996 resultados para NEUTRON-STAR MATTER
Within an isospin- and momentum-dependent hadronic transport model, it is shown that the recent FOPI data on the pi(-)/pi(+) ratio in central heavy-ion collisions at SIS/GSI energies [Willy Reisdorf , Nucl. Phys. A 781, 459 (2007)] provide circumstantial evidence suggesting a rather soft nuclear symmetry energy E-sym(rho) at rho >= 2 rho(0) compared to the Akmal-Pandharipande-Ravenhall prediction. Some astrophysical implications and the need for further experimental confirmations are discussed.
We construct microscopic three-nucleon forces consistent with the Bonn and Nijmegen two-nucleon potentials, and including , Roper, and nucleon-antinucleon excitations. Recent results for the choice of the meson parameters are discussed. The forces are used in Brueckner calculations and the saturation properties of nuclear matter are determined.
Within a transport model it is shown that the neutron/proton ratio of squeezed-out nucleons perpendicular to the reaction plane, especially at high transverse momenta, in heavy-ion reactions induced by high energy neutron-rich nuclei can be a useful tool for studying the high density behavior of the nuclear symmetry energy.
We investigate the composition and the equation of state of the kaon condensed phase in neutrino-free and neutrino-trapped star matter within the framework of the Brueckner-Hartree-Fock approach with three-body forces. We find that neutrino trapping shifts the onset density of kaon condensation to a larger baryon density, and reduces considerably the kaon abundance. As a consequence, when kaons are allowed, the equation of state of neutrino-trapped star matter becomes stiffer than the one of neutrino free matter. The effects of different three-body forces are compared and discussed. Neutrino trapping turns out to weaken the role played by the symmetry energy in determining the composition of stellar matter, and thus reduces the difference between the results obtained by using different three-body forces.
The double neutron/proton ratio of nucleon emissions taken from two reaction systems using four isotopes of the same element, namely, the neutron/proton ratio in the neutron-rich system over that in the more symmetric system, has the advantage of reducing systematically the influence of the Coulomb force and the normally poor efficiencies of detecting low energy neutrons. The double ratio thus suffers less systematic errors. Within the IBUU04 transport model the double neutron/proton ratio is shown to have about the same sensitivity to the density dependence of nuclear symmetry energy as the single neutron/proton ratio in the neutron-rich system involved. The double neutron/proton ratio is therefore more useful for further constraining the symmetry energy of neutron-rich matter.
Within the framework of the improved isospin-dependent quantum molecular dynamics model, the dynamics of pion emission in heavy-ion collisions in the region of 1A GeV energies as a probe of nuclear symmetry energy at suprasaturation densities is investigated systematically. The total pion multiplicities and the pi(-)/pi(+) yields are calculated for selected Skyrme parameters SkP, SLy6, Ska, and SIII and also for the cases of different stiffness of symmetry energy with the parameter SLy6. The influence of Coulomb potential, symmetry energy, and in-medium pion potential on the pion production is investigated and compared to each other by analyzing the distributions of transverse momentum and longitudinal rapidity and also the excitation functions of the total pion and the pi(-)/pi(+) ratio. The directed flow, elliptic flow, and polar-angle distributions are calculated for the cases of different collision centralities and also the various stiffnesses of the symmetry energies. A comparison of the calculations with the available experimental data is performed.
In order to assess qualitatively the ejecta geometry of stripped-envelope core-collapse supernovae (SNe), we investigate 98 late-time spectra of 39 objects, many of them previously unpublished. We perform a Gauss-fitting of the [O ] ??6300, 6364 feature in all spectra, with the position, full width at half maximum and intensity of the ?6300 Gaussian as free parameters, and the ?6364 Gaussian added appropriately to account for the doublet nature of the [O ] feature. On the basis of the best-fitting parameters, the objects are organized into morphological classes, and we conclude that at least half of all Type Ib/c SNe must be aspherical. Bipolar jet models do not seem to be universally applicable, as we find too few symmetric double-peaked [O ] profiles. In some objects, the [O ] line exhibits a variety of shifted secondary peaks or shoulders, interpreted as blobs of matter ejected at high velocity and possibly accompanied by neutron-star kicks to assure momentum conservation. At phases earlier than ~200 d, a systematic blueshift of the [O ] ??6300, 6364 line centroids can be discerned. Residual opacity provides the most convincing explanation of this phenomenon, photons emitted on the rear side of the SN being scattered or absorbed on their way through the ejecta. Once modified to account for the doublet nature of the oxygen feature, the profile of Mg i] ?4571 at sufficiently late phases generally resembles that of [O ] ??6300, 6364, suggesting negligible contamination from other lines and confirming that O and Mg are similarly distributed within the ejecta. © 2009 RAS.
