298 resultados para Oppression


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Research on men’s networks and homosociality in and around organisations can produce knowledge on organisational power relations, and contribute to the efforts to promote equality in working life. The search for a conceptual framework to study these issues arises in this paper from my ongoing work on men's social networks and gendered power in and around organisations. Men give each other social support through networks in which formal and informal relationships intermingle, but networks are also contexts of competition and oppression, and of construction of masculinities that are in hierarchical relations with each other and with femininities. For studying the networks men have with each other in work organisations I suggest a broader starting point that contextualises these homosocial networks with men’s other personal relations, and integrates different perspectives deriving from social network analysis, critical studies on men and organisational studies.


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This study explores the meaning, content and significance of the political as manifest in the Mexican Zapatista movement as historically and geopolitically situated struggle. The case study undertakes a critical analysis of the development, organization, practice and discourse of the movement by drawing on fieldwork experiences, interviews, discussions, documents, films and other material produced by the movement, and the critical engagement with the research of others, especially in Latin America and Mexico. The dissertation poses the need to reconsider what constitutes and what we understand by the political , related particularly to the challenges provided by the critical globalization literature, decolonization and the study of social movements. The analysis encompasses several inter-related levels: the theoretical knowledge regarding the conceptualization of the political; the methodological level, regarding how such research can and should be conducted and knowledge claims formulated given the inescapable context and effects of global power relations; and the substantive level of adding specific information and analytical insights to existing knowledge of the Zapatista movement. As a result of conceptualization of a range of practices and processes, distinct understandings of the political can be underlined. Firstly, the conception of the indigenous and the struggles as indigenous movements as specifically political, not just a cultural or ethnic identity or a static quality but rather, an active consciousness integrally linked both to a longer history of oppression and as political articulation in the concrete context and lived experience of contemporary struggle. Secondly, the practice of autonomy as central to an understanding of the political in the context of the Zapatista struggle as a practical response to the situation of oppression, counter-insurgency, siege and conflict in Chiapas, as well as a positively informed mode of political self-understanding, expression and practice in its own right. Thirdly, the notion of geopolitical positioning as important to understanding of the political that encompasses the historicity of specific context and the power relations which shape that context, developed in two different ways: in regard to the positioning of the researcher and knowledge production with and about the Zapatistas, and in regard to the practice and knowledge of the Zapatistas as a decolonizing force in their encounters, interaction and relations with others, especially the global civil society. Finally, the role of silence, absence, invisibility, revelation and hiding in political practice as a deliberate strategy in response to oppressive power. -


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Late twentieth century Jesus-novels search after a completely new picture of Jesus. Novels written for instance by Norman Mailer, José Saramago, Michèle Roberts, Marianne Fredriksson, and Ki Longfellow provide an inversive revision of the canonic Gospels. They read the New Testament in terms of the present age. In their adaptation the story turns often into a critique of the whole Christian history. The investigated contrast-novels end up with an appropriation that is based on prototypical rewriting. They aim at the rehabilitation of Judas, and some of them make Mary Magdalane the key figure of Christianity. Saramago describes God as a blood thirsty tyrant, and Mailer makes God combat with the Devil in a manichean sense as with an equal. Such ideas are familiar both from poststructuralist philosophy and post-metaphysical death-of-God theology. The main result of the intertextual analysis is that these scholars have adopted Nietzschean ideas in their writing. Quite unlike earlier Jesus-novels, these more recent novels present a revision that produces discontinuity with the original source text, the New Testament. The intertextual strategy is based on contradiction. The reader wittnesses contesting and challenging, the authors attack Biblical beliefs and attempt to dissolve Christian doctrines. An attack on Biblical slave morality and violent concept of God deprives Jesus of his Jewish Messianic identity, makes Old Testament law a contradiction of life, calls sacrificial soteriology a violent pattern supporting oppression, and presents God as a cruel monster who enslaves people under his commandments and wishes their death. The new Jesus-figure contests Mosaic Law, despises orthodox Judaism, abandons Jewish customs and even questions Old Testament monotheism. In result, the novels intentionally transfer Jesus out of Judaism. Furthermore, Jewish faith appears in a negative light. Such an intertextual move is not open anti-Semitism but it cannot avoid attacking Jewish worship. Why? One reason that explains these attitudes is that Western culture still carries anti-Judaic attitudes beneath the surface covered with sentiments of equality and tolerance. Despite the evident post-holocaust consciousness present in the novels, they actually adopt an arrogant and ironical refutation of Jewish beliefs and Old Testament faith. In these novels, Jesus is made a complete opposite and antithesis to Judaism. Key words: Jesus-novel, intertextuality, adaptation, slave morality, Nietzsche, theodicy, patriarchy.


