956 resultados para Obesity management


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Gastroesophageal reflux disease is a common condition affecting 25 to 40% of the population and causes significant morbidity in the U.S., accounting for at least 9 million office visits to physicians with estimated annual costs of $10 billion. Previous research has not clearly established whether infection with Helicobacter pylori, a known cause of peptic ulcer, atrophic gastritis and non cardia adenocarcinoma of the stomach, is associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease. This study is a secondary analysis of data collected in a cross-sectional study of a random sample of adult residents of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, that was conducted in 2004 (Prevalence and Determinants of Chronic Atrophic Gastritis Study or CAG study, Dr. Victor M. Cardenas, Principal Investigator). In this study, the presence of gastroesophageal reflux disease was based on responses to the previously validated Spanish Language Dyspepsia Questionnaire. Responses to this questionnaire indicating the presence of gastroesophageal reflux symptoms and disease were compared with the presence of H. pylori infection as measured by culture, histology and rapid urease test, and with findings of upper endoscopy (i.e., hiatus hernia and erosive and atrophic esophagitis). The prevalence ratio was calculated using bivariate, stratified and multivariate negative binomial logistic regression analyses in order to assess the relation between active H. pylori infection and the prevalence of gastroesophageal reflux typical syndrome and disease, while controlling for known risk factors of gastroesophageal reflux disease such as obesity. In a random sample of 174 adults 48 (27.6%) of the study participants had typical reflux syndrome and only 5% (or 9/174) had gastroesophageal reflux disease per se according to the Montreal consensus, which defines reflux syndromes and disease based on whether the symptoms are perceived as troublesome by the subject. There was no association between H. pylori infection and typical reflux syndrome or gastroesophageal reflux disease. However, we found that in this Northern Mexican population, there was a moderate association (Prevalence Ratio=2.5; 95% CI=1.3, 4.7) between obesity (≥30 kg/m2) and typical reflux syndrome. Management and prevention of obesity will significantly curb the growing numbers of persons affected by gastroesophageal reflux symptoms and disease in Northern Mexico. ^


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Dropout from obesity treatment has been a major factor associated with weight control failure, with few reliable predictors of dropouts or completers. Previous studies have tended to treat obese people as a homogeneous group with standard behavior modification-based interventions. Current research indicates there may be subgroups within the obese population, binge eaters and nonbinge eaters, who have different dropout rates. Current studies also recommend focusing on the subset of this subgroup that does not engage in purging (vomiting, laxative abuse, or excessive exercise) to compensate for binge eating. This research uses a secondary dataset (N = 156) from a prospective study in which participants were randomized to a Food Dependency (FD) and a Behavioral Self-Management (BSM) group for weight reduction. Criteria for subjects in the original study included (1) scoring higher on the existing Binge Eating Scale (BES) in order to ensure enrollment of more binge eaters and (2) no compensatory purging behavior for binge eating. Subjects were then reclassified in this study as binge eaters or nonbinge eaters using the more stringent proposed 1994 DSM-IV criteria for Binge Eating Disorder (BED). Subjects were followed for dropout. Variables studied were binge status, age at obesity onset, age at study baseline, class instructor, number of previous weight loss attempts, race, marital status, body mass index (BMI kg/m$\sp2$), type of intervention, work status, educational level, and social support. Stepwise backward regression Cox survival analysis indicated binge status had a consistent, statistically significant protective effect on dropout in which binge eaters were half as likely to dropout versus nonbinge eaters (p = 0.04). Cox proportional hazards analysis indicated no statistical difference in dropout by type of intervention (FD, p = 0.13; BSM, p = 0.80) when controlling for binge status. All other variables did not reach significance, which is consistent with the literature. Implications of these findings suggest that (1) the proposed 1994 DSM-IV criteria for BED is a more useful classification that the existing DSM-III-R criteria, and (2) the identification of subgroups among obese subjects is an important step in dropout and weight loss intervention research. Future research can confirm this finding. ^


