942 resultados para One-point Quadrature


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Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae est l’agent causal de la pneumonie enzootique. On le retrouve dans plusieurs élevages de porcs à travers le monde. Même si ce micro-organisme est présent dans plusieurs troupeaux canadiens, peu d’informations sont présentement disponibles sur les isolats québécois. Un total de 160 poumons de porcs possédant des lésions de pneumonie ont été récupérés à l’abattoir, mis en culture et testés par PCR pour M. hyopneumoniae et Mycoplasma hyorhinis. D’autres pathogènes bactériens communs du porc et les virus du syndrome reproducteur et respiratoire porcin (VSRRP), de l’influenza et le circovirus porcin de type 2 (CVP2) ont été également testés. Quatre-vingt-dix pourcent des échantillons étaient positifs pour M. hyopneumoniae et 5.6% l’étaient seulement pour M. hyorhinis. Dans ces échantillons positifs pour M. hyopneumoniae, la concentration de ce mycoplasme variait de 1.17 x 105 à 3.37 x 109 génomes/mL. Vingt-cinq poumons positifs en culture ou par PCR en temps réel pour M. hyopneumoniae ont été sélectionnés, parmi ceux-ci 10 étaient en coinfection avec Pasteurella multocida, 12 avec Streptococcus suis, 9 avec CVP2 et 2 avec le VSRRP. Les analyses des nombres variables de répétitions en tandem à de multiples loci (MLVA) et PCR-polymorphisme de longueur de fragments de restriction (PCR-RFLP) de M. hyopneumoniae ont démontré une forte diversité des isolats de terrain. Par contre, il semble y avoir plus d’homogénéité à l’intérieur d’un même élevage. L’analyse MLVA a également démontré que près de la moitié des isolats possédaient moins de 55% d’homologie avec les souches vaccinales et de référence utilisées dans la présente étude. L’absence d’amplification du locus 1 de M. hyopneumoniae en MLVA a été significativement associée à une baisse de la concentration de bactérie et de la sévérité des lésions. Pour tous les isolats de M. hyopneumoniae, des concentrations minimales inhibitrices (CMI) de faibles à intermédiaires ont été obtenues envers tous les antimicrobiens testés. Les isolats possédant des CMI intermédiaires envers les tétracyclines, les macrolides et les lincosamides ont été testés pour la présence des gènes de résistance tetM, ermB et pour des mutations ponctuelles dans les gènes des protéines L4, L22 et de l’ARNr 23S. Aucun de ces gènes n’a été détecté mais la mutation ponctuelle G2057A a été identifiée. Cette mutation est responsable de la résistance intrinsèque de M. hyopneumoniae face aux macrolides à 14 carbones. Ces résultats indiquent qu’il ne semble pas y avoir de résistance acquise aux antimicrobiens parmi ces isolats. En conclusion, cette recherche a permis d’obtenir de nouvelles données scientifiques sur les isolats québécois de M. hyopneumoniae.


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Dans le contexte social actuel, l’identification et la compréhension de la représentation que les intervenants ont des soins palliatifs constituent l’un des points d’ancrage de l’agir professionnel, de la formation et des modifications de structures de soins. Le but de cette étude était de décrire et de comprendre la représentation qu’un groupe d’intervenants travaillant en CLSC a des soins palliatifs, puis de proposer des interventions éducatives et organisationnelles susceptibles de favoriser une plus forte adhésion à la philosophie qui sous-tend ce type particulier de soins. Des entretiens semi dirigés et une analyse de contenu ont révélé un univers de représentations à la fois similaires et différents dans chaque sous-groupe. On constate que chaque thème exploré peut prendre des sens divers. On peut dire que la représentation des soins palliatifs chez le groupe de professionnels de CLSC ayant participé à la présente étude constitue un ensemble de savoirs à portée pratique très élevée faisant intervenir en grande majorité des savoirs de sens commun. Un point se révèle crucial : celui de la formation dans l’appropriation de la philosophie des soins palliatifs qui devrait être à la base de cette pratique; une formation qui doit prendre en compte les multiples composantes non scientifiques et les ambiguïtés du travail quotidien en soins palliatifs comme faisant partie intégrante des dynamiques du processus d’appropriation de la philosophie des soins palliatifs.


