948 resultados para NON-PRESCRIPTION DRUGS


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Funnel graphs provide a simple, yet highly effective, means to identify key features of an empirical literature. This paper illustrates the use of funnel graphs to detect publication selection bias, identify the existence of genuine empirical effects and discover potential moderator variables that can help to explain the wide variation routinely found among reported research findings. Applications include union–productivity effects, water price elasticities, common currency-trade effects, minimum-wage employment effects, efficiency wages and the price elasticity of prescription drugs.


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In Brazil, the 1946 Constitution enshrined the right to health, having it defined as the possession of the best state of health that the individual can achieve. Already the Federal Constitution of 1988 lifted that right to the status of fundamental social right, which transcends the effectiveness and cure of the disease is based on the joint liability of public entities for the provision of a quality service, efficient and prioritize human dignity and comprehensive evaluation of patients. According to the World Health Organization, the definition of health, first characterized as the mere absence of disease, has become recognized as the need to search for preventive mechanisms to ensure the welfare and dignity of the population. Garantista this context, the growing seem lawsuits that deal with the implementation of public policies, especially in the area of the right to health, the omission of which the Government can result in the risk of death. Hence the concern of law professionals about whether or not the intervention of the judiciary in cases that deal with providing material benefits of health care. It claims to break the principle of separation of powers, disobedience to the principle of equality and the impossibility of judicial intervention in the formulation of public policy to try and exclude the liability of public entities. In contrast, the judiciary has repeatedly guardianships granted injunctions or merit determining the supply of materials indicated by the medical benefits that accompany the treatment of patients who resort to a remedy. In this context, mediation, object of study and resolution presented in this work, is presented as an instrument conciliator between the reserve clause and the right to financially possible existential minimum, as it seeks to serve all through rationalization of health services , avoidance of negativistic influence of the pharmaceutical industry, with prioritizing the welfare of the individual and the quality of relationships. This is alternative way to judicialization that in addition to encouraging and developing active citizen participation in public policy formulation also allows the manager to public knowledge of community needs. It is in this sense that affirms and defends the right to health is no longer the mere provision of medical care and prescription drugs, but a dialogue conscious existential minimum to guarantee a dignified life


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JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Injeção inadvertida de medicamentos de uso não espinhal nos espaços peridural e subaracnóideo é uma complicação anestésica passível de ocorrer. Este relato apresenta um caso de injeção inadvertida de metoclopramida no espaço subaracnóideo. RELATO do CASO: Paciente do sexo feminino, 17 anos, 69 kg, IMC de 26.2, estado físico ASA I, 36 semanas e 4 dias de gestação, com diagnóstico de sofrimento fetal agudo, e indicação de cesariana. Apresentava freqüência cardíaca de 82 bpm, pressão arterial de 130 x 70 mmHg, SpO2 de 97%, ritmo cardíaco sinusal regular. A anestesia foi por via subaracnóidea com a associação de anestésico local e opióide, 15 mg de bupivacaína hiperbárica a 0,5% e 25 µg de fentanil. Após 5 minutos da instalação do bloqueio, a paciente referiu mal estar inespecífico. Aferidas pressão arterial, 190 x 120 mmHg, freqüência cardíaca, 145 bpm, e SpO2, 95%. Verificando-se as ampolas cujos conteúdos foram administrados encontrou-se uma de bupivacaína e uma de metoclopramida. O quadro se apresentou com cefaléia frontal intensa, visão turva, náuseas, vômitos e agitação inicial, que evoluiu para sonolência e torpor, além de hipertensão arterial e taquicardia. Foram administrados tramadol, dipirona, ondansetron e medidas de suporte. Após 30 minutos, a paciente apresentava-se assintomática, com PA de 150 x 100 mmHg e FC de 120 bpm. Recebeu alta para a enfermaria 140 minutos após permanência na SRPA, com total reversão dos bloqueios motor, sensitivo e autonômico, e normalização dos parâmetros hemodinâmicos. Recebeu alta hospitalar 48 horas após, sem apresentar seqüelas neurológicas, juntamente com o recém-nascido. CONCLUSÕES: Máxima atenção deve ser dada a qualquer medicamento administrado, seja qual for à via utilizada. Padronização de cores de ampolas, e dos locais de depósito, com o intuito de diminuir este tipo de acidente é recomendável.


