942 resultados para Optically pumped laser emissions
We report mode-locking of an optically pumped VECSEL using a graphene-based saturable absorber mirror (GSAM). Self-starting and stable modelocked operation is demonstrated with 473 fs pulses at 1.5 GHz repetition rate and 949 nm center wavelength. Wavelength tuning is achieved over a 46 nm bandwidth. We discuss the mirror design, the fabrication of the GSAMs, and give an outlook on further optimization of the design, including dielectric top coatings to protect the graphene and to increase the flexibility in the design. © 2014 SPIE.
In the past decade, passively modelocked optically pumped vertical external cavity surface emitting lasers (OPVECSELs), sometimes referred to as semiconductor disk lasers (OP-SDLs), impressively demonstrated the potential for generating femtosecond pulses at multi-Watt average output powers with gigahertz repetition rates. Passive modelocking with a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror (SESAM) is well established and offers many advantages such as a flexible design of the parameters and low non-saturable losses. Recently, graphene has emerged as an attractive wavelength-independent alternative saturable absorber for passive modelocking in various lasers such as fiber or solid-state bulk lasers because of its unique optical properties. Here, we present and discuss the modelocked VECSELs using graphene saturable absorbers. The broadband absorption due to the linear dispersion of the Dirac electrons in graphene makes this absorber interesting for wavelength tunable ultrafast VECSELs. Such widely tunable modelocked sources are in particularly interesting for bio-medical imaging applications. We present a straightforward approach to design the optical properties of single layer graphene saturable absorber mirrors (GSAMs) suitable for passive modelocking of VECSELs. We demonstrate sub-500 fs pulses from a GSAM modelocked VECSEL. The potential for broadband wavelength tuning is confirmed by covering 46 nm in modelocked operation using three different VECSEL chips and up to 21 nm tuning in pulsed operation is achieved with one single gain chip. A linear and nonlinear optical characterization of different GSAMs with different absorption properties is discussed and can be compared to SESAMs. © 2014 SPIE.
A modified self-consistent method is introduced for the design of AlxGa1-xN/GaN step quantum well (SQW) with the position and energy-dependent effective mass. The effects of nonparabolicity are included. It is shown that the nonparabolicity effect is minute for the lowest subband energy level and grows in size for the higher subband states. The effects of nonparabolicity have significant influence on the transition energies and the oscillator strengths and should be taken into account in the investigation of the optical transitions. The strong asymmetric property introduced by the step quantum well magnifies the weak intersubband transition from the ground state to the third state (1 -> 3). It is shown that in an appropriate scope, the intersubband transition (1 -> 3) has the comparable oscillator strength with transition from the ground state to the second one (1 -> 2), which suggests the possible application of the two-color photodetectors. The results of this work should provide useful guidance for the design of optically pumped asymmetric quantum well lasers and quantum well infrared photodetectors (QWIPs). (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The amplified spontaneous emission properties of a 2, 1, 3-benzothiadiazole attached polyfluorene semiconductor polymer were studied. The conjugated polymer shows a high photoluminescence quantum efficiency of 67% and emits a narrowed blue emissive spectrum with a full width at half-maximum of 3.6 nm when optically pumped, indicating better lasing action. A threshold energy as low as 0.22 mJ pulse(-1) cm(-2), a net gain of 40.54 cm(-1) and a loss of 7.8 cm(-1) were obtained, demonstrating that this conjugated polymer could be a promising candidate as the gain medium for the fabrication of blue polymer lasers.
In this thesis, optical gain measurement setup based on variable stripe length method is designed, implemented and improved. The setup is characterized using inorganic and organic samples. The optical gain of spiro-quaterphenyl is calculated and compared with measurements from the setup. Films with various thicknesses of spiro-quaterphenyl, methoxy-spiro-quaterphenyl and phenoxy-spiro-quaterphenyl are deposited by a vacuum vapor deposition technique forming asymmetric slab waveguides. The optical properties, laser emission threshold, optical gain and loss coefficient for these films are measured. Additionally, the photodegradation during pumping process is investigated.