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Esta dissertação busca analisar como Joan Riley, escritora jamaicana que vive na Inglaterra, expõe e denuncia em suas obras a submissão feminina diante da opressão e violência sexual sofridas por mulheres negras. Objetivamos apontar a crítica ao papel dos discursos patriarcal e pós-colonial, práticas de poder que tornam o contexto social das mulheres representadas em seus romances propício para o exercício do jugo masculino, através da exploração do silêncio de mulheres vítimas de abusos sexuais. O necessário recorte do objeto restringiu a análise às duas personagens centrais dos romances The Unbelonging (1985) e A Kindness to the Children (1992), mulheres cujas subjetividades foram anuladas pela objetificação de seus corpos e a desumanização de suas identidades


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O principal objetivo desta dissertação é investigar e analisar como os movimentos diaspóricos e as relações familiares exercem influência na construção das identidades das mulheres em Quicksand, de Nella Larsen, e Lucy, de Jamaica Kincaid. As questões a que pretendo responder são: Como as personagens principais, Helga Crane e Lucy, lidam com as diferentes culturas que encontram nas suas trajetórias ? ; Como essas diferentes culturas lidam com essas mesmas personagens?; e Como o encontro entre essas diferentes culturas e as relações familiares são descritos e influenciam na construção da identidade feminina nessas obras?. Minha hipótese é que encontraremos nas obras selecionadas duas jornadas, portadoras tanto de aspectos comuns quanto distintos, que começam com o desejo das personagens principais de escapar da opressão patriarcal. Isto é, Helga Crane e Lucy passam por um período de muitas descobertas sobre elas mesmas e as sociedades com que têm que lidar, o que determina dois produtos diferentes: a construção das identidades híbridas de Lucy, em meio a sua solidão, na obra de Kincaid, e a construção e o sufocamento das identidades de Helga pela religião, o patriarcado e as relações familiares, na obra de Larsen


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O jornal da Penitenciária Feminina Talavera Bruce, intitulado Só Isso!, produzido no período de 2004 a 2008, constitui objeto e fonte privilegiada nesta dissertação. Na análise do impresso, a metodologia de pesquisa esteve centrada na produção, circulação e recepção do referido jornal, buscando refletir sobre os possíveis sentidos constituídos nas escritas das apenadas, para uma melhor compreensão das práticas cotidianas dessas mulheres, principalmente, no que tange a uma realidade tão específica, fazendo emergir o registro de um modo de vida tão particular. Nesse sentido, busquei compreender o impresso pesquisado em seus destinos e representações mergulhando em nuances e particularidades que o tema comporta, buscando o universo de significados, isto é, a possibilidade de entendimento acerca das relações estabelecidas por esses sujeitos privados liberdade com a escrita na prisão, o que permitiu perceber quem são apenadas, como expressam suas sensibilidades e subjetividades, como vivem, por que escrevem e quais dificuldades enfrentam. Para analisar esse periódico, aproximei-me de fundamentos e de metodologia vinculados à História da Cultura Escrita e também de autores que auxiliaram a problematizar as questões voltadas para as vicissitudes do encarceramento feminino. Sendo assim, a interpretação desenvolvida está alicerçada em autores que apontam e problematizam a importância de compreender a escrita e o seu suporte, estudiosos que discutem as escritas em espaços de confinamento que, via de regra, procuram ocupar o tempo, experimentar a liberdade ou burlar a solidão, além de pesquisadores que ajudam a pensar a escrita de si e suas representações, e outros voltados para a História da Educação que pensam e discutem a importância do impresso enquanto fonte de pesquisa. Tendo em vista o fato desse tema ter uma fronteira tênue entre os campos de pesquisa, dialogo também com antropólogos e sociólogos que trazem dados sistematizados sobre o universo prisional e auxiliam na sua compreensão. O trabalho de pesquisa sobre jornal, representou, portanto, compreender um pouco mais sobre a realidade das mulheres privadas de liberdade, valorizando a escrita oriunda de um contexto em que os rigorosos meios de controle utilizados pela instituição penitenciária acabam por desumanizar os sujeitos apenados. Desta forma, o direito ao ato de escrita e leitura na prisão, torna-se revestido de uma função social e educativa fundamental para a sobrevivência no cárcere. A tentativa dessa pesquisa é, de alguma forma, trazer contribuições que possam refletir em garantia de direitos e oportunidades, possibilitando aos sujeitos encarcerados dignidade e melhores condições de vida.


