944 resultados para Organ donation


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Il presente elaborato si propone di esaminare il tema del fine vita, con specifico riferimento al suicidio assistito e alleutanasia. Dopo aver evidenziato la netta distinzione tra rifiuto/rinuncia del trattamento sanitario anche salva vita, aiuto al suicidio ed eutanasia, ci si sofferma, in primo luogo, sullanalisi della legge n. 219/2017, rubricata Norme in materia di consenso informato e di disposizioni anticipate di trattamento, che riconosce la massima ampiezza allautodeterminazione terapeutica nellambito della relazione medico-paziente. In secondo luogo, si esamina il tema del suicidio assistito, soffermandosi sulle pronunce della giurisprudenza costituzionale e di merito. Successivamente, in una prospettiva comparata, viene fornita unampia analisi delle discipline della morte medicalmente assistita attualmente vigente in diversi ordinamenti. Infine, si esamina il tema delleutanasia, in particolare concentrandosi sulla donazione di organi post eutanasia, sul rischio della slippery slope e sulla necessit di tutelare i soggetti vulnerabili.


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In transplant centers, few topics are more controversial than communication between organ donor families (ODF) and recipients (RE). The Organ Procurement Organizations and transplant centers have felt obliged to protect the confidentiality and interests of ODF and RE. However, some authors have reported favorable effects of contact between ODF and RE. This study sought to investigate the current situation of the communication between ODF and RE from the viewpoint of transplanted patients (n = 50) and waiting transplant patients (n 50) at a Brazilian University Hospital, ODF (n = 10), physicians from transplant centers (n 50), as well as the opinion of the general population of a Brazilian city (n = 100). This work was developed as a survey whose questions related to the issue of communication between ODF and RE. The results showed that the majority of transplanted patients (82%) and patients awaiting transplant (60%) wanted to meet ODF to express their gratitude for receiving the organ. Likewise, ODF (67%) wanted to have a meeting with recipients, which allowed them to confirm the benefit of their donation. The general population was also favorable (66%) to ODF and RE communication. In contrast, the physicians (74%) were opposed to the ODF and RE contact. They affirmed that direct contact could lead to serious emotional conflicts or attempts of material involvement. One believes that decisions concerning the contact between ODF and RE would have to be determined by the involved parties. The transplant team could analyze the requests case by case, but ODF and RE must have the right to make the final decision.


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Living-kidney donation offers an option to patients awaiting renal transplantation. Representations about giving-receiving are explored retrospectively in a qualitative study. Questionnaires with open questions were sent to thirty donor-recipient dyads. Interviews were also conducted, during which participants were invited to propose an image representing donation. Thematic analysis was performed on the questionnaires (twenty-nine donors; twenty-five recipients), and on the comments of ten images selected by five donors and five recipients. Percentages are given regarding each part (donors; recipients). In the questionnaires, life (34.5%; 12%), love (27.6%; 40%), quality of life (27.6%; 8%) and generosity (6.9%; 24%) are common grounds regarding giving-a-kidney. Obviousness, hope, personal benefits or duty are expressed by donors. Recipients explain donation through emphatic sentences, qualify it as a gift or refer to the donor's courage or risk-taking. Regarding receiving-a-kidney, life (31%; 60%), gift (10.3%; 28%) and debt (3.4%; 4%) are common grounds. Donors refer to generosity or love. Quality of life, donor's risk-taking or emphatic sentences are characteristic of recipients, who highlight that nobody had to die. Preliminary data on the comments of the images underline that live-donation represents life and love. Mutual help, sharing-act, obviousness and personal benefits are expressed by donors. Recipients use emphatic sentences or refer to quality of life, gift or the difficulty to accept donation. Life and love are common grounds in live-donation. Improvement in quality of life is underlined by recipients, who stress the donor's courage or risk-taking. Donors describe donation as obvious, sometimes accompanied by personal benefits. Feelings of duty (donors) and of debt (recipients) are less discussed. Representations about giving and receiving differ between donors and recipients. These data show the specificity of each perspective. This analysis provides valuable information in order to adapt individual or dyad psychological support in live-donation.