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A Chlamydia trachomatis e o Treponema pallidum compartilham com o HIV uma importante forma de transmissão: a via sexual. Por conta do comprometimento imunológico dos portadores de HIV, a C. pneumoniae pode apresentar um papel potencial em infecções respiratórias. Este trabalho objetivou a descrição da soroprevalência destes três agentes em portadores de HIV do Estado do Pará, Brasil. Entre setembro de 2007 a junho de 2008, foram coletadas 430 amostras de portadores de HIV em Belém, Pará. Estas foram submetidas a um ELISA para detecção de anticorpo IgG e IgM anti-Chlamydia e, dentre os positivos, uma amostragem aleatória foi escolhida e submetida à microimunofluorescência para sorotipagem. Para a detecção de anticorpos anti-Treponema pallidum foi feito um teste não treponêmico (RPR) e um teste treponêmico (ELISA). Os resultados obtidos foram analisados pelo teste do χ2. A prevalência geral de anticorpos anti-Chlamydia foi 64,2% (51,6% para IgG e 4% para IgM). A sorotipagem mostrou uma alta prevalência de C. trachomatis (100% tanto para IgG como IgM), e C. pneumoniae (73,5% IgG e 70,5% IgM), sendo que houve uma larga disseminação dos sorotipos que causam infecções genitais da Chlamydia trachomatis. A prevalência geral de anticorpos contra o Treponema pallidum foi de 34,9%, sendo que 7,3% apresentaram resultado laboratorial indicativo de sífilis. As variáveis que apresentaram associação com a infecção por Chlamydia e Treponema pallidum foram: o gênero masculino, maior idade, baixa escolaridade, número de parceiros por semana, a prática de sexo anal, homossexualismo/bissexualismo, uso de droga não-endovenosa, histórico de IST. Faz-se necessário tanto a conscientização como o monitoramento da população, para impedir a transmissão destes agentes e para a melhoria da qualidade de vida dos indivíduos portadores de HIV.


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O paracetamol (PAR) é um dos medicamentos de venda livre mais utilizado em todo o mundo. Entretanto, doses elevadas do PAR produzem toxicidade hepática e/ou renal. No intuito de minimizar a toxicidade do PAR e obter melhor atividade analgésica e anti-inflamatória, um estudo prévio realizou modificações na estrutura química do PAR por modelagem molecular, dando origem ao ortobenzamol (OBZ) – análogo do PAR. Assim, o OBZ foi sintetizado e avaliado em modelos de nocicepção e inflamação em animais. O estudo demonstrou atividade analgésica central do OBZ, com potência superior ao PAR. Além disso, nos testes de inflamação, essa droga apresentou inibição significativa no processo inflamatório. Entretanto, para que o OBZ possa ser considerado uma alternativa terapêutica nova e importante para o tratamento da dor e/ou da inflamação é necessário determinar sua toxicidade. Assim, este estudo objetivou avaliar a toxicidade in vitro e in vivo do OBZ e, compará-la com a do PAR. Para isso, a neurotoxicidade foi avaliada in vitro em culturas primárias de neurônios corticais, através de ensaios de viabilidade celular, determinação dos níveis de glutationa total e reduzida, assim como a possível capacidade neuroprotetora frente ao estresse oxidativo. Foram realizados estudos in vivo em camundongos, iniciados pela determinação da dose efetiva mediana (DE50) do PAR, a fim de compará-la com a do OBZ nos modelos de toxicidade estudados. Determinou-se o estresse oxidativo hepático e cerebral pela análise dos níveis de peroxidação lipídica e nitritos. A possível disfunção hepática e renal foi determinada, por meio da análise dos níveis plasmáticos das enzimas aspartato aminotransferase (AST), de alanina aminotransferase (ALT), gama glutamiltransferase (GGT) e, da creatinina no sangue. Avaliaram-se alterações nos parâmetros clínicos através do hemograma, leucograma e plaquetograma e, realizou-se a determinação da toxicidade aguda. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo demonstraram que o ortobenzamol é mais seguro que o paracetamol. Registrou-se ao ortobenzamol ausência de neurotoxicidade, menor potencial hepatotóxico e hematotóxico, ausência de nefrotoxicidade e, ainda, foi classificado como um xenobiótico de baixa toxicidade após a avaliação da toxicidade aguda. Portanto, o ortobenzamol pode ser considerado como uma futura alternativa terapêutica segura ao paracetamol, no tratamento da dor e inflamação.


