907 resultados para Nettl, Bruno: Encounters in ethnomusicology
Une multitude de recherches évaluatives ont démontré que les victimes de crime, qu’elles soient victimes d’un crime contre les biens ou contre la personne, apprécient l’approche réparatrice. Cependant, nous sommes toujours à la recherche des facteurs théoriques qui expliqueraient la satisfaction des victimes en ce qui concerne leur expérience avec les interventions réparatrices. La recherche décrite dans cette thèse concerne l’exploration des facteurs contribuant à la satisfaction des victimes de crime avec l’approche réparatrice ainsi que ses liens avec la théorie de justice procédurale. Selon la théorie de justice procédurale, la perception de justice n’est pas uniquement associée à l’appréciation du résultat d’une intervention, mais également à l’appréciation de la procédure, et que la procédure et le résultat peuvent être évalués de façon indépendante. Les procédures qui privilégient la confiance, la neutralité et le respect, ainsi que la participation et la voix des parties sont plus appréciées. Notre objectif de recherche était d’explorer l’analogie entre l’appréciation de la justice réparatrice et le concept de justice procédurale. En outre, nous avons voulu déterminer si la justice réparatrice surpasse, en termes de satisfaction, ceux prévus par la théorie de justice procédurale. Nous avons également examiné la différence dans l’appréciation de l’approche réparatrice selon le moment de l’application, soit avant ou après adjudication pénale. Ainsi, nous avons exploré le rôle d’une décision judiciaire dans l’évaluation de l’approche réparatrice. Pour répondre à nos objectifs de recherche, nous avons consulté des victimes de crime violent au sujet de leur expérience avec l’approche réparatrice. Nous avons mené des entrevues semi-directives avec des victimes de crime violent qui ont participé à une médiation auteur-victime, à une concertation réparatrice en groupe ou aux rencontres détenus-victimes au Canada (N=13) et en Belgique (N=21). Dans cet échantillon, 14 répondants ont participé à une intervention réparatrice avant adjudication judiciaire et 14 après adjudication. Nous avons observé que l’approche réparatrice semble être en analogie avec la théorie de justice procédurale. D’ailleurs, l’approche réparatrice dépasse les prémisses de la justice procédurale en étant flexible, en offrant de l’aide, en se concentrant sur le dialogue et en permettant d’aborder des raisons altruistes. Finalement, le moment de l’application, soit avant ou après adjudication, ne semble pas affecter l’appréciation des interventions réparatrices. Néanmoins, le rôle attribué à l’intervention réparatrice ainsi que l’effet sur l’évaluation du système judiciaire diffèrent selon le moment d’application. Les victimes suggèrent de continuer à développer l’approche réparatrice en tant que complément aux procédures judiciaires, plutôt qu’en tant que mesure alternative. Les témoignages des victimes servent la cause de l’offre réparatrice aux victimes de crime violent. L’offre réparatrice pourrait aussi être élargie aux différentes phases du système judiciaire. Cependant, la préférence pour l’approche réparatrice comme complément aux procédures judiciaires implique la nécessité d’investir également dans la capacité du système judiciaire de répondre aux besoins des victimes, tant sur le plan de la procédure que sur le plan du traitement par les autorités judiciaires.
Cette thèse porte sur les dynamiques interculturelles et la réactivité des institutions dans les contextes pluralistes. Le contexte clinique, un exemple parmi tant d’autres, sert à saisir les enjeux des rencontres entre personnes d’origines différentes. Le milieu de la réadaptation physique apparaît particulièrement intéressant pour étudier les enjeux induits par les rencontres interculturelles, car les interventions y sont d’une durée relativement longue en comparaison avec les soins aigus, et ce type de pratique demande une grande collaboration de la part des clients. Cette recherche sollicite trois acteurs essentiels dans ce contexte : clients immigrants, intervenants et agents tiers payeurs (CSST) ont pris la parole lors de groupes de rencontre (focus group). La recherche d’un cadre théorique pertinent en anthropologie interculturelle revisite les courants moderniste et postmoderniste, à partir d’une approche critique, et propose une épistémologie interactionniste. Ces courants qui traversent l’anthropologie sont étudiés à la lumière de la clinique, ce qui engendre un dialogue entre les intervenants et les anthropologues. Le contexte ethnographique permet de cerner différents enjeux concernant les politiques de santé dans les contextes pluriethniques, ce qui permet de saisir, à partir de la gestion, des rapports d’emboitement entre le macro et le micro. Le fonctionnement de la réadaptation physique au Québec sert de toile de fond pour comprendre les discours des acteurs sollicités par cette recherche. L’ethnographie met en lumière les convergences et les divergences entre ces trois acteurs dans les contextes pluriethniques. Selon une méthode caractéristique des relations interculturelles, je présente d’abord l’intervention dans les institutions de réadaptation. Les clients immigrants sont mis en scène avec l’intervention dans les contextes pluriethniques. Les discours de tous ces acteurs mettent en lumière des barrières dites objectives et des facteurs liés à la culture. L’analyse s’intéresse à la communication et à la circulation de l’information dans les contextes pluriethniques; elle étudie les rapports entre l’information, la connaissance et les préjugés. L’analyse offre quelques pistes qui aident à comprendre l’imperméabilité du système de santé dans les contextes pluralistes. La conclusion propose une approche complémentariste pour établir un dialogue entre les modèles de discrimination et l’interculturel. Les anthropologues sont alors interpellés en vue de répondre aux nouveaux défis générés par le néolibéralisme.
