676 resultados para NILOTICUS


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O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar o coeficiente de digestibilidade aparente (CDA) dos aminoácidos do milho, farelo de trigo, farelo de soja e da farinha de peixe. Empregaram-se juvenis de tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) (25,24 ± 3,88 g) alimentados com ração referência peletizada contendo 0,10% de óxido de crômio (indicador) e 33,78% de proteína bruta. O CDA médio dos aminoácidos foi de: 88,31; 77,40; 91,78 e 82,58% para o milho, farelo de trigo, farelo de soja e farinha de peixe, respectivamente. Ainda que os resultados sugiram que o CDA da proteína possa ser indicativo do CDA dos aminoácidos, seus valores individuais variaram dentre e entre os ingredientes avaliados. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que os valores de aminoácidos digestíveis devem ser usados na formulação de rações completas (precisas) e econômicas.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Apparent amino acid availability coefficients and protein digestibility of four animal products [fish meal (FM), meat and bone meal (MBM), poultry by-product and feather meal] and four plant protein-rich products [soybean meal (SBM), cottonseed meal-28, cottonseed meal-38 and corn gluten meal (CGM)] were determined for Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. Ingredients were incorporated to a practical reference diet at a 7 : 3 ratio (70% of reference diet and 30% of test ingredient). Chromic oxide was used as external digestibility marker. Among animal products poultry by-product meal (PBM; 89.7%) and FM (88.6%) presented the highest apparent protein digestibility (APD) while MBM (78.4%) and feather meal (78.5%) presented the lowest APD. Among plant protein-rich products CGM (91.4%) and SBM (92.4%) presented the highest APD values while cottonseed meal-28 presented the lowest APD (78.6%). Average apparent amino acid availability of feed ingredients was similar to protein digestibility with 92.3%, 89.6%, 73.4%, 80.7%, 88.9%, 84.4%, 91.2% and 79.7% values for SBM, CGM, cottonseed meal-28 and 38, FM, MBM, PBM and feather meal respectively. These results indicate that O. niloticus is able to utilize efficiently different feedstuffs.


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Este estudo foi realizado para determinar a energia digestível e a digestibilidade aparente de nutrientes do farelo de canola pela tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus). O óxido de crômio (0,1%) foi utilizado como indicador inerte em dieta semi-purificada, com coleta de fezes pelo sistema Guelph. Os peixes foram alimentados até saciedade aparente. O farelo de canola apresentou valores de energia e nutrientes digestíveis de: 77,84; 71,99; 86,92; 88,19; 67,16 e 29,86% para a matéria seca, energia, proteína, lipídios, cálcio e fósforo, respectivamente, correspondendo a 2969,98 (kcal/kg); 69,97; 32,6; 1,2; 0,41 e 0,28%, de energia digestível, matéria seca, proteína e lipídios digestíveis e cálcio e fósforo disponíveis, respectivamente. Os resultados obtidos neste trabalho evidenciam que a tilápia do Nilo pode utilizar eficientemente o farelo de canola.


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Os efeitos de diferentes níveis de vitamina C e ferro no desempenho produtivo e parâmetros fisiológicos da tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) foram avaliados por um período de 73 dias. O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado, com tratamentos dispostos em esquema fatorial com três níveis de vitamina C (125; 375 e 1115 mg/kg) e três níveis de ferro (30, 90 e 270 mg/kg), mais um tratamento adicional (0 mg/kg de suplementação de vitamina C e ferro), com quatro repetições cada tratamento, totalizando 10 grupos experimentais. Utilizaram-se 240 alevinos revertidos com peso médio inicial de 7,46 ± 0,49 g, distribuídos aleatoriamente em 40 aquários de 250 L, numa lotação de 6 peixes/aquário. Confeccionou-se dieta purificada com 32,0% de proteína bruta e 3300 kcal/kg de energia digestível. A ausência de vitamina C e ferro nas dietas propiciou o aparecimento de anemia microcítica e hipocrômica aos alevinos. A presença dessa vitamina em dosagens elevadas estimulou a liberação de eritrócitos imaturos na corrente sangüínea. Determinou-se, também, que níveis desses acima das exigências nutricionais descritas para a espécie não determinaram efeito detrimental no desempenho produtivo, na produção de proteínas plasmáticas ou nos aspectos morfológicos do fígado.


