828 resultados para Non-governmental Organisation


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La prolifération des acteurs non étatiques, favorisée par la mondialisation, est un phénomène marquant de notre histoire contemporaine. Rassemblés sous le vocable de «société civile», ils ont contribué à créer un foisonnement de normes sur le plan international allant, pour certains commentateurs, jusqu'à concurrencer l'État sur sa capacité de dire le droit. Parmi ces acteurs privés, les organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) et les entreprises multinationales jouent un rôle prépondérant. Notre imaginaire collectif oppose cependant trop souvent l'ONG, symbole du désintéressement, à la multinationale assoiffée de profit. Le présent mémoire vise à relativiser ce constat manichéen et simplificateur. En analysant, dans une perspective de droit international, les moyens d'action des ONG et des multinationales, on se rend compte que les passerelles entre les deux «mondes» sont en réalité nombreuses. ONG et multinationales se retrouvent d'ailleurs dans leur aspiration commune à être reconnues formellement sur la scène internationale. L'opportunité d'une reconnaissance juridique de la société civile sera discutée.


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En octobre 2005, l’assemblée générale de l’UNESCO adoptait la Déclaration universelle sur la bioéthique et les droits de l’Homme. Le projet de cette déclaration a été élaboré par le Comité international de bioéthique (CIB) en consultation avec le Comité intergouvernemental de bioéthique (CIGB), les États membres, le comité interagences des Nations Unies, des organisations gouvernementales et non gouvernementales, des comités nationaux d’éthiques et de multiples acteurs impliqués en bioéthique. Cette déclaration faisait suite à deux autres textes sur le même sujet produits en 1997 et 2003, la Déclaration sur le génome humain et les droits de l’homme et la Déclaration internationale sur les données génétiques humaines. Les nouvelles questions éthiques que suscitaient les développements scientifiques et technologiques ainsi que la mondialisation de la recherche avaient incité cette organisation à se doter d’instruments normatifs pouvant rejoindre toutes les nations. Seule organisation mondiale ayant une vocation spécifique en éthique, l’UNESCO a voulu par cette dernière déclaration fournir à ses États membres un cadre normatif susceptible de les aider à formuler des lois et des lignes directrices. Ayant été impliquée, à titre de présidente du Comité international de bioéthique dans la préparation de cet instrument nous nous sommes posée la question suivante : Dans un contexte de mondialisation, une bioéthique qui vise le bien commun universel est-elle possible au sein de la diversité et de la pluralité culturelle des nations ? L’exemple de l’élaboration de la déclaration universelle sur la bioéthique et les droits de l’homme de l’UNESCO. Le bien commun étant un concept fréquemment mentionné et à peu près jamais défini clairement, il nous a semblé intéressant d’en retracer l’histoire et de dégager un cadre conceptuel qui a ensuite servi à étudier et dégager le sens donné à ces concepts dans la préparation de la déclaration. Un premier chapitre présente le contexte et la problématique. Le deuxième chapitre présente la revue de la littérature et la définition des concepts ainsi que le cadre conceptuel. Le troisième chapitre présente le cadre théorique et les données analysées et la méthodologie. Le quatrième chapitre présente l’analyse détaillée des différentes étapes de l’élaboration de la déclaration. Le cinquième chapitre présente la portée et les limites de la thèse et le cinquième chapitre la conclusion. Nous concluons que la déclaration en ayant utilisé une méthode de consultation, de délibération et de consensus pragmatique, offre un texte avec une vision d’un bien commun universel susceptible d’être utilisé dans tous les contextes culturels et par toutes les nations, spécialement les nations en développement. En effet, son architecture flexible et son souci de ne pas catégoriser les principes, mais plutôt de les utiliser en complémentarité les uns avec les autres, en fait un texte souple et adaptable au plan mondial. Ce travail pourra aussi contribuer à enrichir la réflexion et l’action des organisations internationales impliquées en bioéthique. Il pourra aussi inspirer les recherches actuelles en sciences politiques et en droit alors que sont explorés de nouveaux modèles de gouvernance et de nouvelles façons de construire les législations et les normes et de faire face aux défis actuels qui se posent aux droits de l’homme.