Die Messung eines möglichen elektrischen Dipolmoments des freien Neutrons erfordert genaustmögliche Kenntnis und Überwachung des magnetischen Feldes im Inneren der n2EDM-Spektrometerkammer. Die freie Spinpräzession von hyperpolarisiertem ³He kann verbunden mit einer Signalauslese mittels optisch gepumpter Cs-Magnetometer dazu genutzt werden, Messempfindlichkeit auf Magnetfeldschwankungen im Bereich weniger Femto-Tesla zu erhalten. Am Institut für Physik der Universität Mainz wurde eine ³He/Cs-Testanlage aufgebaut, um die Möglichkeiten der Signalauslese der ³He-Spinpräzession mittels eines lampengepumpten Cs-Magnetometers zu untersuchen. Darüber hinaus wurde eine ultrakompakte und transportable Polarisationseinheit entwickelt und installiert, welche ermöglicht, eine ³He-Hyperpolarisation von bis zu 55 Prozent zu erreichen. Im Anschluss wird das polarisierte 3He-Gas automatisiert komprimiert und in zwei Magnetometerzellen in Sandwichanordnung innerhalb der n2EDM-Spektrometerkammer gefüllt. In dieser Arbeit werden die Ergebnisse der ersten im Januar 2012 erfolgreich durchgeführten Messungen vorgestellt. Bei diesen Messungen wurde ³He-Gas in der ultrakompakten Polarisationseinheit hyperpolarisiert und über Führungsfelder eines Transfersystems in eine vierlagige Mumetall-Abschirmung transferiert. Im Anschluss konnte im Inneren der magnetischen Abschirmung die freie ³He-Spinpräzession mittels eines lampengepumpten Cs-Magnetometer eindeutig nachgewiesen werden.
Diese Arbeit beschreibt die Entwicklung, Konstruktion und Untersuchung eines Magnetometers zur exakten und präzisen Messung schwacher Magnetfelder. Diese Art von Magnetometer eignet sich zur Anwendung in physikalischen hochpräzisions Experimenten wie zum Beispiel der Suche nach dem elektrischen Dipolmomentrndes Neutrons. Die Messmethode beruht auf der gleichzeitigen Detektion der freien Spin Präzession Kern-Spin polarisierten 3He Gases durch mehrere optisch gepumpte Cäsium Magnetometer. Es wird gezeigt, dass Cäsium Magnetometer eine zuverlässige und vielseitige Methode zur Messung der 3He Larmor Frequenz und eine komfortable Alternative zur Benutzung von SQUIDs für diesen Zweck darstellen. Ein Prototyp dieses Magnetometers wurde gebaut und seine Funktion in der magnetisch abgeschirmten Messkabine der Physikalisch Technischen Bundesanstalt untersucht. Die Sensitivität des Magnetometers in Abhängigkeitrnvon der Messdauer wurde experimentell untersucht. Es wird gezeigt, dass für kurze Messperioden (< 500s) Cramér-Rao limitierte Messungen möglich sind während die Sensitivität bei längeren Messungen durch die Stabilität des angelegten Magnetfeldes limitiert ist. Messungen eines 1 muT Magnetfeldes mit einer relative Genauigkeit von besser als 5x10^(-8) in 100s werden präsentiert. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Messgenauigkeit des Magnetometers durch die Zahl der zur Detektion der 3He Spin Präzession eingesetzten Cäsium Magnetometer skaliert werden kann. Prinzipiell ist dadurch eine Anpassung der Messgenauigkeit an jegliche experimentellen Bedürfnisse möglich. Es wird eine gradiometrische Messmethode vorgestellt, die es erlaubt den Einfluss periodischerrnmagnetischer Störungen auf dieMessung zu unterdrücken. Der Zusammenhang zwischen der Sensitivität des kombinierten Magnetometers und den Betriebsparametern der Cäsium Magnetometer die zur Spin Detektion verwendet werden wird theoretisch untersucht und anwendungsspezifische Vor- und Nachteile verschiedener Betriebsartenwerden diskutiert. Diese Zusammenhänge werden in einer Formel zusammengefasst die es erlaubt, die erwartete Sensitivität des Magnetometers zu berechnen. Diese Vorhersagen befinden sich in perfekter Übereinstimmung mit den experimentellen Daten. Die intrinsische Sensitivität des Magnetometer Prototyps wird auf Basis dieser Formel theoretisch bestimmt. Ausserdem wird die erwartete Sensitivität für die Anwendung im Rahmen des Experiments der nächsten Generation zur Bestimmung des elektrischenrnDipolmoments des Neutrons am Paul Scherrer Institut abgeschätzt. Des weiteren wird eine bequeme experimentelle Methode zur Messung des Polarisationsgrades und des Rabi Flip-Winkels der 3He Kernspin Polarisation vorgestellt. Letztere Messung ist sehr wichtig für die Anwendung in hochpräzisions Experimenten.
