981 resultados para Ortho-Neuron


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Ternary complexes of terbium with ortho (and pam) aminobenzoic acid and 1,10-phenanthroline were introduced into silica gel by the sol-gel method. The luminescence behavior of the solid-state samples was studied during the sol-gel aging process by means of emission. excitation spectra, lifetimes and quantum efficiencies.


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Poly-o-methylaniline (poly-o-toluidine) was doped by some protonic acids. It was found that the acidity, molecular size and oxidizing ability of protonic acids affected the doping level and conductivity of polymer obtained to some extent. The organic acid


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Poly-ortho-methylanilines (POT) in three states fully oxidized, fully reduced and oxidized in varying degrees were synthesized by the reaction of common POT (C-POT) having nearly equal amounts of benzenediamine and quinonediimine units with iodine or phenyl-hydrazine, and the resulting polymers were characterized by IR, C-13-NMR, SEM and elemental analysis. The results showed that the quinonediimine unit in C-POT could be reduced by phenylhydrazine to the benzenediamine unit, forming the polymer with low OD (oxidation degree) or in a fully reduced state and that iodine-oxidation resulted in the increase of quinonediimine unit and decrease of benzenediamine unit. The solubility and flexibility of the formed polymers depend strongly on the amount of quinonediimine unit in it. It is necessary to reduce the content of quinonediimine structure unit in order to improve the solubility of aniline-class polymers.


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The unimolecular Charge separation reactions of the doubly charged ions [C6H4Cl2]2+, [C6H3Cl]2+ produced in the ion source by electron impact from o-, m-, and p-dichloro benzene have been studied using mass analysed ion kinetic energy spectrometry. The values of kinetic energy releases (T) can be calculated from the energy dispersion of product ions. As T essentially reflects the release of coulombic energy, which can be used to calculate the approximate distances R between the two charges immediately before decomposition of the ions. From these data, some structural information about transiton states could be provided. The ECID and CID processes of above doubly charged ions, have also been studied. We found that the CID reactions of (C6H4Cl2)2+ could be used to distinguish three dichloro benzene isomers.


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The reactions of polyaniline and poly-omicron-methylaniline of different oxidation degrees with I2 were followed by FTIR and electrical conductivity measurements. The results showed that the reaction of common polyanilines with I2 was oxidation in nature whereas that of the fully reduced ones was doping. The latter took place in two steps: oxidation of benzene-diamine units into quinone-diimine units (redox between I2 and the polymer chain) and formation of a conjugated system consisting of four aromatic rings (intramolecular chain redox).


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The chemical polymerization of ortho-methylaniline (MAn) is performed in aqueous solution of six protonic acids. The MAn polymerization conversion, and the electrical conductivity and doping level as well as molecular chain structure of the polymers obtained depend not only on the acid concentration but also on their acidity and molecular size.


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Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder of uncertain pathogenesis characterized by a loss of dopaminergic neurons in substantia nigra pars compacta, and can be modeled by the neurotoxin 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1, 2, 3, 6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP). Oxidative stress may contribute to MPTP- and Parkinson's disease-related neurodegeneration. Fucoidan is a sulfated polysaccharide extracted from brown seaweeds which possesses a wide variety of biological activities including potent antioxidative effects. Here we investigated the effect of fucoidan treatment on locomoter activities of animals, striatal dopamine and its metabolites and survival of nigral dopaminergic neurons in MPTP-induced animal model of Parkinsonism in C57/BL mice in vivo and on the neuronal damage induced by 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+) in vitro, and to study the possible mechanisms. When administered prior to MPTP, fucoidan reduced behavioral deficits, increased striatal dopamine and its metabolites levels, reduced cell death, and led to a marked increase in tyrosine hydroxylase expression relative to mice treated with MPTP alone. Furthermore, we found that fucoidan inhibited MPTP-induced lipid peroxidation and reduction of antioxidant enzyme activity. In addition, pre-treatment with fucoidan significantly protected against MPP+-induced damage in MN9D cells. Taken together, these findings suggest that fucoidan has protective effect in MPTP-induced neurotoxicity in this model of Parkinson's disease via its antioxidative activity. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The difference in electrostatics and reduction potentials between manganese ortho-tetrakis(N-ethylpyridinium-2-yl)porphyrin (MnTE-2-PyP) and manganese meta-tetrakis(N-ethylpyridinium-3-yl)porphyrin (MnTE-3-PyP) is a challenging topic, particularly because of the high likelihood for their clinical development. Hence, a detailed study of the protolytic and electrochemical speciation of Mn(II-IV)TE-2-PyP and Mn(II-IV)TE-3-PyP in a broad pH range has been performed using the combined spectrophotometric and potentiometric methods. The results reveal that in aqueous solutions within the pH range ∼2-13 the following species exist: (H(2)O)Mn(II)TE-m-PyP(4+), (HO)Mn(II)TE-m-PyP(3+), (H(2)O)(2)Mn(III)TE-m-PyP(5+), (HO)(H(2)O)Mn(III)TE-m-PyP(4+), (O)(H(2)O)Mn(III)TE-m-PyP(3+), (O)(H(2)O)Mn(IV)TE-m-PyP(4+) and (O)(HO)Mn(IV)TE-m-PyP(3+) (m = 2, 3). All the protolytic equilibrium constants that include the accessible species as well as the thermodynamic parameters for each particular protolytic equilibrium have been determined. The corresponding formal reduction potentials related to the reduction of the above species and the thermodynamic parameters describing the accessible reduction couples were calculated as well.


