970 resultados para New roles
This article aims, through a theoretical essay, to promote a reflection about the new roles played by people in families, at work and at the society in general. Based on papers and scientific bibliography, it broaches the changes at the contemporary society, linked to changes on world of work and family relationships, focused on the unbalance at family-work relation. Some current organizational initiatives were cited as plans of prevention and improvement of worker health, which affect their relations. It was considered the need of reconstruction of gender stereotypes and reducing the inequality of opportunity between people as focal points for changing a current scenario, which prevails in the lack of balance between requirements that can generate negative consequences both for health the individual and their families and for the organization.
Abstract Background The metabolic capacity for nitrogen fixation is known to be present in several prokaryotic species scattered across taxonomic groups. Experimental detection of nitrogen fixation in microbes requires species-specific conditions, making it difficult to obtain a comprehensive census of this trait. The recent and rapid increase in the availability of microbial genome sequences affords novel opportunities to re-examine the occurrence and distribution of nitrogen fixation genes. The current practice for computational prediction of nitrogen fixation is to use the presence of the nifH and/or nifD genes. Results Based on a careful comparison of the repertoire of nitrogen fixation genes in known diazotroph species we propose a new criterion for computational prediction of nitrogen fixation: the presence of a minimum set of six genes coding for structural and biosynthetic components, namely NifHDK and NifENB. Using this criterion, we conducted a comprehensive search in fully sequenced genomes and identified 149 diazotrophic species, including 82 known diazotrophs and 67 species not known to fix nitrogen. The taxonomic distribution of nitrogen fixation in Archaea was limited to the Euryarchaeota phylum; within the Bacteria domain we predict that nitrogen fixation occurs in 13 different phyla. Of these, seven phyla had not hitherto been known to contain species capable of nitrogen fixation. Our analyses also identified protein sequences that are similar to nitrogenase in organisms that do not meet the minimum-gene-set criteria. The existence of nitrogenase-like proteins lacking conserved co-factor ligands in both diazotrophs and non-diazotrophs suggests their potential for performing other, as yet unidentified, metabolic functions. Conclusions Our predictions expand the known phylogenetic diversity of nitrogen fixation, and suggest that this trait may be much more common in nature than it is currently thought. The diverse phylogenetic distribution of nitrogenase-like proteins indicates potential new roles for anciently duplicated and divergent members of this group of enzymes.
[EN] Vaults are evolutionary highly conserved ribonucleoproteins particles with a hollow barrel-like structure. The main component of vaults represents the 110 kDa major vault protein (MVP), whereas two minor vaults proteins comprise the 193 kDa vault poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (vPARP) and the 240 kDa telomerase-associated protein-1 (TEP-1). Additionally, at least one small and untranslated RNA is found as a constitutive component. MVP seems to play an important role in the development of multidrug resistance. This particle has also been implicated in the regulation of several cellular processes including transport mechanisms, signal transmission and immune responses. Vaults are considered a prognostic marker for different cancer types. The level of MVP expression predicts the clinical outcome after chemotherapy in different tumour types. Recently, new roles have been assigned to MVP and vaults including the association with the insulin-like growth factor-1, hypoxia-inducible factor-1alpha, and the two major DNA double-strand break repair machineries: non-homologous endjoining and homologous recombination. Furthermore, MVP has been proposed as a useful prognostic factor associated with radiotherapy resistance. Here, we review these novel actions of vaults and discuss a putative role of MVP and vaults in the response to radiotherapy.
Attraverso l’indagine di fonti altomedievali come le Leges dei barbari si è potuto valutare, da un punto di vista pragmatico e fattuale, l’intenzione umana – a volte incidentale e pure difficoltosa – di inquadrare e definire il rapporto con un animale domestico come il cane, che continua e si evolve tra Antichità ed Alto Medioevo e senza una cesura netta. Per completare il quadro culturale e storico-sociale della ricerca, oltre alla trattatistica antica e alla letteratura medievale sugli animali, si è passato in rassegna espressioni documentarie come i capitularia mundana ed ecclasiastica, che hanno destato ulteriore interesse in quanto in esse sussiste il riflesso di un’attenzione tutta “altomedievale” per il cane e per quell’attività che da millenni lega l’uomo a questo animale: la caccia. L’argomento venatorio presuppone l’associazione con il cane nella quasi totalità dei provvedimenti sulla caccia, trasmettendo testimonianze stimabili del connubio homo cum canibus. Ne risulta ora un’amicitia, ora un legame impedito come nelle continue interdizioni venatorie rivolte agli ecclesiastici, uomini – e donne – di Chiesa che andavano a caccia. Pur non fornendo le stesse informazioni minuziose sui cani delle Leggi dei barbari, i capitularia propongono suggestivi scorci di un mondo in cui la caccia, forse la sola attività attraverso cui uomo e cane condividono le medesime trepidazioni primordiali, non era violenza gratuita ma un fondamento della cultura, soprattutto, ma non solo, di ambito aristocratico.
Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Rolle des Fibronektins im Knochen sowie in der diabetischen Nephropathie. Fibronektin im Knochen: Es war bekannt, dass Osteoblasten für ihre Differenzierung in vitro Fibronektin benötigen, dass Fibronektin für die Ausbildung einer Kollagenmatrix erforderlich ist und für die Matrixintegrität eine kontinuierliche Fibronektin-Versorgung gewährleistet sein muss. Um die Rolle des Fibronektins im Knochen, dessen Matrix zu 90% aus Kollagen besteht, näher zu untersuchen, wurde das Fibronektin der Osteoblasten spezifisch über das Cre/loxP-System in Mäusen ausgeschaltet. Dies führte zu einer erhöhten Anzahl an Osteoblasten, deren Fähigkeit die Matrix zu mineralisieren jedoch beeinträchtigt war. Dennoch zeigte sich kein Einfluss auf die Eigenschaften der Knochenmatrix. Insbesondere war der Fibronektingehalt nicht vermindert, entgegen der allgemeinen Annahme, dass die Osteoblasten die Produzenten des Fibronektins der Knochenmatrix seien. Im Gegensatz dazu stellte sich durch Untersuchungen an anderen genetisch veränderten Mäusen heraus, dass eine Ausschaltung des Plasmafibronektins im Blut zu einer deutlichen Verringerung des Fibronektingehalts des Knochens sowie zu einer Verminderung des Mineralgehalts bezogen auf die Proteinmenge führte. Auch die Komposition des Minerals war verändert. Da es jedoch keinen nennenswerten Effekt auf die Knochenzellen gab, lässt sich schlussfolgern, dass die Osteoblasten-spezifische Fibronektin-Isoform für eine regelgerechte Funktion der Osteoblasten notwendig ist, während das von der Leber produzierte Plasmafibronektin die Zusammensetzung der Knochenmatrix beeinflusst. Fibronektin in der diabetischen Niere: Mit der diabetischen Nephropathie geht eine Ausdehnung des Mesangiums in den Glomeruli einher, die mit dem Ausmaß des Nierenschadens korreliert ist. Fibronektin ist ein Bestandteil dieses expandierten Mesangiums. Vorarbeiten hatten gezeigt, dass injiziertes Fibronektin durch die Blutzirkulation in die Niere gelangt und in der Mesangialmatrix der Glomeruli eingelagert wird. Daher wurden in konditionellen Knockout-Mäusen das Plasmafibronektin bzw. das Fibronektin der Mesangialzellen und das Plasmafibronektin zugleich ausgeschaltet. In diesen Mäusen wurde ein Diabetes mellitus induziert und die Tiere für 22 Wochen mit Diabetes gehalten. Die Ausschaltung des Fibronektins hatte eine geringere Ausbreitung der Mesangialmatrix sowie eine geringere Mortalität der Tiere zur Folge. Interessanterweise schien das Plasmafibronektin alleine bereits grob ein Drittel der Ausdehnung des Mesangiums zu verursachen. Die kombinierte Ausschaltung von zirkulierendem und lokalem Fibronektin vermochte die Expansion der Mesangialmatrix sogar beinahe zu halbieren. Zusammengefasst zeigten sich neue Rollen eines traditionellen Proteins der Extrazellulärmatrix in physiologischen und pathologischen Zuständen. Einige dieser Aspekte demonstrieren die große Bedeutung der Fibronektin-Produktion durch die Leber.
