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El objetivo de este estudio es analizar el impacto, en emisiones de CO2, de la demanda final de Cataluña en relación a los vínculos comerciales interregionales con el resto de España y el resto del mundo. Este proceso implica el análisis del balance en CO2 incorporado para Cataluña, lo que permitirá evaluar la responsabilidad de la economía catalana respecto a estas emisiones. Para este propósito se construye, para esta determinada desagregación regional, un modelo Multi-Regional Input-Output (MRIO) extendido al medioambiente con sectores verticalmente integrados. La incorporación de la técnica de la integración vertical nos permite un enfoque alternativo para el Balance Neto y un análisis más detallado de los vínculos interregionales entre los diversos sectores productivos, centrado en la responsabilidad última de la demanda final de cada sector en cada región. Hasta el momento, los estudios previos sobre los impactos medioambientales incorporados al comercio español se han centrado principalmente en el ámbito nacional. No obstante, por un lado el comercio interregional con el resto de España en términos monetarios representa cerca de la mitad del comercio exterior catalán. Por otro lado, los distintos metabolismos energéticos de ambas economías tienen como consecuencia una importante diferencia en la intensidad de emisión en la producción de bienes y servicios. Esta situación genera para Cataluña un déficit en el Balance Neto estimado con el resto de España, aún teniendo un importante superávit monetario. De esto se desprende la importancia de integrar el nivel interregional en los estudios de los impactos medioambientales incorporados en el comercio y, en consecuencia, en la planificación y formalización de políticas económicas y ambientales a nivel nacional.
Annual Output Statement 2007 For Health Group of Votes The overall aim of this Vote Group is to provide health and personal social services to improve the health and well being of the people of Ireland in a manner that promotes better health for everyone, fair access, responsive and appropriate care delivery and high performance. The money voted goes to the of Health and Children (Vote 39), the Health Service Executive (Vote 40), and the Office of the Minister for Children (Vote 41). Click here to download PDF 92kb
The overall aim of this Vote Group is to provide health and personal social services to improve the health and well being of the people of Ireland in a manner that promotes better health for everyone, fair access, responsive and appropriate care delivery and high performance. The money voted goes to the Department of Health and Children (Vote 39), the Health Service Executive (Vote 40), and the Office of the Minister for Children (Vote 41). The Department of Health and Children has responsibility for the overall organisational, legislative, policy and financial accountability framework for the health sector. The Health Service Executive is responsible for the management and delivery of health and personal social services within available resources. The Office of the Minister for Children (OMC) brings together functions relating to children and their well being, along with policy functions on Youth Justice and Early Years Education. Download document here
The overall aim of this Vote Group is to provide health and personal social services to improve the health and well being of the people of Ireland in a manner that promotes better health for every one, fair access, responsive and appropriate care delivery and high performance. The money voted goes to the Department of Health and Children (Vote 39), the Health Service Executive (Vote 40), and the Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs (Vote 41). The Department of Health and Children has responsibility for the overall organisational, legislative, policy and financial accountability framework for the health sector. The Health Service Executive is responsible for the management and delivery of health and personal social services within available resources. The Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs brings together functions relating to children and their well being, along with policy functions on Youth Justice and Early Years Education. This Output Statement is the third of its kind attempting to match outputs and strategic impacts to financial and staffing resources for the financial year. The Statement also reports on outputs achieved for 2008. Click here to download PDF 443kb
The overall aim of this Vote Group is to provide health and personal social services to improve the health and well being of the people of Ireland in a manner that promotes better health for everyone, fair access, responsive and appropriate care delivery and high performance. The money voted goes to the Department of Health and Children (Vote 39), the Health Service Executive (Vote 40), and the Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs (Vote 41). The Department of Health and Children has responsibility for the overall organisational, legislative, policy and financial accountability framework for the health sector. The Health Service Executive is responsible for the management and delivery of health and personal social services within available resources. The Office of the Minister for Children and Youth Affairs brings together functions relating to children and their well being, along with policy functions on youth justice and early years education. Click here to download Annual Output Statement For Health Group of Votes 2010 PDF 187KB Click here to download Additional notes for readers PDF 17KB
The overall aim of this Vote Group is to provide health and personal social services to improve the health and well being of the people of Ireland in a manner that promotes better health for everyone, fair access, responsive and appropriate care delivery and high performance. The money voted goes to the Department of Health (Vote 38), and the Health Service Executive (Vote 39). The Department of Health has responsibility for the overall organisational, legislative, policy and financial accountability framework for the health sector. The Health Service Executive is responsible for the management and delivery of health and personal social services within available resources. Click here to download
The Andalusian Public Health System (Sistema Sanitario Público de Andalucía -SSPA) Repository is the open environment where all the scientific output generated by the SSPA professionals, resulting from their medical care, research and administrative activities, is comprehensively collected and managed. This repository possesses special features which determined its development: the SSPA organization and its purpose as a health institution, the specific sets of documents that it generates and the stakeholders involved in it. The repository uses DSpace 1.6.2, to which several changes were implemented in order to achieve the SSPA initial goals and requirements. The main changes were: the addition of specific qualifiers to the Metadata Dublin Core scheme, the modification of the submission form, the integration of the MeSH Thesaurus as controlled vocabulary and the optimization of the advanced search tool. Another key point during the setting up of the repository was the initial batch ingest of the documents.
