983 resultados para Object detection


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Eye detection plays an important role in many practical applications. This paper presents a novel two-step scheme for eye detection. The first step models an eye by a newly defined visual-context pattern (VCP), and the second step applies semisupervised boosting for precise detection. VCP describes both the space and appearance relations between an eye region (region of eye) and a reference region (region of reference). The context feature of a VCP is extracted by using the integral image. Aiming to reduce the human labeling efforts, we apply semisupervised boosting, which integrates the context feature and the Haar-like features for precise eye detection. Experimental results on several standard face data sets demonstrate that the proposed approach is effective, robust, and efficient. We finally show that this approach is ready for practical applications.


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Moving cameras are needed for a wide range of applications in robotics, vehicle systems, surveillance, etc. However, many foreground object segmentation methods reported in the literature are unsuitable for such settings; these methods assume that the camera is fixed and the background changes slowly, and are inadequate for segmenting objects in video if there is significant motion of the camera or background. To address this shortcoming, a new method for segmenting foreground objects is proposed that utilizes binocular video. The method is demonstrated in the application of tracking and segmenting people in video who are approximately facing the binocular camera rig. Given a stereo image pair, the system first tries to find faces. Starting at each face, the region containing the person is grown by merging regions from an over-segmented color image. The disparity map is used to guide this merging process. The system has been implemented on a consumer-grade PC, and tested on video sequences of people indoors obtained from a moving camera rig. As can be expected, the proposed method works well in situations where other foreground-background segmentation methods typically fail. We believe that this superior performance is partly due to the use of object detection to guide region merging in disparity/color foreground segmentation, and partly due to the use of disparity information available with a binocular rig, in contrast with most previous methods that assumed monocular sequences.


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A correlation interferometer working with a cooperation target operating at 2.2GHz center frequency is presented. This simplified interferometer presented here uses a
lock-in amplifier to significantly increase system sensitivity when used in conjunction with a co-operating target signaling using amplitude modulation. The system is verified by detecting the angular velocity of passing tagged target. Experimental results show detectable range up over 110 meters in a multipath environment using a 10dBm EIRP tag.


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End-stopped cells in cortical area V1, which combine out- puts of complex cells tuned to different orientations, serve to detect line and edge crossings (junctions) and points with a large curvature. In this paper we study the importance of the multi-scale keypoint representa- tion, i.e. retinotopic keypoint maps which are tuned to different spatial frequencies (scale or Level-of-Detail). We show that this representation provides important information for Focus-of-Attention (FoA) and object detection. In particular, we show that hierarchically-structured saliency maps for FoA can be obtained, and that combinations over scales in conjunction with spatial symmetries can lead to face detection through grouping operators that deal with keypoints at the eyes, nose and mouth, especially when non-classical receptive field inhibition is employed. Al- though a face detector can be based on feedforward and feedback loops within area V1, such an operator must be embedded into dorsal and ventral data streams to and from higher areas for obtaining translation-, rotation- and scale-invariant face (object) detection.


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Numerous psychophysical experiments have shown an important role for attentional modulations in vision. Behaviorally, allocation of attention can improve performance in object detection and recognition tasks. At the neural level, attention increases firing rates of neurons in visual cortex whose preferred stimulus is currently attended to. However, it is not yet known how these two phenomena are linked, i.e., how the visual system could be "tuned" in a task-dependent fashion to improve task performance. To answer this question, we performed simulations with the HMAX model of object recognition in cortex [45]. We modulated firing rates of model neurons in accordance with experimental results about effects of feature-based attention on single neurons and measured changes in the model's performance in a variety of object recognition tasks. It turned out that recognition performance could only be improved under very limited circumstances and that attentional influences on the process of object recognition per se tend to display a lack of specificity or raise false alarm rates. These observations lead us to postulate a new role for the observed attention-related neural response modulations.


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This paper describes a new approach to detect and track maritime objects in real time. The approach particularly addresses the highly dynamic maritime environment, panning cameras, target scale changes, and operates on both visible and thermal imagery. Object detection is based on agglomerative clustering of temporally stable features. Object extents are first determined based on persistence of detected features and their relative separation and motion attributes. An explicit cluster merging and splitting process handles object creation and separation. Stable object clus- ters are tracked frame-to-frame. The effectiveness of the approach is demonstrated on four challenging real-world public datasets.


