68 resultados para Notches


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La investigación realizada en este trabajo de tesis se ha centrado en el estudio de la generación, anclaje y desenganche de paredes de dominio magnético en nanohilos de permalloy con defectos controlados. Las últimas tecnologías de nanofabricación han abierto importantes líneas de investigación centradas en el estudio del movimiento de paredes de dominio magnético, gracias a su potencial aplicación en memorias magnéticas del futuro. En el 2004, Stuart Parkin de IBM introdujo un concepto innovador, el dispositivo “Racetrack”, basado en un nanohilo ferromagnético donde los dominios de imanación representan los "bits" de información. La frontera entre dominios, ie pared magnética, se moverían en una situación ideal por medio de transferencia de espín de una corriente polarizada. Se anclan en determinadas posiciones gracias a pequeños defectos o constricciones de tamaño nanométrico fabricados por litografía electrónica. El éxito de esta idea se basa en la generación, anclaje y desenganche de las paredes de dominio de forma controlada y repetitiva, tanto para la lectura como para la escritura de los bits de información. Slonczewski en 1994 muestra que la corriente polarizada de espín puede transferir momento magnético a la imanación local y así mover paredes por transferencia de espín y no por el campo creado por la corriente. Desde entonces muchos grupos de investigación de todo el mundo trabajan en optimizar las condiciones de transferencia de espín para mover paredes de dominio. La fracción de electrones polarizados que viaja en un hilo ferromagnético es considerablemente pequeña, así hoy por hoy la corriente necesaria para mover una pared magnética por transferencia de espín es superior a 1 107 A/cm2. Una densidad de corriente tan elevada no sólo tiene como consecuencia una importante degradación del dispositivo sino también se observan importantes efectos relacionados con el calentamiento por efecto Joule inducido por la corriente. Otro de los problemas científico - tecnológicos a resolver es la diversidad de paredes de dominio magnético ancladas en el defecto. Los diferentes tipos de pared anclados en el defecto, su quiralidad o el campo o corriente necesarios para desenganchar la pared pueden variar dependiendo si el defecto posee dimensiones ligeramente diferentes o si la pared se ancla con un método distinto. Además, existe una componente estocástica presente tanto en la nucleación como en el proceso de anclaje y desenganche que por un lado puede ser debido a la naturaleza de la pared que viaja por el hilo a una determinada temperatura distinta de cero, así como a defectos inevitables en el proceso de fabricación. Esto constituye un gran inconveniente dado que según el tipo de pared es necesario aplicar distintos valores de corriente y/o campo para desenganchar la pared del defecto. Como se menciona anteriormente, para realizar de forma eficaz la lectura y escritura de los bits de información, es necesaria la inyección, anclaje y desenganche forma controlada y repetitiva. Esto implica generar, anclar y desenganchar las paredes de dominio siempre en las mismas condiciones, ie siempre a la misma corriente o campo aplicado. Por ello, en el primer capítulo de resultados de esta tesis estudiamos el anclaje y desenganche de paredes de dominio en defectos de seis formas distintas, cada uno, de dos profundidades diferentes. Hemos realizado un análisis estadístico en diferentes hilos, donde hemos estudiado la probabilidad de anclaje cada tipo de defecto y la dispersión en el valor de campo magnético aplicado necesario para desenganchar la pared. Luego, continuamos con el estudio de la nucleación de las paredes de dominio magnético con pulsos de corriente a través una linea adyacente al nanohilo. Estudiamos defectos de tres formas distintas e identificamos, en función del valor de campo magnético aplicado, los distintos tipos de paredes de dominio anclados en cada uno de ellos. Además, con la ayuda de este método de inyección que es rápido y eficaz, hemos sido capaces de generar y anclar un único tipo de pared minimizando el comportamiento estocástico de la pared mencionado anteriormente. En estas condiciones óptimas, hemos estudiado el desenganche de las paredes de dominio por medio de corriente polarizada