999 resultados para NW Africa


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One hundred and twenty-eight surface-sediment samples collected off North-West Africa were studied geochemically to detect the expressions of different meridional climate regimes and zonal productivity gradients in the surface sediments. This geochemical multi-tracer approach, coupled with additional information on the bulk carbonate and TOC contents makes it possible to characterise the sedimentological regime in detail. Typical terrigenous elements like Al, K and Fe mirror the importance of the humid (fluvial) influence in the north of the study area and the dominance of aeolian input in the south. Furthermore, the distributions of Ti and Fe in the surface sediments serve as tracers for the supply of eolian volcanic material from the Canary Islands. The spatial variability of the TOC contents in the surface sediments closely follows the ocean surface productivity patterns, whereas the CaCO3 contents are mainly controlled by dilution with terrigenous matter. The potential productivity proxy Ba is not a reliable tracer for productivity in this region, since it is mainly supplied by terrigenous input (coupled with aluminosilicates).


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Diatom abundance and species composition were quantitatively studied in two latest Quaternary (~130 ka to the Present) sequences from the continental margin of northwest Africa. Off this region, coastal upwelling is well developed under the influence of the NE trade winds. Variations in diatom abundance in these cores are inferred to represent changes caused by varying degrees of the upwelling fertility. Times of high productivity are marked by high relative frequencies of Chaetoceros, while low productivity is marked by the dominance of Aulacoseira granulata. Upwelling increased during glacial episodes (isotopic stages 2-4 and 6) relative to isotopic stages 1 and 5. During the late Holocene, primary productivity levels are similar to those for Stage 5, but in the early Holocene upwelling intensities seem to have been weaker than today. The paleoproductivity reconstruction based on the diatom record is supported by paleoproductivity estimations based on the organic carbon content of the sediments (Sarnthein et al., 1987).


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Three sediment cores from the continental shelf and slope off NW Africa (Banc d'Arguin; 52 m, 665 m and 973 m water depth) have been investigated by means of a coarse fraction analysis. The two shallower cores have been deposited during less than 10,000 years, the deeper one during the last 36,000 years. The Holocene sedimentation ( 4000 years) in the deeper part of core 79 the edge of the Banc d'Arguin is strongly influenced by reworking of Late Glacial dune sands and biogenic particles from shallower ware (<40 m), as well as eroding current influence. A decrease in grain size of silicate material and a decrease in lateral supply, correlated to a doubling of accumulation rates in the upper part of the core, indicates a more autochthonous sedimentation with less sorting influence in the youngest Holocene. The depth of provenance of the allochttonous material can be assumed in 100-300 m water depth as indicated by various biogenous particles. Small amounts of shallow water particles in the autochthonous layers indicate a supplay from shallow water, which probably occured b ythe mechanism of "particle by particle supply". None of the three cores indicates upwelling influence, although occanographers found intense upwelling in the area of the Banc d'Arguin. The Holocene climate in that area probably has been arid, small variations in terrigenous matter composition and grain size in the Early Holocene might be due to decreased wind strength or to an increase in rain fall. The Peak Glacial section (14,000-22,000 y. B.P.) of the deepest core 88 indicates a very much intensified eolian silt supply and an additional bottom supply of quartz sand In the interval 22,000-36,000 y. B.P. wind strength decreased, but probably no increase in humidity occurred. So this area in about 19° 40' N had an arid climate in the Late Holocene and in the Peak Glacial. The fragmentation of planktonic foraminifers and the abundance of aragonitic tests of pteropods in core 88 indicate an Early Holocene (8330 y. B.P.) preservation spike. Two minima in fragmentation correlated to maxima in pteropod content at about 15,700 and 21,000 y. B.P. are correlated to maxima in shallow water supply and thus do not reflect preservation conditions, but only lateral supply from the carbonate dissolution minimum zone in about 300 m water depth.