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Avaliou-se o desempenho de tilápias-do-nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) criadas em tanques-rede e alimentadas com dietas contendo 27,0 (controle); 25,2; 24,3 e 22,7% de proteína digestível. Aminoácidos cristalinos (L-lisina, DL-metionina e L-treonina) foram adicionados à dieta considerando o conceito de proteína ideal e simulando o perfil de aminoácidos da dieta controle. Os peixes (34,63±19 g) foram alimentados manualmente com dietas isoenergéticas (3.075 kcal de energia digestível/kg de dieta) até saciedade aparente, três vezes ao dia, durante 91 dias. Utilizou-se um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com quatro tratamentos, três repetições e 25 peixes/unidade experimental. Não foram observados efeitos dos níveis de proteína digestível sobre o ganho de peso, a conversão alimentar, a taxa de eficiência protéica, o peso da carcaça eviscerada, o rendimento de carcaça, o peso e o rendimento de filé, a sobrevivência e o hematócrito. Houve efeito quadrático dos níveis de proteína digestível sobre o consumo; o maior valor foi estimado para a dieta contendo 24,41% de proteína digestível e excreção de nitrogênio, na qual o melhor resultado estimado foi obtido com peixes que receberam a dieta contendo 24,92% de PD. Com a redução nos níveis de proteína digestível, observou-se aumento linear na retenção de nitrogênio. É possível reduzir o nível de proteína digestível, de 27 (29,1% de PB) para 24,3% (26,6% de PB), em dietas para tilápias-do-nilo criadas em tanques-rede. Essa redução deve ser feita por meio da suplementação de aminoácidos (com base no conceito de proteína ideal), considerando o desempenho e o custo da dieta/kg ganho em filé.


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Avaliou-se o desempenho de tilápias-do-nilo (Oreochromis niloticus) produzidas em tanque-rede, providas de dispensadores automáticos de ração, alimentadas em diferentes frequências - uma vez por hora e a cada duas horas - e períodos - durante o dia, à noite ou ambos. Dezoito tanques-rede de 1.0m³ foram colocados em um tanque de 2000m² com dois metros de profundidade e renovação de água de 5%. Cento e setenta tilápias, com peso inicial de 16.0±4.9g foram distribuídas em cada tanque-rede de 1m³ e a taxa alimentar foi ajustada a cada 21 dias junto com as biometrias. As medidas foram coletadas de março a julho (outono e inverno). Observou-se diferença significativa para peso final (P<0.05) entre os tratamentos. O aumento da frequência alimentar melhorou o desempenho produtivo de tilápias-do-nilo produzidas em tanque-rede e permitiu melhor manejo alimentar. A melhor conversão alimentar para alta frequência, 24 vezes dia-1, pode resultar em uma economia de até 360kg de ração por tonelada de peixe produzido, melhorando a sustentabilidade econômica para produção de tilápia e sugerindo menor poluição ambiental.


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The effect of lysine amino acid supplementation on the growth characteristics and morphological pattern of skeletal muscle tissue in Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus larvae was evaluated. There were four treatments (T) with increasing levels of lysine supplement (T1 = 0.0%: T2 =1.1%; T3 = 1.7%; T4 = 4.0%) and one treatment with a commercial diet (T5). In all treatments, morphological and histochemical muscle tissue analyses were similar. Two distinct layers were identified: a superficial red layer, more developed in the lateral line region, formed by fibres with intense to moderate NADH-TR reaction and strong acid-stable mATPase activity, and a deep white one, most of the Muscle mass, formed by fibres with weak NADH-TR reaction and strong alkali-stable mATPase activity. There was an intermediate layer between these two layers with fibres exhibiting either weak acid-stable or acid-labile mATPase activity. Body mass increase was significantly higher in T5 than in the lysine treatments (T1-T4). There was no difference in number and diameters of muscle fibres between lysine treatments. In T5, muscle fibre diameter and number were higher. The frequency of red fibres with diameters <= 8 mu m was higher in the lysine treatments, and with diameters between 16 and 24 mu m, was higher in T5. Most white fibre diameters in T5 were significantly larger than 24 mu m and in T1-T4 were between 8 and 16 mu m. Cell proliferation was higher in the lysine treatments and muscle growth in T5 was mainly by fibre hypertrophy. (c) 2005 the Fisheries Society of the British