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La prsente thse poursuit l'objectif gnral de mieux comprendre l'exprience de la transplantation d'organe de la perspective de dyades comprenant un donneur et un receveur d'une donation vivante de rein. Pour ce faire, nous proposons une exploration en profondeur de la trajectoire de transplantation et des enjeux relationnels des donneurs et des receveurs. Un second objectif, qui s'est dvelopp au cours de la recherche, est de contribuer une meilleure comprhension des enjeux entourant la recherche qualitative impliquant des dyades. Cette thse est prsente sous la forme de trois articles. Le premier article vise, par le biais de la mthode du mta-rsum, dresser un portrait le plus complet possible du processus de donation tel qu'il avait t examin ce jour par les crits empiriques qualitatifs disponibles, et mettre en lumire les aspects qui avaient encore peu t apprhends par les chercheurs, notamment l'importance de considrer conjointement au sein d'une mme recherche des donneurs et des receveurs d'une donation vivante de rein. Le deuxime article a pour but d'explorer en profondeur l'exprience vcue pour des dyades de donneurs et de receveurs en contexte de donation vivante de rein, et en particulier la trajectoire de transplantation ainsi que les enjeux relationnels. Des entrevues qualitatives ont t menes auprs de cinq dyades (donc cinq donneurs et cinq receveurs). L'analyse phnomnologique interprtative des donnes recueillies propose un portrait de la trajectoire de transplantation, soit (a) l'exprience de la maladie du receveur, (b) l'exprience d'offrir et d'accepter un rein, (c) la priode des tests, (d) la transplantation d'organe proprement parler et finalement (e) la priode post-transplantation. Un apport particulirement significatif de l'analyse et de l'interprtation de nos donnes est la mise en relief que le processus de transplantation est mieux compris lorsque l'on considre le contexte social et interpersonnel plus large dans lequel volue chaque dyade donneur-receveur, et en ce sens, la dcision de donner ou d'accepter un rein peut tre apprhende comme un prolongement du rle social auquel la personne adhre par rapport autrui dans sa vie quotidienne. Le troisime article, qui a merg des leons acquises en ralisant la recherche effectue dans l'article prcdent, vise dcrire et discuter des dfis thiques et des impacts des dcisions mthodologiques dans le cadre de recherches qualitatives impliquant des dyades de personnes se connaissant. Sur la base de nos propres dfis empiriques et des crits scientifiques disponibles, des rflexions et recommandations sont suggres diffrents stades d'un processus typique de recherche qualitative, soit (a) le recrutement, (b) le consentement participer, (c) la collecte de donnes, (d) la validation des transcriptions par les participants, (e) l'analyse de donnes, et (f) la dissmination des rsultats. Une rflexion en amont des enjeux entourant ces tapes est susceptible de faciliter l'entreprise de recherches qualitatives impliquant des dyades. En conclusion, les rsultats de notre analyse soulignent l'importance du rle social et du contexte interpersonnel plus large dans lequel voluent les donneurs et les receveurs dans la faon dont ils parviennent donner une signification leur exprience. Enfin, si la recherche qualitative impliquant des dyades est en mergence, des dfis thiques et des dcisions mthodologiques rigoureuses doivent tre considrs en amont.


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A focused and commented review on the impact of dermatologic diseases and interventions in the solidary act of donating blood is presented to dermatologists to better advise their patients. This is a review of current Brazilian technical regulations on hemotherapeutic procedures as determined by Ministerial Directive #1353/2011 by the Ministry of Health and current internal regulations of the Hemotherapy Center of Ribeiro Preto, a regional reference center in hemotherapeutic procedures. Criteria for permanent inaptitude: autoimmune diseases (>1 organ involved), personal history of cancer other than basal cell carcinoma, severe atopic dermatitis or psoriasis, pemphigus foliaceus, porphyrias, filariasis, leprosy, extra pulmonary tuberculosis or paracoccidioidomycosis, and previous use of etretinate. Drugs that impose temporary ineligibility: other systemic retinoids, systemic corticosteroids, 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors, vaccines, methotrexate, beta-blockers, minoxidil, anti-epileptic, and anti-psychotic drugs. Other conditions that impose temporary ineligibility: occupational accident with biologic material, piercing, tattoo, sexually transmitted diseases, herpes, and bacterial infections, among others. Discussion: Thalidomide is currently missing in the teratogenic drugs list. Although finasteride was previously considered a drug that imposed permanent inaptitude, according to its short halflife current restriction of 1 month is still too long. Dermatologists should be able to advise their patients about proper timing to donate blood, and discuss the impact of drug withdrawal on treatment outcomes and to respect the designated washout periods.