Objective. The purpose of this study was to determine the meaning of personal transformation for twenty women in long term, stable recovery from alcohol abuse; to identify themes or patterns of this recovery, and; to determine the extent to which they experienced the phenomenon of perspective transformation. ^ Method. Volunteers were recruited by advertisement, word of mouth, and through a closed circuit web based broadcast. A descriptive, exploratory study, which analyzed perspective transformation from the standpoint of five action phases, was conducted. Data was collected using in-depth personal interviews and questionnaires. Subjects' responses were analyzed by qualitative methods. Triangulation was performed on the grouped data comparing the interviews to the data produced by the questionnaires. Quantitative analysis of questionnaire items explored behavioral changes experienced before and after alcoholism recovery. ^ Results. Five phases of recovery were identified. Phase I which involved recognition that alcohol was a problem and change might be possible took several years during which 3 major transitions occurred: (1) from often being alienated to having relationships with family and friends; (2) from daily upheavals to eventually a more peaceful existence, and; (3) from denial that alcohol was a problem to acceptance and willingness to change. Recovery was often seen in a spiritual context, which also required ongoing support. During Phase II there was an assessment of self, others, and the environment which revealed a pattern of intense unhappiness and negative feelings toward self and others with a disregard for cultural norms. Phase III revealed a period of desperation as life became unmanageable, but gradual willingness to accept support and guidance and a desire to improve self and help others. This led to improvement of existing role performance and the willingness to try out new roles. In Phase IV there was a pattern of personal growth which included: the establishment of boundaries, setting priorities, a willingness to place others' needs above their own, acceptance of responsibility, and learning to cope without alcohol, often with the use of tools learned in AA. During Phase V, many experienced knowledge of frailties but growing respect for self and others, with an improved ability to function in giving relationships. Implications for Prevention and Recovery: Early education concerning addiction and recovery may play a crucial role in prevention and early recovery, as it did for children of women in this study. Recovery requires persistent effort and organized support. ^
En el marco de un nuevo paradigma sobre gestón pública, los recientes procesos de reforma y modernización reconocen como denominador común la necesidad de aumentar y mejorar la capacidad institucional del Estado, proponiendo distintas formas y herramientas de gestión para optimizar el desempeño de las organizaciones estatales. La necesidad de que las organizaciones públicas respondan en tiempo y forma a las demandas de la sociedad provoca la búsqueda permanente de mejoras en su desempeño. Sin embargo, el énfasis puesto en el tipo de mejoras ha variado en el tiempo, pasando de la reforma de las estructuras, sistemas y estrategias de la organización, a la definición de nuevos roles estatales y la necesidad de asegurar la gobernabilidad democrática. Este artículo indaga en las herramientas, tecnologías y modalidades utilizadas por Nación y Provincia para mejorar la gestión pública.
It reflects about the role of public libraries in users' education to the knowledge of cyberviolence. This phenomenon is expressed through of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT), which are used to cause damage to victims. The work is based on three cases of cyberviolence: a murder, an extortion and one of pedophilia. The cases help to reflect about the necessity of intervention activities of the public libraries. The theoretical table that supplies to the analysis is aided by theoretical contributions of Information Science, Sociology and Anthropology. The results show the need of involvement of the public libraries in combating of cyberviolence, because they function as users' attraction center to access information on the Internet
The present "post modern" socio-cultural modalities and the restrictions of the economic globalization lead us to reflect about the configuration of the transformations in the Vocational Guidance, committed to the concepts of "freedom", "epistemological knowledge", "competences of the subject and new roles of the school. This first exploratory incursion if the research has the purpose of retrieving the concept of freedom from the existential philosophers Heidegger and Sartre and of introducing the subject of "competences" from the social theory of Habermas. The aim is to establish new bonds between the Vocational Guidance and the above-mentioned philosophical lineaments: the freedom of the subjects and the possibility of development of those "competences" that allow to establish social, ethical and epistemological interrelations in the sphere of the Vocational Guidance, that promote a greater solidarity facing the "era of emptiness" of the post-modernity supported by Lipovestky.
Presentamos hallazgos sobre el envejecer en la actualidad y su entrecruzamiento con la participación en grupos. Señalamos la importancia de la educación permanente en la producción de subjetividad. Se destaca la contribución de las investigaciones referidas a la: docencia, extensión universitaria y formación de investigadores. Partimos del marco teórico de la psicología, se revisan los aportes interdisciplinarios que enriquecen el campo gerontológico. A partir de la longevidad se busca identificar las transformaciones del envejecer, el proceso de revisión identificatoria y el trabajo psíquico de revisar, cuestionar y transformar las significaciones simbólicas, a la par que hacer lugar a lo nuevo en relación con sus funciones: hombre/mujer; esposo/esposa; abuelo/abuela. Se emplea metodología cualitativa: entrevistas en profundidad, historias de vida, crónicas del funcionamiento grupal. Surge la preocupación constante y conciente de los mayores, por preservar su capacidad de desear, crear, producir y gozar, la búsqueda de realización personal y la interrelación con el medio, con los otros y con sus pares. Se observan lógicas propias que promueven la horizontalidad de los vínculos y presentan representaciones, sentidos y conductas que modifican el concepto tradicional del viejo. Se destaca la riqueza del encuentro intersubjetivo entre investigadores y entrevistados, en la elaboración de los cambios.