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study tested whether aggressive behaviour can predict individual variation in stress responses of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus. We used a mirror test to measure tendency to aggressive behaviour, and calculated the attack frequency and time until the first attack (latency) for each fish. One day later, we measured plasma cortisol and glucose, and two days later, we measured ventilatory frequency (VF) (pre-confinement responses). Immediately after the VF measure, we subjected the same fish to 30 min confinement, followed by measurements of cortisol, glucose, and VF (post-confinement responses). We found that post-confinement stress cortisol, glucose, and VF were higher than pre-confinement responses. Attack frequency was negatively correlated with VF and latency was positively correlated with baseline glucose and VF. Thus, we conclude that attack frequency and latency to a mirror reflection could be used to predict baseline levels of physiological stress indicators in Nile tilapia.


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This study examines the influence of early experience with different forms of aggressive behaviour on the fighting behaviour of young fish. Fry of the cichlid fish, Oreochromis niloticus, were raised from hatching in small groups consisting of a normal individual (the test fish) and either mutant conspecifics lacking the dorsal fin and thereby the ability to perform fin displays, or normal ones. Following a 63-day period of development in groups the test fish were confronted in their home tanks with an unfamiliar normal fish for 10 min. The fighting behaviour of the test fish was analyzed considering their previous group type (mutant or normal) and rank (alpha or beta). There was no difference between test fish in the rate and sequence of behaviour patterns used in fighting. However, test fish that had developed in mutant groups were rarely the first to bite in contests and had a longer latency to biting following the first bite of the stimulus fish than rest fish with normal experience. This finding is attributable to the form of aggressive behaviour experienced by the test fish during development but not to existing differences in the amount of aggression previously experienced, nor to previous rank, sex, or size relative to the stimulus fish. The results suggest that early experience influenced decision making by the test fish during the fight. The involvement of the fin displays and the possible mechanism of this influence are discussed.


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We studied the colour preference of isolated Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and whether previous residence or body size can affect environmental colour choice. In the first phase, a cylindrical tank was divided into five differently coloured compartments (yellow, blue, green, white and red), a single fish was introduced into the tank and the frequency at which this fish visited each compartment was recorded over a 2-day study period. An increasingly larger fish (approx +2 cm in length each time) was then added into the tank on each of days 3, 5 and 7 (=four fish in the tank by day 7), and the frequency at which each fish visited the different compartments of the tank was observed twice a day to obtain visit frequency data on the differently sized fishes. This experiment was replicated six times. In the first phase, the solitary fish established residence inside the yellow compartment on the first and second days. Following the introduction of a larger fish, the smaller fish was displaced from the occupied compartment. Nile tilapia possibly shows this preference for yellow as a function of its visual spectral sensitivity and/or the spectral characteristics of its natural environment. Moreover, body size is an important factor in determining hierarchical dominance and territorial defence, and dominant fish chose the preferred environmental colour compartment as their territory.


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The structure of the heterochromatic bands in mitotic chromosomes of the important tropical aquaculture species of tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus, was investigated by the combination of the C-banding technique, chromosomal digestion with two restriction endonucleases and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) of two satellite DNAs (SATA and SATB). The tilapia chromosomes presented heterochromatic bands in the centromeres and in the short arms of almost all chromosomes that were differentially digested by the restriction endonucleases HaeIII and EcoRI. FISH of SATA showed that the satellite sequence is distributed in the centromeric region of all chromosomes of tilapia. FISH also revealed an intense hybridization signal for SATB in only one chromosome pair, but less intense signals were also present in several other pairs. The digestion of tilapia chromosomes by HaeIII and EcoRI was positively correlated with the position of SATA and SATB in chromosomes as revealed by FISH. The results obtained may be useful in future molecular and genetic studies of tilapias.