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Benthic foraminiferal assemblage compositions and sedimentary geochemical parameters were analyzed in two radiocarbon dated sediment cores from the upwelling area off NW Africa at 12°N, to reconstruct productivity changes during the last 31 kyr. High-latitude cold events and variations in low-latitude summer insolation influenced humidity, wind systems, and the position of the tropical rain belt over this time period. This in turn caused changes in intensity and seasonality of primary productivity off the southern Northwest African continental margin. High accumulation rates of benthic foraminifera, carbonate, and organic carbon during times of north Atlantic melt water events Heinrich 2 (25.4 to 24.3 kyr BP) and 1 (16.8 to 15.8 kyr BP) indicate high productivity. Dominance of infaunal benthic foraminiferal species and high numbers of deep infaunal specimens during that time indicate a strong and sustained supply of refractory organic matter reworked from the upper slope and shelf. A more southerly position of the tropical rainbelt and the Northeast trade wind belt during Heinrich 2 and 1 may have enhanced wind intensity and almost permanent upwelling, driving this scenario. A phytodetritus-related benthic fauna indicates seasonally pulsed input of labile organic matter but generally low year-round productivity during the Last Glacial Maximum (23 to 18 kyr BP). The tropical rainbelt is more expanded to the North than during Heinrich Events, and relatively weak NE trade winds resulted in seasonal and weak upwelling, thus lower productivity. High productivity characterized by a seasonally high input of labile organic matter, is indicated for times of orbital forced warming, such as the African Humid Period (9.8 to 7 kyr BP). An intensified African monsoon during boreal summer and the northernmost position of the tropical rainbelt within the last 31 kyr resulted in enhanced river discharge from the northward-extended drainage area (or river basin) initiating intense phytoplankton blooms. In the late Holocene (4 to 0 kyr BP) strong carbonate dissolution may have been caused by even more enhanced organic matter fluxes to the sea floor. Increasing aridity on the continent and stronger NE trade winds induced intensive, seasonal coastal upwelling.


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High-resolution down-core analyses of the solid phase content of total barium (Batot) and total organic carbon (TOC) back to 25 kyr B.P. were performed on a gravity core from the upper continental slope off Cape Yubi (Morocco). The observed discrepancy between the two potential paleoproductivity proxies, Batot and TOC, initiated supplementary examinations of the pore water, the geochemistry of the clay fraction, X-ray diffraction analyses, and the application of a sequential Ba extraction method of selected samples. Additionally, we analyzed down-core samples of the planktonic foraminifera Turborotalita quinqueloba and Globorotalia inflata for their Ba/Ca ratios. These analyses, which were performed for the first time on these species, were used to reconstruct past oceanic Ba concentrations. We suggest that in the study area, which is characterized by high accumulation rates, the preserved TOC content is a valuable proxy for past primary productivity, whereas the solid phase Batot contents appear to be affected by other mechanisms and factors. Peaks of total barium content in the clay fraction and of Ba/Ca ratios in the planktonic foraminifera shells found during the Younger Dryas and the Heinrich 1 event are likely to result from increased meltwater influx into the northern North Atlantic. We suggest that Ba-enriched meltwater was transmitted by the eastern boundary current system from higher latitudes to the region of the Canary Islands. Total barium contents of the clay fraction (Batot,clay) and Ba/Ca in planktonic foraminifera shells seem to be reliable proxies for this discharge of meltwater.


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Over 100 samples of recent surface sediments from the bottomn of the Atlantic Ocean offshore NW Africa between 34° and 6° N have been analysed palynologically. The objective of this study was to reveal the relation between source areas, transport systems, and resulting distribution patterns of pollen and spores in marine sediments off NW Africa, in order to lay a sound foundation for the interpretation of pollen records of marine cores from this area. The clear zonation of the NW-African vegetation (due to the distinct climatic gradient) is helpful in determining main source areas, and the presence of some major wind belts facilitates the registration of the average course of wind trajectories. The present circulation pattern is driven by the intertropical front (ITCZ) which shifts over the continent between c. 22° N (summer position) and c. 4° N (winter position) in the course of the year. Determination of the period of main pollen release and the average atmospheric circulation pattern effective at that time of the years is of prime importance. The distribution patterns in recent marine sediments of pollen of a series of genera and families appear to record climatological/ecological variables, such as the trajectory of the NE trade, January trades, African Easterly Jet (Saharan Air Layer), the northernmost and southernmost position of the intertropical convergence zone, and the extent and latitudinal situation of the NW-African vegetation belt. Pollen analysis of a series of dated deep-sea cores taken between c. 35° and the equator off NW African enable the construction of paleo-distribution maps for time slices of the past, forming a register of paleoclimatological/paleoecological information.


