997 resultados para Nakagami-m fading channel


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We consider a time varying wireless fading channel, equalized by an LMS Decision Feedback equalizer (DFE). We study how well this equalizer tracks the optimal MMSEDFE (Wiener) equalizer. We model the channel by an Autoregressive (AR) process. Then the LMS equalizer and the AR process are jointly approximated by the solution of a system of ODEs (ordinary differential equations). Using these ODEs, we show via some examples that the LMS equalizer moves close to the instantaneous Wiener filter after initial transience. We also compare the LMS equalizer with the instantaneous optimal DFE (the commonly used Wiener filter) designed assuming perfect previous decisions and computed using perfect channel estimate (we will call it as IDFE). We show that the LMS equalizer outperforms the IDFE almost all the time after initial transience.


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We consider a time varying wireless fading channel, equalized by an LMS linear equalizer. We study how well this equalizer tracks the optimal Wiener equalizer. We model the channel by an Auto-regressive (AR) process. Then the LMS equalizer and the AR process are jointly approximated by the solution of a system of ODEs (ordinary differential equations). Using these ODEs, the error between the LMS equalizer and the instantaneous Wiener filter is shown to decay exponentially/polynomially to zero unless the channel is marginally stable in which case the convergence may not hold.Using the same ODEs, we also show that the corresponding Mean Square Error (MSE) converges towards minimum MSE(MMSE) at the same rate for a stable channel. We further show that the difference between the MSE and the MMSE does not explode with time even when the channel is unstable. Finally we obtain an optimum step size for the linear equalizer in terms of the AR parameters, whenever the error decay is exponential.


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An overview of our recent results relating to the explicit construction of space-time block codes achieving the DMG tradeoff of the quasi-static fading channel is presented. The results include the explicit construction of D-MG optimal codes,generalization of perfect codes to any number of transmit antennas as well as optimal diversity-multiplexing-delay constructions for the MIMO ARQ Channel.


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This paper provides an overview of results on the capacity of noncoherent, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) flat-fading channels with a bandlimited power spectral density. The focus is on results that concern the capacity at high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). In particular, the capacity pre-log, defined as the limiting ratio of the capacity to the logarithm of the SNR as the SNR tends to infinity, is studied. It is observed that the capacity pre-log is a function of the number of antennas as well as of the bandwidth of the fading channel's power spectral density. It is further observed that the capacity pre-log can be achieved with a simple communication system where the data detection and the channel estimation are performed separately. © 2011 ACM.


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Atmospheric effects can significantly degrade the reliability of free-space optical communications. One such effect is scintillation, caused by atmospheric turbulence, refers to random fluctuations in the irradiance and phase of the received laser beam. In this paper we inv stigate the use of multiple lasers and multiple apertures to mitigate scintillation. Since the scintillation process is slow, we adopt a block fading channel model and study the outage probability under the assumptions of orthogonal pulse-position modulation and non-ideal photodetection. Assuming perfect receiver channel state information (CSI), we derive the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) exponents for the cases when the scintillation is lognormal, exponential and gammagamma distributed, which cover a wide range of atmospheric turbulence conditions. Furthermore, when CSI is also available at the transmitter, we illustrate very large gains in SNR are possible (in some cases larger than 15 dB) by adapting the transmitted power. Under a long-term power constraint, we outline fundamental design criteria via a simple expression that relates the required number of lasers and apertures for a given code rate and number of codeword blocks to completely remove system outages. Copyright © 2009 IEEE.


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This study investigates the superposition-based cooperative transmission system. In this system, a key point is for the relay node to detect data transmitted from the source node. This issued was less considered in the existing literature as the channel is usually assumed to be flat fading and a priori known. In practice, however, the channel is not only a priori unknown but subject to frequency selective fading. Channel estimation is thus necessary. Of particular interest is the channel estimation at the relay node which imposes extra requirement for the system resources. The authors propose a novel turbo least-square channel estimator by exploring the superposition structure of the transmission data. The proposed channel estimator not only requires no pilot symbols but also has significantly better performance than the classic approach. The soft-in-soft-out minimum mean square error (MMSE) equaliser is also re-derived to match the superimposed data structure. Finally computer simulation results are shown to verify the proposed algorithm.