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Le poly(1,3-dioxolanne) (PDOL) est un polymère semi-cristallin présentant à l’état solide quatre morphologies différentes (Phases I, IIa, IIb et III). Les transformations d'une phase à l'autre ont été suivies par microscopie optique polarisée (MOP) et microscopie à force atomique (AFM) en fonction de la température de cristallisation et de la masse molaire. La Phase I présente une morphologie sphérolitique tandis que la Phase IIa peut croître à partir de la Phase I ou spontanément. De façon inattendue, la Phase IIa, devient très biréfringente et cette nouvelle morphologie est appelée Phase IIb. Quand la transformation IIa-IIb est terminée, une nouvelle phase, la Phase III, croît à partir de la Phase IIb. La Phase III n'a jamais été observée sans la présence de Phase IIb; en outre, la Phase IIb remplace toujours la Phase IIa. Ce phénomène est appelé germination croisée. La mesure de la température de fusion des phases par MOP a permis d’établir leur stabilité relative: IIb > III >IIa. La vitesse de croissance (G) des sphérolites a été mesurée sur une plage de températures de 10,0 à 24,0 °C et montre une grande dépendance avec la masse molaire. Ces mesures ont révélé l’existence d’une masse molaire critique, autour de 5000 g.mol-1, en-dessous de laquelle nous avons observé GIIa > GIII et au-dessus de laquelle la relation est inversée avec GIII > GIIa. Finalement, nous avons exploré l’influence de l’ajout d’un deuxième polymère amorphe sur l’évolution des phases optiques dans des mélanges PDOL-PMMA, PDOL-PVC et PDOL-PVAc. Nous avons observé les mêmes transitions de phases que pour le PDOL pur et un certain degré de compatibilité dans le cas du PDOL-PMMA et du PDOL-PVC.


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El presente documento busca hacer un recuento del surgimiento y utilización de los índices internacionales como un mecanismo para evaluar la eficiencia institucional de los países. Durante la década de los noventa, organismos internacionales, centros académicos y organizaciones no gubernamentales coincidieron en el interés de elaborar índices de desempeño con el fin de caracterizar los países y establecer escalas internacionales comparativas de desempeño. En esta perspectiva, surgen algunos temas de interés como la gobernabilidad, la competitividad, la corrupción y el estado de las libertades civiles y políticas. En este sentido, el documento da una explicación de las razones académicas y coyunturales para el surgimiento de los índices y los temas de interés en calificar. Luego, hace una descripción de los índices de competitividad, gobernabilidad, corrupción y libertades económicas y políticas; se explica su metodología y establece las convergencias y divergencias entre índices del mismo tema. También presenta una revisión de la literatura nacional e internacional sobre los índices. Por último, se presenta el desempeño del país de acuerdo con las escalas internacionales. Al final concluimos que los índices internacionales han permitido una revisión comparada del desempeño institucional. Sin embargo, por problemas de acceso a la información y existencia de estadísticas, estos índices aún son prematuros para permitir una comparación real y objetiva entre los distintos países.