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The benthic foraminiferal populations along three traverses across the Northwest African continental margin were analyzed on the base of ca. 60 surface sediment samples. Depth ranges of 213 species were established and the main trends of vertical distribution are compared with those known from adjacent regions. Main faunal breaks occure at 100/200 m and 1000/1500 m depth of water. Some species show latitudinal distribution boundaries and the same applies to population density (standing stock), reflecting the regional distribution of nutrients supply by river discharge and upwelling processes. - High proportions of Bolivina test at the lower slope indicate extended downslope transport.


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The Th content of the sediment samples from "Meteor" core GIK12310-4 (3080 m water depth, off NW Africa) on a carbonate-free basis lies around the average of 12.4 ppm and is similar to the average content of the earth crust. On the contrary, uranium was found to be up to 3.5-fold enriched in the core section between 60 and 330 cm (within the Wuerm Glacial) where reducing conditions occur, due to deposition of authigenic uranium (9 µg/cm**2 1000 yrs.). The authigenic uranium content is correlated to the organic matter content (U/Corg ratio = 6 * 10**4). On the basis of the uranium content of the oxidized section uranium was split into a detritic and an authigenic component and the amount of supported ionium was calculated. From the profile of the specific Io-cxcess activity (= Io-total - Io-supported) with depth, average sedimentation rates of 3.3 ± 0.6 cm/1000 yrs. for the warmer stages and of 5 ± 1 cm/l000 yrs. for the cooler periods were estimated.


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Four years of observations (1988-1991) of downward fluxes of diatoms and silicoflagellates at a trap site off Cape Blanc (ca. 20°N, 20°W), northwest Africa, are presented. Significant variations in flux and species composition were observed as well as a marked drop in the export of biogenic opal (and diatoms) from 1988 to 1989; fluxes remained low thereafter. We hypothesize that this diminution might be related to decreased coastal upwelling intensity and offshore spreading of the typical chlorophyll filament, and/or a lesser silicate content of upwelling waters off Cape Blanc. In addition, the more seaward positioning of the mooring may have influenced the fluxes. At all times, diatoms were the most prominent contributors to the biogenic opal flux, and diatom fluxes closely paralleled total mass flux fluctuations. Although species composition varied seasonally, no significant qualitative variations were observed from year to year. In general, the dominance of neritic diatoms, such as Thalassionema nitzschioides var. nitzschioides, resting spores of Chaetoceros and Cyclotella litoralis, reflected the continuous offshore influence of coastal upwelling at the Cape Blanc trap site, with stronger intensity in spring/summer. In contrast, the occurrence of pelagic diatoms (e.g. Nitzschia bicapitata, N. interruptestriata, T. nitzschioides var. parva and Fragilariopsis doliolus), and high silicoflagellate fluxes (mainly Dictyocha messanensis) were linked to inshore transport of oceanic waters, generally in winter. With the exception of some fragile, pelagic diatoms, dominant species found in the settled material also occurred in the underlying sediments, suggesting that diatom thanatocoenosis downcore (Organisms preserved from the top to the bottom in sediment core) can be used as a reliable indicator of the intensity and persistence of the offshore spreading of coastal upwelling.


