUVU and CATHERINE WHAN-ABBATE; Photographers: YVONNE CANNON, YOUNG CHOI, WALTER JACKSON, UMOJA KWANGUVU, RANDY FADER-SMITH, CLASSIC STUDIOS; Production Committee: ARLENE BANREY, ELIZABETH BAUMANN, GEORGE BERMUDEZ, BRIDGET DAVIS, MARGARET FERNANDEZ, FRAN GIBSON, RAMONA H. KENOL, EDDIE LEBRON, REGINA McDONALD, HORACIO OWENS, JOSE PENA, KEVIN RILEY, SHIRLEY SAULSBURY, CORDELIA WHICHARD; Typing: BLANCA ARBITO, ENID RIVERA, CAROLYN TAYLOR, CATHERINE WHAN-ABBATE, ADRIENNE WILLIAMS, AUDREY WILLIAMS.


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Investiga a pertinência de considerar a configuração social contemporânea como sendo uma sociedade de Moda, na qual os sujeitos sociais são desencaixados de suas experiências diretas e reencaixados por imagens, que os significam. O maior significante dessas imagens encontra-se no novo, e a sua manipulação permeia a busca de ser um outro, para qualificar o mesmo. Analisa as transformações que Florianópolis passou entre os anos de 1950 a 1970, evidenciando a busca da modernidade como meio de assemelhar-se a outras cidades consideradas modernas, especialmente, o Rio de Janeiro. Apresenta tal historicidade como processo de emersão, tendo em vista que, os discursos propaladores da cidade moderna, foram considerados centrais na constituição da imagem de Florianópolis “realizada”. Analisa a constituição da poética moderna da aparência, ressaltando o papel da publicidade, lato sensu, na instituição dos padrões de elegância e beleza e seus vínculos com a estratificação social. Salienta a presença da cultura francesa na instituição desses padrões e relaciona-os a reconversão das elites contemporâneas. Investiga os processos de recepção da poética da aparência, no contexto florianopolitano, destacando a ação do cronismo social, que agencia a manipulação de fichas simbólicas de elegância, beleza, distinção e do moderno para configurar novas formas de ser elite. As fontes são tratadas a partir da estética da recepção de Jauss. As concepções de modernidade e de suas implicações são baseadas em Marshall Berman e Anthony Giddens, especialmente. As concepções de poder partem dos pressupostos de George Balandier, entre outros. Aplica-se a definição de capital-aparência de Pagès-Delon e de reconversão social de Robert Castel e Dominique de Saint-Martin. Conclui que a positivação da aparência, numa sociedade regida pela imagem do novo, promove subjetividades que encontram no parecer sua essência de ser, isto é, instituía seres de parecer ou sujeitos-moda que, logo, estabelecem suas estratégias de poder por meio da aparência.


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This project wants to analyze the newspaper like a collective organic intellectual thing, and its action like a conservator integral journalism, it makes it looks like a politics block. In this case, the newspaper inserts itself in a process to support the dominated fundamental class. In the same time, it searches to disqualify politically, using the news and the opinion, the sprouting of against-hegemony even untimely and distant in the historical time. Facing this proposal we take as study object the FOLHA DE S. PAULO, nowadays the most representative agency of the great conservative press. Our theoretical reference takes as base the Gramsci organic intellectual formularizations, hegemony, position´s war, integral journalism and private device of hegemony. We allow ourselves, in a subsidiary way to the Gramsci basement, using the novel 1984 written by George Orwell, as a method to explicit, in a comparative way, the manipulation of the reality by the newspaper in its activity of collective organic intellectual. The ideology is the heuristic connection point to make convergence between reality and fiction. For the intended evidences we develop analysis of the daily covering about two great accidents occurred in 2007: The landslide of part of the workmanships of the tunnel of the Companhia do Metropolitano de São Paulo-Metrô (line yellow 4). And the flying disaster involving the airbus of Transportes Aéreos Meridionais-TAM, flight 3054, also in that state. In the first accident we find endorsement of the newspaper to the São Paulo´s government, in the person of the politician actor José Serra (PSDB), representative of the conservative forces and responsible for the workmanships of the Subway, to who it tried to distance politically of the fact. In the second event, the opposition to the politician actor Luis Inácio Luis Lula da Silva and his politics block, the PT, as a possibility against-hegemonic contested, being the mentioned actor appointed as responsible for the occurrence. However, the newspaper says that it is independent and direct, and this direct action comes from the environment. In this environment, the diversity of conceptions of world would guide the publishing work, making the FOLHA DE S. PAULO to take it as a reference for the intended objective, hiding the politics block militancy


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