948 resultados para NYTSL reception


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Tio deltagare fick lyssna på två musikaliska verk varefter de, fritt formulerande, fick besvara frågor avseende de två verken. Upphovsmannen till verken intervjuades för att få fram intentionerna bakom verken och även bakgrunden till dem. Syftet var att, i en fallstudie, undersöka relationen mellan musikintention och musikreception. De huvudsakliga resultaten var att huruvida låtskrivaren/musikerns intentioner gick fram till åhöraren berodde på flertalet variabler. Vad gällde en låts handling var lättillgängligheten betydande. Ju mer komplex och okonventionell låt desto mindre sannolikhet att handlingen gick fram. Gällande upplevelser, känslor och associationer var låtens stämning, struktur och generella uttryck av stor vikt.


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Syftet med denna uppsats är att utifrån en receptionsanalys av Härskarringens bilder av män diskutera mediepedagogikens roll i skolan, samhället och i elevens skapande av en egen kulturell identitet. Jag har genomfört två gruppintervjuer med totalt sex respondenter, tre pojkar och tre flickor. Detta källmaterial analyserades med hjälp av annan vetenskaplig forskning och teori. Min undersökning visar att elevers kulturella identitet delvis är sammankopplad med hur man uppfattar medier. Respondenterna problematiserade även medias inverkan i skapandet av en kulturell identitet. De menade att det var lätt att ryckas med i handling och de värderingar som finns i Härskarringen. Men de uttryckte också en vilja att kunna titta kritiskt på populärkulturen och hålla sig på avstånd. Uppsatsen utmynnar i en vilja om en generell mediepedagogik som genomsyras av en förståelse för elevens befintliga och pågående kulturella identitetsprocess.


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O objetivo deste trabalho e apresentar uma investigação preliminar da precisão nos resultados do sistema de localização geográfica de transmissores desenvolvido utilizando o software da rede brasileira de coleta de dados. Um conjunto de medidas de desvio Doppler de uma única passagem do satélite, considerando uma Plataforma de Coleta de Dados (PCD) e uma rede de estações de recepção terrestrês, e denominado uma rede de recepção de dados. Assim, a rede brasileira de coleta de dados com o uso de múltiplas estações de recepção permitira o incremento na quantidade de dados coletados com consequente melhora na precisão e na confiabilidade das localizações fornecidas. Consequentemente uma maior quantidade de localizações válidas e mais precisas. Os resultados e análises foram obtidos sob duas condições: na primeira foi considerada uma condição prática com dados reais e dados ideais simulados, para comparar os resultados considerando a mesma passagem do satélite, transmissor e duas estações de recepção conhecidas; na segunda foram consideradas as condições ideais simuladas a partir de medidas de um transmissor fixo, três estações de recepção e dois satélites. Os resultados utilizando a rede de recepção de dados foram bastante satisfatórios. O estudo realizado mostrou a importãncia da instalação de novas estações de recepção terrenas distribuídas no territorio nacional, para um aumento na quantidade de medidas e consequentemente uma maior quantidade de localizações válidas e mais precisas.


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Exact and closed-form expressions for the level crossing rate and average fade duration are presented for equal gain combining and maximal ratio combining schemes, assuming an arbitrary number of independent branches in a Rayleigh environment. The analytical results are thoroughly validated by simulation.


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This article, part of a larger research work that resulted in a Professorship Thesis, presents a survey and evaluation of the early reception of one of Brian Friel’s first plays: Philadelphia, Here I Come! (1964). The article also explores the question of emigration from Ireland in the 1950s and 1960s, considering British legislation on the matter, and comments on the eventual influence such issue, among other factors, may have had on criticism about the performance of the play at the time.


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In late August 1991 scientists at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Marine Mammal Laboratory (NMML) and Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL) began a pilot study to investigate the capability of hydrophones from the US. Navy’s fixed array system to detect large whales in the North Pacific by passive reception of their calls. PMEL had previously established a direct data link from five bottom-mounted arrays of the Navy SOSUS (Sound Surveillance System), via the Naval Oceanographic Processing Facility (NOPF) at Whidbey Island, Washington, to study low-level seafloor seismicity (Fox et al. 1994). PMEL subsequently provided NMML tapes of SOSUS hydrophone data from which whale calls were analyzed. As in an analogous study conducted in the North Atlantic (Nishimura and Conlon 1994, Clark 1995, Mellinger and Clark 1995), calls attributable to whales were received at each SOSUS site at rates that varied seasonally (Anonymous 1996).


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What a pleasure it is to be here today as we recognize outstanding scholarship. Like everyone here, I want to congratulate each of your students being recognized today for your scholastic accomplishments. I want you to know we are happy you’ve chosen to study with us in the College of Human Resources and Family Sciences, the Department of Biological Systems Engineering, and the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources.


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John Holling, a 1912 graduate of the University of Nebraska who died in 1988, established the "Peter and Anna Holling Fund" in 1973 with his sisters, Hattie and Elvena Holling, the only other surviving children at the time. Their siblings, Gustave, Emil, and Rose also had contributed to the estate. The Hollings were a pioneer farm family of German-Danish descent. Peter Holling settled in the Grand lsland area in the 1870s after missing a westbound Union Pacific work-train that he had originally boarded in Iowa.


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“Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself.” I think of that old Chinese proverb today as we celebrate outstanding scholarship. I know our extremely talented and dedicated faculty, of whom I am especially proud, do a tremendous job of opening doors for those students who study with us in our classes in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources and the College of Human Resources and Family Sciences here at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln. Today we also are very proud of and for each of you students being recognized for your scholastic accomplishments.


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It is my very real pleasure to welcome you here tonight. We are so pleased to have this opportunity to talk with you about Nebraska agriculture and natural resources, and the work we in the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources do as partners with Nebraska. We welcome your insights and your help in doing all we can to strengthen our efforts on behalf of Nebraska, where one in four people depends on agriculture for employment. That number underscores the importance of Nebraska's agricultural farm gate to consumer plate industry, as well as the importance of the work we conduct in IANR.


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The volumes in The Critical Reception of Beethoven's Compositions by His German Contemporaries bring to light contemporary perceptions of Beethoven's music, including matters such as audience, setting, facilities, orchestra, instruments, and performers as well as the relationship of Beethoven's music to theoretical and critical ideas of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. These documents, most of which appear in English for the first time, have been compiled from German-language periodicals published between 1783 and 1830. They present a wide spectrum of insights into the perceptions that Beethoven's contemporaries had of his monumental music. This is the second in a projected four-volume series. It begins with Opus 55, the Eroica, and ends with Opus 72, Fidelio.