998 resultados para Nye, Andrea


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At first, the main author of the book was presented together with the Italian source text: it was pointed out her double role of author and protagonist of the very events narrated in the book, inspired from facts which truly happened and which have to do with the story of her family. Afterwards, the translation part itself follows. Some pages taken from the original Italian book were translated into English; the parts which have been chosen are various extracts which were thought as a leading thread to understand the meaning and the intention of the entire book. After the translation, the analysis part was presented, where idiomatic expressions which can be found in great quantity throughout the book, are explained and commented. Here, clarifications can also be found concerning geographical and historical references, and something about the main characters who stand for people that truly existed. Finally some other little extracts from the book were included: they were translated and some translating choices were explained. These extra parts were integrated in the thesis in order to point out the main difficulty of translating the book La Collina, that is, the presence of a great deal of idiomatic and slang expressions both of everyday colloquial use and concerning the field of drugs. The English translation of these parts had to sound natural and spontaneous to an English-speaking readership, which should not notice they were translated from Italian. A great deal of research on the Internet was carried out in order to make sure those expressions didn’t seem contrived and unnatural in English: this was one of the main concerns of the translation.


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Andrea Memmo ist in der Geschichte der Architekturtheorie vor allem deswegen bekannt, weil er durch die Veröffentlichung der 'Elementi d'architettura lodoliana, ossia l'arte del fabricare con solidità scientifica e con eleganza non capricciosa' (Rom 1786) entscheidend dazu beigetragen hat, die originellen architektonischen Konzepte der Nachwelt zu überliefern, die der venezianische Franziskaner Carlo Lodoli zwischen 1730 und 1750 mündlich verbreitet hatte. Der vorliegende Beitrag unternimmt es, anhand des bislang für verloren gehaltenen 'Piano Accademico', den Memmo um 1767 für die venezianische Akademie zum Zwecke der Unterrichtsreform der bildenden Künste (Skulptur, Malerei und Architektur) ausgearbeitet hatte, klarzustellen, welche wichtige Rolle der Aufenthalt in Rom für Memmo gespielt hat. Dies wird auch durch die Briefe belegt, die er während der Ausarbeitung seines Werkes über Lodoli verfasst hatte. Im Rom der 1780er Jahre waren für ihn ausschlaggebend 1. die Beziehungen zur dortigen Accademia di S. Luca und 2. seine Freundschaft zum spanische Botschafter José Nicolas de Azara. Azara hatte ihn dazu ermutigt, über den Padre Lodoli zu schreiben, um dessen Gedanken denen des mit Azara befreundeten Francesco Milizia gegenüberzustellen.


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Signatur des Originals: S 36/F06670


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Signatur des Originals: S 36/G00578