en espín, donde hemos conseguido desenganchar la pared de forma controlada y repetitiva siempre para los mismos valores de corriente y campo magnético aplicados. Además, aplicando pulsos de corriente en distintas direcciones, estudiamos en base a su diferencia, la contribución térmica debido al efecto Joule. Los resultados obtenidos representan un importante avance hacia la explotación práctica de este tipo de dispositivos. ABSTRACT The research activity of this thesis was focused on the nucleation, pinning and depinning of magnetic domain walls (DWs) in notched permalloy nanowires. The access to nanofabrication techniques has boosted the number of applications based on magnetic domain walls (DWs) like memory devices. In 2004, Stuart Parkin at IBM, conceived an innovative concept, the “racetrack memory” based on a ferromagnetic nanowire were the magnetic domains constitute the “bits” of information. The frontier between those magnetic domains, ie magnetic domain wall, will move ideally assisted by a spin polarized current. DWs will pin at certain positions due to artificially created pinning sites or “notches” fabricated with ebeam lithography. The success of this idea relies on the careful and predictable control on DW nucleation and a defined pinning-depinning process in order to read and write the bits of information. Sloncsewski in 1994 shows that a spin polarized current can transfer magnetic moment to the local magnetization to move the DWs instead of the magnetic field created by the current. Since then many research groups worldwide have been working on optimizing the conditions for the current induced DW motion due to the spin transfer effect. The fraction of spin polarized electrons traveling through a ferromagnetic nanowire is considerably small, so nowadays the current density required to move a DW by STT exceeds 1 107 A/cm2. A high current density not only can produce a significant degradation of the device but also important effects related to Joule heating were also observed . There are other scientific and technological issues to solve regarding the diversity of DWs states pinned at the notch. The types of DWs pinned, their chirality or their characteristic depinning current or field, may change if the notch has slightly different dimensions, the stripe has different thickness or even if the DW is pinned by a different procedure. Additionally, there is a stochastic component in both the injection of the DW and in its pinning-depinning process, which may be partly intrinsic to the nature of the travelling DW at a non-zero temperature and partly due to the unavoidable defects introduced during the nano-fabrication process. This constitutes an important inconvenient because depending on the DW type different values of current of magnetic field need to be applied in order to depin a DW from the notch. As mentioned earlier, in order to write and read the bits of information accurately, a controlled reproducible and predictable pinning- depinning process is required. This implies to nucleate, pin and depin always at the same applied magnetic field or current. Therefore, in the first chapter of this thesis we studied the pinning and depinning of DW in six different notch shapes and two depths. An statistical analysis was conducted in order to determine which notch type performed best in terms of pinning probability and the dispersion measured in the magnetic field necessary to depin the magnetic DWs. Then, we continued studying the nucleation of DWs with nanosecond current pulses by an adjacent conductive stripe. We studied the conditions for DW injection that allow a selective pinning of the different types of DWs in Permalloy nanostripes with 3 different notch shapes. Furthermore, with this injection method, which has proven to be fast and reliable, we manage to nucleate only one type of DW avoiding its stochastic behavior mentioned earlier. Having achieved this optimized conditions we studied current induced depinning where we also achieved a controlled and reproducible depinning process at always the same applied current and magnetic field. Additionally, changing the pulse polarity we studied the joule heating contribution in a current induced depinning process. The results obtained represent an important step towards the practical exploitation of these devices.


