914 resultados para National spatial planning
Pós-graduação em Geografia - IGCE
Mapping ecosystem services (ES) and their trade-offs is a key requirement for informed decision making for land use planning and management of natural resources that aim to move towards increasing the sustainability of landscapes. The negotiations of the purposes of landscapes and the services they should provide are difficult as there is an increasing number of stakeholders active at different levels with a variety of interests present on one particular landscape.Traditionally, land cover data is at the basis for mapping and spatial monitoring of ecosystem services. In light of complex landscapes it is however questionable whether land cover per se and as a spatial base unit is suitable for monitoring and management at the meso-scale. Often the characteristics of a landscape are defined by prevalence, composition and specific spatial and temporal patterns of different land cover types. The spatial delineation of shifting cultivation agriculture represents a prominent example of a land use system with its different land use intensities that requires alternative methodologies that go beyond the common remote sensing approaches of pixel-based land cover analysis due to the spatial and temporal dynamics of rotating cultivated and fallow fields.Against this background we advocate that adopting a landscape perspective to spatial planning and decision making offers new space for negotiation and collaboration, taking into account the needs of local resource users, and of the global community. For this purpose we introduce landscape mosaicsdefined as new spatial unit describing generalized land use types. Landscape mosaics have allowed us to chart different land use systems and land use intensities and permitted us to delineate changes in these land use systems based on changes of external claims on these landscapes. The underlying idea behindthe landscape mosaics is to use land cover data typically derived from remote sensing data and to analyse and classify spatial patterns of this land cover data using a moving window approach. We developed the landscape mosaics approach in tropical, forest dominated landscapesparticularly shifting cultivation areas and present examples ofour work from northern Laos, eastern Madagascarand Yunnan Province in China.
Climate change, declines in biodiversity, increasing consumption of resources, urbanisation, urban sprawl and demographic change continue to challenge theregions of Europe. In response to these processes of regional and global change, there has been an unmistakeable boom in parks in Europe since the 1990s. Morethan a fifth of the continent is now protected using designations such as regionalnature parks, national parks, UNESCO Biosphere Reserves and World Heritagesites. The responsibilities of these areas are usually diverse and, in addition tonature protection and the conservation of cultural landscapes, increasingly involvethe promotion of sustainable development. In the 22 chapters of this volume, 28 authors from all over Europe analyse and comment on experiences of tackling the challenges of regional and global changein parks. They illustrate discussions with selected case studies and deal with keyissues of current protected area policy: How do parks address the pending challengesand what successes have they had thus far? What pioneering approaches are there in spatial planning and regional development? Which forms of park managementand governance are most promising? This informative and well-illustratedbook also considers which tasks will be assumed by parks in the future and whatroles parks may play in the debate concerning transformations required to promotesustainability in Europe.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the implementation of national family planning policy in the United States, which was embedded in four separate statutes during the period of study, Fiscal Years 1976-81. The design of the study utilized a modification of the Sabatier and Mazmanian framework for policy analysis, which defined implementation as the carrying out of statutory policy. The study was divided into two phases. The first part of the study compared the implementation of family planning policy by each of the pertinent statutes. The second part of the study identified factors that were associated with implementation of federal family planning policy within the context of block grants.^ Implemention was measured here by federal dollars spent for family planning, adjusted for the size of the respective state target populations. Expenditure data were collected from the Alan Guttmacher Institute and from each of the federal agencies having administrative authority for the four pertinent statutes, respectively. Data from the former were used for most of the analysis because they were more complete and more reliable.^ The first phase of the study tested the hypothesis that the coherence of a statute is directly related to effective implementation. Equity in the distribution of funds to the states was used to operationalize effective implementation. To a large extent, the results of the analysis supported the hypothesis. In addition to their theoretical significance, these findings were also significant for policymakers insofar they demonstrated the effectiveness of categorical legislation in implementing desired health policy.^ Given the current and historically intermittent emphasis on more state and less federal decision-making in health and human serives, the second phase of the study focused on state level factors that were associated with expenditures of social service block grant funds for family planning. Using the Sabatier-Mazmanian implementation model as a framework, many factors were tested. Those factors showing the strongest conceptual and statistical relationship to the dependent variable were used to construct a statistical model. Using multivariable regression analysis, this model was applied cross-sectionally to each of the years of the study. The most striking finding here was that the dominant determinants of the state spending varied for each year of the study (Fiscal Years 1976-1981). The significance of these results was that they provided empirical support of current implementation theory, showing that the dominant determinants of implementation vary greatly over time. ^