CO2 emissions induced by human activities are the major cause of climate change; hence, strong environmental policy that limits the growing dependence on fossil fuel is indispensable. Tradable permits and environmental taxes are the usual tools used in CO2 reduction strategies. Such economic tools provide incentives to polluting industries to reduce their emissions through market signals. The aim of this work is to investigate the direct and indirect effects of an environmental tax on Spanish products and services. We apply an environmentally extended input-output (EIO) model to identify CO2 emission intensities of products and services and, accordingly, we estimate the tax proportional to these intensities. The short-term price effects are analyzed using an input-output price model. The effect of tax introduction on consumption prices and its influence on consumers’ welfare are determined. We also quantify the environmental impacts of such taxation in terms of the reduction in CO2 emissions. The results, based on the Spanish economy for the year 2007, show that sectors with relatively poor environmental profile are subjected to high environmental tax rates. And consequently, applying a CO2 tax on these sectors, increases production prices and induces a slight increase in consumer price index and a decrease in private welfare. The revenue from the tax could be used to counter balance the negative effects on social welfare and also to stimulate the increase of renewable energy shares in the most impacting sectors. Finally, our analysis highlights that the environmental and economic goals cannot be met at the same time with the environmental taxation and this shows the necessity of finding other (complementary or alternative) measures to ensure both the economic and ecological efficiencies. Keywords: CO2 emissions; environmental tax; input-output model, effects of environmental taxation.
The aim of this paper is to analyse the impact of university knowledge and technology transfer activities on academic research output. Specifically, we study whether researchers with collaborative links with the private sector publish less than their peers without such links, once controlling for other sources of heterogeneity. We report findings from a longitudinal dataset on researchers from two engineering departments in the UK between 1985 until 2006. Our results indicate that researchers with industrial links publish significantly more than their peers. Academic productivity, though, is higher for low levels of industry involvement as compared to high levels.
We evaluate conditional predictive densities for U.S. output growth and inflationusing a number of commonly used forecasting models that rely on a large number ofmacroeconomic predictors. More specifically, we evaluate how well conditional predictive densities based on the commonly used normality assumption fit actual realizationsout-of-sample. Our focus on predictive densities acknowledges the possibility that, although some predictors can improve or deteriorate point forecasts, they might have theopposite effect on higher moments. We find that normality is rejected for most modelsin some dimension according to at least one of the tests we use. Interestingly, however,combinations of predictive densities appear to be correctly approximated by a normaldensity: the simple, equal average when predicting output growth and Bayesian modelaverage when predicting inflation.
We examine the dynamics of US output and inflation using a structural time varyingcoefficient VAR. We show that there are changes in the volatility of both variables andin the persistence of inflation. Technology shocks explain changes in output volatility,while a combination of technology, demand and monetary shocks explain variations inthe persistence and volatility of inflation. We detect changes over time in the transmission of technology shocks and in the variance of technology and of monetary policyshocks. Hours and labor productivity always increase in response to technology shocks.
We analyze the effects of neutral and investment-specific technology shockson hours and output. Long cycles in hours are captured in a variety of ways.Hours robustly fall in response to neutral shocks and robustly increase inresponse to investment specific shocks. The percentage of the variance ofhours (output) explained by neutral shocks is small (large); the opposite istrue for investment specific shocks. News shocks are uncorrelated with theestimated technology shocks.
We examine the dynamics of output growth and inflation in the US, Euro area and UK using a structural time varying coefficient VAR. There are important similarities in structural inflation dynamics across countries; output growth dynamics differ. Swings in the magnitude of inflation and output growth volatilities and persistences are accounted for by a combination of three structural shocks. Changes over time in the structure of the economy are limited and permanent variations largely absent. Changes in the volatilities of structural shocks matter.