855 resultados para New classification
Este relatório de estágio representa o trabalho desenvolvido na Autoritat Portuària de Barcelona (APB), mais precisamente no Centro de Documentação da Autoridade Portuária de Barcelona, num período de 150 horas, onde tive a oportunidade de passar pelos diferentes serviços de documentação e realizar as tarefas inerentes a uma Instituição com idêntica tipologia àquela onde presto idêntica atividade em Portugal. Descreve-se a empresa e o trabalho desenvolvido no Centro de Documentação (CENDOC), considerando todas as funções desenvolvidas ao nível da gestão documental, na biblioteca, no arquivo intermédio, histórico e no arquivo fotográfico. O serviço de Arquivo agiliza a gestão de um fundo documental com mais de 3.900 metros lineares de documentos textuais, 500 metros lineares de documentação gráfica e cartográfica e 75.000 fotografias. Também gere o Património Cultural Móvel da APB, tanto o fundo documental do Arquivo Histórico (textual e imagens), como as coleções de objetos artísticos de interesse histórico e cultural (pinturas, esculturas, artes decorativas, cartas náuticas, modelos de navios). Toda a documentação do Arquivo Intermédio foi devidamente tratada, higienizada e organizada num novo espaço de arquivo, com melhores condições de acondicionamento. Aproveitando este trabalho, foi desenvolvido um novo Plano de Classificação em maio de 2012, no mesmo período que desenvolvi o estágio, a fim de melhorar o serviço de Arquivo. O serviço da Biblioteca tem ao alcance dos seus utilizadores um fundo de 1276 publicações periódicas e mais de 2.300 monografias, catalogadas no programa informático CDS/ISIS. A sua classificação é feita com base na Classificação Decimal Universal (CDU), e a partir de um tesauro especifico elaborado pelos técnicos do CENDOC. Enquanto Técnica Superior no Centro de Documentação e Informação na Administração do Porto de Lisboa (APL), o desenvolvimento deste estágio trouxe um importante contributo para o serviço que desempenho no Centro de Documentação e Informação na Administração do Porto de Lisboa. Este Estágio possibilitou, sem dúvida, um melhor conhecimento teórico e prático no âmbito das tarefas inerentes ao mesmo, e a capacitação para o desenvolvimento de projetos relacionados com as funções que desempenho, no Centro de Documentação e Informação da Administração do Porto de Lisboa.
A Bayesian method of classifying observations that are assumed to come from a number of distinct subpopulations is outlined. The method is illustrated with simulated data and applied to the classification of farms according to their level and variability of income. The resultant classification shows a greater diversity of technical charactersitics within farm types than is conventionally the case. The range of mean farm income between groups in the new classification is wider than that of the conventional method and the variability of income within groups is narrower. Results show that the highest income group in 2000 included large specialist dairy farmers and pig and poultry producers, whilst in 2001 it included large and small specialist dairy farms and large mixed dairy and arable farms. In both years the lowest income group is dominated by non-milk producing livestock farms.
A strong link exists between stratospheric variability and anomalous weather patterns at the earth’s surface. Specifically, during extreme variability of the Arctic polar vortex termed a “weak vortex event,” anomalies can descend from the upper stratosphere to the surface on time scales of weeks. Subsequently the outbreak of cold-air events have been noted in high northern latitudes, as well as a quadrupole pattern in surface temperature over the Atlantic and western European sectors, but it is currently not understood why certain events descend to the surface while others do not. This study compares a new classification technique of weak vortex events, based on the distribution of potential vorticity, with that of an existing technique and demonstrates that the subdivision of such events into vortex displacements and vortex splits has important implications for tropospheric weather patterns on weekly to monthly time scales. Using reanalysis data it is found that vortex splitting events are correlated with surface weather and lead to positive temperature anomalies over eastern North America of more than 1.5 K, and negative anomalies over Eurasia of up to −3 K. Associated with this is an increase in high-latitude blocking in both the Atlantic and Pacific sectors and a decrease in European blocking. The corresponding signals are weaker during displacement events, although ultimately they are shown to be related to cold-air outbreaks over North America. Because of the importance of stratosphere–troposphere coupling for seasonal climate predictability, identifying the type of stratospheric variability in order to capture the correct surface response will be necessary.