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The sheep industry has become increasingly prominent in agribusiness, transforming the stage production of Brazil, and thus contributes more to the socio-economic development of the country. The work aimed to verify the occurrence of brucellosis and leptospirosis in sheep from northwestern São Paulo state. In addition to determining the prevalence of major Leptospira in the region and to trace the diagnosis of sheep breeding in this part of the country. All the 1222 sheep serum samples from 49 properties did not react serologically to evidentiary testing for brucellosis, compared to antigens of B. abortus and B. ovis used in the testing of 2-ME and IDGA, respectively. The Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT) test revealed that 19.14% (232/1212) of samples were positive for one or more serovars, with titles ranging from 100 to 800. The most frequent serovar was hebdomadis in the region, with Sentot and Sherman (18.10%, 11.64% and 8.62%, respectively). By profiling the system of sheep farming in the region, we found that most herds are composed of more than one race being the main purpose is for the court. According to the scheme adopted immunoprophylactics there is a homogeneous set schedule. It adopts the use of anti-helminth, non-prescription veterinary antibiotic. There is also the presence of diarrhea and abortions and the lack of criteria for los ovinos on management, making it the need for emergency development of programs for disease control, schema immunoprophylactics adequate sanitation and hygienic measures in sheep breeding.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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To determine the incidence of adverse drug events (ADE) that resulted in the need for children's emergency care, a total of 23,286 pediatric emergency case notes were analyzed. They were selected on the basis of the ICD code indicating a possible ADE. ADEs were found in 13 case notes (0.06%), predominantly among girls and mainly in the 1 to 5 year age group. About half of the observed events occurred as a result of accidental ingestion, 27.3% were suicide attempts, and 27.3% arose due to the discontinuation of treatment. Antiepileptic drugs were those most often involved. Three (23%) were serious. The results suggest that children have easy access to medications and are involved in the majority of accidental occurrences. Using drugs involves risks, and drawing attention to such risks while prescribing and dispensing them fosters the sharing of responsibility and the empowerment of the users, measures necessary to health promotion.


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Background: Few cross-sectional studies involving adults and elderly patients with major DDIs have been conducted in the primary care setting. The study aimed to investigate the prevalence of potential drug-drug interactions (DDIs) in patients treated in primary care. Methodology/Principal Findings: A cross-sectional study involving patients aged 45 years or older was conducted at 25 Basic Health Units in the city of Maringa (southern Brazil) from May to December 2010. The data were collected from prescriptions at the pharmacy of the health unit at the time of the delivery of medication to the patient. After delivery, the researcher checked the electronic medical records of the patient. A total of 827 patients were investigated (mean age: 64.1; mean number of medications: 4.4). DDIs were identified in the Micromedex (R) database. The prevalence of potential DDIs and major DDIs was 63.0% and 12.1%, respectively. In both the univariate and multivariate analyses, the number of drugs prescribed was significantly associated with potential DDIs, with an increasing risk from three to five drugs (OR = 4.74; 95% CI: 2.90-7.73) to six or more drugs (OR = 23.03; 95% CI: 10.42-50.91). Forty drugs accounted for 122 pairs of major DDIs, the most frequent of which involved simvastatin (23.8%), captopril/enalapril (16.4%) and fluoxetine (16.4%). Conclusions/Significance: This is the first large-scale study on primary care carried out in Latin America. Based on the findings, the estimated prevalence of potential DDIs was high, whereas clinically significant DDIs occurred in a smaller proportion. Exposing patients to a greater number of prescription drugs, especially three or more, proved to be a significant predictor of DDIs. Prescribers should be more aware of potential DDIs. Future studies should assess potential DDIs in primary care over a longer period of time.