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Los efectos ambientales, económicos, sociales y culturales generados por las Semillas Genéticamente Modificadas-SGM y su control por empresas transnacionales como Monsanto, han incentivado la acción colectiva liderada por ONGs, tanto internacionalmente como en Colombia. El objetivo principal es analizar cómo la ONG “Semillas” ha incidido en las políticas colombianas relacionadas con la introducción y uso de SGM durante el periodo 2002-2013. Se centra en la Teoría de Redes Transnacionales de Defensa expuesta por M. Keck y K. Sikkink (1998). Además, se analiza el papel de las ONGs ambientales y las corporaciones transnacionales. El argumento central es que al crear vínculos con actores nacionales e internacionales y vincularse con redes y campañas con impacto transnacional, “Semillas” ha posicionado la lucha en contra de las SGM y ha logrado presionar al Estado influyendo parcialmente en sus políticas y leyes, al igual que en su posición y discurso frente al uso de SGM.


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Institutional multilingualism is most often associated with large intergovernmental institutions such as the European Union and the United Nations. Multilingualism in non-governmental organisations (NGOs), however, has remained invisible to a large extent. Yet these organisations have been identified as very powerful in world politics in the globalised 21st century. Like international governmental organisations (IGOs), they operate across linguistic and language borders. This raises the questions if NGOs actually use language and translation in the same way as IGOs. This article examines Amnesty International as a case study and explores what official multilingualism means for this organisation, how it is reflected in its language policy, and how it is put into practice. By gaining insight into the particular case of Amnesty International, this article aims to make a contribution to institutional translation studies.


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O Estudo examina as possibilidades e os limites do planejamento participativo como um instrumento para o desenvolvimento local em comunidades rurais da Amazônia, a partir de suas potencialidades locais (redes de relações sociais e institucionais e recursos naturais) e das relações territoriais com sua área de entorno. Em particular, o estudo analisa uma comunidade quilombola denominada Itacoã-Miri, localizada no município de Acará, Estado do Pará. A questão central da pesquisa é: em que medida a participação das pessoas em um projeto de desenvolvimento comunitário significa a incorporação do conhecimento empírico local e as demandas da comunidade para legitimar um processo de planejamento? O arcabouço teórico é alicerçado na seguinte literatura: (a) significados e inter-relações entre planejamento, desenvolvimento e participação; e, (b) conhecimento informal para alternativas de desenvolvimento sustentável. Adicionalmente, a pesquisa também considera os conceitos de redes sociais e organizações locais por suas relações com a discussão principal da pesquisa. O arcabouço teórico foi utilizado para entender as relações que tem sido estabelecidas entre instituições governamentais e organizações locais (associações, grupos de produção, cooperativas, etc.) e também entre atores governamentais locais e as pessoas da comunidade para a construção de projetos de desenvolvimento local usando o approach de planejamento participativo. O foco principal é a Amazônia Brasileira. As unidades de análise foram o grupo social que foi formado para elaboração do projeto de desenvolvimento local e o processo participativo levado a cabo por este grupo para a construção do projeto em causa. Isto por três razões básicas: primeiro, porque um grupo social se apresenta como a arena política onde os atores sociais interagem entre si; segundo, porque o grupo social é o espaço onde os atores sociais implementam os seus significados de participação social; e, terceiro, porque é dentro do grupo social que internas e externas (e também formais e informais) relações ocorrem para fazer efetivo o planejamento participativo. O estudo conclui que a maioria do planejamento comunitário e regional levado a cabo pelo governo federal e estadual entre as décadas de 1970 e 1990 não obtiveram êxito por três razões: (1) primeiro, porque havia lacunas entre as demandas das populações locais e as ações dos governos; (2) segundo, o planejamento regional não levou em consideração as diferenças interculturais entre a população local e os agentes do estado; e, (3) terceiro, a falta de um instrumento participativo para envolvimento das pessoas no processo de planejamento. O estudo aplicou um arcabouço metodológico inovativo para participação das pessoas da comunidade no processo de planejamento de projeto e encontrou que a população local tem uma significativa capacidade cognitiva para participar a partir de seu conhecimento empírico. Encontrou, também, que este conhecimento é resultado do envolvimento histórico da comunidade em diversos espaços de interação com atores externos (organizações governamentais e não governamentais). Entretanto, o estudo mostra que o macro cenário político tem significativa (positiva e negativa) influencia no nível de participação das pessoas em um processo de planejamento.