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RESUMO: O conhecimento existe desde sempre, mesmo num estado latente condicionado algures e apenas à espera de um meio (de uma oportunidade) de se poder manifestar. O conhecimento é duplamente um fenómeno da consciência: porque dela procede num dado momento da sua vida e da sua história e porque só nela termina, aperfeiçoando-a e enriquecendo-a. O conhecimento está assim em constante mudança. À relativamente pouco tempo começou-se a falar de Gestão do Conhecimento e na altura foi muito associada às Tecnologias da Informação, como meio de colectar, processar e armazenar cada vez mais, maiores quantidades de informação. As Tecnologias da Informação têm tido, desde alguns anos para cá, um papel extremamente importante nas organizações, inicialmente foram adoptadas com o propósito de automatizar os processos operacionais das organizações, que suportam as suas actividades quotidianas e nestes últimos tempos as Tecnologias da Informação dentro das organizações têm evoluído rapidamente. Todo o conhecimento, mesmo até o menos relevante de uma determinada área de negócio, é fundamental para apoiar o processo de tomada de decisão. As organizações para atingirem melhores «performances» e conseguirem transcender as metas a que se propuseram inicialmente, tendem a munir-se de mais e melhores Sistemas de Informação, assim como, à utilização de várias metodologias e tecnologias hoje em dia disponíveis. Por conseguinte, nestes últimos anos, muitas organizações têm vindo a demonstrar uma necessidade crucial de integração de toda a sua informação, a qual está dispersa pelos diversos departamentos constituintes. Para que os gestores de topo (mas também para outros funcionários) possam ter disponível em tempo útil, informação pertinente, verdadeira e fiável dos negócios da organização que eles representam, precisam de ter acesso a bons Sistemas de Tecnologias de Informação. Numa acção de poderem agir mais eficazmente e eficientemente nas tomadas de decisão, por terem conseguido tirar por esses meios o máximo de proveito possível da informação, e assim, apresentarem melhores níveis de sucesso organizacionais. Também, os Sistemas de «Business Intelligence» e as Tecnologias da Informação a ele associadas, utilizam os dados existentes nas organizações para disponibilizar informação relevante para as tomadas de decisão. Mas, para poderem alcançar esses níveis tão satisfatórios, as organizações necessitam de recursos humanos, pois como podem elas serem competitivas sem Luís Miguel Borges – Gestão e Trabalhadores do Conhecimento em Tecnologias da Informação (UML) ULHT – ECATI 6 trabalhadores qualificados. Assim, surge a necessidade das organizações em recrutar os chamados hoje em dia “Trabalhadores do Conhecimento”, que são os indivíduos habilitados para interpretar as informações dentro de um domínio específico. Eles detectam problemas e identificam alternativas, com os seus conhecimentos e discernimento, eles trabalham para solucionar esses problemas, ajudando consideravelmente as organizações que representam. E, usando metodologias e tecnologias da Engenharia do Conhecimento como a modelação, criarem e gerirem um histórico de conhecimento, incluindo conhecimento tácito, sobre várias áreas de negócios da organização, que podem estar explícitos em modelos abstractos, que possam ser compreendidos e interpretados facilmente, por outros trabalhadores com níveis de competência equivalentes. ABSTRACT: Knowledge has always existed, even in a latent state conditioning somewhere and just waiting for a half (an opportunity) to be able to manifest. Knowledge is doubly a phenomenon of consciousness: because proceeds itself at one point in its life and its history and because solely itself ends, perfecting it and enriching it. The knowledge is so in constant change. In the relatively short time that it began to speak of Knowledge Management and at that time was very associated with Information Technologies, as a means to collect, process and store more and more, larger amounts of information. Information Technologies has had, from a few years back, an extremely important role in organizations, were initially adopted in order to automate the operational processes of organizations, that support their daily activities and in recent times Information Technologies within organizations has evolved rapidly. All the knowledge, even to the least relevant to a particular business area, is fundamental to support the process of decision making. The organizations to achieve better performances and to transcend the goals that were initially propose, tend to provide itself with more and better Information Systems, as well as, the use of various methodologies and technologies available today. Consequently, in recent years, many organizations have demonstrated a crucial need for integrating all their information, which is dispersed by the diver constituents departments. For top managers (but also for other employees) may have ready in time, pertinent, truthful and reliable information of the organization they represent, need access to good Information Technology Systems. In an action that they can act more effectively and efficiently in decision making, for having managed to get through these means the maximum possible advantage of the information, and so, present better levels of organizational success. Also, the systems of Business Intelligence and Information Technologies its associated, use existing data on organizations to provide relevant information for decision making. But, in order to achieve these levels as satisfactory, organizations need human resources, because how can they be competitive without skilled workers. Thus, arises the need for organizations to recruit called today “Knowledge Workers”, they are the individuals enable to interpret the information within a specific domain. They detect problems and identify alternatives, with their knowledge and discernment they work to solve these problems, helping considerably the organizations that represent. And, using Luís Miguel Borges – Gestão e Trabalhadores do Conhecimento em Tecnologias da Informação (UML) ULHT – ECATI 8 methodologies and technologies of Knowledge Engineering as modeling, create and manage a history of knowledge, including tacit knowledge, on various business areas of the organization, that can be explicit in the abstract models, that can be understood and interpreted easily, by other workers with equivalent levels of competence.