Ce mémoire de maîtrise porte principalement sur la question de la réappropriation historique et musicale des Tziganes dans le docu-fiction Latcho Drom (1993) de Tony Gatlif. Dans un premier chapitre, il s’agit de comparer l’histoire écrite sur les Tziganes avec leur mise en image afin de déterminer comment le cinéaste apporte dans le langage audiovisuel de Latcho Drom un total renouveau dans le discours dominant. Dans cette perspective, l’appareil cinématographique se révèle être un médium de revendication et de réappropriation de l’être tzigane et de son histoire. Dans un deuxième chapitre, il est question de démontrer avec des études basées sur l’ethnomusicologie comment les musiques tziganes, sont rapidement assimilées au patrimoine culturel des sociétés européennes. Latcho Drom qui traduit avec justesse des expressions musicales très encrées de la vie de ces communautés, s’inscrit en contradiction avec la conception territorialiste de musicologues et ethnomusicologues qui refusent d’accorder à la musique tzigane légitimité et autonomie. Dans un troisième chapitre, il s’agit de déterminer comment le cinéaste cherche à faire entrer son spectateur dans un rapport de proximité avec les communautés de Latcho Drom afin de susciter en lui reconnaissance et empathie.
SOEX será una organización bogotana que desarrolla y ubica en el mercado música fusión basada en aires andinos colombianos. Se orientará a ofrecer al consumidor productos que amplían la oferta cultural que hasta la fecha se ha desarrollado en el país, al vincular de una manera innovadora iniciativas musicales basadas en el ensamble de géneros tradicionales andinos colombianos, con ritmos electrónicos, rock, hip hop, entre otros; para llegar a posicionar la música con aires andinos en mercados nacionales e internacionales como ha sucedido con los aires Caribeños y de la región Pacífica.
Results from the first Sun-to-Earth coupled numerical model developed at the Center for Integrated Space Weather Modeling are presented. The model simulates physical processes occurring in space spanning from the corona of the Sun to the Earth's ionosphere, and it represents the first step toward creating a physics-based numerical tool for predicting space weather conditions in the near-Earth environment. Two 6- to 7-d intervals, representing different heliospheric conditions in terms of the three-dimensional configuration of the heliospheric current sheet, are chosen for simulations. These conditions lead to drastically different responses of the simulated magnetosphere-ionosphere system, emphasizing, on the one hand, challenges one encounters in building such forecasting tools, and on the other hand, emphasizing successes that can already be achieved even at this initial stage of Sun-to-Earth modeling.
A subjetividade é a argamassa de toda e qualquer produção e, diante disso, percebemos os processos de subjetivação presentes na feitura dos sujeitos, dos grupos e das instituições. Como ferramentas de análise, tomamos a ideia de dispositivo como um emaranhado de linhas que tecem as relações humanas, e dentre suas diversas linhas destacamos os gêneros como elementos importantes na escuta e intervenção clínica, de modo a ampliar o universo de referência presente nos encontros, no qual os corpos afetam e são afetados dentro de contextos marcados por processos psicossociais, políticos e culturais relevantes para uma prática psi ampliada. Neste trabalho, colocamos em análise a experiência que temos tido como supervisor de estágios em Psicologia Clínica-Institucional que realizamos no Programa Saúde da Família, na Vila Progresso, em Assis, SP, evidenciando a necessidade de diálogos com outros saberes, tais como os estudos culturais, a teoria queer e a esquizoanálise. Como resultados iniciais, percebemos nos relatos de nossos estagiários uma preocupação maior com o cuidado das pessoas atendidas que vão além das leituras psicológicas, que dialoga com questões sociais, econômicas, sexuais, de gênero, políticas e culturais, ampliando as análises e concebendo os seres humanos como híbridos, maquínicos e diferentes, o que evidencia a perspectiva de subjetividades em construção permanente. Surge a necessidade de nos orientarmos pelo viés de uma clínica crítica e ampliada.
