971 resultados para OPEN QUANTUM-SYSTEMS


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Gough, John, 'Quantum Stratonovich Stochastic Calculus and the Quantum Wong-Zakai Theorem', Journal of Mathematical Physics. 47, 113509, (2006)


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Gough, John, (2004) 'Quantum Flows as Markovian Limit of Emission, Absorption and Scattering Interactions', Communications in Mathematical Physics 254 pp.498-512 RAE2008


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Gough, John, (2004) 'Holevo-Ordering and the Continuous-Time Limit for Open Floquet Dynamics', Letters in Mathematical Physcis 67(3) pp.207-221 RAE2008


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The simulation of open quantum dynamics has recently allowed the direct investigation of the features of system-environment interaction and of their consequences on the evolution of a quantum system. Such interaction threatens the quantum properties of the system, spoiling them and causing the phenomenon of decoherence. Sometimes however a coherent exchange of information takes place between system and environment, memory effects arise and the dynamics of the system becomes non-Markovian. Here we report the experimental realisation of a non-Markovian process where system and environment are coupled through a simulated transverse Ising model. By engineering the evolution in a photonic quantum simulator, we demonstrate the role played by system-environment correlations in the emergence of memory effects.


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During recent years, quantum information processing and the study of N−qubit quantum systems have attracted a lot of interest, both in theory and experiment. Apart from the promise of performing efficient quantum information protocols, such as quantum key distribution, teleportation or quantum computation, however, these investigations also revealed a great deal of difficulties which still need to be resolved in practise. Quantum information protocols rely on the application of unitary and non–unitary quantum operations that act on a given set of quantum mechanical two-state systems (qubits) to form (entangled) states, in which the information is encoded. The overall system of qubits is often referred to as a quantum register. Today the entanglement in a quantum register is known as the key resource for many protocols of quantum computation and quantum information theory. However, despite the successful demonstration of several protocols, such as teleportation or quantum key distribution, there are still many open questions of how entanglement affects the efficiency of quantum algorithms or how it can be protected against noisy environments. To facilitate the simulation of such N−qubit quantum systems and the analysis of their entanglement properties, we have developed the Feynman program. The program package provides all necessary tools in order to define and to deal with quantum registers, quantum gates and quantum operations. Using an interactive and easily extendible design within the framework of the computer algebra system Maple, the Feynman program is a powerful toolbox not only for teaching the basic and more advanced concepts of quantum information but also for studying their physical realization in the future. To this end, the Feynman program implements a selection of algebraic separability criteria for bipartite and multipartite mixed states as well as the most frequently used entanglement measures from the literature. Additionally, the program supports the work with quantum operations and their associated (Jamiolkowski) dual states. Based on the implementation of several popular decoherence models, we provide tools especially for the quantitative analysis of quantum operations. As an application of the developed tools we further present two case studies in which the entanglement of two atomic processes is investigated. In particular, we have studied the change of the electron-ion spin entanglement in atomic photoionization and the photon-photon polarization entanglement in the two-photon decay of hydrogen. The results show that both processes are, in principle, suitable for the creation and control of entanglement. Apart from process-specific parameters like initial atom polarization, it is mainly the process geometry which offers a simple and effective instrument to adjust the final state entanglement. Finally, for the case of the two-photon decay of hydrogenlike systems, we study the difference between nonlocal quantum correlations, as given by the violation of the Bell inequality and the concurrence as a true entanglement measure.


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Quantum technology, exploiting entanglement and the wave nature of matter, relies on the ability to accurately control quantum systems. Quantum control is often compromised by the interaction of the system with its environment since this causes loss of amplitude and phase. However, when the dynamics of the open quantum system is non-Markovian, amplitude and phase flow not only from the system into the environment but also back. Interaction with the environment is then not necessarily detrimental. We show that the back-flow of amplitude and phase can be exploited to carry out quantum control tasks that could not be realized if the system was isolated. The control is facilitated by a few strongly coupled, sufficiently isolated environmental modes. Our paradigmatic example considers a weakly anharmonic ladder with resonant amplitude control only, restricting realizable operations to SO(N). The coupling to the environment, when harnessed with optimization techniques, allows for full SU(N) controllability.