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The purpose of this study is to descriptively analyze the current program at Ben Taub Pediatric Weight Management Program in Houston, Texas, a program designed to help overweight children ages three to eighteen to lose weight. In Texas, approximately one in every three children is overweight or obese. Obesity is seen at an even greater level within Ben Taub due to the hospital's high rate of service for underserved minority populations (Dehghan et al, 2005; Tyler and Horner, 2008; Hunt, 2009). The weight management program consists of nutritional, behavioral, physical activity, and medical counseling. Analysis will focus on changes in weight, BMI, cholesterol levels, and blood pressure from 2007–2010 for all participants who attended at least two weight management sessions. Recommendations will be given in response to the results of the data analysis.^


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— In 2000, according to the World Health Organization, at least 171 million people, 2.8% of the population worldwide, suffered from diabetes. The Centres for Disease Control has defined it as an epidemic disease. Its incidence is increasing rapidly, and it is estimated that by 2030 this number will almost double. Diabetes mellitus occurs throughout the world, but is more common (especially type 2) in the more developed countries. Diabetes is a chronic condition that occurs when pancreas does not assure enough insulin secretion or when the body does not consume the insulin produced. Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar. The effect of uncontrolled diabetes is the hyperglycaemia (blood sugar), which eventually seriously damage many organs and systems, especially the nerves and blood vessels. Diabetes type 2 (most common type of diabetes) is highly correlated with elderly people, obesity or overweight. Promoting a healthy lifestyle helps patients to improve their quality of life and in many cases to avoid complications related to the disease. This paper is intended to describe an iPhone-based application for self-management of type 2 diabetic patients, which allow them improving their lifestyle through healthy diet, physical activity and education


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Acknowledgements We thank Ms Katie Wilde, Data Management Team, University of Aberdeen and Lynsey Waugh, Information and Services Division of NHS Scotland for their help with data extraction and linkage. Funding sources This work was supported by funding from the Chief Scientist Office, Scotland. We also acknowledge support from Tommy’s and the British Heart Foundation. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript. None of the authors are related to any of the funders


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The ob/ob mouse is genetically deficient in leptin and exhibits both an obese and a mild non-insulin-dependent diabetic phenotype. To test the hypothesis that correction of the obese phenotype by leptin gene therapy will lead to the spontaneous correction of the diabetic phenotype, the ob/ob mouse was treated with a recombinant adenovirus expressing the mouse leptin cDNA. Treatment resulted in dramatic reductions in both food intake and body weight, as well as the normalization of serum insulin levels and glucose tolerance. The subsequent diminishment in serum leptin levels resulted in the rapid resumption of food intake and a gradual gain of body weight, which correlated with the gradual return of hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance. These results not only demonstrated that the obese and diabetic phenotypes in the adult ob/ob mice are corrected by leptin gene treatment but also provide confirming evidence that body weight control may be critical in the long-term management of non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in obese patients.


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This paper explores the ways in which the growth of obesity in the United States is likely to impact psychotherapy, particularly in its implications for the management and awareness of obesity stigma in therapists' work with obese clients. Obesity poses a dilemma because no element of an individual's identity should be stigmatized in psychotherapy, and yet obesity impacts the individual's physical health and psychological well-being (Ogden & Clementi, 2010). As stigma specific to obesity is only beginning to be understood, the purpose of this paper is to examine obesity stigma through the lens of Erving Goffman's (1963) theories put forth in his book Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity. A case example is offered as a means of understanding the therapeutic issue of weight loss and psychotherapy with an obese client, particularly from the standpoint of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.


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Concepts: %WL: Percentage of weight loss; %FL: Percentage of fat loss. Objective: evaluate which unit of measurement for weight loss could determine the success or failure of dietary treatment for overweight and obesity. Method: 4,625 consultations carried out on 616 patients in the southeast of Spain from 2006 to 2012. All of the patients were over 25 years of age and suffered from overweight or obesity. The consultations were carried out every fortnight, using the Mediterranean or low-calorie diet. The patients were divided into four groups according to their %WL and %FL. Results: most of the sample consisted of: women; participants between 25-45 years of age; attended consultations for over a month and a half; obese. 80% of the patients obtained a %FL ≥ 5% (15.5 ± 12.8). The groups with a higher %FL obtained significant differences in weight loss (22.6 vs 11.2%, p = 0.000). The multinomial analysis shows significant differences between the groups with the highest %FL and the lowest %WL and %FL: sex (p = 0.006 vs p = 0.005), BMI (p = 0.010 vs p = 0.003) and attendance (p = 0.000 vs p = 0.000). Conclusion: the patients who lost < 5% of fat had higher initial parameters (percentage of weight and fat); most of the sample lost ≥ 5% of fat. This means that the method of personalised dietary treatment results in a high fat loss; fat is an indicator of the quality loss obtained. Recommendations: use the measurement of fat as a complementary unit of measurement to weight loss; establish a limit of 5% to evaluate such loss; and increase this type of research in any method of weight loss.