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This paper introduces a novel methodology for object detection using genetic algorithms and morphological processing. The method employs a kind of object oriented structuring element, which are derived using genetic algorithm operating. The population of morphological filters iteratively evaluated according to a statistical performance index corresponding to object extraction ability, and evolves into an optimal structuring elements using the evolution principles of genetic search. Experimental results of object extraction in high resolution satellite images are presented to illustrate the merit and feasibility of the proposed method.


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This paper describes the comparison of accuracy and performance of two machine learning approaches for visual object detection and tracking vehicles, from an on-road image sequence. The first is a neural network based approach. Where an algorithm of multi resolution technique based on Haar basis functions was used to obtain an image with different scales. Thereafter a classification was carried out with the multilayer feed forward neural network. Principle Component Analysis (PCA) technique was used as a dimension reduction technique to make the classification process much more efficient. The second approach is based on boosting which also yields very good detection rates. In general, boosting is one of the most important developments in classification methodology. It works by sequentially applying a classification algorithm to reweighed versions of the training data, followed by taking a weighted majority vote of the sequence of classifiers thus produced. For this work, a strong classifier was trained by the adaboost algorithm. The results of comparing the two methodologies visà-vis shows the effectiveness of the methods that have been used.


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We present a system to detect parked vehicles in a typical commercial parking complex using multiple streams of images captured through IP connected devices. Compared to traditional object detection techniques and machine learning methods, our approach is significantly faster in detection speed in the presence of multiple image streams. It is also capable of comparable accuracy when put to test against existing methods. And this is achieved without the need to train the system that machine learning methods require. Our approach uses a combination of psychological insights obtained from human detection and an algorithm replicating the outcomes of a SVM learner but without the noise that compromises accuracy in the normal learning process. The result is faster detection with comparable accuracy. Our experiments on images captured from a local test site shows very promising results for an implementation that is not only effective and low cost but also opens doors to new parking applications when combined with other technologies.


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The paper presents the Visual Mouse (VM), a novel and simple system for interaction with displays via hand gestures. Our method includes detecting bare hands using the fast SIFT (Scale-Invariant Feature Transform) algorithm saving long training time of the Adaboost algorithm, tracking hands based on the CAMShift algorithm, recognizing hand gestures in cluttered background via Principle Components Analysis (PCA) without extracting clear-cut hand contour, and defining simple and robustly interpretable vocabularies of hand gestures, which are subsequently used to control a computer mouse. The system provides a fast and simple interaction experience without the need for more expensive hardware and software.


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Dynamically changing background (dynamic background) still presents a great challenge to many motion-based video surveillance systems. In the context of event detection, it is a major source of false alarms. There is a strong need from the security industry either to detect and suppress these false alarms, or dampen the effects of background changes, so as to increase the sensitivity to meaningful events of interest. In this paper, we restrict our focus to one of the most common causes of dynamic background changes: 1) that of swaying tree branches and 2) their shadows under windy conditions. Considering the ultimate goal in a video analytics pipeline, we formulate a new dynamic background detection problem as a signal processing alternative to the previously described but unreliable computer vision-based approaches. Within this new framework, we directly reduce the number of false alarms by testing if the detected events are due to characteristic background motions. In addition, we introduce a new data set suitable for the evaluation of dynamic background detection. It consists of real-world events detected by a commercial surveillance system from two static surveillance cameras. The research question we address is whether dynamic background can be detected reliably and efficiently using simple motion features and in the presence of similar but meaningful events, such as loitering. Inspired by the tree aerodynamics theory, we propose a novel method named local variation persistence (LVP), that captures the key characteristics of swaying motions. The method is posed as a convex optimization problem, whose variable is the local variation. We derive a computationally efficient algorithm for solving the optimization problem, the solution of which is then used to form a powerful detection statistic. On our newly collected data set, we demonstrate that the proposed LVP achieves excellent detection results and outperforms the best alternative adapted from existing art in the dynamic background literature.


