965 resultados para Neotropical primate
Neotropical orchid bees (Euglossini) are often cited as classic examples of trapline-foragers with potentially extensive foraging ranges. If long-distance movements are habitual, rare plants in widely scattered locations may benefit from euglossine pollination services. Here we report the first successful use of micro radio telemetry to track the movement of an insect pollinator in a complex and forested environment. Our results indicate that individual male orchid bees (Exaerete frontalis) habitually use large rainforest areas (at least 42-115 ha) on a daily basis. Aerial telemetry located individuals up to 5 km away from their core areas, and bees were often stationary, for variable periods, between flights to successive localities. These data suggest a higher degree of site fidelity than what may be expected in a free living male bee, and has implications for our understanding of biological activity patterns and the evolution of forest pollinators.
Patterns of endemism in the Neotropics have been explained by restriction of forest to ‘refugia’ in arid cold-stages of the Quaternary (Haffer J (1969)
Speciation in Amazonian forest birds. Science 165: 131–137). The palaeoecological record, however, shows no such forest contraction. We review
palaeoecological and phylogenetic data on the response of Neotropical taxa and communities to climatic changes of the Cenozoic. Solar insolation varies
over this period with latitude and geography, including shifts in opposite directions between high and low latitudes. In the Neotropics, distribution and
abundance patterns originate on a wide range of timescales through the Cenozoic, down to the currently dominant precession forcing (20 kyr). In contrast,
distributions and abundances at higher latitudes are controlled by obliquity forcing (40 kyr). The patterns observed by Haffer (1969) are likely derived
from pre-Quaternary radiations and are not inconsistent with palaeoecological findings of continuous forest cover in major areas of the Neotropics
during the Quaternary. The relative proportions of speciation processes have changed through time between predominantly sympatric to predominantly
allopatric depending on the prevailing characteristics of orbitally forced climatic changes. Behaviour of Neotropical organisms and ecosystems on long
timescales may be influenced much more by precessional forcing than by the obliquity forcing that controls high-latitude climate change and glaciations.
The newly updated inventory of palaeoecological research in Latin America offers an important overview of sites available for multi-proxy and multi-site purposes. From the collected literature supporting this inventory, we collected all available age model metadata to create a chronological database of 5116 control points (e.g. 14C, tephra, fission track, OSL, 210Pb) from 1097 pollen records. Based on this literature review, we present a summary of chronological dating and reporting in the Neotropics. Difficulties and recommendations for chronology reporting are discussed. Furthermore, for 234 pollen records in northwest South America, a classification system for age uncertainties is implemented based on chronologies generated with updated calibration curves. With these outcomes age models are produced for those sites without an existing chronology, alternative age models are provided for researchers interested in comparing the effects of different calibration curves and age–depth modelling software, and the importance of uncertainty assessments of chronologies is highlighted. Sample resolution and temporal uncertainty of ages are discussed for different time windows, focusing on events relevant for research on centennial- to millennial-scale climate variability. All age models and developed R scripts are publicly available through figshare, including a manual to use the scripts.
Les dyskinésies tardives (DT) sont des troubles moteurs associés à l’utilisation chronique des antagonistes des récepteurs dopaminergiques D2 tels que les antipsychotiques et le métoclopramide. Ces dyskinésies correspondent à une incoordination motrice portant préférentiellement sur la musculature oro-faciale. La gestion des DT s'est imposée comme défi de santé publique surtout en l’absence d’une alternative thérapeutique efficace et abordable. L’hypothèse classiquement avancée pour expliquer la physiopathologie des DT inhérente au traitement par les antipsychotiques s’articule autour de l’hypersensibilité des récepteurs dopaminergiques D2, cibles principales de ces molécules. Néanmoins, plusieurs données remettent la véracité de cette hypothèse en question. Hypothèse: nous proposons que le blocage chronique des récepteurs dopaminergiques soit effectivement responsable d’un phénomène d’hypersensibilisation mais contrairement à l’hypothèse classique, cette hypersensibilisation porterait sur des paramètres de la transmission dopaminergique autres que les récepteurs D2. De même nous postulons que cette hypersensibilisation se traduirait par des altérations des cascades signalétiques au niveau des cellules du striatum. Ces altérations aboutissent à des changements portant sur le récepteur nucléaire (Nur77), qui est hautement associé au système dopaminergique; l’induction de ces récepteurs