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In this paper, we address the problem of designing multirate codes for a multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) system by restricting the receiver to be a successive decoding and interference cancellation type, when each of the antennas is encoded independently. Furthermore, it is assumed that the receiver knows the instantaneous fading channel states but the transmitter does not have access to them. It is well known that, in theory, minimum-mean-square error (MMSE) based successive decoding of multiple access (in multi-user communications) and MIMO channels achieves the total channel capacity. However, for this scheme to perform optimally, the optimal rates of each antenna (per-antenna rates) must be known at the transmitter. We show that the optimal per-antenna rates at the transmitter can be estimated using only the statistical characteristics of the MIMO channel in time-varying Rayleigh MIMO channel environments. Based on the results, multirate codes are designed using punctured turbo codes for a horizontal coded MIMO system. Simulation results show performances within about one to two dBs of MIMO channel capacity.


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This paper elaborates on the ergodic capacity of fixed-gain amplify-and-forward (AF) dual-hop systems, which have recently attracted considerable research and industry interest. In particular, two novel capacity bounds that allow for fast and efficient computation and apply for nonidentically distributed hops are derived. More importantly, they are generic since they apply to a wide range of popular fading channel models. Specifically, the proposed upper bound applies to Nakagami-m, Weibull, and generalized-K fading channels, whereas the proposed lower bound is more general and applies to Rician fading channels. Moreover, it is explicitly demonstrated that the proposed lower and upper bounds become asymptotically exact in the high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) regime. Based on our analytical expressions and numerical results, we gain valuable insights into the impact of model parameters on the capacity of fixed-gain AF dual-hop relaying systems. © 2011 IEEE.


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In this paper, we investigate the physical layer secrecy performance of a single-input single-output system that consists of single antenna devices and operates in the presence of a single antenna passive eavesdropper over dissimilar fading channels. In particular, we consider two scenarios in terms of dissimilar fading channel arrangements: the legal/illegal channels are subject to Rayleigh/Rician fading, respectively; and the legal/illegal channels are subject to Rician/Rayleigh fading, respectively. Specifically, analytical expressions for the probability of the existence of a non-zero secrecy capacity and the secrecy outage probability are derived by using statistical characteristics of the signal-to-noise ratio. Numerical results are provided for selected scenarios to illustrate applications of the developed analytical expressions.


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In this paper, we investigate the potential improvement in signal reliability for indoor off-body communications when using spatial diversity at the base station. In particular, we utilize two hypothetical indoor base stations operating at 5.8 GHz each featuring four antennas which are spaced at either half- or one-wavelength apart. Three on-body locations are considered along with four types of user movement. The cross-correlation between the received signal envelopes observed at each base station antenna element was calculated and found to be always less than 0.5. Selection, maximal ratio, and equal gain combining of the received signal has shown that the greatest improvement is obtained when the user is mobile, with a maximum diversity gain of 11.34 dB achievable when using a four branch receiver. To model the fading envelope obtained at the output of the virtual combiners, we use diversity specific, theoretical probability density functions for multi-branch receivers operating in Nakagami-m fading channels. It is shown that these equations provide an excellent fit to the measured channel data.


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In this paper, we propose general-order transmit antenna selection to enhance the secrecy performance of multiple-input–multiple-output multieavesdropper channels with outdated channel state information (CSI) at the transmitter. To evaluate the effect of the outdated CSI on the secure transmission of the system, we investigate the secrecy performance for two practical scenarios, i.e., Scenarios I and II, where the eavesdropper's CSI is not available at the transmitter and is available at the transmitter, respectively. For Scenario I, we derive exact and asymptotic closed-form expressions for the secrecy outage probability in Nakagami- m fading channels. In addition, we also derive the probability of nonzero secrecy capacity and the \varepsilon -outage secrecy capacity, respectively. Simple asymptotic expressions for the secrecy outage probability reveal that the secrecy diversity order is reduced when the CSI is outdated at the transmitter, and it is independent of the number of antennas at each eavesdropper N_text\rm{E} , the fading parameter of the eavesdropper's channel m_text\rm{E} , and the number of eavesdroppers M . For Scenario II, we make a comprehensive analysis of the average secrecy capacity obtained by the system. Specifically, new closed-form expressions for the exact and asymptotic average secrecy capacity are derived, which are valid for general systems with an arbitrary number of antennas, number of eavesdroppers, and fading severity parameters. Resorting to these results, we also determine a high signal-to-noise ratio power offset to explicitly quantify the impact of the main c- annel and the eavesdropper's channel on the average secrecy capacity.