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The constant shortage of available organs is a major obstacle and limiting factor in heart transplantation; the discrepancy between the number of donors and potential recipients leads to waiting-list mortality of 10-12% per year in Europe and the USA. If adopted for heart transplantation, donation after circulatory determination of death (DCDD) would be expected to improve the availability of organs substantially for both adults and children. With DCDD, however, hearts to be transplanted undergo a period of warm ischaemia before procurement, which is of particular concern because tissue damage occurs rapidly and might be sufficient to preclude transplantation. Nonetheless, the heart is able to withstand limited periods of warm ischaemia, which could provide a window of opportunity for DCDD. Development of clinical approaches specifically for DCDD is critical for the exploitation of these organs, because current practices for donor heart procurement, evaluation, and storage have been optimized for conventional donation after brain death, without consideration of warm ischaemia before organ procurement. Establishment of clinical protocols and ethical and legal frameworks for DCDD of other organs is underway. This Review provides a timely evaluation of the potential for DCDD in heart transplantation.


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Reports for <1997- > also called <34d- >.


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Resistant hypertension (RHTN) includes patients with controlled blood pressure (BP) (CRHTN) and uncontrolled BP (UCRHTN). In fact, RHTN patients are more likely to have target organ damage (TOD), and resistin, leptin and adiponectin may affect BP control in these subjects. We assessed the relationship between adipokines levels and arterial stiffness, left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) and microalbuminuria (MA). This cross-sectional study included CRHTN (n=51) and UCRHTN (n=38) patients for evaluating body mass index, ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, plasma adiponectin, leptin and resistin concentrations, pulse wave velocity (PWV), MA and echocardiography. Leptin and resistin levels were higher in UCRHTN, whereas adiponectin levels were lower in this same subgroup. Similarly, arterial stiffness, LVH and MA were higher in UCRHTN subgroup. Adiponectin levels negatively correlated with PWV (r=-0.42, P<0.01), and MA (r=-0.48, P<0.01) only in UCRHTN. Leptin was positively correlated with PWV (r=0.37, P=0.02) in UCRHTN subgroup, whereas resistin was not correlated with TOD in both subgroups. Adiponectin is associated with arterial stiffness and renal injury in UCRHTN patients, whereas leptin is associated with arterial stiffness in the same subgroup. Taken together, our results showed that those adipokines may contribute to vascular and renal damage in UCRHTN patients.


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Background: The prostate stroma is a key mediator of epithelial differentiation and development, and potentially plays a role in the initiation and progression of prostate cancer. The tumor-associated stroma is marked by increased expression of CD90/THYI. Isolation and characterization of these stromal cells could provide valuable insight into the biology of the tumor microenvironment. Methods: Prostate CD90(+) stromal fibromuscular cells from tumor specimens were isolated by cell-sorting and analyzed by DNA microarray. Dataset analysis was used to compare gene expression between histologically normal and tumor-associated stromal cells. For comparison, stromal cells were also isolated and analyzed from the urinary bladder. Results: The tumor-associated stromal cells were found to have decreased expression of genes involved in smooth muscle differentiation, and those detected in prostate but not bladder. Other differential expression between the stromal cell types included that of the CXC-chemokine genes. Conclusion: CD90(+) prostate tumor-associated stromal cells differed from their normal counterpart in expression of multiple genes, some of which are potentially involved in organ development.


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The conventional convection-dispersion (also called axial dispersion) model is widely used to interrelate hepatic availability (F) and clearance (Cl) with the morphology and physiology of the liver and to predict effects such as changes in liver blood flow on F and Cl. An extended form of the convection-dispersion model has been developed to adequately describe the outflow concentration-time profiles for vascular markers at both short and long times after bolus injections into perfused livers. The model, based on flux concentration and a convolution of catheters and large vessels, assumes that solute elimination in hepatocytes follows either fast distribution into or radial diffusion in hepatocytes. The model includes a secondary vascular compartment, postulated to be interconnecting sinusoids. Analysis of the mean hepatic transit time (MTT) and normalized variance (CV2) of solutes with extraction showed that the discrepancy between the predictions of MTT and CV2 for the extended and conventional models are essentially identical irrespective of the magnitude of rate constants representing permeability, volume, and clearance parameters, providing that there is significant hepatic extraction. In conclusion, the application of a newly developed extended convection-dispersion model has shown that the unweighted conventional convection-dispersion model can be used to describe the disposition of extracted solutes and, in particular, to estimate hepatic availability and clearance in booth experimental and clinical situations.


