982 resultados para Nitrogen fertilizer
在黄土旱塬长期定位研究表明 ,根据小麦生育年降水量施用氮肥 ,将能更好地发挥肥料效益。丰水年、平水年氮肥增产效果极为显著 ,应加大施用量 ;干旱年氮肥效果受抑 ,应减少施用量。氮肥利用率受降水等因素影响 ,年际间变化幅度为 6.4%~ 58.6%。氮肥利用率亦随施用量的增加而降低 ,变化幅度为 2 5.4%~ 42 .9%,且其利用率与施肥利润的高低并不同步。施用有机肥或氮磷有机肥配施、轮作中增加豆科作物 (或牧草 )能有效地调节改善土壤氮素状况
通过田间小区试验研究了不同N、P施肥量对玉米生育期土壤微生物量C、N、P的影响。结果表明,不同N、P施肥量对微生物量C无明显影响;施N肥量高(225km/hm~2)时降低微生物量N;当施P肥达225 km/hm~2时则对微生物量P产生明显的抑制作用。
利用在黄土旱塬上布置的 13年小麦连作肥料定位试验资料 ,研究了旱地冬小麦氮磷的自然供给能力和吸收来源于肥料和土壤的氮磷相对比例。结果表明 ,旱地冬小麦氮素的自然供给能力为 2 6 6 8~ 2 7 4 9kg/hm2 ,平均为 2 7 2kg/hm2 ;磷素自然供给能力为 5 2 1~ 8 4 9kg/hm2 ,平均为 7 31kg/hm2 。小麦吸收氮素有 51 9%~ 76 8%来自氮肥 ,平均为 6 6 6 % ;而来自土壤为2 3 2 %~ 4 8 1% ,平均 33 4 %。小麦吸收磷素来源于肥料的为 13 6 %~ 4 7 8% ,平均为2 8 7% ;来源于土壤为 52 2 %~ 86 4 % ,平均为 71 3%。同一肥底基础上 ,随肥料用量的增加 ,小麦吸收氮或磷素来源于肥料的比例也增大 ,而来源于土壤的比例逐渐减少。本试验条件下 ,氮肥利用率变幅为 32 6 %~ 6 6 0 % ,平均为 51 1% ;磷肥利用率变幅为 1 72 %~ 14 0 2 % ,平均为 7 0 %
采用田间实验研究了施用氮肥对设施条件下大青菜生长发育和产量,以及对土壤硝酸盐含量累积分布的影响。结果表明,在施氮肥0~500 kg hm-2范围内,氮肥施用量越大,产量越高,但到达一定量时,便不能再促进产量的提高,反而会引起减产。土壤铵态氮含量随着土壤剖面向下不断下降,表层的铵态氮含量较高,土壤硝态氮含量在整个土壤剖面的分布变化较小,但也是从表层向下处于一种缓慢减少的趋势,铵态氮的累积主要集中在上部土壤剖面,硝态氮的累积分布在整个土壤剖面,土壤硝态氮含量随施肥量增加而增加;氮肥施用量对硝酸盐含量有很大影响。在施氮肥0~700kg hm-2范围内,氮肥施用量越多,大青菜硝酸盐含量越高。
Soil fertility constraints to crop production have been recognized widely as a major obstacle to food security and agro-ecosystem sustainability in sub-Saharan West Africa. As such, they have led to a multitude of research projects and policy debates on how best they should be overcome. Conclusions, based on long-term multi-site experiments, are lacking with respect to a regional assessment of phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizer effects, surface mulched crop residues, and legume rotations on total dry matter of cereals in this region. A mixed model time-trend analysis was used to investigate the effects of four nitrogen and phosphorus rates, annually applied crop residue dry matter at 500 and 2000 kg ha^-1, and cereal-legume rotation versus continuous cereal cropping on the total dry matter of cereals and legumes. The multi-factorial experiment was conducted over four years at eight locations, with annual rainfall ranging from 510 to 1300 mm, in Niger, Burkina Faso, and Togo. With the exception of phosphorus, treatment effects on legume growth were marginal. At most locations, except for typical Sudanian sites with very low base saturation and high rainfall, phosphorus effects on cereal total dry matter were much lower with rock phosphate than with soluble phosphorus, unless the rock phosphate was combined with an annual seed-placement of 4 kg ha^-1 phosphorus. Across all other treatments, nitrogen effects were negligible at 500 mm annual rainfall but at 900 mm, the highest nitrogen rate led to total dry matter increases of up to 77% and, at 1300 mm, to 183%. Mulch-induced increases in cereal total dry matter were larger with lower base saturation, reaching 45% on typical acid sandy Sahelian soils. Legume rotation effects tended to increase over time but were strongly species-dependent.
Water shortage is one of the major constraints for production of horticultural crops in arid and semiarid regions. A field experiment was conducted to determine irrigation water and fertilizer use efficiency, growth and yield of tomato under clay pot irrigation at the experimental site of Sekota Dryland Agricultural Research Center, Lalibela, Ethiopia in 2009/10. The experiment comprised of five treatments including furrow irrigated control and clay pot irrigation with different plant population and fertilization methods, which were arranged in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. The highest total and marketable fruit yields were obtained from clay pot irrigation combined with application of nitrogen fertilizer with irrigation water irrespective of difference in plant population. The clay pot irrigation had seasonal water use of up to 143.71 mm, which resulted in significantly higher water use efficiency (33.62 kg m^-3) as compared to the furrow irrigation, which had a seasonal water use of 485.50 mm, and a water use efficiency of 6.67 kg m^-3. Application of nitrogen fertilizer with irrigation water in clay pots improved fertilizer use efficiency of tomato by up to 52% than band application with furrow or clay pot irrigation. Thus, clay pot irrigation with 33,333 plants ha^-1 and nitrogen fertilizer application with irrigation water in clay pots was the best method for increasing the yield of tomato while economizing the use of water and nitrogen fertilizer in a semiarid environment.