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The Ivory-billed Woodpecker has long held a special place in the psyche of North American conservation, eliciting unusually colorful prose, even from scientists, as an icon of the wild. The reverence in which it was held did little to slow the habitat loss that led to its apparent extinction 60 years ago. A consequence of the emotion and attention associated with the amazing rediscovery of this species is that conservation biologists will be under considerable pressure to make good on this “second chance.” This poses a challenge to conservation paradigms that has important political consequences. First, the decline of the species is due to habitat loss, recovery from which has been much more seldom achieved than recovery from declines due to impacts on vital rates. This challenge is exacerbated by the enormous area requirements of the species. Second, the species at best exists as a critically small population. It will be difficult to make the case that a viable population can be established without undermining the small population paradigm that underlies conservation strategies for many other species. This has already resulted in some political backlash. Conservation of this species is best based on the one point of clear scientific consensus, that habitat is limiting, but this may result in additional political backlash because of conflicts with other land uses.


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We show that any invariant test for spatial autocorrelation in a spatial error or spatial lag model with equal weights matrix has power equal to size. This result holds under the assumption of an elliptical distribution. Under Gaussianity, we also show that any test whose power is larger than its size for at least one point in the parameter space must be biased.


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Unless the benefits to society of measures to protect and improve the welfare of animals are made transparent by means of their valuation they are likely to go unrecognised and cannot easily be weighed against the costs of such measures as required, for example, by policy-makers. A simple single measure scoring system, based on the Welfare Quality® index, is used, together with a choice experiment economic valuation method, to estimate the value that people place on improvements to the welfare of different farm animal species measured on a continuous (0-100) scale. Results from using the method on a survey sample of some 300 people show that it is able to elicit apparently credible values. The survey found that 96% of respondents thought that we have a moral obligation to safeguard the welfare of animals and that over 72% were concerned about the way farm animals are treated. Estimated mean annual willingness to pay for meat from animals with improved welfare of just one point on the scale was £5.24 for beef cattle, £4.57 for pigs and £5.10 for meat chickens. Further development of the method is required to capture the total economic value of animal welfare benefits. Despite this, the method is considered a practical means for obtaining economic values that can be used in the cost-benefit appraisal of policy measures intended to improve the welfare of animals.


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With the introduction of new observing systems based on asynoptic observations, the analysis problem has changed in character. In the near future we may expect that a considerable part of meteorological observations will be unevenly distributed in four dimensions, i.e. three dimensions in space and one in time. The term analysis, or objective analysis in meteorology, means the process of interpolating observed meteorological observations from unevenly distributed locations to a network of regularly spaced grid points. Necessitated by the requirement of numerical weather prediction models to solve the governing finite difference equations on such a grid lattice, the objective analysis is a three-dimensional (or mostly two-dimensional) interpolation technique. As a consequence of the structure of the conventional synoptic network with separated data-sparse and data-dense areas, four-dimensional analysis has in fact been intensively used for many years. Weather services have thus based their analysis not only on synoptic data at the time of the analysis and climatology, but also on the fields predicted from the previous observation hour and valid at the time of the analysis. The inclusion of the time dimension in objective analysis will be called four-dimensional data assimilation. From one point of view it seems possible to apply the conventional technique on the new data sources by simply reducing the time interval in the analysis-forecasting cycle. This could in fact be justified also for the conventional observations. We have a fairly good coverage of surface observations 8 times a day and several upper air stations are making radiosonde and radiowind observations 4 times a day. If we have a 3-hour step in the analysis-forecasting cycle instead of 12 hours, which is applied most often, we may without any difficulties treat all observations as synoptic. No observation would thus be more than 90 minutes off time and the observations even during strong transient motion would fall within a horizontal mesh of 500 km * 500 km.