In this work, we analyze the influence of the processing pressure and the substrate–target distance on the synthesis by reactive sputtering of c-axis oriented polycrystalline aluminum nitride thin films deposited on Si(100) wafers. The crystalline quality of AlN has been characterized by high-resolution X-ray diffraction (HR-XRD). The films exhibited a very high degree of c-axis orientation especially when a low process pressure was used. After growth, residual stress measurements obtained indirectly from radius of curvature measurements of the wafer prior and after deposition are also provided. Two different techniques are used to determine the curvature—an optically levered laser beam and a method based on X-ray diffraction. There is a transition from compressive to tensile stress at a processing pressure around 2 mTorr. The transition occurs at different pressures for thin films of different thickness. The degree of c-axis orientation was not affected by the target–substrate distance as it was varied in between 30 and 70 mm.
An important issue related to future nuclear fusion reactors fueled with deuterium and tritium is the creation of large amounts of dust due to several mechanisms (disruptions, ELMs and VDEs). The dust size expected in nuclear fusion experiments (such as ITER) is in the order of microns (between 0.1 and 1000 μm). Almost the total amount of this dust remains in the vacuum vessel (VV). This radiological dust can re-suspend in case of LOVA (loss of vacuum accident) and these phenomena can cause explosions and serious damages to the health of the operators and to the integrity of the device. The authors have developed a facility, STARDUST, in order to reproduce the thermo fluid-dynamic conditions comparable to those expected inside the VV of the next generation of experiments such as ITER in case of LOVA. The dust used inside the STARDUST facility presents particle sizes and physical characteristics comparable with those that created inside the VV of nuclear fusion experiments. In this facility an experimental campaign has been conducted with the purpose of tracking the dust re-suspended at low pressurization rates (comparable to those expected in case of LOVA in ITER and suggested by the General Safety and Security Report ITER-GSSR) using a fast camera with a frame rate from 1000 to 10,000 images per second. The velocity fields of the mobilized dust are derived from the imaging of a two-dimensional slice of the flow illuminated by optically adapted laser beam. The aim of this work is to demonstrate the possibility of dust tracking by means of image processing with the objective of determining the velocity field values of dust re-suspended during a LOVA.
This paper will review the recent advances in the field of ultrashort pulse generation from optically pumped vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting lasers (OP-VECSELs). In this review, we will summarize the most significant results presented over the last 15 years, before highlighting recent breakthroughs related to mode-locked VECSELs by different research groups. Different mode-locking techniques for OP-VECSELs are described in detail. Previously, saturable absorbers, such as semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors—external, or internal as in mode-locked integrated external-cavity surface emitting lasers (MIXSEL)—, and recently, novel-material-based carbon-nanotube and graphene saturable absorbers have been employed. A new mode-locking method was presented and discussed in recent years. This method is referred to as self-mode-locking or saturable-absorber-free operation of mode-locked VECSELs. In this context, we particularly focus on achievements regarding self-mode-locking, which is considered a promising technique for the realization of high-power, compact, robust and cost-efficient ultrashort pulse lasers. To date, the presented mode-locking techniques have led to great enhancement in average powers, peak powers, and repetition rates that can be achieved with passively mode-locked VECSELs.