Intensification of crop production in the mid-hills of Nepal has led to concerns that nitrogen loss by leaching may increase. This study estimated the amount of N leached during two years from rainfed terraces (bari-land) at three locations in Nepal. Maize or upland rice grown in the monsoon season was given either no nutrient inputs or inputs via either nitrogen fertilizer or farmyard manure. Nitrate concentration in soil solution was measured regularly with porous ceramic cup samplers and drainage estimated from a simple soil water balance. Estimated losses of nitrogen by leaching ranged from 0 to 63.5 kg N ha(-1) depending on location and the form of nitrogen applied. Losses from plots receiving no nutrient inputs were generally small (range: 0-35 kg N ha(-1)) and losses from plots where nitrogen was applied as manure (range: 2-41 kg N ha(-1)) were typically half those from plots with nitrogen applied as fertilizer. Losses during the post-monsoon crops of finger millet were small (typically <5% of total loss) although losses from the one site with blackgram were larger (about 13%). The highest concentrations of nitrate in solution were measured early in the season as the monsoon rains began and immediately following fertilizer applications. Leaching losses are likely to be minimised if manure is applied as a basal nutrient dressing followed by fertilizer nitrogen later in the season.
Heterosis in hybrid wheat varieties produced using a chemical hybridising agent was assessed in field experiments. Hyno Esta and its parents were compared in factorial combinations of four-seed rates (25-300 seeds m(-2)) and two nitrogen fertilizer rates (0 and 200 kg N ha(-1)) in 2001/02 and again in 2002/03. Hyno Rista and Hyno Renta and their parents were compared at two-seed rates in 2001/02. Hyno Rista and its parents were added factorially to the Hyno Esta experiment in 2002/03, while Hyno Renta and Hybred and their parents were compared at two seed rates in 2002/03. Mid parent heterosis for grain yield was found in three hybrids and two of these showed high parent heterosis. High parent heterosis in Hyno Esta over a range of sowing densities was mostly exhibited in total biomass but also, in one of two years, in harvest index. High parent heterosis in Hyno Renta was associated more with harvest index than with biomass. The heterosis for biomass in Hyno Esta resulted from greater interception of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) than the male parent, with better radiation use efficiency than the female parent. In both seasons Hyno Esta achieved grain numbers per ear at least as high as the high parent for this trait (Audace), and combined this with mean grain weights at least as heavy as the high parent for mean grain weight (Estica). Much of the increased biomass and grain yield in the hybrid came late in the season as high parent heterosis was expressed for both maximum grain filling rate and grain filling duration. Heterosis was higher when nitrogen was applied than when withheld; only greater at lower seed rates when expressed in proportionate terms (e.g. as a percentage of the parents), rather than in absolute terms (e.g. t ha(-1)); and greater in the year with the cooler and wetter summer.
The rheological properties of fresh gluten in small amplitude oscillation in shear (SAOS) and creep recovery after short application of stress was related to the hearth breadbaking performance of wheat flours using the multivariate statistics partial least squares (PLS) regression. The picture was completed by dough mixing and extensional properties, flour protein size distribution determined by SE-HPLC, and high molecular weight glutenin subunit (HMW-GS) composition. The sample set comprised 20 wheat cultivars grown at two different levels of nitrogen fertilizer in one location. Flours yielding stiffer and more elastic glutens, with higher elastic and viscous moduli (G' and G") and lower tan 8 values in SAOS, gave doughs that were better able to retain their shape during proving and baking, resulting in breads of high form ratios. Creep recovery measurements after short application of stress showed that glutens from flours of good breadmaking quality had high relative elastic recovery. The nitrogen fertilizer level affected the protein size distribution by an increase in monomeric proteins (gliadins), which gave glutens of higher tan delta and flatter bread loaves (lower form ratio).
Estudos da mineralização do C e do N em solos que receberam aplicação de composto de lixo urbano são importantes para avaliar o comportamento desse resíduo no solo e dar subsídios para definir as doses adequadas às culturas, com vistas em atender à necessidade de N das plantas. Foram realizados dois experimentos em condições de laboratório com o objetivo de avaliar a mineralização de C e de N em um Argissolo textura média adubado com composto de lixo urbano. No primeiro experimento, utilizou-se delineamento inteiramente ao acaso, com cinco tratamentos e três repetições, com os tratamentos constituídos de cinco doses de composto de lixo urbano, equivalentes a 0, 30, 60, 90 e 120 t ha-1. No segundo experimento, empregou-se esquema fatorial, com delineamento inteiramente ao acaso e três repetições, combinando as mesmas cinco doses de composto de lixo urbano utilizadas no primeiro experimento e 11 tempos de incubação (0, 7, 14, 28, 42, 56, 70, 84, 98, 112 e 126 dias). Os maiores aumentos de N-NO3- no solo foram obtidos até os 42 dias de incubação, independentemente da dose de composto de lixo aplicada, percebendo-se, a partir dos 70 dias, tendência de estabilização. A fração de mineralização de C-orgânico em C-CO2 menor do que 2 % em 168 dias indica que o composto de lixo urbano é material que contribui para aumentar os estoques de matéria orgânica do solo. Na ausência de adubação nitrogenada complementar, a fração de mineralização de N-orgânico de 12 % em 126 dias evidencia que o composto de lixo urbano apresenta potencial fertilizante de liberação lenta de N para as plantas.