El presente no es un proyecto de investigación, sino de gestión y desarrollo de herramientas para la toma de decisiones. Su objetivo es colaborar dentro del marco de la "Red Nacional de Ordenamiento y Desarrollo Territorial" (Poder Ejecutivo Nacional, 2004) propuesta por el Gobierno Nacional, con los gobiernos provinciales y otros organismos en la planificación del uso de los recursos del territorio, procurando un manejo sostenible de los mismos, a fin de reducir en forma progresiva los desequilibrios espaciales, contribuyendo a elevar la calidad de vida de todos los habitantes del país. En las últimas décadas, ante la existencia de una creciente presión antrópica sobre el medio natural y, paralelamente, un mayor grado de conocimiento de las causas y efectos de los diferentes riesgos, éstos han comenzado a tener mayor influencia en la determinación de políticas y prioridades para inversiones o emprendimientos económicos en general y en la fijación de pautas de ocupación del territorio. La planificación aparece como una herramienta adecuada para orientar y organizar el desarrollo equitativo y sustentable de un territorio y la población que lo ocupa. El Ordenamiento Territorial (OT) significa disponer, con orden, la ocupación y usos del territorio según la mayor o menor aptitud de sus diferentes elementos constitutivos. Este proyecto se considera estratégico para el Programa Nacional Ecoregiones del INTA (PNECO), ya que encara los problemas territoriales desde un punto de vista global (aspectos económicos, sociales, productivos, culturales y ambientales), tradicionalmente tratados de forma sectorial, plantea directivas a mediano y largo plazo (escenarios) y guía la planificación regional y local. El enfoque central del OT es la visión participativa, acordando intereses contrapuestos (trade-offs1) y sinérgicos, transformando amenazas en oportunidades. Es este punto central el que permitirá vincular el PNECO con todos sus Proyecto Específicos (PE), considerando el marco de políticas públicas vinculadas al medio ambiente y la producción en cada ecoregión del país, asociado al Programa Nacional de Territorios del INTA
The key of mobility in urban planning is not in dispute. Integrated strategies that take into account the interrelations among land use, transport supply and demand and the different transportation modes are more necessary than ever. In Europe, regulatory tools such as local mobility plans or traffic plans have been enforced for a long time, evolving into so-called sustainable urban transport plans (SUTP) ? that is, plans thatmerge urban planning,mobility governance, social awareness and environmental safeguards to develop a vision based on sustainability and equity. Indeed, SUTP are aimed at solving typical problems in current land use, such as urban sprawl, which make clear the need for a paradigm shift from transport (or mobility) planning to land use (or city) planning, thereby producing urban mobility plans that are fully aligned with integrated urban development plans. This paper describes how SUTP are articulated across Europe according to four case studies: Peterborough (UK), Chambe¿ry (France), Ferrara (Italy) and Pinto (Spain), to highlight variations and commonalities, both among the four national legal frameworks and the actual planning processes at the local level. Objectives, measures and indicators used in the monitoring and evaluation phases have been analysed and the results assessed. The main conclusion of the paper is that, as seen in these real-life examples, the lack of integration between spatial planning and transport strategies results in the unsustainability of urban areas and, therefore, in a significant loss of competitiveness.
We examined the consequences of the spatial heterogeneity of atmospheric ammonia (NH3) by measuring and modelling NH3 concentrations and deposition at 25 m grid resolution for a rural landscape containing intensive poultry farming, agricultural grassland, woodland and moorland. The emission pattern gave rise to a high spatial variability of modelled mean annual NH3 concentrations and dry deposition. Largest impacts were predicted for woodland patches located within the agricultural area, while larger moorland areas were at low risk, due to atmospheric dispersion, prevailing wind direction and low NH3 background. These high resolution spatial details are lost in national scale estimates at 1 km resolution due to less detailed emission input maps. The results demonstrate how the spatial arrangement of sources and sinks is critical to defining the NH3 risk to semi-natural ecosystems. These spatial relationships provide the foundation for local spatial planning approaches to reduce environmental impacts of atmospheric NH3.