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Das Ehrenamt hat sowohl in der Forschung als auch in der Politik seit Ende der 1980er Jahre zunehmend an Bedeutung gewonnen. Durch ökonomische und soziale Veränderungen, insbesondere die Reduktion staatlicher Leistungen, rückten Wohlfahrts- und Interessenverbände, Bürger- und Umweltinitiativen, Stiftungen und nichtstaatliche Organisationen verstärkt ins öffentliche Interesse. Damit einher ging die Diskussion um freiwillige, unentgeltliche Tätigkeit und die Personen, die diese Tätigkeiten ausüben. Offensichtlich sind nicht alle Menschen bereit, sich ehrenamtlich zu engagieren. Je nach Datenmaterial wird von einer bürgerschaftlichen Beteiligung am ehrenamtlichen Engagement zwischen 13% und 38% ausgegangen (vgl. Rauschenbach 1999: 400). Deshalb stellt sich neben Fragen nach der Funktion des Ehrenamts für die Ausgestaltung der modernen Gesellschaft und der Stabilisationsfunktion für Non-Profit-Organisationen u.a. auch die Frage danach, wie Bürgerinnen und Bürger für ehrenamtliche Dienste rekrutiert werden können. Es interessieren die Gründe dafür, dass sich manche Menschen freiwillig engagieren, während dies andere nicht tun. In der vorliegenden Arbeit soll das Augenmerk auf Personen gerichtet werden, die bereits freiwillig und unentgeltlich tätig sind. Dies schließt auch jene ein, die sich als Freigestellte in den entsprechenden Organisationen engagieren. Gefragt wird nach der Bedingung für die Motivation freiwillig tätiger Menschen, ihr Engagement aufrechtzuerhalten. Die langfristige Bindung Ehrenamtlicher an die Organisation steht damit im Vordergrund. Hiermit wird ein Beitrag zur Diskussion um die Aufrechterhaltung der Effizienzfähigkeit von Freiwilligenorganisationen geleistet, deren Ziel- und Zweckerreichung, so die These, durch die Motivation der Mitglieder maßgeblich getragen wird. Arbeits- und organisationstheoretische Arbeiten messen der Zufriedenheit von Personen dabei entscheidende Bedeutung zu. Die Besonderheit dieser Arbeit liegt in der Auseinandersetzung damit, Ansätze, die in der Forschung auf die Motivation von Angestellten in Unternehmen angewendet werden, auf die Motivation ehrenamtlich Tätiger theoretisch zu übertragen und diese Übertragung empirisch zu überprüfen. Am Beispiel des THW soll untersucht werden, ob die Motivation ehrenamtlicher Mitglieder von der Zufriedenheit mit dem Engagement abhängt.


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This publication offers concrete suggestions for implementing an integrative and learning-oriented approach to agricultural extension with the goal of fostering sustainable development. It targets governmental and non-governmental organisations, development agencies, and extension staff working in the field of rural development. The book looks into the conditions and trends that influence extension today, and outlines new challenges and necessary adaptations. It offers a basic reflection on the goals, the criteria for success and the form of a state-of-the-art approach to extension. The core of the book consists of a presentation of Learning for Sustainability (LforS), an example of an integrative, learning-oriented approach that is based on three crucial elements: stakeholder dialogue, knowledge management, and organizational development. Awareness raising and capacity building, social mobilization, and monitoring & evaluation are additional building blocks. The structure and organisation of the LforS approach as well as a selection of appropriate methods and tools are presented. The authors also address key aspects of developing and managing a learning-oriented extension approach. The book illustrates how LforS can be implemented by presenting two case studies, one from Madagascar and one from Mongolia. It addresses conceptual questions and at the same time it is practice-oriented. In contrast to other extension approaches, LforS does not limit its focus to production-related aspects and the development of value chains: it also addresses livelihood issues in a broad sense. With its focus on learning processes LforS seeks to create a better understanding of the links between different spheres and different levels of decision-making; it also seeks to foster integration of the different actors’ perspectives.