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At the level of the cochlear nucleus (CN), the auditory pathway divides into several parallel circuits, each of which provides a different representation of the acoustic signal. Here, the representation of the power spectrum of an acoustic signal is analyzed for two CN principal cells—chopper neurons of the ventral CN and type IV neurons of the dorsal CN. The analysis is based on a weighting function model that relates the discharge rate of a neuron to first- and second-order transformations of the power spectrum. In chopper neurons, the transformation of spectral level into rate is a linear (i.e., first-order) or nearly linear function. This transformation is a predominantly excitatory process involving multiple frequency components, centered in a narrow frequency range about best frequency, that usually are processed independently of each other. In contrast, type IV neurons encode spectral information linearly only near threshold. At higher stimulus levels, these neurons are strongly inhibited by spectral notches, a behavior that cannot be explained by level transformations of first- or second-order. Type IV weighting functions reveal complex excitatory and inhibitory interactions that involve frequency components spanning a wider range than that seen in choppers. These findings suggest that chopper and type IV neurons form parallel pathways of spectral information transmission that are governed by two different mechanisms. Although choppers use a predominantly linear mechanism to transmit tonotopic representations of spectra, type IV neurons use highly nonlinear processes to signal the presence of wide-band spectral features.


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La presente Tesi ha per oggetto lo sviluppo e la validazione di nuovi criteri per la verifica a fatica multiassiale di componenti strutturali metallici . In particolare, i nuovi criteri formulati risultano applicabili a componenti metallici, soggetti ad un’ampia gamma di configurazioni di carico: carichi multiassiali variabili nel tempo, in modo ciclico e random, per alto e basso/medio numero di cicli di carico. Tali criteri costituiscono un utile strumento nell’ambito della valutazione della resistenza/vita a fatica di elementi strutturali metallici, essendo di semplice implementazione, e richiedendo tempi di calcolo piuttosto modesti. Nel primo Capitolo vengono presentate le problematiche relative alla fatica multiassiale, introducendo alcuni aspetti teorici utili a descrivere il meccanismo di danneggiamento a fatica (propagazione della fessura e frattura finale) di componenti strutturali metallici soggetti a carichi variabili nel tempo. Vengono poi presentati i diversi approcci disponibili in letteratura per la verifica a fatica multiassiale di tali componenti, con particolare attenzione all'approccio del piano critico. Infine, vengono definite le grandezze ingegneristiche correlate al piano critico, utilizzate nella progettazione a fatica in presenza di carichi multiassiali ciclici per alto e basso/medio numero di cicli di carico. Il secondo Capitolo è dedicato allo sviluppo di un nuovo criterio per la valutazione della resistenza a fatica di elementi strutturali metallici soggetti a carichi multiassiali ciclici e alto numero di cicli. Il criterio risulta basato sull'approccio del piano critico ed è formulato in termini di tensioni. Lo sviluppo del criterio viene affrontato intervenendo in modo significativo su una precedente formulazione proposta da Carpinteri e collaboratori nel 2011. In particolare, il primo intervento riguarda la determinazione della giacitura del piano critico: nuove espressioni dell'angolo che lega la giacitura del piano critico a quella del piano di frattura vengono implementate nell'algoritmo del criterio. Il secondo intervento è relativo alla definizione dell'ampiezza della tensione tangenziale e un nuovo metodo, noto come Prismatic Hull (PH) method (di Araújo e collaboratori), viene implementato nell'algoritmo. L'affidabilità del criterio viene poi verificata impiegando numerosi dati di prove sperimentali disponibili in letteratura. Nel terzo Capitolo viene proposto un criterio di nuova formulazione per la valutazione della vita a fatica di elementi strutturali metallici soggetti a carichi multiassiali ciclici e basso/medio numero di cicli. Il criterio risulta basato sull'approccio del piano critico, ed è formulato in termini di deformazioni. In particolare, la formulazione proposta trae spunto, come impostazione generale, dal criterio di fatica multiassiale in regime di alto numero di cicli discusso nel secondo Capitolo. Poiché in presenza di deformazioni plastiche significative (come quelle caratterizzanti la fatica per basso/medio numero di cicli di carico) è necessario conoscere il valore del coefficiente efficace di Poisson del materiale, vengono impiegate tre differenti strategie. In particolare, tale coefficiente viene calcolato sia per via analitica, che per via numerica, che impiegando un valore costante frequentemente adottato in letteratura. Successivamente, per validarne l'affidabilità vengono impiegati numerosi dati di prove sperimentali disponibili in letteratura; i risultati numerici sono ottenuti al variare del valore del coefficiente efficace di Poisson. Inoltre, al fine di considerare i significativi gradienti tensionali che si verificano in presenza di discontinuità geometriche, come gli intagli, il criterio viene anche esteso al caso dei componenti strutturali intagliati. Il criterio, riformulato implementando il concetto del volume di controllo proposto da Lazzarin e collaboratori, viene utilizzato per stimare la vita a fatica di provini con un severo intaglio a V, realizzati in lega di titanio grado 5. Il quarto Capitolo è rivolto allo sviluppo di un nuovo criterio per la valutazione del danno a fatica di elementi strutturali metallici soggetti a carichi multiassiali random e alto numero di cicli. Il criterio risulta basato sull'approccio del piano critico ed è formulato nel dominio della frequenza. Lo sviluppo del criterio viene affrontato intervenendo in modo significativo su una precedente formulazione proposta da Carpinteri e collaboratori nel 2014. In particolare, l’intervento riguarda la determinazione della giacitura del piano critico, e nuove espressioni dell'angolo che lega la giacitura del piano critico con quella del piano di frattura vengono implementate nell'algoritmo del criterio. Infine, l’affidabilità del criterio viene verificata impiegando numerosi dati di prove sperimentali disponibili in letteratura.


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Fatigue crack propagation has been observed for a number of commercial aluminium alloys. Comparable data was obtained for a variety of crack and specimen geometries over a range of crack lengths for a given alloy. Where crack propagation only was of interest the initiation event has been excluded by pre-cracking the specimen using a fin of material adjacent to the crack face. By this method a controlled defect size is introduced in to the specimen. By modification of the D.C. potential drop method it has been shown possible to measure the growth of cracking from 0.12mm by this method. Crack growth from defects greater than 0.6mm have been shown to give conventional crack propagation deduced by principle of similitude. Fatigue fracture surface analysis has been conducted for cracking from both free surfaces and from blunt notches. A `quasi cleavage' feature has been identified and is shown to be prominent when the fatigue stress intensity range is below 10 MNm-3/2.