In this paper, we summarise this recent progress to underline the features specific to this nonlinear elliptic case, and we give a new classification of boundary conditions on the semistrip that satisfy a necessary condition for yielding a boundary value problem can be effectively linearised. This classification is based on formulation the equation in terms of an alternative Lax pair.
Objective: To assess time trends in the contribution of processed foods to food purchases made by Brazilian households and to explore the potential impact on the overall quality of the diet. Design: Application of a new classification of foodstuffs based on extent and purpose of food processing to data collected by comparable probabilistic household budget surveys. The classification assigns foodstuffs to the following groups: unprocessed/minimally processed foods (Group 1); processed culinary ingredients (Group 2); or ultra-processed ready-to-eat or ready-to-heat food products (Group 3). Setting: Eleven metropolitan areas of Brazil. Subjects: Households; n 13 611 in 1987-8, n 16 014 in 1995-5 and n 13 848 in 2002-3. Results: Over the last three decades, the household consumption of Group 1 and Group 2 foods has been steadily replaced by consumption of Group 3 ultra-processed food products, both overall and in lower- and upper-income groups. In the 2002-3 survey, Group 3 items represented more than one-quarter of total energy (more than one-third for higher-income households). The overall nutrient profile of Group 3 items, compared with that of Group 1 and Group 2 items, revealed more added sugar, more saturated fat, more sodium, less fibre and much higher energy density. Conclusions: The high energy density and the unfavourable nutrition profiling of Group 3 food products, and also their potential harmful effects on eating and drinking behaviours, indicate that governments and health authorities should use all possible methods, including legislation and statutory regulation, to halt and reverse the replacement of minimally processed foods and processed culinary ingredients by ultra-processed food products.
The enzymatic activity of thioredoxin reductase enzymes is endowed by at least two redox centers: a flavin and a dithiol/disulfide CXXC motif. The interaction between thioredoxin reductase and thioredoxin is generally species-specific, but the molecular aspects related to this phenomenon remain elusive. Here, we investigated the yeast cytosolic thioredoxin system, which is composed of NADPH, thioredoxin reductase (ScTrxR1), and thioredoxin 1 (ScTrx1) or thioredoxin 2 (ScTrx2). We showed that ScTrxR1 was able to efficiently reduce yeast thioredoxins (mitochondrial and cytosolic) but failed to reduce the human and Escherichia coli thioredoxin counterparts. To gain insights into this specificity, the crystallographic structure of oxidized ScTrxR1 was solved at 2.4 angstrom resolution. The protein topology of the redox centers indicated the necessity of a large structural rearrangement for FAD and thioredoxin reduction using NADPH. Therefore, we modeled a large structural rotation between the two ScTrxR1 domains (based on the previously described crystal structure, PDB code 1F6M). Employing diverse approaches including enzymatic assays, site-directed mutagenesis, amino acid sequence alignment, and structure comparisons, insights were obtained about the features involved in the species-specificity phenomenon, such as complementary electronic parameters between the surfaces of ScTrxR1 and yeast thioredoxin enzymes and loops and residues (such as Ser(72) in ScTrx2). Finally, structural comparisons and amino acid alignments led us to propose a new classification that includes a larger number of enzymes with thioredoxin reductase activity, neglected in the low/high molecular weight classification.