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The convection-dispersion model and its extended form have been used to describe solute disposition in organs and to predict hepatic availabilities. A range of empirical transit-time density functions has also been used for a similar purpose. The use of the dispersion model with mixed boundary conditions and transit-time density functions has been queried recently by Hisaka and Sugiyanaa in this journal. We suggest that, consistent with soil science and chemical engineering literature, the mixed boundary conditions are appropriate providing concentrations are defined in terms of flux to ensure continuity at the boundaries and mass balance. It is suggested that the use of the inverse Gaussian or other functions as empirical transit-time densities is independent of any boundary condition consideration. The mixed boundary condition solutions of the convection-dispersion model are the easiest to use when linear kinetics applies. In contrast, the closed conditions are easier to apply in a numerical analysis of nonlinear disposition of solutes in organs. We therefore argue that the use of hepatic elimination models should be based on pragmatic considerations, giving emphasis to using the simplest or easiest solution that will give a sufficiently accurate prediction of hepatic pharmacokinetics for a particular application. (C) 2000 Wiley-Liss Inc. and the American Pharmaceutical Association J Pharm Sci 89:1579-1586, 2000.


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Dendritic cells (DCs) have been thought to follow a life history, typified by Langerhans cells (LCs), with 2 major developmental stages: an immature stage that captures antigens in the periphery and a mature stage that presents those antigens in the lymphoid organs. However, a systematic assessment of the maturity of lymphoid organ DCs has been lacking. We have analyzed the maturity of the DC types found in the steady state in the spleen, lymph nodes (LNs), and thymus. The DCs that migrate into the iliac, mesenteric, mediastinal, or subcutaneous LNs from peripheral tissues were mature and therefore could not process and present newly encountered antigens. However, all the other DC types were phenotypically and functionally immature: they expressed low levels of surface major histocompatibility complex class 11 (MHC 11) and CD86, accumulated MHC 11 in their endosomes, and could present newly encountered antigens. These immature DCs could 1346 induced to mature by culture in vitro or by Inoculation of inflammatory stimuli in vivo. Therefore, the lymphoid organs contain a large cohort of immature DCs, most likely for the maintenance of peripheral tolerance, which can respond to infections reaching those organs and mature in situ. (C) 2003 by The American Society of Hematology.


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BACKGROUND: Recently, studies have been conducted examining the efficacy of 3% hypertonic saline solution (HS) for the treatment of traumatic brain injury; however, few studies have analyzed the effects of 3% hemorrhagic shock during hemorrhagic shock. The aim of this study was to test the potential immunomodulatory benefits of 3% hemorrhagic shock resuscitation over standard fluid resuscitation. METHODS: Wistar rats were bled to a mean arterial pressure of 35 mm Hg and then randomized into 3 groups: those treated with lactated Ringer`s solution (LR; 33 mL/kg, n = 7), 3% HS (10 mL/kg, n = 7), and 7.5% HS (4 mL/kg, n = 7). Half of the extracted blood was reinfused after fluid resuscitation. Animals that did not undergo shock served as controls (n = 5). Four hours after hemorrhagic shock, blood was collected for the evaluation of tumor necrosis factor-a and interleukin-6 by enzyme immunoassay. Lung and intestinal samples were obtained for histopathologic analysis. RESULTS: Animals in the HS groups had significantly higher mean arterial pressure than those in the LR group 1 hour after treatment. Osmolarity and sodium levels were markedly elevated in the HS groups. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-6 levels were similar between the control and HS groups but significantly higher in the LR group (P < .05). The lung injury score was significantly higher in the LR group compared with the 7.5% HS and 3% HS groups (5.7 +/- 0.7, 2.1 +/- 0.4, and 2.7 +/- 0.5, respectively). Intestinal injury was attenuated in the 7.5% HS and 3% HS groups compared with the LR group (2.0 +/- 0.6, 2.3 +/- 0.4, and 5.9 +/- 0.6, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: A small-volume resuscitation strategy modulates the inflammatory response and decreases end-organ damage after HS. Three percent HS provides immunomodulatory and metabolic effects similar to those observed with conventional concentrations of HS. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.