987 resultados para Neural modeling


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Esta tesis estudia la evolución estructural de conjuntos de neuronas como la capacidad de auto-organización desde conjuntos de neuronas separadas hasta que forman una red (clusterizada) compleja. Esta tesis contribuye con el diseño e implementación de un algoritmo no supervisado de segmentación basado en grafos con un coste computacional muy bajo. Este algoritmo proporciona de forma automática la estructura completa de la red a partir de imágenes de cultivos neuronales tomadas con microscopios de fase con una resolución muy alta. La estructura de la red es representada mediante un objeto matemático (matriz) cuyos nodos representan a las neuronas o grupos de neuronas y los enlaces son las conexiones reconstruidas entre ellos. Este algoritmo extrae también otras medidas morfológicas importantes que caracterizan a las neuronas y a las neuritas. A diferencia de otros algoritmos hasta el momento, que necesitan de fluorescencia y técnicas inmunocitoquímicas, el algoritmo propuesto permite el estudio longitudinal de forma no invasiva posibilitando el estudio durante la formación de un cultivo. Además, esta tesis, estudia de forma sistemática un grupo de variables topológicas que garantizan la posibilidad de cuantificar e investigar la progresión de las características principales durante el proceso de auto-organización del cultivo. Nuestros resultados muestran la existencia de un estado concreto correspondiente a redes con configuracin small-world y la emergencia de propiedades a micro- y meso-escala de la estructura de la red. Finalmente, identificamos los procesos físicos principales que guían las transformaciones morfológicas de los cultivos y proponemos un modelo de crecimiento de red que reproduce el comportamiento cuantitativamente de las observaciones experimentales. ABSTRACT The thesis analyzes the morphological evolution of assemblies of living neurons, as they self-organize from collections of separated cells into elaborated, clustered, networks. In particular, it contributes with the design and implementation of a graph-based unsupervised segmentation algorithm, having an associated very low computational cost. The processing automatically retrieves the whole network structure from large scale phase-contrast images taken at high resolution throughout the entire life of a cultured neuronal network. The network structure is represented by a mathematical object (a matrix) in which nodes are identified neurons or neurons clusters, and links are the reconstructed connections between them. The algorithm is also able to extract any other relevant morphological information characterizing neurons and neurites. More importantly, and at variance with other segmentation methods that require fluorescence imaging from immunocyto- chemistry techniques, our measures are non invasive and entitle us to carry out a fully longitudinal analysis during the maturation of a single culture. In turn, a systematic statistical analysis of a group of topological observables grants us the possibility of quantifying and tracking the progression of the main networks characteristics during the self-organization process of the culture. Our results point to the existence of a particular state corresponding to a small-world network configuration, in which several relevant graphs micro- and meso-scale properties emerge. Finally, we identify the main physical processes taking place during the cultures morphological transformations, and embed them into a simplified growth model that quantitatively reproduces the overall set of experimental observations.


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Although much of the brain’s functional organization is genetically predetermined, it appears that some noninnate functions can come to depend on dedicated and segregated neural tissue. In this paper, we describe a series of experiments that have investigated the neural development and organization of one such noninnate function: letter recognition. Functional neuroimaging demonstrates that letter and digit recognition depend on different neural substrates in some literate adults. How could the processing of two stimulus categories that are distinguished solely by cultural conventions become segregated in the brain? One possibility is that correlation-based learning in the brain leads to a spatial organization in cortex that reflects the temporal and spatial clustering of letters with letters in the environment. Simulations confirm that environmental co-occurrence does indeed lead to spatial localization in a neural network that uses correlation-based learning. Furthermore, behavioral studies confirm one critical prediction of this co-occurrence hypothesis, namely, that subjects exposed to a visual environment in which letters and digits occur together rather than separately (postal workers who process letters and digits together in Canadian postal codes) do indeed show less behavioral evidence for segregated letter and digit processing.


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Differential pathophysiological roles of estrogen receptors alpha (ERα) and beta (ERβ) are of particular interest for phytochemical screening. A QSAR incorporating theoretical descriptors was developed in the present study utilizing sequential multiple-output artificial neural networks. Significant steric, constitutional, topological and electronic descriptors were identified enabling ER affinity differentiation.


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Neural field models of firing rate activity typically take the form of integral equations with space-dependent axonal delays. Under natural assumptions on the synaptic connectivity we show how one can derive an equivalent partial differential equation (PDE) model that properly treats the axonal delay terms of the integral formulation. Our analysis avoids the so-called long-wavelength approximation that has previously been used to formulate PDE models for neural activity in two spatial dimensions. Direct numerical simulations of this PDE model show instabilities of the homogeneous steady state that are in full agreement with a Turing instability analysis of the original integral model. We discuss the benefits of such a local model and its usefulness in modeling electrocortical activity. In particular we are able to treat "patchy'" connections, whereby a homogeneous and isotropic system is modulated in a spatially periodic fashion. In this case the emergence of a "lattice-directed" traveling wave predicted by a linear instability analysis is confirmed by the numerical simulation of an appropriate set of coupled PDEs. Article published and (c) American Physical Society 2007


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Engenharia Eletrónica e Telecomunicações, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2016


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This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license.Neuro-Fuzzy Systems (NFS) are computational intelligence tools that have recently been employed in hydrological modeling. In many of the common NFS the learning algorithms used are based on batch learning where all the parameters of the fuzzy system are optimized off-line. Although these models have frequently been used, there is a criticism on such learning process as the number of rules are needed to be predefined by the user. This will reduce the flexibility of the NFS architecture while dealing with different data with different level of complexity. On the other hand, online or local learning evolves through local adjustments in the model as new data is introduced in sequence. In this study, dynamic evolving neural fuzzy inference system (DENFIS) is used in which an evolving, online clustering algorithm called the Evolving Clustering Method (ECM) is implemented. ECM is an online, maximum distance-based clustering method which is able to estimate the number of clusters in a data set and find their current centers in the input space through its fast, one-pass algorithm. The 10-minutes rainfall-runoff time series from a small (23.22 km2) tropical catchment named Sungai Kayu Ara in Selangor, Malaysia, was used in this study. Out of the 40 major events, 12 were used for training and 28 for testing. Results obtained by DENFIS were then compared with the ones obtained by physically-based rainfall-runoff model HEC-HMS and a regression model ARX. It was concluded that DENFIS results were comparable to HEC-HMS and superior to ARX model. This indicates a strong potential for DENFIS to be used in rainfall-runoff modeling.


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This study employs BP neural network to simulate the development of Chinese private passenger cars. Considering the uncertain and complex environment for the development of private passenger cars, indicators of economy, population, price, infrastructure, income, energy and some other fields which have major impacts on it are selected at first. The network is proved to be operable to simulate the progress of chinese private passenger cars after modeling, training and generalization test. Based on the BP neural network model, sensitivity analysis of each indicator is carried on and shows that the sensitivity coefficients of fuel price change suddenly. This special phenomenon reveals that the development of Chinese private passenger cars may be seriously affected by the recent high fuel price. This finding is also consistent with facts and figures