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In this thesis we will investigate some properties of one-dimensional quantum systems. From a theoretical point of view quantum models in one dimension are particularly interesting because they are strongly interacting, since particles cannot avoid each other in their motion, and you we can never ignore collisions. Yet, integrable models often generate new and non-trivial solutions, which could not be found perturbatively. In this dissertation we shall focus on two important aspects of integrable one- dimensional models: Their entanglement properties at equilibrium and their dynamical correlators after a quantum quench. The first part of the thesis will be therefore devoted to the study of the entanglement entropy in one- dimensional integrable systems, with a special focus on the XYZ spin-1/2 chain, which, in addition to being integrable, is also an interacting model. We will derive its Renyi entropies in the thermodynamic limit and its behaviour in different phases and for different values of the mass-gap will be analysed. In the second part of the thesis we will instead study the dynamics of correlators after a quantum quench , which represent a powerful tool to measure how perturbations and signals propagate through a quantum chain. The emphasis will be on the Transverse Field Ising Chain and the O(3) non-linear sigma model, which will be both studied by means of a semi-classical approach. Moreover in the last chapter we will demonstrate a general result about the dynamics of correlation functions of local observables after a quantum quench in integrable systems. In particular we will show that if there are not long-range interactions in the final Hamiltonian, then the dynamics of the model (non equal- time correlations) is described by the same statistical ensemble that describes its statical properties (equal-time correlations).


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In the thesis, we discuss some aspects of 1D quantum systems related to entanglement entropies; in particular, we develop a new numerical method for the detection of crossovers in Luttinger liquids, and we discuss the behaviour of Rényi entropies in open conformal systems, when the boundary conditions preserve their conformal invariance.


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Die Untersuchung von dissipativen Quantensystemen erm¨oglicht es, Quantenph¨anomene auch auf makroskopischen L¨angenskalen zu beobachten. Das in dieser Dissertation gew¨ahlte mikroskopische Modell erlaubt es, den bisher nur ph¨anomenologisch zug¨anglichen Effekt der Quantendissipation mathematisch und physikalisch herzuleiten und zu untersuchen. Bei dem betrachteten mikroskopischen Modell handelt es sich um eine 1-dimensionale Kette von harmonischen Freiheitsgraden, die sowohl untereinander als auch an r anharmonische Freiheitsgrade gekoppelt sind. Die F¨alle einer, respektive zwei anharmonischer Bindungen werden in dieser Arbeit explizit betrachtet. Hierf¨ur wird eine analytische Trennung der harmonischen von den anharmonischen Freiheitsgraden auf zwei verschiedenen Wegen durchgef¨uhrt. Das anharmonische Potential wird als symmetrisches Doppelmuldenpotential gew¨ahlt, welches mit Hilfe der Wick Rotation die Berechnung der ¨Uberg¨ange zwischen beiden Minima erlaubt. Das Eliminieren der harmonischen Freiheitsgrade erfolgt mit Hilfe des wohlbekannten Feynman-Vernon Pfadintegral-Formalismus [21]. In dieser Arbeit wird zuerst die Positionsabh¨angigkeit einer anharmonischen Bindung im Tunnelverhalten untersucht. F¨ur den Fall einer fernab von den R¨andern lokalisierten anharmonischen Bindung wird ein Ohmsches dissipatives Tunneln gefunden, was bei der Temperatur T = 0 zu einem Phasen¨ubergang in Abh¨angigkeit einer kritischen Kopplungskonstanten Ccrit f¨uhrt. Dieser Phasen¨ubergang wurde bereits in rein ph¨anomenologisches Modellen mit Ohmscher Dissipation durch das Abbilden des Systems auf das Ising-Modell [26] erkl¨art. Wenn die anharmonische Bindung jedoch an einem der R¨ander der makroskopisch grossen Kette liegt, tritt nach einer vom Abstand der beiden anharmonischen Bindungen abh¨angigen Zeit tD ein ¨Ubergang von Ohmscher zu super- Ohmscher Dissipation auf, welche im Kern KM(τ ) klar sichtbar ist. F¨ur zwei anharmonische Bindungen spielt deren indirekteWechselwirkung eine entscheidende Rolle. Es wird gezeigt, dass der Abstand D beider Bindungen und die Wahl des Anfangs- und Endzustandes die Dissipation bestimmt. Unter der Annahme, dass beide anharmonischen Bindung gleichzeitig tunneln, wird eine Tunnelwahrscheinlichkeit p(t) analog zu [14], jedoch f¨ur zwei anharmonische Bindungen, berechnet. Als Resultat erhalten wir entweder Ohmsche Dissipation f¨ur den Fall, dass beide anharmonischen Bindungen ihre Gesamtl¨ange ¨andern, oder super-Ohmsche Dissipation, wenn beide anharmonischen Bindungen durch das Tunneln ihre Gesamtl¨ange nicht ¨andern.