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This paper presents a thorough performance analysis of dual-hop cognitive amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying networks under spectrum-sharing mechanism over independent non-identically distributed (i.n.i.d.) 􀀀 fading channels. In order to guarantee the quality-of-service (QoS) of primary networks, both maximum tolerable peak interference power Q at the primary users (PUs) and maximum allowable transmit power P at secondary users (SUs) are considered to constrain transmit power at the cognitive transmitters. For integer-valued fading parameters, a closed-form lower bound for the outage probability (OP) of the considered networks is obtained. Moreover, assuming arbitrary-valued fading parameters, the lower bound in integral form for the OP is derived. In order to obtain further insights on the OP performance, asymptotic expressions for the OP at high SNRs are derived, from which the diversity/coding gains and the diversity-multiplexing gain tradeoff (DMT) of the secondary network can be readily deduced. It is shown that the diversity gain and also the DMT are solely determined by the fading parameters of the secondary network whereas the primary network only affects the coding gain. The derived results include several others available in previously published works as special cases, such as those for Nakagami-m fading channels. In addition, performance evaluation results have been obtained by Monte Carlo computer simulations which have verified the accuracy of the theoretical analysis.


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Key generation from the randomness of wireless channels is a promising technique to establish a secret cryptographic key securely between legitimate users. This paper proposes a new approach to extract keys efficiently from channel responses of individual orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) subcarriers. The efficiency is achieved by (i) fully exploiting randomness from time and frequency domains and (ii) improving the cross-correlation of the channel measurements. Through the theoretical modelling of the time and frequency autocorrelation relationship of the OFDM subcarrier's channel responses, we can obtain the optimal probing rate and use multiple uncorrelated subcarriers as random sources. We also study the effects of non-simultaneous measurements and noise on the cross-correlation of the channel measurements. We find the cross-correlation is mainly impacted by noise effects in a slow fading channel and use a low pass filter (LPF) to reduce the key disagreement rate and extend the system's working signal-to-noise ratio range. The system is evaluated in terms of randomness, key generation rate, and key disagreement rate, verifying that it is feasible to extract randomness from both time and frequency domains of the OFDM subcarrier's channel responses.


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One of the most important factors that affects the performance of energy detection (ED) is the fading channel between the wireless nodes. This article investigates the performance of ED-based spectrum sensing, for cognitive radio (CR), over two-wave with diffuse power (TWDP) fading channels. The TWDP fading model characterizes a variety of fading channels, including well-known canonical fading distributions, such as Rayleigh and Rician, as well as worse than Rayleigh fading conditions modeled by the two-ray fading model. Novel analytic expressions for the average probability of detection over TWDP fading that account for single-user and cooperative spectrum sensing as well as square law selection diversity reception are derived. These expressions are used to analyze the behavior of ED-based spectrum sensing over moderate, severe and extreme fading conditions, and to investigate the use of cooperation and diversity as a means of mitigating the fading effects. Our results indicate that TWDP fading conditions can significantly degrade the sensing performance; however, it is shown that detection performance can be improved when cooperation and diversity are employed. The presented outcomes enable us to identify the limits of ED-based spectrum sensing and quantify the trade-offs between detection performance and energy efficiency for cognitive radio systems deployed within confined environments such as in-vehicular wireless networks.


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Key generation from wireless channels is a promising alternative to public key cryptography for the establishment of cryptographic keys. It is the first paper to experimentally study the channel reciprocity principle of key generation, through investigating and quantifying channel measurements' cross-correlation relationship affected by noise and non-simultaneous measurements. Channel measurements, both received signal strength and channel state information, are collected from a real experimental platform using the wireless open access research platform (WARP) in a multipath office room. We found that in a slow fading channel (e.g., with a coherence time of about 50~ms), the channel cross-correlation is impacted greatly by noise but little by non-simultaneous measurements with a small sampling time difference (e.g., 0.06 ms). The resolution of the sampling time difference can be satisfied by wireless systems such as IEEE 802.11 to maintain an acceptable cross-correlation coefficient without affecting the bandwidth and communication efficiency.