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Aim: We aimed to explore the meaning of obesity in elderly persons with knee osteoarthritis (KO) and to determine the factors that encourage or discourage weight loss. Background: Various studies have demonstrated that body mass index is related to KO and that weight loss improves symptoms and functional capacity. However, dietary habits are difficult to modify and most education programs are ineffective. Design: A phenomenological qualitative study was conducted. Intentional sampling was performed in ten older persons with KO who had lost weight and improved their health-related quality of life after participating in a health education program. A thematic content analysis was conducted following the stages proposed by Miles and Huberman. Findings: Participants understood obesity as a risk factor for health problems and stigma. They believed that the cause of obesity was multifactorial and criticized health professionals for labeling them as “obese” and for assigning a moral value to slimness and diet. The factors identified as contributing to the effectiveness of the program were a tolerant attitude among health professionals, group education that encouraged motivation, quantitative dietary recommendations, and a meaningful learning model based on social learning theories. Conclusion: Dietary self-management without prohibitions helped participants to make changes in the quantity and timing of some food intake and to lose weight without sacrificing some foods that were deeply rooted in their culture and preferences. Dietary education programs should focus on health-related quality of life and include scientific knowledge but should also consider affective factors and the problems perceived as priorities by patients.


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Foods rich in adenine and hypoxanthine may contribute to the increase of uricemia. Hyperuricemia is associated with other pathological conditions pertaining to metabolic syndrome. Objective: the assessement of the impact of fiber rich diet on uricemia in patients with metabolic syndrome. Methods: the study involved 46 male patients with metabolic syndrome who claimed to have reduced mobility in fingers, hypertension, obesity, hyperglycemia and hyperuricemia. A validated questionnaire about dietary habits was applied at the beginning of the study and after 6 weeks of fiber-rich diet by eliminating from patients diet preparations of animal food and increased intake of vegetable foods. Blood presure, body mass index, blood glucose and uric acids were measured at the beginning of the study and after 6 weeks of fiber rich diet by daily consumption of 2 servings of added grains - 60g totally and vegetables 200g, fruits 300g respectively. Results: The study shows that at baseline all patients had an inadequate dietary intake of dietary fiber, 28.5 ± 2.2 g/day instead of 38 g per day.The increase in fiber intake of 10 ± 5 g/day was associated with a decrease of serum uric acid by 69.87% from 8.3  0.6 mg/dL to 5.8  0.5 mg/dL, p = 0.008, non-significant decrease of BMI (from 26.8  4.5 to 26.4  4.6 kg/m2, p<0.01), significant decrease of glycemia (from 130  0.8 to 105  4.2mg/dL, p <0.001) and significant decrease in blood pressure (from 150  10.6 to 130  8.4 mmHg, p <0.001). Conclusion: The fiber rich diet decreased blood uric acid, blood glucose levels an arterial pressure in patients with metabolic syndrome.


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Childhood obesity is becoming a topical issue in both the health literature and the popular media and increasingly child health nurses are observing preschool children who appear to be disproportionately heavy for their height when plotted on standardised growth charts. In this paper literature related to childhood obesity in New Zealand and internationally is explored to identify current issues, and the implications of these issues for nurses in community based child health practice are discussed. Themes that emerged from the literature relate to the measurement of obesity, links between childhood and adult obesity and issues for families. A theme in the literature around maternal perception was of particular interest. Studies that investigated maternal perceptions of childhood obesity found that mothers identified their child as being overweight or obese only when it imposed limitations on physical activity or when the children were teased rather than by referring to individual growth graphs. The implications for nursing in the area of child health practice is discussed as nurses working in this area need an understanding of the complex and often emotive issues surrounding childhood obesity and an awareness of the reality of people's lives when devising health promotion strategies.