Les lasers à fibre de haute puissance sont maintenant la solution privilégiée pour les applications de découpe industrielle. Le développement de lasers pour ces applications n’est pas simple en raison des contraintes qu’imposent les normes industrielles. La fabrication de lasers fibrés de plus en plus puissants est limitée par l’utilisation d’une fibre de gain avec une petite surface de mode propice aux effets non linéaires, d’où l’intérêt de développer de nouvelles techniques permettant l’atténuation de ceux-ci. Les expériences et simulations effectuées dans ce mémoire montrent que les modèles décrivant le lien entre la puissance laser et les effets non linéaires dans le cadre de l’analyse de fibres passives ne peuvent pas être utilisés pour l’analyse des effets non linéaires dans les lasers de haute puissance, des modèles plus généraux doivent donc développés. Il est montré que le choix de l’architecture laser influence les effets non linéaires. En utilisant l’équation de Schrödinger non linéaire généralisée, il a aussi été possible de montrer que pour une architecture en co-propagation, la diffusion Raman influence l’élargissement spectral. Finalement, les expériences et les simulations effectuées montrent qu’augmenter la réflectivité nominale et largeur de bande du réseau légèrement réfléchissant de la cavité permet d’atténuer la diffusion Raman, notamment en réduisant le gain Raman effectif.
The THz optoelectronics field is now maturing and semiconductor-based THz antenna devices are becoming more widely implemented as analytical tools in spectroscopy and imaging. Photoconductive (PC) THz switches/antennas are driven optically typically using either an ultrashort-pulse laser or an optical signal composed of two simultaneous longitudinal wavelengths which are beat together in the PC material at a THz difference frequency. This allows the generation of (photo)carrier pairs which are then captured over ultrashort timescales usually by defects and trapping sites throughout the active material lattice. Defect-implanted PC materials with relatively high bandgap energy are typically used and many parameters such as carrier mobility and PC gain are greatly compromised. This paper demonstrates the implementation of low bandgap energy InAs quantum dots (QDs) embedded in standard crystalline GaAs as both the PC medium and the ultrafast capture mechanism in a PC THz antenna. This semiconductor structure is grown using standard MBE methods and allows the device to be optically driven efficiently at wavelengths up to ~1.3 µm, in this case by a single tunable dual-mode QD diode laser.
Recently published studies not only demonstrated that laser printers are often significant sources of ultrafine particles, but they also shed light on particle formation mechanisms. While the role of fuser roller temperature as a factor affecting particle formation rate has been postulated, its impact has never been quantified. To address this gap in knowledge, this study measured emissions from 30 laser printers in chamber using a standardized printing sequence, as well as monitoring fuser roller temperature. Based on a simplified mass balance equation, the average emission rates of particle number, PM2.5 and O3 were calculated. The results showed that: almost all printers were found to be high particle number emitters (i.e. > 1.01×1010 particles/min); colour printing generated more PM2.5 than monochrome printing; and all printers generated significant amounts of O3. Particle number emissions varied significantly during printing and followed the cycle of fuser roller temperature variation, which points to temperature being the strongest factor controlling emissions. For two sub-groups of printers using the same technology (heating lamps), systematic positive correlations, in the form of a power law, were found between average particle number emission rate and average roller temperature. Other factors, such as fuser material and structure, are also thought to play a role, since no such correlation was found for the remaining two sub-groups of printers using heating lamps, or for the printers using heating strips. In addition, O3 and total PM2.5 were not found to be statistically correlated with fuser temperature.