Human parvovirus B19 is the only member of the genus Erythrovirus that causes human disease. Recent findings of several strains with considerable sequence divergence from B19 have suggested a new classification for parvovirus genotypes as 1 (B19), 2 (A-6 and LaLi) and 3 (V9). In their overall DNA sequence, the three genotypes differ by similar to 10%. Here, we report the isolation of a genotype-3-related strain named BR543 during a prospective study conducted in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Analysis of the nearly full-length genome sequence of BR543 indicates that this B19 variant sequence clusters with Gh2768, a strain from Ghana belonging to subtype 3b, and showed mostly synonymous substitutions.
This master’s thesis deals with the cultural diversity policies of Denmark and Sweden within the cultural sector. It attempts at explaining why these two “most-similar” scandinavian countries having in common the same cultural model, “the architect model”, opted for different policies when it came to cultural diversity: Assimilationism for Denmark and multiculturalism for Sweden. I show that though institutional and power-interest factors had an impact, ideas as “programmatic beliefs” (Sheri E. Berman 2001) or “frames” (Erik Bleich 2003) played the ultimate role. I evaluate their relative importance by analyzing the anthropological dimension of the countries cultural policies since 1969. The study confirms that at least in the cultural sector, Danish policies have been assimilationist and Swedish ones multiculturalist and proposes a new classification of terms.By investigating immigrants cultures, it fills a gap left by previous researchers working on a common Nordic cultural model.
Objetivo: Avaliar a acurácia da colposcopia utilizando a Classificação Colposcópica Internacional de 2002. Métodos: 3040 pacientes de população geral foram rastreadas para patologia cervical através de exame citopatológico, captura híbrida para HPV de alto risco e inspeção cervical. As colposcopias que resultaram em biópsia (n=468) executadas no rastreamento e acompanhamento destas pacientes foram gravadas, revistas por dois colposcopistas cegados e incluídas para análise. Resultados: Os observadores apresentaram excelente concordância (Kappa=0.843) no relato dos achados pela nova nomenclatura. A colposcopia apresentou sensibilidade de 86% e especificidade de 30.3% em diferenciar colo normal de colo anormal (LSIL, HSIL ou carcinoma); quando a colposcopia objetivava diferenciar colo normal ou LSIL de HSIL ou carcinoma, apresentou sensibilidade de 61.1% e especificidade de 94.4%. Os achados colposcópicos classificados como “maiores” pela nova classificação apresentaram valores preditivos positivos elevados para HSIL. Presença do achado colposcópico na zona de transformação e tamanho da lesão estavam associados a HSIL. Bordas externas definidas, associação de múltiplos achados distintos e presença de zona iodo negativa não estavam relacionados à gravidade das lesões. Conclusão: A colposcopia utilizando a Classificação Internacional de 2002 mostra-se um bom método de rastreamento, mas como método diagnóstico apresenta falhas, não podendo substituir a avaliação histológica. A categorização em achados colposcópicos “maiores” e “menores” apresentada pela nova classificação é adequada. Na realização da colposcopia, é importante também que a lesão seja situada em relação à zona de transformação e que seu tamanho seja indicado, já que estes foram fatores associados a lesões de alto grau.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The objective of this work was about fixing the free will paradigm as negative evaluation of political rights which presents a new classification dde such rights, producing species: a) conditions of eligibility autonomous (free will), b) eligibility requirements heteronomous (will third party) and c) ineligibility (court decisions / administrative). This morality and life history as a condition of eligibility unattended, making a hermeneutic analysis of art. 14, § 9 of the Constitution, considering the justification of the views of the voting Minister Carlos Ayres Brito Appeal in Ordinary No 1069/2006 of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (where Eurico Miranda). Are fixed concepts of morality and life history from the perspective of the moral act freely and consciously. Has resulted in the identification of the moral virtues of honesty and integrity, which are voluntary acts as a reference to morality and integrity respectively. Justifies the morality and life history as a condition of eligibility unattended. who depend exclusively on the willingness of the candidate. It is noteworthy that the conditions for eligibility as a factual finding does not violate the law and does not allow punitive sanctions or setting a deadline in case of refusal to register the application. Attributed to political parties to take responsibility in their statutes moral criteria for the nomination convention in pre candidates, giving an ethical dimension. Analyzes the law under the Clean Record of morality and life history of the candidate and the possible impact on the electoral context.