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Objective: To assess the prevalence and impact of overweight and obesity in an Australian obstetric population. Design, setting and participants: The Mater Mother's Hospital (MMH), South Brisbane, is an urban tertiary referral maternity hospital. We reviewed data for the 18401 women who were booked for antenatal care at the MMH, delivered between January 1998 and December 2002, and had a singleton pregnancy. Of those women, 14 230 had an estimated pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI) noted in their record; 2978 women with BMI 40 kg/m(2)). Main outcome measures: Prevalence of overweight and obesity in an obstetric population; maternal, peripartum and neonatal outcomes associated with raised BMI. Results: Of the 14230 women, 6443 (45%) were of normal weight, and 4809 (34%) were overweight, obese or morbidly obese. Overweight, obese and morbidly obese women were at increased risk of adverse outcomes (figures represent adjusted odds ratio [AOR] [95% Cl]): hypertensive disorders of pregnancy (overweight 1.74 [1.45-2.15], obese 3.00 [2.40-3.74], morbidly obese 4.87 [3.27-7.24]); gestational diabetes (overweight 1.78 [1.25-2.52], obese 2.95 [2.05-4.25], morbidly obese 7.44 [4.42-12.54]); hospital admission longer than 5 days (overweight 1.36 [1.13-1.63], obese 1.49 [1.21-1.86], morbidly obese 3.18 [2.19-4.61]); and caesarean section (overweight 1.50 [1.36-1.66], obese 2.02 [1.79-2.29], morbidly obese 2.54 [1.94-3.321). Neonates born to obese and morbidly obese women had an increased risk of birth defects (obese 1.58 (1.02-2.46], morbidly obese 3.41 [1.67-6.94]); and hypoglycaemia (obese 2.57 [1.39-4.78], morbidly obese 7.14 [3.04-16.74]). Neonates born to morbidly obese women were at increased risk of admission to intensive care (2.77 [1.81-4.25]); premature delivery (< 34 weeks' gestation) (2.13 [1.13-4.01]); and jaundice (1.44 [1.09-1.89]). Conclusions: Overweight and obesity are common in pregnant women. Increasing BMI is associated with maternal and neonatal outcomes that may increase the costs of obstetric care. To assist in planning health service delivery, we believe that BMI should be routinely recorded on perinatal data collection sheets


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Since the 1980s UK government enthusiasm for market reforms has reconfigured the nature and scope of public services. Initially the marketisation of public services changed how public services were provided, increasingly market reforms and pro business policies have also modified the formation and understanding of public policy problematics and how they ought to be resolved. This is particularly noticeable when markets work imperfectly or even fail. UK governments have shown their reluctance to employ regulatory instruments to change the behaviour of companies preferring instead to make use of softer interventions, by focusing on providing advice for consumers and urging individuals to act responsibly. The dilemmas of this approach are explored by discussing the UK's former Labour government's (1997–2010) response to the increase in the incidence of obesity and related health complications.


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The management of hypertension, dyslipidaemia and hyperglycaemia often requires multiple medications that combine two or more agents with different modes of action to give additive efficacy. In some situations lower doses of two agents with different modes of action can achieve greater efficacy than a high dose of one agent. This is achieved by addressing different pathophysiological features of the disease, whilst at the same time producing fewer side effects than a high dose of one agent. Several examples of this have been described for combinations of blood glucose-lowering therapies in type 2 diabetes. However, the pill burden associated with multiple medications can reduce patient adherence and compromise the potential value of the treatments. To reduce the number of daily doses, single-tablet (‘fixed-dose’) combinations have been introduced to offer greater convenience. There are several ant-diabetic FDCs, mostly combining metformin with another type of glucose-lowering agent. The UK has been less enthusiastic about FDCs than many other parts of the world, and does not have most of these combinations available. One of the concerns expressed about FDCs is a reduced flexibility to select desired doses of the two agents for dose titration. However, in practise the variety of dosage strengths for most FDCs matches the dosages available as separate tablets. Another concern has been the preference to add drugs one at a time to be able to attribute any adverse effects. In most cases the FDC is used when a second drug has been added to a monotherapy that is already a component of the FDC, so it is only the same as adding one agent but without increasing the pill burden.


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There has been a great deal of media attention given to the rising levels of obesity and overweight in children and adolescents, but what is the real cost of pediatric obesity? This article reviews information about the recent rise in pediatric obesity and discusses the cost of this condition from medical, financial and psychological perspectives.