déclencherait des cascades associées à la compensation ou à la genèse des DT. Matériels et méthodes: 23 femelles Cebus apella, réparties en 3 groupes: groupe halopéridol, groupe clozapine, et groupe contrôle, ont été exposées aux traitements respectifs pendant 6-36 mois. Après l’analyse comportementale, les animaux ont été décapités et leurs cerveaux isolés pour fin d’analyse. Hybridation in situ: nous avons fait appel à cette technique pour mesurer l’expression de l’ARNm de Nur77 et du neuropeptide enképhaline. Hybridation in situ double: nous avons exploités cette technique pour identifier les populations neuronales exprimant les récepteurs dopaminergiques D3 et localiser leur éventuelle induction. Autoradiographies des récepteurs dopaminergiques D1, D2 et D3 et autoradiographies des récepteurs i glutamatergiques mGluR5. Ces autoradiographies avaient pour objectif d’évaluer l’expression de ces différents récepteurs. Mutagenèse dirigée et transfection cellulaire: nous faisons appel à ces techniques pour reproduire le polymorphisme identifié au niveau de la région 3’UTR de l’ARNm Nur77 et évaluer l’impact que pourrait avoir ce polymorphisme sur la stabilité de l’ARNm Nur77 sinon sur l’expression de la protèine Nur77. Western Blot des kinases ERK 1 et 2: cette technique nous a servi comme moyen pour quantifier l’expression globale de ces kinases. Analyses statistiques: l’expression de l’ARNm Nur77 a été évaluée en utilisant l’analyse de la variance à un seul facteur (One way ANOVA). Nous avons procédé de la même façon pour mesurer l’expression des récepteurs D2, D3 et mGluR5. Résultats: le groupe des animaux traités par l’halopéridol montre une plus forte expression des récepteurs D3 par rapport aux sujets des autres groupes. Cette expression se produit au niveau des neurones de la voie directe. De plus, cette augmentation corrèle positivement avec la sévérité des DT. L’expression des récepteurs D2 et mGluR5 reste relativement inchangée entre les différents groupes, alors qu’un gradient d’expression a été observé pour le récepteur D1. Par ailleurs, Nur77 est induit par l’halopéridol, alors que son expression semble baisser chez les animaux traités par la clozapine. L’induction de l’expression de Nur77 par l’halopéridol est plus accrue chez les animaux non dyskinétiques. Les animaux traités par la clozapine démontrent une expression amoindrie de l’ARNm de Nur77 qui tend à être plus faible que l’expression de base. D’autre part, la présence du polymorphisme au niveau de la région 3’UTR semble affecter l’expression cellulaire de Nur77. Conclusion: ces résultats confortent notre hypothèse concernant l’existence d’un phénomène d’hypersensibilisation prenant place suite un traitement chronique par les antipsychotiques. Ce phénomène s’est traduit par une augmentation de l’expression des récepteurs D3 sans porter sur les récepteurs D2 tel que prôné classiquement. Cette hypersensibilisation des récepteurs D3 implique également l’existence d’un débalancement des voies striatales pouvant ainsi sous tendre l’apparition des DT. Ces résultats dévoilent ainsi un nouveau mécanisme qui pourrait contribuer à l’apparition des DT et pourraient permettre une meilleure gestion, nous l’espérons, des DT à l’échelle clinique.
Although studies often report that densities of many forest birds are negatively related to urbanization, the mechanisms guiding this pattern are poorly understood. Our objective was to use a population simulation to examine the relative influence of six demographic and behavioral processes on patterns of avian abundance in urbanizing landscapes. We constructed an individual-based population simulation model representing the annual cycle of a Neotropical migratory songbird. Each simulation was performed under two landscape scenarios. The first scenario had similar proportions of high- and low-quality habitat across the urban to rural gradient. Under the first scenario, avian density was negatively related to urbanization only when rural habitats were perceived to be of higher quality than they actually were. The second landscape scenario had declining proportions of high-quality habitat as urbanization increased. Under the second scenario, each mechanism generated a negative relationship between density and urbanization. The strongest effect on density resulted when birds preferentially selected habitats in landscapes from which they fledged or were constrained from dispersing. The next strongest patterns occurred when birds directly evaluated habitat quality and accurately selected the highest-quality available territories. When birds selected habitats based on the presence of conspecifics, the density–urbanization relationship was only one-third the strength of other habitat selection mechanisms and only occurred under certain levels of population survival. Although differences in adult or nest survival in the face of random habitat selection still elicited reduced densities in urban landscapes, the relationships between urbanization and density were weaker than those produced by the conspecific attraction mechanism. Results from our study identify key predictions and areas for future research, including assessing habitat quality in urban and rural areas in order to determine if habitats in urban areas are underutilized.
