956 resultados para News from Nowhere
This newsletter from the South Carolina School Improvement Council presents articles on news from the Council for members including new staff, conference information, and award winners.
This newsletter from the South Carolina School Improvement Council presents articles on news from the Council for members including new staff, conference information, and award winners.
This newsletter from the South Carolina School Improvement Council presents articles on news from the Council for members including new staff, conference information, and award winners.
From silence to action: silence taken as a foundational action that allows creative processes. It is a blankness that precedes the moment of creation but also stands for a search for perfection, the un-representable, the Sublime. The ‘art moment’ is that what is created from such emptiness, in the vertiginous abyss from nowhere to action. We will work this complex process of understanding if an action precedes the silence or if the silence precedes the action. Analyzing art process, considering its phases, from the tension between either to create or not to create will be related with the potency refereed by Agamben regarding Bartleby: starting with blankness, with the invisibility of potency, when communication is urgent. When “the blues” are called into participation, when the melancholic state installs the potency of the work both to grow or be doubted, of to do or not to do, how do we read agency? Is silence the action? Should the action rest in silence? What to do? Remain in the state of pure potency or prove the impossibility to create form? Nowadays, the pensive image counters the logic of the narrative action. On the one hand, the image extends the action on the other hand suspends any given presumption. The artistic process carries on, in its poetic freedom, a search without the enslavement of representational forms.
Em notícia doutros órgãos de comunicação social, v.g. TVI, 3/12/13, dizia-se o seguinte: “Portugal manteve, em 2013, o 33.º lugar no Índice de Perceção da Corrupção da organização Transparência Internacional, mas perdeu pontuação”. Abstract: In news from other media, eg TVI, 12/03/13, it was said the following: "Portugal maintained in 2013, the 33 place in the Perception Index of Transparency International Corruption, but lost points."
Aquesta memòria tracta sobre el procediment de creació d’una aplicació web de notícies. Està dividida en 3 zones, una on usuaris amb permisos d’administració poden penjar notícies per ser visualitzades per tothom, una altra que s’hi accedeix si s’és usuari registrat i permet visualitzar noticies d’altres servidors mitjançant el format de dades RSS, i un tercer apartat de gestió administrativa, incorporar noves notícies, modificar-ne de presents o introduir noves pàgines web que continguin notícies. Els usuaris registrats podran seleccionar el diaris dels quals rebran informació, així com especificar quines temàtiques prefereixen en la cerca de notícies.
En aquest projecte s’ha treballat en l’entorn PROSES, on aeroports i avions de l’espai aeri són mules de transport sobre una xarxa DTN. L’objectiu principal és estudiar i simular dos escenaris concrets: l’enviament de notícies des de les torres de control als avions, i l’enviament de canvis de rutes de vol dels avions a un aeroport en qüestió. S’ha simulat el comportament de dos protocols d’encaminament diferents sobre els escenaris creats. Per a realitzar les proves s’ha utilitzat el simulador The ONE, s’ha implementat un nou protocol d’encaminament, s’ha creat un Generador de Mapes i Rutes, i s’han realitzat amb èxit les simulacions.
News from the Iowa Tourism Office
News from the Iowa Tourism Office
News from the Iowa Tourism Office
News from the Iowa Tourism Office
News from the Iowa Tourism Office
News from the Iowa Tourism Office
News from the Iowa Tourism Office
News from the Iowa Tourism Office