Due to their large surface area, complex chemical composition and high alveolar deposition rate, ultrafine particles (UFPs) (< 0.1 ìm) pose a significant risk to human health and their toxicological effects have been acknowledged by the World Health Organisation. Since people spend most of their time indoors, there is a growing concern about the UFPs present in some indoor environments. Recent studies have shown that office machines, in particular laser printers, are a significant indoor source of UFPs. The majority of printer-generated UFPs are organic carbon and it is unlikely that these particles are emitted directly from the printer or its supplies (such as paper and toner powder). Thus, it was hypothesised that these UFPs are secondary organic aerosols (SOA). Considering the widespread use of printers and human exposure to these particles, understanding the processes involved in particle formation is of critical importance. However, few studies have investigated the nature (e.g. volatility, hygroscopicity, composition, size distribution and mixing state) and formation mechanisms of these particles. In order to address this gap in scientific knowledge, a comprehensive study including state-of-art instrumental methods was conducted to characterise the real-time emissions from modern commercial laser printers, including particles, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and ozone (O3). The morphology, elemental composition, volatility and hygroscopicity of generated particles were also examined. The large set of experimental results was analysed and interpreted to provide insight into: (1) Emissions profiles of laser printers: The results showed that UFPs dominated the number concentrations of generated particles, with a quasi unimodal size distribution observed for all tests. These particles were volatile, non-hygroscopic and mixed both externally and internally. Particle microanalysis indicated that semi-volatile organic compounds occupied the dominant fraction of these particles, with only trace quantities of particles containing Ca and Fe. Furthermore, almost all laser printers tested in this study emitted measurable concentrations of VOCs and O3. A positive correlation between submicron particles and O3 concentrations, as well as a contrasting negative correlation between submicron particles and total VOC concentrations were observed during printing for all tests. These results proved that UFPs generated from laser printers are mainly SOAs. (2) Sources and precursors of generated particles: In order to identify the possible particle sources, particle formation potentials of both the printer components (e.g. fuser roller and lubricant oil) and supplies (e.g. paper and toner powder) were investigated using furnace tests. The VOCs emitted during the experiments were sampled and identified to provide information about particle precursors. The results suggested that all of the tested materials had the potential to generate particles upon heating. Nine unsaturated VOCs were identified from the emissions produced by paper and toner, which may contribute to the formation of UFPs through oxidation reactions with ozone. (3) Factors influencing the particle emission: The factors influencing particle emissions were also investigated by comparing two popular laser printers, one showing particle emissions three orders of magnitude higher than the other. The effects of toner coverage, printing history, type of paper and toner, and working temperature of the fuser roller on particle number emissions were examined. The results showed that the temperature of the fuser roller was a key factor driving the emission of particles. Based on the results for 30 different types of laser printers, a systematic positive correlation was observed between temperature and particle number emissions for printers that used the same heating technology and had a similar structure and fuser material. It was also found that temperature fluctuations were associated with intense bursts of particles and therefore, they may have impact on the particle emissions. Furthermore, the results indicated that the type of paper and toner powder contributed to particle emissions, while no apparent relationship was observed between toner coverage and levels of submicron particles. (4) Mechanisms of SOA formation, growth and ageing: The overall hypothesis that UFPs are formed by reactions with the VOCs and O3 emitted from laser printers was examined. The results proved this hypothesis and suggested that O3 may also play a role in particle ageing. In addition, knowledge about the mixing state of generated particles was utilised to explore the detailed processes of particle formation for different printing scenarios, including warm-up, normal printing, and printing without toner. The results indicated that polymerisation may have occurred on the surface of the generated particles to produce thermoplastic polymers, which may account for the expandable characteristics of some particles. Furthermore, toner and other particle residues on the idling belt from previous print jobs were a very clear contributing factor in the formation of laser printer-emitted particles. In summary, this study not only improves scientific understanding of the nature of printer-generated particles, but also provides significant insight into the formation and ageing mechanisms of SOAs in the indoor environment. The outcomes will also be beneficial to governments, industry and individuals.