Understanding the effect of habitat fragmentation is a fundamental yet complicated aim of many ecological studies. Beni savanna is a naturally fragmented forest habitat, where forest islands exhibit variation in resources and threats. To understand how the availability of resources and threats affect the use of forest islands by parrots, we applied occupancy modeling to quantify use and detection probabilities for 12 parrot species on 60 forest islands. The presence of urucuri (Attalea phalerata) and macaw (Acrocomia aculeata) palms, the number of tree cavities on the islands, and the presence of selective logging,and fire were included as covariates associated with availability of resources and threats. The model-selection analysis indicated that both resources and threats variables explained the use of forest islands by parrots. For most species, the best models confirmed predictions. The number of cavities was positively associated with use of forest islands by 11 species. The area of the island and the presence of macaw palm showed a positive association with the probability of use by seven and five species, respectively, while selective logging and fire showed a negative association with five and six species, respectively. The Blue-throated Macaw (Ara glaucogularis), the critically endangered parrot species endemic to our study area, was the only species that showed a negative association with both threats. Monitoring continues to be essential to evaluate conservation and management actions of parrot populations. Understanding of how species are using this natural fragmented habitat will help determine which fragments should be preserved and which conservation actions are needed.
The primary endosymbiotic bacteria from three species of parasitic primate lice were characterized molecularly. We have confirmed the characterization of the primary endosymbiont (P-endosymbiont) of the human head/body louse Pediculus humanus and provide new characterizations of the P-endosymbionts from Pediculus schaeffi from chimpanzees and Pthirus pubis, the pubic louse of humans. The endosymbionts show an average percent sequence divergence of 11 to 15% from the most closely related known bacterium "Candidatus Arsenophonus insecticola." We propose that two additional species be added to the genus "Candidatus Riesia." The new species proposed within "Candidatus Riesia" have sequence divergences of 3.4% and 10 to 12% based on uncorrected pairwise differences. Our Bayesian analysis shows that the branching pattern for the primary endosymbionts was the same as that for their louse hosts, suggesting a long coevolutionary history between primate lice and their primary endosymbionts. We used a calibration of 5.6 million years to date the divergence between endosymbionts from human and chimpanzee lice and estimated an evolutionary rate of nucleotide substitution of 0.67% per million years, which is 15 to 30 times faster than previous estimates calculated for Buchnera, the primary endosymbiont in aphids. Given the evidence for cospeciation with primate lice and the evidence for fast evolutionary rates, this lineage of endosymbiotic bacteria can be evaluated as a fast-evolving marker of both louse and primate evolutionary histories.
A cellular receptor for the haemagglutinating enteroviruses (HEV), and the protein that mediates haemagglutination, is the membrane complement regulatory protein decay accelerating factor (DAF; CD55). Although primate DAF is highly conserved, significant differences exist to enable cell lines derived from primates to be utilized for the characterization of the DAF binding phenotype of human enteroviruses. Thus, several distinct DAF-binding phenotypes of a selection of HEVs (viz. coxsackievirus A21 and echoviruses 6, 7, 11-13, 29) were identified from binding and infection assays using a panel of primate cells derived from human, orang-utan, African Green monkey and baboon tissues. These studies complement our recent determination of the crystal structure of SCR(34) of human DAF [Williams, P., Chaudhry, Y., Goodfellow, I. G., Billington, J., Powell, R., Spiller, O. B., Evans, D. J. & Lea, S. (2003). J Biol Chem 278, 10691-10696] and have enabled us to better map the regions of DAF with which enteroviruses interact and, in certain cases, predict specific virus-receptor contacts.
