926 resultados para Niobium carbide. 15Kh2MFA ferritic steel. Powder metallurgy. High energy milling and composite materials


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Nitride-strengthened reduced activation ferritic/martensitic (RAFM) steels are developed taking advantage of the high thermal stability of nitrides. In the current study, the microstructure and mechanical properties of a nitride-strengthened RAFM steel with improved composition were investigated. Fully martensitic microstructure with fine nitrides dispersion was achieved in the steel. In all, 1.4 pct Mn is sufficient to suppress delta ferrite and assure the steel of the full martensitic microstructure. Compared to Eurofer97, the steel showed similar strength at room temperature but higher strength at 873 K (600 °C). The steel exhibited very high impact toughness and a low ductile-to-brittle transition temperature (DBTT) of 243 K (–30 °C), which could be further reduced by purification.


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Micro-porous nickel (Ni) with an open cell structure was fabricated by a special powder metallurgical process, which includes the adding of a space-holding material. The average pore size of the micro-porous Ni samples approximated 30 μm and 150 μm, and the porosity ranged from 60 % to 80 %. The porous characteristics of the Ni samples were observed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and the mechanical properties were evaluated using compressive tests. For comparison, porous Ni samples with a macro-porous structure prepared by both powder metallurgy<br />(pore size 800 μm) and the traditional chemical vapour deposition (CVD) method (pore size 1300 μm) were also presented. Results indicated that the porous Ni samples with a micro-porous structure exhibited different deformation behaviour and dramatically increased mechanical properties,
compared to those of the macro-porous Ni samples.


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The microstructural evolution and characteristics of the Ti–16Sn–4Nb powder particles and bulk alloys sintered from the powders ball-milled for various periods of time were studied. Results indicated that ball milling to 8 h led to the development of a supersaturated hcp α-Ti and partial amorphous phase due to the solid solution of Sn and Nb into Ti lattice. The bulk Ti–16Sn–4Nb alloy made from the powders ball milled for a short time, up to 2 h, exhibited a primary α and a Widmanstätten structure consisting of interlaced secondary α and β. With an increase in ball milling time up to 10 h, the microstructure evolved into a fine β phase dispersed homogeneously within α phase matrix. The microhardness values of the bulk alloy in both α- and β-phases increased with the increasing of the ball milling time and reached a plateau value at 8 h and longer, i.e. 687 and 550 HV for α- and β-phases, respectively. Likewise, the microhardness of the α phases was always higher than that of the β phases in the bulk alloys made from the powders ball milled for the same milling time.


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ZnO powder showed anomalous evaporation behavior after its mechanical milling treatment under high-energy conditions. The amount of generated vapor is about 10 times higher in the first 15 min of annealing at 1300 °C than that of unmilled ZnO powders. The strong ball impacts are responsible for the greatly enhanced evaporation ability. Low-energy ball milling involving shearing actions and rare weak impacts leads only to a small evaporation rate enhancement. The possible explanation of the high evaporation rate of the heavily milled material is the existence of large fraction of weakly bonded atoms in grain boundaries, surface defects and strained areas.


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Porous Ti-Mo alloy samples with different porosities from 52% to 72% were successfully fabricated by the space-holder sintering method. The pore size of the porous Ti-Mo alloy samples were ranged from 200 to 500 μm. The plateau stress and elastic modulus of the porous Ti-Mo alloy samples increases with the decreasing of the porosity. Moreover, an apatite coating on the Ti-Mo alloy after an alkali and heat treatment was obtained through soaking into a simulated body fluid (SBF). The porous Ti-Mo alloy provides promising potential for new implant materials with new bone tissue ingrowth ability, bioactivity and mechanical properties mimicking those of natural bone.


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Biocompatible porous Ti-16Sn-4Nb alloys were synthesised in quest of a novel tissue engineering biomaterial for bone regeneration. The alloys were prepared from elemental powders via mechanical alloying followed by space-holder sintering. The effects of ball milling variables on the characteristics and mechanical properties of bulk and porous Ti-16Sn-4Nb alloy have been investigated.


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In the present study, porous nickel foam samples with pore sizes of 20 μm and 150 μm and porosities of 60 % and 70 % were fabricated by the space-holding sintering method via powder metallurgy. Electron scanning microscopy (SEM) and Image-Pro Plus were used to characterise the morphological features of the porous nickel foam samples. The anisotropic mechanical properties of porous nickel foams were investigated by compressive testing loading in different directions, i.e. the major pore axis and minor pore axis. Results indicated that the nominal stress of the nickel foam samples increases with the decreasing of the porosity. Moreover, the foam sample exhibited significantly higher nominal stress for loading in the direction of the major pore axis than loading in direction of the minor pore axis. It is also noticeable that the nominal stress of the nickel foams increases with the decreasing of the pore size. It seems that the deformation behaviour of the foams with a pore size in the micron-order differs from those with a macro-porous structure.