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This study develops a simplified model describing the evolutionary dynamics of a population composed of obligate sexually and asexually reproducing, unicellular organisms. The model assumes that the organisms have diploid genomes consisting of two chromosomes, and that the sexual organisms replicate by first dividing into haploid intermediates, which then combine with other haploids, followed by the normal mitotic division of the resulting diploid into two new daughter cells. We assume that the fitness landscape of the diploids is analogous to the single-fitness-peak approach often used in single-chromosome studies. That is, we assume a master chromosome that becomes defective with just one point mutation. The diploid fitness then depends on whether the genome has zero, one, or two copies of the master chromosome. We also assume that only pairs of haploids with a master chromosome are capable of combining so as to produce sexual diploid cells, and that this process is described by second-order kinetics. We find that, in a range of intermediate values of the replication fidelity, sexually reproducing cells can outcompete asexual ones, provided the initial abundance of sexual cells is above some threshold value. The range of values where sexual reproduction outcompetes asexual reproduction increases with decreasing replication rate and increasing population density. We critically evaluate a common approach, based on a group selection perspective, used to study the competition between populations and show its flaws in addressing the evolution of sex problem.


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The energy of a unit vector field X on a closed Riemannian manifold M is defined as the energy of the section into T(1) M determined by X. For odd-dimensional spheres, the energy functional has an infimum for each dimension 2k + 1 which is not attained by any non-singular vector field for k > 1. For k = 1, Hopf vector fields are the unique minima. In this paper we show that for any closed Riemannian manifold, the energy of a frame defined on the manifold, possibly except on a finite subset, admits a lower bound in terms of the total scalar curvature of the manifold. In particular, for odd-dimensional spheres this lower bound is attained by a family of frames defined on the sphere minus one point and consisting of vector fields parallel along geodesics.


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Examination of High Court decisions on misuse of market power in regard to the element of "taking advantage" reveals inconsistency of application. Whilst being consistent regarding the need for a connection between the market power and the impugned conduct, the High Court has not been consistent regarding the degree of connection required. Two streams have developed, one supporting a high degree of connection, the other a lower degree before a firm is found to have "taken advantage" of its market power. Added to this has been the development of the "rational business explanation" which, it is argued, is either used as a defence to a s 46 action or is premised on the higher threshold of connection. Initially the high Court supported the lower threshold. In later decisions, whilst expressing support for the earlier decisions, in application the High Court favoured the higher threshold and at one point the rational business explanation. This trend appears to have been reversed with the most recent High Court decision which indicates substantive support for the earlier s 46 decisions.


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A question frequently asked in multi-agent systems (MASs) concerns the efficient search for suitable agents to solve a specific problem. To answer this question, different types of middle agents are usually employed. The performance of middle agents relies heavily on the matchmaking algorithms used. Matchmaking is the process of finding an appropriate provider for a requester through a middle agent. There has been substantial work on matchmaking in different kinds of middle agents. To our knowledge, almost all currently used matchmaking algorithms missed one point when doing matchmaking -- the matchmaking is only based on the advertised capabilities of provider agents. The actual performance of provider agents in accomplishing delegated tasks is not considered at all. This results in the inaccuracy of the matchmaking outcomes as well as the random selection of provider agents with the same advertised capabilities. The quality of service of different service provider agents varies from one agent to another even though they claimed they have the same capabilities. To this end, it is argued that the practical performance of service provider agents has a significant impact on the matchmaking outcomes of middle agents. An improvement to matchmaking algorithms is proposed, which makes the algorithms have the ability to consider the track records of agents in accomplishing delegated tasks. How to represent, accumulate, and use track records as well as how to give initial values for track records in the algorithm are discussed. A prototype is also built to verify the algorithm. Based on the improved algorithm, the matchmaking outcomes are more accurate and reasonable.