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Ideally the social work profession promotes social change, problem solving in human relationships and the empowerment and liberation of people to enhance their well-being (IFSW 2004). The social work practice, however, often proves to be different. Social workers are always in the danger to make decisions for their clients or define problems according to their own interpretation and world view. In quite a number of cases, the consequence of such a social work practice is that the clients feel disempowered rather than empowered. This dilemma is multiplying when western social workers get involved in developing countries. The potential that intervention, with the intention to empower and liberate the people, turns into disempowerment is tremendously higher because of the differences in tradition, culture and society, on the one side and the power imbalance between the ‘West’ and the ‘Rest’ on the other side. Especially in developing countries, where the vast majority of people live in poverty, many Western social workers come with a lot of sympathy and the idea to help the poor and to change the world. An example is Romania. After the collapse of communism in 1989, Romania was an economically, politically and socially devastated country. The pictures of the orphanages shocked the western world. As a result many Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), churches and individuals were bringing humanitarian goods to Romania in order to alleviate the misery of the Romanian people and especially the children. Since then, important changes in all areas of life have occurred, mostly with foreign financial aid and support. At the political level, democratic institutions were established, a liberal market economy was launched and laws were adapted to western standards regarding the accession into the European Union and the NATO. The western world has left its marks also at the grassroots level in form of NGOs or social service agencies established through western grants and individuals. Above and beyond, the presence of western goods and investment in Romania is omnipresent. This reflects a newly-gained freedom and prosperity - Romania profits certainly from these changes. But this is only one side of the medal, as the effect of westernisation contradicts with the Romanian reality and overruns many deep-rooted traditions, thus the majority of people. Moreover, only a small percentage of the population has access to this western world. Western concepts, procedures or interpretations are often highly differing from the Romanian tradition, history and culture. Nevertheless, western ideas seem to dominate the transition in many areas of daily life in Romania. A closer look reveals that many changes take place due to pressure of western governments and are conditioned to financial support. The dialectic relationship between the need for foreign aid and the implementation becomes very obvious in Romania and often leads, despite the substantial benefits, to unpredictable and rather negative side-effects, at a political, social, cultural, ecological and/or economic level. This reality is a huge dilemma for all those involved, as there is a fine line between empowering and disempowering action. It is beyond the scope of this journal to discuss the dilemma posed by Western involvement at all levels; therefore this article focuses on the impact of Western social workers in Romania. The first part consists of a short introduction to social work in Romania, followed by the discussion about the dilemma posed by the structure of project of international social work and the organisation of private social service agencies. Thirdly the experiences of Romanian staff with Western social workers are presented and then discussed with regard to turning disempowering tendencies of Western social workers into empowerment.


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The twenty-first century has seen a further dramatic increase in the use of quantitative knowledge for governing social life after its explosion in the 1980s. Indicators and rankings play an increasing role in the way governmental and non-governmental organizations distribute attention, make decisions, and allocate scarce resources. Quantitative knowledge promises to be more objective and straightforward as well as more transparent and open for public debate than qualitative knowledge, thus producing more democratic decision-making. However, we know little about the social processes through which this knowledge is constituted nor its effects. Understanding how such numeric knowledge is produced and used is increasingly important as proliferating technologies of quantification alter modes of knowing in subtle and often unrecognized ways. This book explores the implications of the global multiplication of indicators as a specific technology of numeric knowledge production used in governance. Combination of insights from anthropology of law, history of science, science and technology studies, sociology of quantification, economics and geography will appeal to those who are uncomfortable with the separation between 'theoretical' and 'empirical' approaches and with the current weakness of critique that address the main trends shaping the relations between capitalism, markets, law and democracy Theoretical discussion of the nature and historical formation of quantification will appeal to those who ask questions such as, 'What is new or different about our contemporary reliance on quantitative knowledge?' Groundbreaking empirical case studies uncover the social work and politics that often go into the making of indicators and explore the far-reaching effects and impacts of these numerical representations in specific settings


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Institutional multilingualism is most often associated with large intergovernmental institutions such as the European Union and the United Nations. Institutional multilingualism in non-governmental organisations (NGOs), however, has remained invisible to a large extent. Like international governmental organisations (IGOs), NGOs operate across linguistic borders. This raises the question whether NGOs use language and translation in the same way as IGOs. The present article takes Amnesty International as a case study, and explores what institutional multilingualism means for this organisation, how it is reflected in its language policy, and how it is put into practice. By gaining insight into the particular case of Amnesty International, this article aims to make a contribution to institutional translation studies.