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The A(n-1) Gaudin model with integrable boundaries specified by non-diagonal K-matrices is studied. The commuting families of Gaudin operators are diagonalized by the algebraic Bethe ansatz method. The eigenvalues and the corresponding Bethe ansatz equations are obtained. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The physical implementation of quantum information processing is one of the major challenges of current research. In the last few years, several theoretical proposals and experimental demonstrations on a small number of qubits have been carried out, but a quantum computing architecture that is straightforwardly scalable, universal, and realizable with state-of-the-art technology is still lacking. In particular, a major ultimate objective is the construction of quantum simulators, yielding massively increased computational power in simulating quantum systems. Here we investigate promising routes towards the actual realization of a quantum computer, based on spin systems. The first one employs molecular nanomagnets with a doublet ground state to encode each qubit and exploits the wide chemical tunability of these systems to obtain the proper topology of inter-qubit interactions. Indeed, recent advances in coordination chemistry allow us to arrange these qubits in chains, with tailored interactions mediated by magnetic linkers. These act as switches of the effective qubit-qubit coupling, thus enabling the implementation of one- and two-qubit gates. Molecular qubits can be controlled either by uniform magnetic pulses, either by local electric fields. We introduce here two different schemes for quantum information processing with either global or local control of the inter-qubit interaction and demonstrate the high performance of these platforms by simulating the system time evolution with state-of-the-art parameters. The second architecture we propose is based on a hybrid spin-photon qubit encoding, which exploits the best characteristic of photons, whose mobility is exploited to efficiently establish long-range entanglement, and spin systems, which ensure long coherence times. The setup consists of spin ensembles coherently coupled to single photons within superconducting coplanar waveguide resonators. The tunability of the resonators frequency is exploited as the only manipulation tool to implement a universal set of quantum gates, by bringing the photons into/out of resonance with the spin transition. The time evolution of the system subject to the pulse sequence used to implement complex quantum algorithms has been simulated by numerically integrating the master equation for the system density matrix, thus including the harmful effects of decoherence. Finally a scheme to overcome the leakage of information due to inhomogeneous broadening of the spin ensemble is pointed out. Both the proposed setups are based on state-of-the-art technological achievements. By extensive numerical experiments we show that their performance is remarkably good, even for the implementation of long sequences of gates used to simulate interesting physical models. Therefore, the here examined systems are really promising buildingblocks of future scalable architectures and can be used for proof-of-principle experiments of quantum information processing and quantum simulation.