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Numerous studies use major element concentrations measured on continental margin sediments to reconstruct terrestrial climate variations. The choice and interpretation of climate proxies however differ from site to site. Here we map the concentrations of major elements (Ca, Fe, Al, Si, Ti, K) in Atlantic surface sediments (36 degrees N-49 degrees S) to assess the factors influencing the geochemistry of Atlantic hemipelagic sediments and the potential of elemental ratios to reconstruct different terrestrial climate regimes. High concentrations of terrigenous elements and low Ca concentrations along the African and South American margins reflect the dominance of terrigenous input in these regions. Single element concentrations and elemental ratios including Ca (e. g., Fe/Ca) are too sensitive to dilution effects (enhanced biological productivity, carbonate dissolution) to allow reliable reconstructions of terrestrial climate. Other elemental ratios reflect the composition of terrigenous material and mirror the climatic conditions within the continental catchment areas. The Atlantic distribution of Ti/Al supports its use as a proxy for eolian versus fluvial input in regions of dust deposition that are not affected by the input of mafic rock material. The spatial distributions of Al/Si and Fe/K reflect the relative input of intensively weathered material from humid regions versus slightly weathered particles from drier areas. High biogenic opal input however influences the Al/Si ratio. Fe/K is sensitive to the input of mafic material and the topography of Andean river drainage basins. Both ratios are suitable to reconstruct African and South American climatic zones characterized by different intensities of chemical weathering in well-understood environmental settings.


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Programa de Doctorado en Oceanografía


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Celebrado en la Sala de Grado de la Facultad de Ciencias del Mar (ULPGC) el 18 de junio de 2013


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Grain-size, terrigenous element and rock magnetic remanence data of Quaternary marine sediments retrieved at the NW African continental margin off Gambia (gravity core GeoB 13602-1, 13°32.71' N, 17°50.96'W) were jointly analyzed by end-member (EM) unmixing methods to distinguish and budget past terrigenous fluxes. We compare and cross-validate the identified single-parameter EM systems and develop a numerical strategy to calculate associated multi-parameter EM properties. One aeolian and two fluvial EMs were found. The aeolian EM is much coarser than the fluvial EMs and is associated with a lower goethite/hematite ratio, a higher relative concentration of magnetite and lower Al/Si and Fe/K ratios. Accumulation rates and grain sizes of the fluvial sediment appear to be primarily constrained by shore distance (i.e., sea-level fluctuations) and to a lesser extent by changes in hinterland precipitation. High dust fluxes occurred during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) and during Heinrich Stadials (HS) while the fluvial input remained unchanged. Our approach reveals that the LGM dust fluxes were ~7 times higher than today's. However, by far the highest dust accumulation occurred during HS 1 (~300 g m**-2 yr** -1), when dust fluxes were ~80 fold higher than today. Such numbers have not yet been reported for NW Africa, and emphasize strikingly different environmental conditions during HSs. They suggest that deflation rate and areal extent of HSs dust sources were much larger due to retreating vegetation covers. Beyond its regional and temporal scope, this study develops new, in principle, generally applicable strategies for multi-method end-member interpretation, validation and flux budgeting calibration.


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We present a hydrologic reconstruction of the Sahara-Sahel transition, covering the complete last glacial cycle (130 ka), based on a combination of plant-wax-specific hydrogen (dD) and carbon isotopes (d13C). The dD and d13C signatures of long-chain n-alkanes from ODP Site 659 off NW Africa reveal a significant anti-correlation. Complementary to published pollen data, we infer that this plant-wax signal reflects sensitive responses of the vegetation cover to precipitation changes in the Sahel region, as well as varying contributions from biomes north of the Sahara (C3 domain) by North-East Trade Winds (NETW). During arid phases, especially the northern parts of the Sahel likely experienced crucial water stress, which resulted in a pronounced contraction of the vegetation cover, thus reducing the amount of C4 plant waxes from the region. The increase in NETW strength during dry periods further promoted a more pronounced C3-plant-wax signal derived from the North African C3 plant domain. During humid periods, the C4-dominated Sahelian environments spread northward into the Saharan realm, in association with lower NETW inputs of C3 plant waxes. Arid-humid cycles deduced from plant-wax dD are in accordance with concomitant changes in weathering intensity reflected in varying major element distributions. Environmental shifts are generally linked to periods with large fluctuations in Northern Hemisphere summer insolation. During Marine Isotope Stages 2 and 3, when insolation variability was low, coupling of the hydrologic regime to alkenone-based estimates of NE Atlantic sea-surface temperatures becomes apparent.