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A major UK initiative, entitled 'Mapping the Underworld', is seeking to address the serious social, environmental and economic consequences arising from an inability to locate accurately and comprehensively the buried utility service infrastructure without resorting to extensive excavations. Mapping the Underworld aims to develop and prove the efficacy of a multi-sensor device for accurate remote buried utility service detection, location and, where possible, identification. One of the technologies to be incorporated in the device is low-frequency vibro-acoustics, and application of this technique for detecting buried infrastructure is currently being investigated. Here, the potential for making a number of simple point vibration measurements in order to detect shallow-buried objects, in particular plastic pipes, is explored. Point measurements can be made relatively quickly without the need for arrays of surface sensors, which can be expensive, time-consuming to deploy, and sometimes impractical in congested areas. At low frequencies, the ground behaves as a simple single-degree-of-freedom (mass-spring) system with a well-defined resonance, the frequency of which will depend on the density and elastic properties of the soil locally. This resonance will be altered by the presence of a buried object whose properties differ from the surrounding soil. It is this behavior which can be exploited in order to detect the presence of a buried object, provided it is buried at a sufficiently shallow depth. The theoretical background is described and preliminary measurements are made both on a dedicated buried pipe rig and on the ground over a domestic waste pipe. Preliminary findings suggest that, for shallow-buried pipes, a measurement of this kind could be a quick and useful adjunct to more conventional methods of buried pipe detection. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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[EN]OpenCV includes di erent object detectors based on the Viola-Jones framework. Most of them are specialized to deal with the frontal face pattern and its inner elements: eyes, nose, and mouth. In this paper, we focus on the ear pattern detection, particularly when a head pro le or almost pro le view is present in the image. We aim at creating real-time ear detectors based on the general object detection framework provided with OpenCV. After training classi ers to detect left ears, right ears, and ears in general, the performance achieved is valid to be used to feed not only a head pose estimation system but also other applications such as those based on ear biometrics.


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Any image processing object detection algorithm somehow tries to integrate the object light (Recognition Step) and applies statistical criteria to distinguish objects of interest from other objects or from pure background (Decision Step). There are various possibilities how these two basic steps can be realized, as can be seen in the different proposed detection methods in the literature. An ideal detection algorithm should provide high recognition sensitiv ity with high decision accuracy and require a reasonable computation effort . In reality, a gain in sensitivity is usually only possible with a loss in decision accuracy and with a higher computational effort. So, automatic detection of faint streaks is still a challenge. This paper presents a detection algorithm using spatial filters simulating the geometrical form of possible streaks on a CCD image. This is realized by image convolution. The goal of this method is to generate a more or less perfect match between a streak and a filter by varying the length and orientation of the filters. The convolution answers are accepted or rejected according to an overall threshold given by the ackground statistics. This approach yields as a first result a huge amount of accepted answers due to filters partially covering streaks or remaining stars. To avoid this, a set of additional acceptance criteria has been included in the detection method. All criteria parameters are justified by background and streak statistics and they affect the detection sensitivity only marginally. Tests on images containing simulated streaks and on real images containing satellite streaks show a very promising sensitivity, reliability and running speed for this detection method. Since all method parameters are based on statistics, the true alarm, as well as the false alarm probability, are well controllable. Moreover, the proposed method does not pose any extraordinary demands on the computer hardware and on the image acquisition process.


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This study presents a robust method for ground plane detection in vision-based systems with a non-stationary camera. The proposed method is based on the reliable estimation of the homography between ground planes in successive images. This homography is computed using a feature matching approach, which in contrast to classical approaches to on-board motion estimation does not require explicit ego-motion calculation. As opposed to it, a novel homography calculation method based on a linear estimation framework is presented. This framework provides predictions of the ground plane transformation matrix that are dynamically updated with new measurements. The method is specially suited for challenging environments, in particular traffic scenarios, in which the information is scarce and the homography computed from the images is usually inaccurate or erroneous. The proposed estimation framework is able to remove erroneous measurements and to correct those that are inaccurate, hence producing a reliable homography estimate at each instant. It is based on the evaluation of the difference between the predicted and the observed transformations, measured according to the spectral norm of the associated matrix of differences. Moreover, an example is provided on how to use the information extracted from ground plane estimation to achieve object detection and tracking. The method has been successfully demonstrated for the detection of moving vehicles in traffic environments.