We show that a hadron gas model with continuous particle emission instead of freeze-out may solve some of the problems (high values of the freeze-out density and specific net charge) that one encounters in the latter case when studying strange particle ratios such as those from the experiment WA85. This underlines the necessity to understand better particle emission in hydrodynamics to be able to analyze data. It also reopens the possibility of a quark-hadron transition occurring with phase equilibrium instead of explosively.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Este trabalho se apresenta como uma abordagem da palavra e da imagem e suas possibilidades de encontros em textos literários e cinematográficos a partir da noção de escritura. Sua construção se dá de modo a não seguir um percurso histórico destes encontros, no sentido de não fazer exatamente levantamentos cronológicos de termos ou correntes que abordassem o texto literário e cinematográfico enquanto escritura de imagens, mas sim pela perspectiva de sua inscrição como imagem mental. Neste aspecto, a leitura e escritura se dão como tradução, passagem e passeio de sentidos que o texto produz, não enclausurando uma sua percepção ancorada em uma compreensão fechada. Tomando a escritura como ponto de partida para a leitura da imagem e da palavra em textos literários e cinematográficos, parte-se para uma discussão de tópicos da teoria e crítica em amplas vertentes, privilegiando uma organização transversal deste material que parte de um conjunto de teoria de forte marcação transdisciplinar, promovendo também um encontro de campos da Teoria Literária com as Artes Visuais, Cinema, Vídeo, Pintura, Filosofia, História, entre outros. A noção de escritura adotada neste trabalho tornou importante tecer algumas considerações a partir de certas ideias de Roland Barthes e Jacques Derrida, entre outros estudiosos e comentadores do termo. Outro termo que atravessa o trabalho é a noção de tradução, aqui tomadas a partir da leitura de autores como Márcio Seligmann-Silva, Walter Benjamin, Jacques Derrida, Paul Valery, entre outros. As distinções destes termos não se devem a um esforço para delimitar os espaços dos campos de estudos, mas sim para afirmar justamente uma sua perspectiva de abertura, ou de aberturas, além do que há o entendimento de que a filiação a certos pensamentos, teorias e autores já configuram a marcação de um lugar do pensamento, lugar político, inclusive. A opção por estas concepções imprime nos corpos dos objetos de estudo, a escritura literária e a cinematográfica, uma diferença bem mais de acordo com o caráter dinâmico e movente destes objetos, produzindo um redimensionamento teórico de forte marcação política. Também interessa neste trabalho discutir tópicos dos estudos literários de maneira a permitir o atravessamento pelas outras disciplinas. A partir destas linhas gerais, o trabalho se completou com leituras de textos literários e cinematográficos, textos estes de forte caráter plural em que o encontro entre a imagem e a palavra é promovido pela escritura, constituindo também um encontro entre as teorias e as modalidades artísticas, primando por um atravessamento das teorias e pensamentos desenvolvidos ao longo da escritura do trabalho, em um tratamento ensaístico e de forte marcação intertextual, fazendo destas leituras um exercício de abertura dos textos.
Volleyball is a sport in which the laterality dominant limb shows superior strength and coordination because of its preferential use. Asymmetrical tendencies during the landing after the jump when striking or blocking actions are predominant for most part of game (ARRUDA; EDUARDO, 2008). Adaptations include imbalance of forces in static and dynamic motions at the knee joint, which increases risk for injury. Also, asymmetries in balance control during jumping and landing associate with a general postural instability that can be observed during static balance tasks. The purpose of this study was to investigate relationship between unequal lower limb strength (muscle imbalance) and postural stability levels in volleyball athletes and non-athletes. Nine female volleyball athletes and 10 active non-athletes participated in this study. Four encouters with participants were scheduled: three encounters in the bodybuilding gymnasium to collect anthropometric measures (weight, height for BMI, thigh circumference, which provided an initial diagnosis about asymmetry), and to perform the isometric strength test (i.e., leg press using a load cell and a force transducer to calculate uni an bilateral strength). The last encounter was in the laboratory where a balance test on a force platform was administered under five test conditions, with three repetitions each: baseline (natural standing position), one-leg standing, right side, with full vision (D_CV), and blindfolded (D_SV), one-leg standing, left side, with full vision (E_CV), and blindfolded (E_SV). The stability levels were evaluated using the path length parameters which was based on the total displacement of the center of pressure (DTCP). . Both groups shows asymmetric strength levels between legs, with better performance for the right leg. An ANOVA three way using the DTCP for the CV condition, legs (D x E), trials (3) with repeated measures for the first two factors and with a between (three)...