It reflects about the role of public libraries in users' education to the knowledge of cyberviolence. This phenomenon is expressed through of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT), which are used to cause damage to victims. The work is based on three cases of cyberviolence: a murder, an extortion and one of pedophilia. The cases help to reflect about the necessity of intervention activities of the public libraries. The theoretical table that supplies to the analysis is aided by theoretical contributions of Information Science, Sociology and Anthropology. The results show the need of involvement of the public libraries in combating of cyberviolence, because they function as users' attraction center to access information on the Internet
The present "post modern" socio-cultural modalities and the restrictions of the economic globalization lead us to reflect about the configuration of the transformations in the Vocational Guidance, committed to the concepts of "freedom", "epistemological knowledge", "competences of the subject and new roles of the school. This first exploratory incursion if the research has the purpose of retrieving the concept of freedom from the existential philosophers Heidegger and Sartre and of introducing the subject of "competences" from the social theory of Habermas. The aim is to establish new bonds between the Vocational Guidance and the above-mentioned philosophical lineaments: the freedom of the subjects and the possibility of development of those "competences" that allow to establish social, ethical and epistemological interrelations in the sphere of the Vocational Guidance, that promote a greater solidarity facing the "era of emptiness" of the post-modernity supported by Lipovestky.
Presentamos hallazgos sobre el envejecer en la actualidad y su entrecruzamiento con la participación en grupos. Señalamos la importancia de la educación permanente en la producción de subjetividad. Se destaca la contribución de las investigaciones referidas a la: docencia, extensión universitaria y formación de investigadores. Partimos del marco teórico de la psicología, se revisan los aportes interdisciplinarios que enriquecen el campo gerontológico. A partir de la longevidad se busca identificar las transformaciones del envejecer, el proceso de revisión identificatoria y el trabajo psíquico de revisar, cuestionar y transformar las significaciones simbólicas, a la par que hacer lugar a lo nuevo en relación con sus funciones: hombre/mujer; esposo/esposa; abuelo/abuela. Se emplea metodología cualitativa: entrevistas en profundidad, historias de vida, crónicas del funcionamiento grupal. Surge la preocupación constante y conciente de los mayores, por preservar su capacidad de desear, crear, producir y gozar, la búsqueda de realización personal y la interrelación con el medio, con los otros y con sus pares. Se observan lógicas propias que promueven la horizontalidad de los vínculos y presentan representaciones, sentidos y conductas que modifican el concepto tradicional del viejo. Se destaca la riqueza del encuentro intersubjetivo entre investigadores y entrevistados, en la elaboración de los cambios.
It reflects about the role of public libraries in users' education to the knowledge of cyberviolence. This phenomenon is expressed through of the Information and Communication Technology (ICT), which are used to cause damage to victims. The work is based on three cases of cyberviolence: a murder, an extortion and one of pedophilia. The cases help to reflect about the necessity of intervention activities of the public libraries. The theoretical table that supplies to the analysis is aided by theoretical contributions of Information Science, Sociology and Anthropology. The results show the need of involvement of the public libraries in combating of cyberviolence, because they function as users' attraction center to access information on the Internet
The present "post modern" socio-cultural modalities and the restrictions of the economic globalization lead us to reflect about the configuration of the transformations in the Vocational Guidance, committed to the concepts of "freedom", "epistemological knowledge", "competences of the subject and new roles of the school. This first exploratory incursion if the research has the purpose of retrieving the concept of freedom from the existential philosophers Heidegger and Sartre and of introducing the subject of "competences" from the social theory of Habermas. The aim is to establish new bonds between the Vocational Guidance and the above-mentioned philosophical lineaments: the freedom of the subjects and the possibility of development of those "competences" that allow to establish social, ethical and epistemological interrelations in the sphere of the Vocational Guidance, that promote a greater solidarity facing the "era of emptiness" of the post-modernity supported by Lipovestky.