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Introducción -- Liderazgo transformacional e inteligencia emocional: una revisión / Gina Paola Cortés Agudelo, Olga Lucia Lacouture -- El liderazgo transformacional y sus implicaciones en la cultura organizacional: una revisión de la literatura / Alejandro Arévalo, Iván Suárez, Jhon Zuluaga -- Liderazgo femenino: una revisión a la literatura / David Leonardo Méndez Sarmiento, María José Cruz Mancheno -- Liderazgo adaptativo y las relaciones de aprendizaje: implicaciones para las organizaciones actuales / María Alejandra Avella Torres, Laura Katherine Umaña Roa -- Inteligencia emocional y su relación con el liderazgo de rango total / Diego Stiven García Morales, Mohamed zakaria el arksoussi fakih -- Influencia del liderazgo transformacional y transaccional sobre la calidad de vida laboral en las empresas / María Paula Ordoñez Valencia -- Discriminación y desigualdad de género : situación actual de las mujeres en el mundo empresarial / Daniela Andrade Palau / Natalia Villarreal Rodríguez -- Competitividad: análisis comparativo entre Colombia y chile desde la perspectiva de la innovación / Álvaro David Buenaventura Maya.


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Grassroots groups – autonomous, not-for-profit groups made up of volunteers – and grassroots initiatives play an invaluable, yet often invisible, role in our communities. The informal processes and collective efforts of grassroots associations, social movements, self-help groups and local action collectives are central to civil society and community building. Grassroots leaders are critical to such initiatives, yet little is known about their influences, motivations, successes and challenges. This study aims to address this dearth in the research literature by noting the experiences of a sample of grassroots community leaders to help gain a greater knowledge about community leadership in action. In-depth semi-structured interviews were held with nine grassroots leaders from a broad cross-section of sectors of interest. The criteria for selection were that these leaders were not in a formal non-profit organisation, were not paid for their work yet were leading grassroots groups or initiatives involved in active community building, campaigning or self-help. The paper reflects on findings in regard to the formative experiences that impacted upon the community leaders’ direction in life, their beliefs and ideas about what it means to be a leader, the strategies they use to lead and challenges they continue to face, and the role of learning and support in maintaining and developing their roles. Finally, the key themes relating to grassroots leadership and how these leaders enhance their own effectiveness and resilience are explored.


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Background: There is overwhelming scientific evidence that human activities have changed and will continue to change the climate of the Earth. Eco-environmental health, which refers to the interdependencies between ecological systems and population health and well-being, is likely to be significantly influenced by climate change. The aim of this study was to examine perceptions from government stakeholders and other relevant specialists about the threat of climate change, their capacity to deal with it, and how to develop and implement a framework for assessing vulnerability of eco-environmental health to climate change.---------- Methods: Two focus groups were conducted in Brisbane, Australia with representatives from relevant government agencies, non-governmental organisations, and the industry sector (n = 15) involved in the discussions. The participants were specialists on climate change and public health from governmental agencies, industry, and nongovernmental organisations in South-East Queensland.---------- Results: The specialists perceived climate change to be a threat to eco-environmental health and had substantial knowledge about possible implications and impacts. A range of different methods for assessing vulnerability were suggested by the participants and the complexity of assessment when dealing with multiple hazards was acknowledged. Identified factors influencing vulnerability were perceived to be of a social, physical and/or economic nature. They included population growth, the ageing population with associated declines in general health and changes in the vulnerability of particular geographical areas due to for example, increased coastal development, and financial stress. Education, inter-sectoral collaboration, emergency management (e.g. development of early warning systems), and social networks were all emphasised as a basis for adapting to climate change. To develop a framework, different approaches were discussed for assessing eco-environmental health vulnerability, including literature reviews to examine the components of vulnerability such as natural hazard risk and exposure and to investigate already existing frameworks for assessing vulnerability.---------- Conclusion: The study has addressed some important questions in regard to government stakeholders and other specialists’ views on the threat of climate change and its potential impacts on eco-environmental health. These findings may have implications in climate change and public health decision-making.