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Background: Digestive complications in enteral nutrition (EN) can negatively affect the nutrition clinical outcome of hospitalized patients. Diarrhea and constipation are intestinal motility disorders associated with pharmacotherapy, hydration, nutrition status, and age. The aim of this study was to analyze the frequency of these intestinal motility disorders in patients receiving EN and assess risk factors associated with diarrhea and constipation in hospitalized patients receiving exclusive EN therapy in a general hospital. Materials and Methods: The authors performed a sequential and observational study of 110 hospitalized adult patients fed exclusively by EN through a feeding tube. Patients were categorized according to the type of intestinal transit disorder as follows: group D (diarrhea, 3 or more watery evacuations in 24 hours), group C (constipation, less than 1 evacuation during 3 days), and group N (absence of diarrhea or constipation). All prescription drugs were recorded, and patients were analyzed according to the type and amount of medication received. The authors also investigated the presence of fiber in the enteral formula. Results: Patients classified in group C represented 70% of the study population; group D comprised 13%, and group N represented 17%. There was an association between group C and orotracheal intubation as the indication for EN (P<.001). Enteral formula without fiber was associated with constipation (logistic regression analysis: P<.001). Conclusion: Constipation is more frequent than diarrhea in patients fed exclusively by EN. Enteral diet with fiber may protect against medication-associated intestinal motility disorders. The addition of prokinetic drugs seems to be useful in preventing constipation. (Nutr Clin Pract. XXXX;xx:xx-xx)


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OBJECTIVES: To determine the frequency of medical adverse events in elderly patients admitted to an acute care geriatric unit, the predictive factors of occurrence, and the correlation between adverse events and hospital mortality rates. METHODS: This prospective study included 171 admissions of patients aged 60 years and older in the acute care geriatric unit in a teaching hospital in Brazil between 2007 and 2008. The following variables were assessed at admission: the patient age, gender, number of prescription drugs, geriatric syndromes (e. g., immobility, postural instability, dementia, depression, delirium, and incontinence), comorbidities, functional status (evaluated with the Katz Index of Independence in Activities of Daily Living), and severity of illness (evaluated with the Simplified Acute Physiology Score II). The incidence of delirium, infection, mortality, and the prescription of potentially inappropriate medications (based on the Beers criteria) were assessed during hospitalization. An observer who was uninvolved in patient care reported the adverse events. RESULTS: The mean age of the sample was 78.12 years. A total of 187 medical adverse events occurred in 94 admissions (55%). The predictors of medical adverse events were undetermined. Compared with the patients with no adverse events, the patients with medical adverse events had a significantly longer hospital stay (21.41 +/- 15.08 days versus 10.91 +/- 7.21 days) and a higher mortality rate (39 deaths [41.5%] versus 17 deaths [22.1%]). Mortality was significantly predicted by the Simplified Acute Physiology Score II score (odds ratio [OR] = 1.13, confidence interval [CI] 95%, 1.07 to 1.20), the Katz score (OR = 1.47, CI 95%, 1.18 to 1.83), and medical adverse events (OR = 3.59, CI 95%, 1.55 to 8.30). CONCLUSION: Medical adverse events should be monitored in every elderly hospitalized patient because there is no risk profile for susceptible patients, and the consequences of adverse events are serious, sometimes leading to longer hospital stays or even death.