The objective of this work was about fixing the free will paradigm as negative evaluation of political rights which presents a new classification dde such rights, producing species: a) conditions of eligibility autonomous (free will), b) eligibility requirements heteronomous (will third party) and c) ineligibility (court decisions / administrative). This morality and life history as a condition of eligibility unattended, making a hermeneutic analysis of art. 14, § 9 of the Constitution, considering the justification of the views of the voting Minister Carlos Ayres Brito Appeal in Ordinary No 1069/2006 of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (where Eurico Miranda). Are fixed concepts of morality and life history from the perspective of the moral act freely and consciously. Has resulted in the identification of the moral virtues of honesty and integrity, which are voluntary acts as a reference to morality and integrity respectively. Justifies the morality and life history as a condition of eligibility unattended. who depend exclusively on the willingness of the candidate. It is noteworthy that the conditions for eligibility as a factual finding does not violate the law and does not allow punitive sanctions or setting a deadline in case of refusal to register the application. Attributed to political parties to take responsibility in their statutes moral criteria for the nomination convention in pre candidates, giving an ethical dimension. Analyzes the law under the Clean Record of morality and life history of the candidate and the possible impact on the electoral context
O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar uma nova classificação de mordida cruzada posterior, sendo esta mais didática e de fácil entendimento, diferindo das demais em sua nomenclatura, preservando, no entanto, os princípios fundamentais que regem a Ortodontia. Essa classificação torna o processo de diagnóstico da mordida cruzada posterior sistematizado, tornando-o mais preciso, auxiliando o clínico na elaboração de um plano de tratamento adequado e, como conseqüência, levando a um prognóstico mais favorável dessa má oclusão.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Inflamação é a resposta do organismo a injúria e perigo. Apesar de a inflamação ser um mecanismo de defesa do organismo, a intensidade e/ou a persistência desta resposta pode ser maléfica para o indivíduo. Neste contexto, os produtos naturais, são importantes fontes de moléculas biologicamente ativas, e é considerado, um recurso promissor para a descoberta de novos fármacos. Baseado em estudos etnofarmacológicos, foi isolado da planta Brosimum acutifolium, popularmente conhecida como “Mururé da Terra-Firme” o flavonóide BAS1 (4’-hidroxi,7,8-(2’’,2”-dimetil-pirano)-flavana), ainda não descrito na literatura anteriormente. Diante disso, o presente trabalho caracterizou o mecanismo de ação antiinflamatória do flavonóide BAS1, em macrófagos murinos estimulados. Macrófagos foram ativados com LPS e IFN-γ. A viabilidade celular foi avaliada pelo ensaio do MTT, os níveis dos mediadores inflamatórios foram determinados por ELISA (TNF-α, PGE2, IL-10), através da reação de Griess (NO) e a expressão de proteínas por Western blot. Nossos resultados demonstraram que BAS1 apresentou efeito citotóxico apenas para altas concentrações (100 μM), inibiu a produção de NO (95%), inibiu a expressão de NOS-2, reduziu a produção de TNF-α (39%) e PGE2(57%), mas não alterou a produção de IL-10 em macrófagos ativados. Dessa forma, uma importante contribuição deste estudo, foi evidenciar o efeito farmacológico do flavonóide BAS1, bem como, fundamentar o uso da planta Brosimum acutifolium, como antiinflamatória em nossa região. Somado a isso, a produção de extrato desta planta poderia fornecer um antiinflamatório eficaz e com menor custo para a população local. O presente trabalho, também pode contribuir para a determinação de nova classe de agente antiinflamatório, baseado em flavonóides naturais, como BAS1.