This Ph.D. candidate thesis collects the research work I conducted under the supervision of Prof.Bruno Samor´ı in 2005,2006 and 2007. Some parts of this work included in the Part III have been begun by myself during my undergraduate thesis in the same laboratory and then completed during the initial part of my Ph.D. thesis: the whole results have been included for the sake of understanding and completeness. During my graduate studies I worked on two very different protein systems. The theorical trait d’union between these studies, at the biological level, is the acknowledgement that protein biophysical and structural studies must, in many cases, take into account the dynamical states of protein conformational equilibria and of local physico-chemical conditions where the system studied actually performs its function. This is introducted in the introductory part in Chapter 2. Two different examples of this are presented: the structural significance deriving from the action of mechanical forces in vivo (Chapter 3) and the complexity of conformational equilibria in intrinsically unstructured proteins and amyloid formation (Chapter 4). My experimental work investigated both these examples by using in both cases the single molecule force spectroscopy technique (described in Chapter 5 and Chapter 6). The work conducted on angiostatin focused on the characterization of the relationships between the mechanochemical properties and the mechanism of action of the angiostatin protein, and most importantly their intertwining with the further layer of complexity due to disulfide redox equilibria (Part III). These studies were accompanied concurrently by the elaboration of a theorical model for a novel signalling pathway that may be relevant in the extracellular space, detailed in Chapter 7.2. The work conducted on -synuclein (Part IV) instead brought a whole new twist to the single molecule force spectroscopy methodology, applying it as a structural technique to elucidate the conformational equilibria present in intrinsically unstructured proteins. These equilibria are of utmost interest from a biophysical point of view, but most importantly because of their direct relationship with amyloid aggregation and, consequently, the aetiology of relevant pathologies like Parkinson’s disease. The work characterized, for the first time, conformational equilibria in an intrinsically unstructured protein at the single molecule level and, again for the first time, identified a monomeric folded conformation that is correlated with conditions leading to -synuclein and, ultimately, Parkinson’s disease. Also, during the research work, I found myself in the need of a generalpurpose data analysis application for single molecule force spectroscopy data analysis that could solve some common logistic and data analysis problems that are common in this technique. I developed an application that addresses some of these problems, herein presented (Part V), and that aims to be publicly released soon.
Deutsche Version: Zunächst wird eine verallgemeinerte Renormierungsgruppengleichung für die effektiveMittelwertwirkung der EuklidischenQuanten-Einstein-Gravitation konstruiert und dann auf zwei unterschiedliche Trunkierungen, dieEinstein-Hilbert-Trunkierung und die$R^2$-Trunkierung, angewendet. Aus den resultierendenDifferentialgleichungen wird jeweils die Fixpunktstrukturbestimmt. Die Einstein-Hilbert-Trunkierung liefert nebeneinem Gaußschen auch einen nicht-Gaußschen Fixpunkt. Diesernicht-Gaußsche Fixpunkt und auch der Fluß in seinemEinzugsbereich werden mit hoher Genauigkeit durch die$R^2$-Trunkierung reproduziert. Weiterhin erweist sichdie Cutoffschema-Abhängigkeit der analysierten universellenGrößen als äußerst schwach. Diese Ergebnisse deuten daraufhin, daß dieser Fixpunkt wahrscheinlich auch in der exaktenTheorie existiert und die vierdimensionaleQuanten-Einstein-Gravitation somit nichtperturbativ renormierbar sein könnte. Anschließend wird gezeigt, daß der ultraviolette Bereich der$R^2$-Trunkierung und somit auch die Analyse des zugehörigenFixpunkts nicht von den Stabilitätsproblemen betroffen sind,die normalerweise durch den konformen Faktor der Metrikverursacht werden. Dadurch motiviert, wird daraufhin einskalares Spielzeugmodell, das den konformen Sektor einer``$-R+R^2$''-Theorie simuliert, hinsichtlich seinerStabilitätseigenschaften im infraroten (IR) Bereichstudiert. Dabei stellt sich heraus, daß sich die Theorieunter Ausbildung einer nichttrivialen Vakuumstruktur auf dynamische Weise stabilisiert. In der Gravitation könnteneventuell nichtlokale Invarianten des Typs $intd^dx,sqrt{g}R (D^2)^{-1} R$ dafür sorgen, daß der konformeSektor auf ähnliche Weise IR-stabil wird.