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Il trattamento dell’osteoartrosi (OA) del cane è una sfida nella pratica clinica veterinaria. Molti trattamenti sono stati proposti, tuttavia la risposta clinica agli stessi non è sempre soddisfacente. Molti farmaci sono utilizzati per il trattamento dell’OA, tra cui farmaci anti-infiammatori non steroidei, corticosteroidi, ed inibitori della produzione dell’ossido nitrico. Lo stanozololo è un derivato sintetico del testosterone; oltre alle sue proprietà anaboliche/androgeniche , a basse dosi lo stanozololo ha un affinità per i recettori glucocorticoidi. Per questa attività antinfiammatoria e rigenerativa sui tessuti articolari danneggiati viene utilizzato nella degenerative joint desease del cavallo. Lo scopo di questo studio è stato di valutare l’efficacia clinica dello stanozololo intra-articolare a 15, 30, 45 e 60 giorni dal trattamento di gomiti con OA di cane. E’ stato eseguito uno studio cieco, multicentrico e randomizzato. Previo consenso informato, sono stati arruolati 48 cani, suddivisi in 3 gruppi e trattati con stanozololo, mavacoxib e con entrambi i farmaci. Sono state valutate zoppia, tollerabilità del trattamento, range of motion, e punteggio radiografico. Inoltre sono state stabilite e annoverate quantità e qualità del liquido sinoviale. Ai dati ottenuti sono stati applicati i test di Kruskal-Wallis, Chi-quadro e Fischer, i quali hanno dimostrato l’efficacia della terapia nei singoli gruppi e tra i diversi gruppi di studio. I risultati ottenuti hanno mostrato la riduzione di almeno un grado di zoppia e la riduzione della progressione dell’OA nei casi trattati con stanozololo. Si può quindi affermare che tale molecola per via intra-articolare può essere una valida alternativa per il trattamento dell’OA di gomito nel cane.


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The blood-brain barrier (BBB) and the blood-spinal cord barrier (BSCB) separate the brain and the spinal cord from the circulating blood and are important for the maintenance of the CNS homeostasis. They build a physical barrier thereby protecting the CNS from pathogens and toxic agents, and their disruption plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of several CNS disorders. In this thesis, the blood-CNS-barriers were studied via in vitro models in two case studies for neurodegenerative disorders, in particular Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). The first model evaluates treatment possibilities of AD using nanotechnology-based strategies. Since the toxic amyloid-β42 (Aβ42) peptide plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of AD, reduced generation or enhanced clearance of Aβ42 peptides are expected to modify the disease course in AD. Therefore, several Aβ42-lowering drugs like flurbiprofen had been tested in clinical trials, but most of them failed due to their low brain penetration. Here, flurbiprofen was embedded in polylactide (PLA) nanoparticles and its transport was examined in an in vitro BBB model. The embedding of flurbiprofen into the nanoparticles disguised its cytotoxic potential and enabled the administration of higher drug concentrations which resulted in a sufficient transport of the drug across an endothelial cell monolayer. These results demonstrate that non-permeable drugs can be transported efficiently via nanoparticles and that these nanotechnology-based strategies are a promising tool to generate novel therapeutic options for AD and other CNS diseases. rnThe focus of the second project was to investigate the impaired integrity of the BSCB in a mouse model for ALS. About 20% of all familial ALS cases are associated with missense mutations or small deletions in the gene that encodes Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1). To date, the molecular mechanisms resulting in ALS are still unknown, but there is evidence that the disruption of the BSCB is one of the primary pathological events. In both familial and sporadic ALS patients, loss of endothelial integrity and endothelial cell damage was observed, and studies with SOD1 transgenic mice demonstrated that the BSCB disruption was found prior to motor neuron degeneration and neurovascular inflammation. Thus, an in vitro model for ALS endothelial cells was generated which exhibited comparable integrity characteristics and tight junction (TJ) protein expression profiles as isolated primary endothelial cells of the BSCB of SOD1 transgenic mice. In this, an alteration of the βcat/AKT/FoxO1 pathway, which regulates the expression of the TJ protein claudin-5, could be observed. These data furthermore indicate that ALS is a neurovascular disease, and understanding of the primary events in ALS pathogenesis will hopefully provide ideas for the development of new therapeutic strategies. rn