989 resultados para Northern Pacific railway


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The mass accumulation rates (MARs) of aeolian dust in the ocean basins provide an important record of climate in the continental source regions of atmospheric dust and of the prevailing wind patterns responsible for dust transport in the geologic past. The incorporation of other terrigenous components such as volcanic ashes in seafloor sediments, however, often obscures the aeolian dust record. We describe a new approach which uses the delivery rate of crustal 4He to seafloor sediments as a proxy for the mass accumulation rate of old continental dust which is unaffected by the addition of other terrigenous components. We have determined the flux of crustal 4He delivered to the seafloor of the Ontong Java Plateau (OJP) in the western equatorial Pacific over the last 1.9 Myrs. Crustal 4He fluxes vary between 7.7 and 30 ncc/cm**2/kyr and show excellent correlation with global climate as recorded by oxygen isotopes, with high crustal 4He fluxes associated with glacial periods over the entire interval studied. Furthermore, the onset of strong 100 kyr glacial-interglacial climate cycling is clearly seen in the 4He flux record about 700 kyrs ago. These data record variations in the supply of Asian dust in response to climate driven changes in the aridity of the Asian dust sources, consistent with earlier work on Asian dust flux to the northern Pacific Ocean. However, in contrast to previous studies of sites in the central and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean, there is no evidence that the Inter Tropical Convergence Zone (an effective rainfall barrier to the southward transport of northern hemisphere dust across the equator in the central and eastern Pacific) has influenced the delivery of Asian dust to the OJP. The most likely carrier phase for crustal helium in these sediments is zircon, which can reasonably account for all the 4He observed in the samples. As a first order estimate, these results suggest that the mass accumulation rate of Asian dust on the OJP over the last 1.9 Myrs varied from about 4 to 15 mg/ cm**2/kyr. In contrast, previous studies show that over the same interval the total MAR of terrigenous dust (i.e. Asian dust plus local volcanics) on OJP varied between about 34 and 90 mg/ cm**2/kyr.


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Compositions, structures, and microstructures of different types of phosphorites and poorly phosphatized rocks from low atolls in the near-equatorial part of the Western Indian Ocean are described. The rocks were examined under optical and scanning microscopes using microprobe techniques and etching of selected samples with weak solvents as well as with the help of chemical analyses. It is proved that phosphorites have been formed owing to the uneven phosphatization of primary carbonate rocks; degree of their phosphatization ranges from traces to 40% P2O5. In the phosphorites numerous organic remains were encountered; they included fragments of plankton, debris of tortoise shells, and coccoidal and filamentous bacteria-like formations. It is suggested that the phosphorites formed due to high local biological productivity over the outer edges of coral reefs and are not related to guano accumulation or to endoupwelling.


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The marine cycle of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is an important element of the carbon cycle and co-governs the distribution of carbon and alkalinity within the ocean. However, CaCO3 export fluxes and mechanisms governing CaCO3 dissolution are highly uncertain. We present an observationally constrained, probabilistic assessment of the global and regional CaCO3 budgets. Parameters governing pelagic CaCO3 export fluxes and dissolution rates are sampled using a Monte Carlo scheme to construct a 1000-member ensemble with the Bern3D ocean model. Ensemble results are constrained by comparing simulated and observation-based fields of excess dissolved calcium carbonate (TA*). The minerals calcite and aragonite are modelled explicitly and ocean–sediment fluxes are considered. For local dissolution rates, either a strong or a weak dependency on CaCO3 saturation is assumed. In addition, there is the option to have saturation-independent dissolution above the saturation horizon. The median (and 68 % confidence interval) of the constrained model ensemble for global biogenic CaCO3 export is 0.90 (0.72–1.05) Gt C yr−1, that is within the lower half of previously published estimates (0.4–1.8 Gt C yr−1). The spatial pattern of CaCO3 export is broadly consistent with earlier assessments. Export is large in the Southern Ocean, the tropical Indo–Pacific, the northern Pacific and relatively small in the Atlantic. The constrained results are robust across a range of diapycnal mixing coefficients and, thus, ocean circulation strengths. Modelled ocean circulation and transport timescales for the different set-ups were further evaluated with CFC11 and radiocarbon observations. Parameters and mechanisms governing dissolution are hardly constrained by either the TA* data or the current compilation of CaCO3 flux measurements such that model realisations with and without saturation-dependent dissolution achieve skill. We suggest applying saturation-independent dissolution rates in Earth system models to minimise computational costs.


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ODP Site 798 on the Oki Ridge in the Southern Japan Sea yielded the first continuous and well-preserved record of Pleistocene planktonic foraminifers in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean region. Quantitative analysis of planktonic foraminifers completed for 122 samples from the 200-m-thick Pleistocene section cored at ODP Site 798 provides a proxy record of variations in sea-surface temperature, productivity, and circulation during the past 1.6 m.y. in an area beneath the track of the Tsushima Current. Faunal census data allow recognition of five distinct assemblages: (1) type A assemblages dominated by sinistrally coiling forms of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma representing polar-subpolar surface temperatures, (2) type B assemblages dominated by Globigerina bulloides and thought to represent periods of increased surface productivity and upwelling, (3) type C assemblages marked by significant abundances of dextrally coiling forms of N. pachyderma thought to represent the warm transitional waters of the Tsushima Current, (4) type D assemblages distinguished by relatively high percentages of dextral N. pachyderma and Globorotalia inflata that also represent warmer surface temperatures and increased flow of the Tsushima Current, and (5) type E assemblages marked by relatively large numbers of the delicate species Globigerina quinqueloba and Globigerinita spp., indicative of exceptional preservation conditions and/or episodic high production of these taxa. Early and middle Pleistocene coiling patterns of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma at Site 798 can be correlated with Pleistocene coiling trends and planktonic foraminiferal datums established in the onshore Oga Peninsula sequence of Northern Honshu and open-ocean N. pachyderma coiling dominance shifts in the North Pacific region. A sustained early Pleistocene warm period recognized in both the Oga Peninsula sequence and the Northern Pacific can clearly be recognized at Site 798. In addition, the late Pleistocene planktonic foraminiferal record at Site 798 shows good correlation with glaciation/deglaciation events for the Northern Hemisphere as delineated by oxygen isotopes and represents the first detailed analysis of Pleistocene sea-surface temperature changes in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean region.


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Manganese nodules and manganese-coated pumice fragments were recovered at Station E6 at the middle of the flat Northwest Pacific Basin, during the Japanese Deep Sea Expedition of 1961 undertaken aboard R/V Ryofu Maru.


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St. Louis, & San Francisco Railroad Company, Chicago & Eastern Illinois Railroad Company, Evansville & Terre Haute Railroad Company, St. Louis, Kansas City and Colorado Railroad Company, Arkansas Southern Railroad Company, Chicago & Alton Railroad Company.


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Report year ends June 30.


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Published by the Department of the Interior, of Canada.


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1889/90-1941 are called 10th-62nd Annual Reports


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.