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While fault-tolerant quantum computation might still be years away, analog quantum simulators offer a way to leverage current quantum technologies to study classically intractable quantum systems. Cutting edge quantum simulators such as those utilizing ultracold atoms are beginning to study physics which surpass what is classically tractable. As the system sizes of these quantum simulators increase, there are also concurrent gains in the complexity and types of Hamiltonians which can be simulated. In this work, I describe advances toward the realization of an adaptable, tunable quantum simulator capable of surpassing classical computation. We simulate long-ranged Ising and XY spin models which can have global arbitrary transverse and longitudinal fields in addition to individual transverse fields using a linear chain of up to 24 Yb+ 171 ions confined in a linear rf Paul trap. Each qubit is encoded in the ground state hyperfine levels of an ion. Spin-spin interactions are engineered by the application of spin-dependent forces from laser fields, coupling spin to motion. Each spin can be read independently using state-dependent fluorescence. The results here add yet more tools to an ever growing quantum simulation toolbox. One of many challenges has been the coherent manipulation of individual qubits. By using a surprisingly large fourth-order Stark shifts in a clock-state qubit, we demonstrate an ability to individually manipulate spins and apply independent Hamiltonian terms, greatly increasing the range of quantum simulations which can be implemented. As quantum systems grow beyond the capability of classical numerics, a constant question is how to verify a quantum simulation. Here, I present measurements which may provide useful metrics for large system sizes and demonstrate them in a system of up to 24 ions during a classically intractable simulation. The observed values are consistent with extremely large entangled states, as much as ~95% of the system entangled. Finally, we use many of these techniques in order to generate a spin Hamiltonian which fails to thermalize during experimental time scales due to a meta-stable state which is often called prethermal. The observed prethermal state is a new form of prethermalization which arises due to long-range interactions and open boundary conditions, even in the thermodynamic limit. This prethermalization is observed in a system of up to 22 spins. We expect that system sizes can be extended up to 30 spins with only minor upgrades to the current apparatus. These results emphasize that as the technology improves, the techniques and tools developed here can potentially be used to perform simulations which will surpass the capability of even the most sophisticated classical techniques, enabling the study of a whole new regime of quantum many-body physics.


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Open-source software systems have become a viable alternative to proprietary systems. We collected data on the usage of an open-source workflow management system developed by a university research group, and examined this data with a focus on how three different user cohorts – students, academics and industry professionals – develop behavioral intentions to use the system. Building upon a framework of motivational components, we examined the group differences in extrinsic versus intrinsic motivations on continued usage intentions. Our study provides a detailed understanding of the use of open-source workflow management systems in different user communities. Moreover, it discusses implications for the provision of workflow management systems, the user-specific management of open-source systems and the development of services in the wider user community.


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Consider the concept combination ‘pet human’. In word association experiments, human subjects produce the associate ‘slave’ in relation to this combination. The striking aspect of this associate is that it is not produced as an associate of ‘pet’, or ‘human’ in isolation. In other words, the associate ‘slave’ seems to be emergent. Such emergent associations sometimes have a creative character and cognitive science is largely silent about how we produce them. Departing from a dimensional model of human conceptual space, this article will explore concept combinations, and will argue that emergent associations are a result of abductive reasoning within conceptual space, that is, below the symbolic level of cognition. A tensor-based approach is used to model concept combinations allowing such combinations to be formalized as interacting quantum systems. Free association norm data is used to motivate the underlying basis of the conceptual space. It is shown by analogy how some concept combinations may behave like quantum-entangled (non-separable) particles. Two methods of analysis were presented for empirically validating the presence of non-separable concept combinations in human cognition. One method is based on quantum theory and another based on comparing a joint (true theoretic) probability distribution with another distribution based on a separability assumption using a chi-square goodness-of-fit test. Although these methods were inconclusive in relation to an empirical study of bi-ambiguous concept combinations, avenues for further refinement of these methods are identified.


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Compositionality is a frequently made assumption in linguistics, and yet many human subjects reveal highly non-compositional word associations when confronted with novel concept combinations. This article will show how a non-compositional account of concept combinations can be supplied by modelling them as interacting quantum systems.