Ecuador, país sudamericano, aprobó en el año 2008 una Constitución en la que subyace un modelo de desarrollo humano multidimensional y alternativo al vigente. Sus dimensiones sociales, económicas, políticas, culturales y ambientales se encuentran en los textos correspondientes a los “Derechos”, “Régimen de Desarrollo” y “Régimen del Buen Vivir”; en tanto que las dimensiones territoriales se hallan expuestas en la “Organización Territorial del Estado”, conformada por regiones, provincias, cantones y parroquias rurales, con sus respectivos gobiernos autónomos descentralizados, a los que la misma Constitución les atribuye, entre otras, las competencias exclusivas de “planificar el desarrollo” y “formular los correspondientes planes de ordenamiento territorial”, y al Estado central la “planificación nacional”. No obstante, el marco legal dictado posteriormente -que otorga al Estado central la competencia de ordenación territorial, mediante la “Estrategia Territorial Nacional”-, no logra regular con eficacia, efectividad y eficiencia este ejercicio competencial, incluyendo en esta condición a los lineamientos técnicos dictados por el organismo nacional de planificación; volviendo urgente la vigencia de una ley que lo asuma, pero que demanda previamente el diseño de un modelo de gestión de estas competencias, propósito al cual procura contribuir el presente trabajo. Su estructura es la siguiente: Capítulo 1: “La problemática, objetivos y antecedentes”, en cuya formulación se destaca el estudio del marco jurídico y técnico vigente en relación a la ordenación territorial, partiendo de una breve visión sobre los empeños previos en Ecuador por adoptarla, y que se complementa con una evaluación preliminar de la experiencia vivida por los gobiernos autónomos descentralizados al formular y gestionar sus primeros planes de desarrollo y de ordenación territorial, en acatamiento del mandato constitucional. Luego se avanza en la definición del objetivo general del trabajo y de un conjunto coherente de objetivos específicos. Concluye este capítulo con el análisis del estado de la cuestión: los antecedentes sobre la ordenación territorial en América Latina, en el marco de sus predecesoras históricas. Capítulo 2: “Diseño del modelo de gestión”, que se inicia con el planteamiento de la metodología a seguir, condicionada especialmente por los propios textos constitucionales que vinculan en la relación de “correspondencia” a la ordenación territorial con la planificación del desarrollo y en consecuencia con el ejercicio de las competencias sectoriales asignadas por ella misma a los diferentes niveles de gobierno. Efectivamente, tal relación supone básicamente que la planificación del desarrollo adquiera el carácter de global, total, vale decir integral, en el sentido de que igualmente contemple sus dimensiones territoriales y que la planificación de éstas se integre a la de las dimensiones sociales, económicas, políticas, culturales y ambientales, de manera tal que en cada uno de los niveles la planificación del desarrollo sea un proceso único y un todo. Por estas condiciones, el diseño en cuestión demanda el tratamiento previo de los aspectos contemplados por la metodología en relación con la conceptualización y ordenamiento de la planificación y gestión del modelo de desarrollo humano previsto por la Constitución para los distintos niveles territoriales, seguido del análisis y evaluación del reparto competencial. En este marco se diseña el modelo de gestión en siete componentes específicos que definen los objetivos estratégicos generales a los cuales apuntará la ordenación territorial, estructuran con sus figuras –los planes–, un sistema integrado de alcance nacional, entienden al propio territorio bajo una visión sistémica y proponen un esquema metodológico general para la redacción de tales instrumentos. Luego se aborda en calidad de tema clave, la articulación con la planificación del desarrollo, el establecimiento de las dimensiones territoriales sectoriales y globales de ordenación en cada nivel territorial, que posibilita a su vez la formulación de los contenidos de las determinaciones de los planes y la definición de un conjunto de lineamientos para su gestión. Capítulo 3. “Verificación”, que se ha concretado en la puesta a consideración de un selecto grupo de expertos nacionales en ordenación territorial, el modelo propuesto siguiendo los procedimientos recomendados para este tipo de consultas. Capítulo 4. “Conclusiones Generales”, esto es, un conjunto coherente de proposiciones que condensan los resultados alcanzados en los diferentes capítulos precedentes y que demuestran la validez del modelo propuesto. ABSTRACT Ecuador approved a constitution, by 2008, where a multidimensional human development model, different to the one in force, underlies. Its social, economic, political, cultural and environmental dimensions are at the entries for "Rights", "Development Scheme" and "Rules of Good Living"; while the territorial dimensions are given by the "Territorial Organization of the State" section, consisting of regions, provinces, cantons and rural parishes, with their respective autonomous governments, to which the Constitution conferred, inter alia, the exclusive powers of "development planning" and "land use plan formulation," while the central state has the "national planning" competence. However, the subsequent issued legal framework - which gives the central state competences over land planning, using the "National Spatial Strategy" - fails to effectively regulate this exercise of jurisdiction, including in this condition the technical guidelines dictated by the national planning agency; thus becoming urgent to put in force a law that assume it, which