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Desde que foi publicado, em 1975, Lavoura arcaica vem intrigando os leitores com a sua dessemelhança. Em meio a livros que absorviam a violência do regime militar brasileiro, Raduan Nassar surgiu com uma obra estranha, que se nutria de uma linguagem poética profundamente ressonante, do pensamento monoteísta mediterrâneo, da herança cultural árabe, da subversão pela via da sexualidade. O tempo passou, o escritor abandonou a literatura, muita coisa interessante foi dita sobre o romance, mas seus enigmas são ainda sementes lançadas em solo fértil. Lavoura arcaica é mais uma releitura da prolífica parábola do filho pródigo, presente no Evangelho de Lucas e reelaborada inúmeras vezes ao longo dos seus dois mil anos de existência. A história do jovem rebelde que decide romper os laços com a família para se lançar no mundo tem se mostrado generosa para com a imaginação de muitos autores, que se dispuseram a reescrevê-la com o filtro de suas óticas particulares. Alguns deles estão no presente trabalho: Gide, Kipling, Kafka, Rilke, Dalton Trevisan, Lúcio Cardoso e também o teólogo católico Henri Nouwen. Apesar das variações, a volta para casa ocupa em todas as narrativas um lugar privilegiado. Essa é uma história, afinal, sobre os motivos que levam o sujeito a ir embora e, mais ainda, sobre as razões que fazem com que regresse. Arrependimento, recomeço, fraqueza, derrota, amor? A despeito das muitas antíteses que encontramos no texto de Raduan, elas não exigem que façamos uma escolha entre o arcaico e o moderno, entre ficar ou partir, entre o individual e o coletivo, entre a contenção e a entrega. Essa é a questão: Lavoura arcaica não é um livro sobre a luta do bem contra o mal, da liberdade contra a opressão, mas um painel que mostra como tudo isso se mistura na mesma paisagem ou, parafraseando o personagem André, como as coisas só se unem se desunindo


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O presente estudo entende que as várias formas de resistência popular somente podem arrancar da luta cotidiana os caminhos para a superação de todo tipo de exploração e opressão se assumirem um caráter pedagógico e contra-hegemônico. No caso do movimento hip-hop, tal caráter se expressa na elaboração de formas de resistência que lançam mão da cultura própria das comunidades pobres das grandes cidades para organizar formas concretas de protesto, organização e luta. Para responder às indagações colocadas por esta hipótese escolheu-se como objeto de estudo a atuação do coletivo fluminense de hip-hop Lutarmada, que participa das ações dos movimentos sociais do estado e em nível nacional. Suas intervenções por meio do rap, do grafite e do break unem arte, cultura, atividades de formação e conscientização contra-hegemônica que procuram apontar caminhos rebeldes e emancipadores para a juventude negra


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Esta dissertação pretende investigar de que forma idéias construídas socialmente impõem a heterossexualidade e afetam indivíduos não heterosexuais das ilhas Caribenhas, conforme ilustrado nos romances Memory Mambo, da Cubana-Americana Achy Obejas e Valmikis Daughters, da Trinitária-Canadense Shani Mootoo. Este trabalho se concentra na análise de políticas sexuais ligadas à homossexualidade tanto nas ilhas do Caribe quanto nos Estados Unidos da América. Em Memory Mambo, a protagonista Juani Casas deseja entender como sua condição de exilada cubana molda sua identidade sexual e como seu lesbianismo afeta seus relacionamentos familiares e amorosos. Reconstruindo sua história através de uma memória não confiável, Juani procura descobrir como sua sexualidade e sua nacionalidade estão ligadas, para que ela possa conciliar as duas. Em Valmikis Daughter, Viveka Krishnu e seu pai Valmiki Krishnu tentam esconder seus verdadeiros desejos por causa dos comportamentos supostamente corretos que foram designados tanto para homens quanto para mulheres em Trinidad, e mais especificamente na sociedade indo-caribenha. Pai e filha sofrem com a opressão e tentam não se tornarem vítimas de homofobia constante, ele escondendo sua sexualidade e ela deixando a ilha. Assim, através da representação literária, Obejas e Mootoo participam de uma discussão necessária sobre as consequencias das políticas sexuais na construção identitária de Caribenhos que vivem nas ilhas ou em destinos diaspóricos