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The central concern of this study is to identify the role of power and politics in systems implementation. The current literature on systems implementation is typically divided into two areas, process modelling and factor based studies. Process modelling classifies the implementation into a linear process, whereas factor based studies have argued that in order to ‘successfully’ implement a system, particular critical factors are required. This literature misses the complexities involved in systems implementation through the human factors and political nature of systems implementation and is simplistic in its nature and essentially de-contextualises the implementation process. Literature has investigated some aspects of human factors in systems implementation. However, it is believed that these studies have taken a simplistic view of power and politics. It is argued in this thesis that human factors in systems implementation are constantly changing and essentially operating in a dynamic relationship affecting the implementation process. The concept of power relations, as proposed by Foucault (1976, 1977, 1978, 1980, 1982), have been utilised in order to identify the dynamic nature of power and politics. Foucault (1978) argued that power is a dynamic set of relationships constantly changing from one point in time to the next. It is this recognition that is lacking from information systems. Furthermore, these power relations are created through the use of discourse. Discourse represents meaning and social relationships, forming both subjectivity and power relations. Discourses are also the practices of talk, text and argument that continuously form that which actors speak. A post-structuralist view of power as both an obvious and hidden concept has provided the researcher a lens through which the selection and implementation of an enterprise-wide learning management system can be observed. The framework aimed to identify the obvious process of system selection implementation, and then deconstruct that process to expose the hegemonic nature of policy, the reproduction of organisational culture, the emancipation within discourse, and the nature of resistance and power relations. A critical case study of the selection and implementation of an enterprise-wide learning management system at the University of Australia was presented providing an in-depth investigation of the implementation of an enterprise-wide learning management system, spanning five years. This critical case study was analysed using social dramas to distinguish between the front stage issues of power and the hidden discourses underpinning the front stage dramas. The enterprise-wide learning management system implemented in the University of Australia in 2003 is a system which enables academic staff to manage learners, the students, by keeping track of their progress and performance across all types of training activities. Through telling the story of the selection and implementation of an enterprise-wide learning management system at the University of Australia discourses emerged. The key findings from this study have indicated that the system selection and implementation works at two levels. The low level is the selection and implementation process, which operates for the period of the project. The high level is the arena of power and politics, which runs simultaneously to the selection and implementation process. Challenges for power are acted out in the front stage, or public forums between various actors. The social dramas, as they have been described here, are superfluous to the discourse underpinning the front stage. It is the discourse that remains the same throughout the system selection and implementation process, but it is through various social dramas that reflect those discourses. Furthermore, the enactment of policy legitimises power and establishes the discourse, limiting resistance. Additionally, this research has identified the role of the ‘State’ and its influence at the organisational level, which had been previously suggested in education literature (Ball, 1990).


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Purpose – This paper aims to examine undergraduate students’ attitudes towards the accounting profession, including accounting as a career, as a discipline, as a profession and perceptions of the work activities of accountants.

Design/methodology/approach – The data set used in this paper was collected via questionnaires. The present study compares several aspects of a prior study of Marriott and Marriott using the Accounting Attitude Scale developed by Nelson.

Findings – Overall, the paper supports the view that exposure to accounting at university does not enhance positive attitudes about accounting as a discipline, but reinforces rule-memorisation, and lack of involvement with conceptual skills or judgement.

Research limitations/implications – The paper only examines students’ attitudes at one point in time and does not attempt to identify whether students’ attitudes change over the period of their study. The paper can only speculate as to why there is a difference between local and international students’ attitude towards the accounting profession. Third, the questionnaire is only administered at one institution. There is a scope to extend this study across institutions as well as conduct a longitudinal study. In order to validate the findings, further research via in-depth interviews with students may help determine the factors that influence students’ attitudes.

Originality/value – The results from this paper are expected to contribute to the body of research by providing accounting educators with insights into how the curriculum may influence students’ attitudes towards the profession, together with implications as to how the profession should be promoted to undergraduate students.