demands the previous design of a management model of these competences, which is the aim that seeks to contribute the present work. Its structure is as follows: Chapter 1: "The problem, objectives and background" that includes the study of the legal and technical framework in force in relation to land planning, starts with a brief overview of previous efforts to adopt it in Ecuador. The chapter is complemented with a preliminary assessment of the experience of the autonomous governments to formulate and manage their early development plans and land planning, in compliance with the constitutional mandate. Subsequently the overall objective of the work and a coherent set of objectives are defined. This chapter concludes with an analysis of the state of art: the history of land use planning in Latin America in the context of their historical predecessors. Chapter 2, "Design of a management model", which begins with the methodological approach to follow, conditioned by the constitutional texts linking the relationship of "correspondence" land planning with development planning and with the exercise of the sectorial competences assigned by itself to different levels of government. Indeed, such a relationship basically means that development planning should acquire a global, comprehensive, complete, total, character in the sense that it also provides for their territorial dimensions and that their planning is integrated to social, economic, political, cultural and environmental factors, so that in each of the levels, development planning is a unique process and a whole. For these conditions, the design in question demands pretreatment of the aspects covered by the methodology in relation to the conceptualization and management of the planning and management of human development model envisaged by the Constitution to the various territorial levels, followed by analysis and evaluation of the distribution of powers. In this framework a management model is designed into seven specific components that define the overall strategic objectives which aim to land planning, structure plans, and an integrated nationwide system, that understand the territory under a systemic vision and propose a general methodological framework to draft these instruments. Then a key issue is addressed, the coordination with development planning, the establishment of sectorial and regional and global dimensions of management at each territorial level, which in turn allows the formulation of the contents of the plans determinations and defining a set of management guidelines. Chapter 3, "Verification", It has traduced into asking for the revision of the proposed model by a select group of national experts in spatial planning by following recommended procedures for such queries. Chapter 4, "General Conclusions", a coherent set of propositions that summarize the results obtained in the different preceding chapters, which demonstrates the validity of the proposed model.
This work was financially supported by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) through the Federal Office for Agriculture and Food (BLE), (2851ERA01J). FT and RPR were supported by FACCE MACSUR (3200009600) through the Finnish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MMM). EC, HE and EL were supported by The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning (220-2007-1218) and by the strategic funding ‘Soil-Water-Landscape’ from the faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) and thank professor P-E Jansson (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm) for support. JC, HR and DW thank the INRA ACCAF metaprogramm for funding and Eric Casellas from UR MIAT INRA for support. CB was funded by the Helmholtz project “REKLIM—Regional Climate Change”. CK was funded by the HGF Alliance “Remote Sensing and Earth System Dynamics” (EDA). FH was funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG) under the Grant FOR1695. FE and SS acknowledge support by the German Science Foundation (project EW 119/5-1). HH, GZ, SS, TG and FE thank Andreas Enders and Gunther Krauss (INRES, University of Bonn) for support. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Desde hace dos décadas se viene asistiendo a un renovado interés por el paisaje en distintas disciplinas e instituciones políticas y administrativas. Algunos autores lo interpretan desde una perspectiva neorromántica, como reacción a los efectos destructores de la modernidad. El Convenio Europeo del Paisaje (CEP) estableció en Florencia en el año 2000 una definición de paisaje ampliamente aceptada y unas pautas de intervención sobre el mismo que pretenden ser el marco para las leyes nacionales y regionales de los países firmantes. El presente trabajo se propone explicar la recuperación del interés por el paisaje desde la perspectiva de la valorización económica del territorio, como externalidad que permite generar rentas. En mi opinión esa es la verdadera orientación de la CEP.
Health planning methods : an international perspective : report of the 1978 International Workshop /
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Issued also as House doc. 560, 77th Cong., 2d sess., with title: Message from the President of the United States transmitting National resources development report for 1942.
Part VII issued also as House doc. 485, 75th Cong., 3d sess. with title: Alaska--its resources and development. Message from the President of the United States transmitting in accordance with Concurrent Resolution 24, 1st session, 75th Congress, passed on August 21, 1937, a report on "Alaska--its resources and development."
Vol. 2: Report of the National research council to the National resources planning board.