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Celem artykułu jest zarys koncepcji paradygmatu nauki sprowadzonego do widowiska kulturowego. Zasadniczymi kontekstami dla naszych rozważań sa definicje paradygmatu podane przez T. S. Kuhna i Z. Kwiecińskiego. W nawiązaniu do nich zostanie wyłonionych siedem faz rozwoju/przekształceń paradygmatu, następnie sięgniemy do jego odniesień naukowych i mitycznych powiązanych z technologią, z różnymi formami i funkcjami rytuału oraz z procesem rytualizacji. W wyniku zebranych tutaj informacji dojdziemy do stanowiska, z którego może wynikać, że paradygmat nauki jest widowiskiem społeczno-kulturowym. Zestawione tutaj wnioski pozwolą nam przejść do przykładu związanego z wychowaniem, - z paradygmatem wychowania i wyjaśnić sobie, na czym polega – zgodnie z tytułem artykułu – różnica między uściskiem a uciskiem wychowania. Całość kończy podsumowanie, w którym omówimy związek technologii rytualizacji i polityczności z władzą oraz zestawię w punktach informacje na temat paradygmatu. (PS – w tytule u(ś)cisk można tłumaczyć: ucisk/uścisk)


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This study documents, analyzes, and interprets Korean American United Methodist (KAUM) clergywomen‘s experiences in and understandings of the church. It examines contributions these (and potentially, other) clergywomen might make to Wesleyan ecclesiology generally, and particular ways United Methodists live out their faith in transitional, diverse, and global contexts. The project attempts to re-vision existing Wesleyan ecclesial discourse in the United Methodist Church (UMC) by recognizing and incorporating the contributions of racial-ethnic clergy as expressed through their leadership and practices of faith. A "practice-theory-practice" model of practical theology was used to pay systematic attention to the practical locus of the inquiries. Twenty Korean American United Methodist clergywomen were interviewed by telephone, using a voluntary sampling technique to ascertain how they both experienced the church and understood and lived out various practices of faith, including preaching, participation in and administration of the sacraments, preparation for ordained ministry, and other spiritual practices such as prayer, worship, retreats, and journaling. The dissertation summarizes those findings, provides contextual and historical interpretation, and then analyzes their responses in relation to Wesleyan theology, MinJung (mass of people) theology, and the theology of YeoSung (women who display dignity and honor as human beings). This study identifies the extraordinary call of the KAUM clergywomen interviewees to be bridge builders, strong nurturers, wounded healers, committed educators, breakers of old stereotypes, persistent seekers to fulfill God‘s call, and ecclesial leaders with ―tragic consciousness‖ who can disrupt marginality and facilitate the creative transformation of Han (a deep experience of suffering and oppression) into a constructive energy capable of shaping a new reality. According to this study, KAUM clergywomen‘s experiences and practices of faith as ecclesial leaders strengthen Wesleyan ecclesiology in terms of the UMC‘s efforts to be an inclusive church through connectionalism, and its commitment to social justice. MinJung theology and the theology of YeoSung, in their respective understandings of the church, broaden Wesleyan ecclesiology and enable the Church to be more relevant in a global context by embracing those who have not been normative theological subjects.


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The phenomenon of migration has been widely researched by the social sciences. Theories regarding the migrant have been developed in terms of the oppressive social context that is often encountered, proposing different alternatives to understand and overcome such oppression. Through the current project, an alternative view is presented that first, questions the accuracy of the social theories of migration and second, proposes an alternative understanding of this experience. Martin Heidegger’s phenomenology of Being offers a contextualized view of existence that nonetheless includes elements of our experience that are shared due to a common mode of being. I use Heidegger’s philosophy in order to broaden the understanding of the migrant’s experience analyzing those elements that he identifies as shared (for instance: human sociability, a desire for a home, the uncanny, etc.) and comparing them with common issues raised by migrants (identity, homesickness, belonging, etc.). In this way, I intend to present a more complete picture of the experience of migration that considers both empirical evidence of individual migrants and an existential analysis that incorporates the defining elements of our world and our existence as crucial means to understand any experience, including that of migration.


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The universality versus culture specificity of quantitative evaluations (negative-positive) of 40 events in world history was addressed using World History Survey data collected from 5,800 university students in 30 countries/societies. Multidimensional scaling using generalized procrustean analysis indicated poor fit of data from the 30 countries to an overall mean configuration, indicating lack of universal agreement as to the associational meaning of events in world history. Hierarchical cluster analysis identified one Western and two non-Western country clusters for which adequate multidimensional fit was obtained after item deletions. A two-dimensional solution for the three country clusters was identified, where the primary dimension was historical calamities versus progress and a weak second dimension was modernity versus resistance to modernity. Factor analysis further reduced the item inventory to identify a single concept with structural equivalence across cultures, Historical Calamities, which included man-made and natural, intentional and unintentional, predominantly violent but also nonviolent calamities. Less robust factors were tentatively named as Historical Progress and Historical Resistance to Oppression. Historical Calamities and Historical Progress were at the individual level both significant and independent predictors of willingness to fight for one’s country in a hierarchical linear model that also identified significant country-level variation in these relationships. Consensus around calamity but disagreement as to what constitutes historical progress is discussed in relation to the political culture of nations and lay perceptions of history as catastrophe.