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Dendrites often exhibit structural changes in response to local inputs. Although mechanisms that pattern and maintain dendritic arbors are becoming clearer, processes regulating regrowth, during context-dependent plasticity or after injury, remain poorly understood. We found that a class of Drosophila sensory neurons, through complete pruning and regeneration, can elaborate two distinct dendritic trees, innervating independent sensory fields. An expression screen identified Cysteine proteinase-1 (Cp1) as a critical regulator of this process. Unlike known ecdysone effectors, Cp1-mutant ddaC neurons pruned larval dendrites normally but failed to regrow adult dendrites. Cp1 expression was upregulated/concentrated in the nucleus during metamorphosis, controlling production of a truncated Cut homeodomain transcription factor. This truncated Cut, but not the full-length protein, allowed Cp1-mutant ddaC neurons to regenerate higher-order adult dendrites. These results identify a molecular pathway needed for dendrite regrowth after pruning, which allows the same neuron to innervate distinct sensory fields.


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Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a widely used, noninvasive method for stimulating nervous tissue, yet its mechanisms of effect are poorly understood. Here we report new methods for studying the influence of TMS on single neurons in the brain of alert non-human primates. We designed a TMS coil that focuses its effect near the tip of a recording electrode and recording electronics that enable direct acquisition of neuronal signals at the site of peak stimulus strength minimally perturbed by stimulation artifact in awake monkeys (Macaca mulatta). We recorded action potentials within ∼1 ms after 0.4-ms TMS pulses and observed changes in activity that differed significantly for active stimulation as compared with sham stimulation. This methodology is compatible with standard equipment in primate laboratories, allowing easy implementation. Application of these tools will facilitate the refinement of next generation TMS devices, experiments and treatment protocols.


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PR homology domain-containing member 12 (PRDM12) is a highly evolutionary conserved member of the Prdm family of transcription factors that play essential roles in many cell fate decisions. In human, PRDM12 coding mutations have been recently identified in several patients with hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy (HSAN) (submitted elsewhere). Here we show that PRDM12 is involved in sensory neurogenesis in Xenopus and that several of the human Prdm12 mutants show altered structure, subcellular localization and function. In Drosophila, we demonstrate that the sensory neuron specific RNAi knockdown of the Prdm12 ortholog Hamlet induces impaired nociception and that a similar phenotype is observed in hypomorph hamlet mutants. In human fibroblasts of patients with PRDM12 mutations, we identified additional possible downstream target genes including thyrotropin-releasing hormone degrading enzyme (TRHDE). Knock-down of fly TRHDE in sensory neurons resulted in altered nociceptive neurons and impaired nociception. Collectively, these findings provide the first evidence showing that Prdm12 plays an important role in sensory neuron development. They also suggest that it has a critical evolutionarily conserved role in pain perception via modulation of the TRH signaling pathway.


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The halide derivatives of yttrium ortho-oxomolybdate YX[MoO4] (X = F, Cl) both crystallize in the monoclinic system with four formula units per unit cell. YF[MoO4] exhibits a primitive cell setting (space group P2(1)/c, a = 519.62(2) pm, b = 1225.14(7) pm, c = 663.30(3) pm, beta = 112.851(4)degrees), whereas the lattice of YCl[MoO4] shows face-centering (space group C2/m; a = 1019.02(5) pm, b = 720.67(4) pm, c = 681.50(3) pm, beta = 107.130(4)degrees). The two compounds each contain crystallographically unique Y3+ cations, which are found to have a coordination environment of six oxide and two halide anions. In the case of YF[MoO4], the coordination environment is seen as square antiprisms, and for YCl[MoO4], trigon-dodecahedra. are found. The discrete tetrahedral [MoO4](2-) units of the fluoride derivative are exclusively bound by six terminal Y3+ cations, while those of the chloride compound show a 5-fold coordination around the tetrahedra with one edge-bridging and four terminal Y3+ cations. The halide anions in each compound exhibit a coordination number of two, building up isolated planar rhombus-shaped units according to [Y2F2](4+) in YF[MoO4] and [Y2Cl2](4+) in YCl[MoO4], respectively. Both compounds were synthesized at high temperatures using Y2O3, MoO3, and the corresponding yttrium trihalide in a molar ratio of 1:3:1. Single crystals of both are insensitive to moist air and are found to be coarse shaped and colorless with optical band gaps situated in the near UV around 3.78 eV for the fluoride and 3.82 eV for the chloride derivative. Furthermore, YF[MoO4] seems to be a suitable material for doping to obtain luminescent materials because the Eu3+-doped compound shows an intense red luminescence, which has been spectroscopically investigated.