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The.use of high-chromium cast irons for abrasive wear resistance is restricted due to their poor fracture toughness properties. An.attempt was made to improve the fracture characteristics by altering the distribution, size and.shape of the eutectic carbide phase without sacrificing their excellent wear resistance. This was achieved by additions of molybdenum or tungsten followed by high temperature heat treatments. The absence of these alloying elements or replacement of them with vanadium or manganese did not show any significant effect and the continuous eutectic carbide morphology remained the same after application of high temperature heat treatments. The fracture characteristics of the alloys with these metallurgical variables were evaluated for both sharp-cracks and blunt notches. The results were used in conjunction with metallographic and fractographic observations to establish possible failure mechanisms. The fracture mechanism of the austenitic alloys was found to be controlled not only by the volume percent but was also greatly influenced by the size and distribution of the eutectic carbides. On the other hand, the fracture mechanism of martensitic alloys was independent of the eutectic carbide morphology. The uniformity of the secondary carbide precipitation during hardening heat treatments was shown to be a reason for consistant fracture toughness results being obtained with this series of alloys although their eutectic carbide morphologies were different. The collected data were applied to a model which incorporated the microstructural parameters and correlated them with the experimentally obtained valid stress intensity factors. The stress intensity coefficients of different short-bar fracture toughness test specimens were evaluated from analytical and experimental compliance studies. The.validity and applicability of this non-standard testing technique for determination of the fracture toughness of high-chromium cast irons were investigated. The results obtained correlated well with the valid results obtained from standard fracture toughness tests.


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Pulsating; tension fatigue tests have been carried out on edge notched specimens of a mild steel. An electrical potential drop technique was used to determine the number of cycles taken to initiate cracks and the rate at which the cracks grew across the specimen. The results could be described by the range of stress intensity factor, which for crack initiation was modified to take account of the notch root radius. Analysis of elastic stress distributions at cracks and notches and models of plasticity at crack tips are used to discuss the results. Limited evidence in the literature indicates that the fracture mechanics approach may provide a general description of crack initiation and growth in notched specimens, and a simple graphical method of calculating fatigue lives is described. The results are used to illustrate the effects of specimen size and geometry on the fatigue life of notched specimens. The relevance of the work to the assessment of the significance of defects in welds is discussed.


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Polymer matrix composites offer advantages for many applications due their combination of properties, which includes low density, high specific strength and modulus of elasticity and corrosion resistance. However, the application of non-destructive techniques using magnetic sensors for the evaluation these materials is not possible since the materials are non-magnetizable. Ferrites are materials with excellent magnetic properties, chemical stability and corrosion resistance. Due to these properties, these materials are promising for the development of polymer composites with magnetic properties. In this work, glass fiber / epoxy circular plates were produced with 10 wt% of cobalt or barium ferrite particles. The cobalt ferrite was synthesized by the Pechini method. The commercial barium ferrite was subjected to a milling process to study the effect of particle size on the magnetic properties of the material. The characterization of the ferrites was carried out by x-ray diffraction (XRD), field emission gun scanning electron microscopy (FEG-SEM) and vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM). Circular notches of 1, 5 and 10 mm diameter were introduced in the composite plates using a drill bit for the non-destructive evaluation by the technique of magnetic flux leakage (MFL). The results indicated that the magnetic signals measured in plates with barium ferrite without milling and cobalt ferrite showed good correlation with the presence of notches. The milling process for 12 h and 20 h did not contribute to improve the identification of smaller size notches (1 mm). However, the smaller particle size produced smoother magnetic curves, with fewer discontinuities and improved signal-to-noise ratio. In summary, the results suggest that the proposed approach has great potential for the detection of damage in polymer composites structures


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Studies indicate that a variation in the degree of crystallinity of the components of a polymer blend influences the mechanical properties. This variation can be obtained by subjecting the blend to heat treatments that lead to changes in the spherulitic structure. The aim of this work is to analyze the influence of different heat treatments on the variation of the degree of crystallinity and to establish a relationship between this variation and the mechanical behavior of poly(methyl methacrylate)/poly(ethylene terephthalate) recycled (PMMA / PETrec) with and without the use of compatibilizer agent poly(methyl methacrylate-al-glycidyl methacrylate-al-ethyl acrylate) (MMAGMA- EA). All compositions were subjected to two heat treatments. T1 heat treatment the samples were treated at 130 ° C for 30 minutes and cooled in air. In T2, the samples were treated at 230 ° C for 5 minutes and cooled to approximately -10 ° C. The variation of the degree of crystallinity was determined by the proportional relationship between crystallinity and density, with the density measured by pycnometry. The mechanical behavior was verified by tensile tests with and without the presence of notches and pre-cracks, and by method of fracture toughness in plane strain (KIC). We used the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to analyze the fracture surface of the samples. The compositions subjected to heat treatment T1, in general, showed an increase in the degree of crystallinity in tensile strength and a tendency to decrease in toughness, while compositions undergoing treatment T2 showed that the opposite behavior. Therefore, this work showed that heat treatment can give a polymer blend further diversity of its properties, this being caused by changes in the crystal structure