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The Law operates by, and through, the creation of ideal benchmarks of conduct that are deemed to be representative of the behavioural norm. It is in this sense that it could be contended that the Law utilises, and relies on, myths in the same way as do other disciplines, notably psycho-analysis. It is possible to go even further and argue that the use of a created narrative mythology is essential to the establishment of a defined legal benchmark of behaviour by which the female defendant is assessed, judged and punished. While mythology expresses and symbolizes cultural and political behaviour, it is the Law that embodies and prescribes punitive sanctions. This element represents a powerful literary strand in classical mythology. This may be seen, for instance, in Antigone’s appeal to the Law as justification for her conduct, as much as in Medea’s challenge to the Law though her desire for vengeance. Despite its image of neutral, objective rationality, the Law, in creating and sustaining the ideals of legally-sanctioned conduct, engages in the same literary processes of imagination, reason and emotion that are central to the creation and re-creation of myth. The (re-)presentation of the Medea myth in literature (especially in theatre) and in art, finds its echo in the theatre of the courtroom where wronged women who have refused to passively accept their place, have instead responded with violence. Consequently, the Medea myth, in its depiction of the (un)feminine, serves as a template for the Law’s judgment of ‘conventional’ feminine conduct in the roles of wife and mother. Medea is an image of deviant femininity, as is Lady Macbeth and the countless other un-feminine literary and mythological women who challenge the power of the dominant culture and its ally, the Law. These women stand opposed to the other dominant theme of both literature and Law: the conformist woman, the passive dupe, who are victims of male oppression – women such as Ariadne of Naxos and Tess of the D’Ubervilles – and who are subsequently consumed by the Law, much as Semele is consumed by the fire of Jupiter’s gaze upon her. All of these women, the former as well as the latter, have their real-life counterparts in the pages of the Law Reports. As Fox puts it, “these women have come to bear the weight of the cultural stereotypes and preconceptions about women who kill.”


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In the early to mid-twentieth century, many novelists in the Arab world championed Arab nationalism in their literary reflections on the social and political struggles of their countries, depicting these struggles primarily in terms of spatial binaries that pitted the Arab world against the West, even as they imported Western literary models of progress and modernity into their own work. The intense experience of national awakening that infused their writing often placed these authors at a literary disadvantage, for in their literature, all too often the depth and diversity of Arabic cultures and the complexity of socio-political struggles across the Arab world were undermined by restrictive spatial discourses that tended to focus only on particular versions of Arab history and on a seemingly unifying national predicament. Between the Arab defeat of 1967 and the present day, however, an increasing number of Arab authors have turned to less restrictive forms of spatial discourse in search of a language that might offer alternative narratives of hope beyond the predictable, and seemingly thwarted, trajectories of nationalism. This study traces the ways in which contemporary Arab authors from Egypt and the Sudan have endeavoured to re-think and re-define the Arab identity in ever-changing spaces where elements of the local and the global, the traditional and the modern, interact both competitively and harmoniously. I examine the spatial language and the tropes used in three Arabic novels, viewing them through the lens of thawra (revolution) in both its socio-political and artistic manifestations. Linking the manifestations of thawra in each text to different scenes of revolution in the Arab world today, in Chapter Two, I consider how, at a stage when the Sudan of the sixties was both still dealing with colonial withdrawal and struggling to establish itself as a nation-state, the geographical and textual landscapes of Tayeb Salih‟s Season of Migration to the North depict the ongoing dilemma of the Sudanese identity. In Chapter Three, I examine Alaa iii al-Aswany‟s The Yacoubian Building in the context of a socially diseased and politically corrupt Egypt of the nineties: social, political, modern, historical, local, and global elements intertwine in a dizzyingly complex spatial network of associations that sheds light on the complicated reasons behind today‟s Egyptian thawra. In Chapter Four, the final chapter, Gamal al-Ghitani‟s approach to his Egypt in Pyramid Texts drifts far away from Salih‟s anguished Sudan and al-Aswany‟s chaotic Cairo to a realm where thawra manifests itself artistically in a sophisticated spatial language that challenges all forms of spatial hegemony and, consequently, old and new forms of social, political, and cultural oppression in the Arab world.