The interpretation of Neotropical fossil phytolith assemblages for palaeoenvironmental and archaeological reconstructions relies on the development of appropriate modern analogues. We analyzed modern phytolith assemblages from the soils of ten distinctive tropical vegetation communities in eastern lowland Bolivia, ranging from terra firme humid evergreen forest to seasonally-inundated savannah. Results show that broad ecosystems – evergreen tropical forest, semi-deciduous dry tropical forest, and savannah – can be clearly differentiated by examination of their phytolith spectra and the application of Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Differences in phytolith assemblages between particular vegetation communities within each of these ecosystems are more subtle, but can still be identified. Comparison of phytolith assemblages with pollen rain data and stable carbon isotope analyses from the same vegetation plots show that these proxies are not only complementary, but significantly improve taxonomic and ecosystem resolution, and therefore our ability to interpret palaeoenvironmental and archaeological records. Our data underline the utility of phytolith analyses for reconstructing Amazon Holocene vegetation histories and pre-Columbian land use, particularly the high spatial resolution possible with terrestrial soil-based phytolith studies.
Accurate differentiation between tropical forest and savannah ecosystems in the fossil pollen record is hampered by the combination of: i) poor taxonomic resolution in pollen identification, and ii) the high species diversity of many lowland tropical families, i.e. with many different growth forms living in numerous environmental settings. These barriers to interpreting the fossil record hinder our understanding of the past distributions of different Neotropical ecosystems and consequently cloud our knowledge of past climatic, biodiversity and carbon storage patterns. Modern pollen studies facilitate an improved understanding of how ecosystems are represented by the pollen their plants produce and therefore aid interpretation of fossil pollen records. To understand how to differentiate ecosystems palynologically, it is essential that a consistent sampling method is used across ecosystems. However, to date, modern pollen studies from tropical South America have employed a variety of methodologies (e.g. pollen traps, moss polsters, soil samples). In this paper, we present the first modern pollen study from the Neotropics to examine the modern pollen rain from moist evergreen tropical forest (METF), semi-deciduous dry tropical forest (SDTF) and wooded savannah (cerradão) using a consistent sampling methodology (pollen traps). Pollen rain was sampled annually in September for the years 1999–2001 from within permanent vegetation study plots in, or near, the Noel Kempff Mercado National Park (NKMNP), Bolivia. Comparison of the modern pollen rain within these plots with detailed floristic inventories allowed estimates of the relative pollen productivity and dispersal for individual taxa to be made (% pollen/% vegetation or ‘p/v’). The applicability of these data to interpreting fossil records from lake sediments was then explored by comparison with pollen assemblages obtained from five lake surface samples.
The great majority of plant species in the tropics require animals to achieve pollination, but the exact role of floral signals in attraction of animal pollinators is often debated. Many plants provide a floral reward to attract a guild of pollinators, and it has been proposed that floral signals of non-rewarding species may converge on those of rewarding species to exploit the relationship of the latter with their pollinators. In the orchid family (Orchidaceae), pollination is almost universally animal-mediated, but a third of species provide no floral reward, which suggests that deceptive pollination mechanisms are prevalent. Here, we examine floral colour and shape convergence in Neotropical plant communities, focusing on certain food-deceptive Oncidiinae orchids (e.g. Trichocentrum ascendens and Oncidium nebulosum) and rewarding species of Malpighiaceae. We show that the species from these two distantly related families are often more similar in floral colour and shape than expected by chance and propose that a system of multifarious floral mimicry—a form of Batesian mimicry that involves multiple models and is more complex than a simple one model–one mimic system—operates in these orchids. The same mimetic pollination system has evolved at least 14 times within the species-rich Oncidiinae throughout the Neotropics. These results help explain the extraordinary diversification of Neotropical orchids and highlight the complexity of plant–animal interactions.
Accurate archaeological and palaeoenvironmental reconstructions using phytoliths relies on the study of modern reference material. In eastern Acre, Brazil, we examined whether the five most common forest types present today were able to be differentiated by their soil phytolith assemblages, and thus provide analogues with which to compare palaeoecological assemblages from pre-Columbian earthwork sites in the region. Surface soils and vegetation from dense humid evergreen forest, dense humid evergreen forest with high palm abundance, palm forest, bamboo forest and fluvial forest were sampled and their phytoliths analysed. Relative phytolith frequencies were statistically compared using Principal Components Analyses (PCAs). We found the major differences in species composition to be well-represented by the phytolith assemblages as all forest types, apart from the two sub-types of dense humid evergreen forest, could be differentiated. Larger phytoliths from the sand fraction were found to be more ecologically diagnostic than those from the silt fraction. The surface soil phytolith assemblages we analysed can therefore be used as analogues to improve the accuracy of archaeological and palaeoecological reconstructions in the region.