Species that exhibit genetic color polymorphism are suitable for studying the evolutionary forces that maintain heritable phenotypic variation in nature. Male color morphs often differ in behavioral dominance, affecting the evolution of color polymorphisms. However, behavioral dominance among female color morphs has received far less attention. We studied a polymorphic population of the cichlid fish Neochromis omnicaeruleus from Lake Victoria, in which 3 distinct female color morphs coexist, black-and-white blotched (WB), orange blotched (OB), and plain (P) color morphs. First, we investigated dominance relationships among female morphs using triadic and dyadic encounters in the laboratory. In triadic encounters, both WB and OB females dominated plain, whereas WB females dominated OB females. Dominance of WB over OB was confirmed using dyadic encounters. In a second experiment, blotched (WB or OB) and plain full-sib sisters were bred by crossing a blotched and a plain parent. In dyadic encounters, WB female morphs dominated their plain sisters, suggesting that dominance of WB females is a pleiotropic effect of color or that genes coding for color and those influencing behavioral dominance are genetically linked, explaining the association between color and behavioral dominance despite gene flow. We conclude that behavioral dominance asymmetries exist among female color morphs of the fish N. omnicaeruleus, and discuss possible mechanisms that may account for the tight association between color and behavioral dominance.
Limited research has been conducted evaluating programs that are designed to improve the outcomes of homeless adults with mental disorders and comorbid alcohol, drug and mental disorders. This study conducted such an evaluation in a community-based day treatment setting with clients of the Harris County Mental Health and Mental Retardation Authority's Bristow Clinic. The study population included all clients who received treatment at the clinic for a minimum of six months between January 1, 1995 and August 31, 1996. An electronic database was used to identify clients and to track their program involvement. A profile was developed of the study participants and their level of program involvement included an examination of the amount of time spent in clinical, social and other interventions, the type of interventions encountered and the number of interventions encountered. Results were analyzed to determine whether social, demographic and mental history affected levels of program involvement and the effects of the levels of program involvement on housing status and psychiatric functioning status.^ A total of 101 clients met the inclusion criteria. Of the 101 clients, 96 had a mental disorder, and five had comorbidity. Due to the limited numbers of participants with comorbidity, only those with mental disorders were included in the analysis. The study found the Bristow Clinic population to be primarily single, Black, male, between the ages of 31 and 40 years, and with a gross family income of less than $4,000. There were more persons residing on the streets at entry and at six months following treatment than in any other residential setting. The most prevalent psychiatric diagnoses were depressive disorders and schizophrenia. The Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) scale which was used to determine the degree of psychiatric functioning revealed a modal GAF score of 31--40 at entry and following six months in treatment. The study found that the majority of clients spent less than 17 hours in treatment, had less than 51 encounters and had clinical, social, and other encounters. In regard to social and demographic factors and levels of program involvement, there were statistically significant associations between gender and ethnicity and the types of interventions encountered as well as the number of interventions encountered. There was also a statistically significant difference between the amount of time spent in clinical interventions and gender. Relative to outcomes measured, the study found female gender to be the only background variable that was significantly associated with improved housing status and the female gender and previous MHMRA involvement to be statistically associated with improvement in GAF score. The total time in other (not clinical or social) interventions and the total number of encounters with other interventions were also significantly associated with improvement in housing outcome. The analysis of previous services and levels of program involvement revealed significant associations between time spent in social and clinical interventions and previous hospitalizations and previous MHMRA involvement.^ Major limitations of this study include the small sample size which may have resulted in very little power to detect differences and the lack of generalizability of findings due to site locations used in the study. Despite these limitations, the study makes an important contribution to the literature by documenting the levels of program involvement and the social and demographic factors necessary to produce outcomes of improved housing status and psychiatric functioning status. ^