We accurately determine the fundamental system parameters of the neutron star X-ray transient Cen X-4 solely using phase-resolved high-resolution UV-Visual Echelle Spectrograph spectroscopy. We first determine the radial-velocity curve of the secondary star and then model the shape of the phase-resolved absorption line profiles using an X-ray binary model. The model computes the exact rotationally broadened, phase-resolved spectrum and does not depend on assumptions about the rotation profile, limb-darkening coefficients and the effects of contamination from an accretion disc. We determine the secondary star-to-neutron star binary mass ratio to be 0.1755 ± 0.0025, which is an order of magnitude more accurate than previous estimates. We also constrain the inclination angle to be 32^{+8}_{-2} degrees. Combining these values with the results of the radial-velocity study gives a neutron star mass of 1.94^{+0.37}_{-0.85}M⊙ consistent with previous estimates. Finally, we perform the first Roche tomography reconstruction of the secondary star in an X-ray binary. The tomogram reveals surface inhomogeneities that are due to the presence of cool starspots. A large cool polar spot, similar to that seen in Doppler images of rapidly rotating isolated stars, is present on the Northern hemisphere of the K7 secondary star and we estimate that ~4 percent of the total surface area of the donor star is covered with spots.This evidence for starspots supports the idea that magnetic braking plays an important role in the evolution of low-mass X-ray binaries.
Based on the accretion-induced magnetic field decay model, in which a frozen field and an incompressible fluid are assumed, we obtain the following results: (1) an analytic relation between the magnetic field and spin period, if the fastness parameter of the accretion disk is neglected (The evolutionary tracks of accreting neutron stars in the P-B diagram in our model are different from the equilibrium period lines when the influence of the fastness parameter is taken into account.); (2) the theoretical minimum spin period of an accreting neutron star is max(1.1ms (DeltaM/M(circle dot))(-1)R(6)(-5/14) I(45)(M/M(circle dot))(-1/2),1.1ms (M/M(circle dot))(-1/2) R(6)(17/14)), independent of the accretion rate (X-ray luminosity) but dependent on the total accretion mass, DeltaM; however, the minimum magnetic field depends on the accretion rate; (3) the magnetic field strength decreases faster with time than does the period.
We used the statistical measurements of information entropy, disequilibrium and complexity to infer a hierarchy of equations of state for two types of compact stars from the broad class of neutron stars, namely, with hadronic composition and with strange quark composition. Our results show that, since order costs energy. Nature would favor the exotic strange stars even though the question of how to form the strange stars cannot be answered within this approach. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Neutron stars are some of the most fascinating objects in Nature. Essentially all aspects of physics seems to be represented inside them. Their cores are likely to contain deconfined quarks, hyperons and other exotic phases of matter in which the strong interaction is the dominant force. The inner region of their solid crust is penetrated by superfluid neutrons and their magnetic fields may reach well over 1012 Gauss. Moreover, their extreme mean densities, well above the densities of nuclei, and their rapid rotation rates makes them truly relativistic both in the special as well as in the general sense. This thesis deals with a small subset of these phenomena. In particular the exciting possibility of trapping of gravita-tional waves is examined from a theoretical point of view. It is shown that the standard condition R < 3M is not essential to the trapping mechanism. This point is illustrated using the elegant tool provided by the optical geometry. It is also shown that a realistic equation of state proposed in the literature allows stable neutron star models with closed circular null orbits, something which is closely related to trapped gravitational waves. Furthermore, the general relativistic theory of elasticity is reviewed and applied to stellar models. Both static equilibrium as well as radially oscillating configurations with elasticsources are examined. Finally, Killing tensors are considered and their applicability to modeling of stars is discussed
Sterne mit einer Anfangsmasse zwischen etwa 8 und 25 Sonnenmassen enden ihre Existenz mit einer gewaltigen Explosion, einer Typ II Supernova. Die hierbei entstehende Hoch-Entropie-Blase ist ein Bereich am Rande des sich bildenden Neutronensterns und gilt als möglicher Ort für den r-Prozess. Wegen der hohen Temperatur T innerhalb der Blase ist die Materie dort vollkommen photodesintegriert. Das Verhältnis von Neutronen zu Protonen wird durch die Elektronenhäufigkeit Ye beschrieben. Die thermodynamische Entwicklung des Systems wird durch die Entropie S gegeben. Da die Expansion der Blase schnell vonstatten geht, kann sie als adiabatisch betrachtet werden. Die Entropie S ist dann proportional zu T^3/rho, wobei rho die Dichte darstellt. Die explizite Zeitentwicklung von T und rho sowie die Prozessdauer hängen von Vexp, der Expansionsgeschwindigkeit der Blase, ab. Der erste Teil dieser Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit dem Prozess der Reaktionen mit geladenen Teilchen, dem alpha-Prozess. Dieser Prozess endet bei Temperaturen von etwa 3 mal 10^9 K, dem sogenannten "alpha-reichen" Freezeout, wobei überwiegend alpha-Teilchen, freie Neutronen sowie ein kleiner Anteil von mittelschweren "Saat"-Kernen im Massenbereich um A=100 gebildet werden. Das Verhältnis von freien Neutronen zu Saatkernen Yn/Yseed ist entscheidend für den möglichen Ablauf eines r-Prozesses. Der zweite Teil dieser Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit dem eigentlichen r-Prozess, der bei Neutronenanzahldichten von bis zu 10^27 Neutronen pro cm^3 stattfindet, und innerhalb von maximal 400 ms sehr neutronenreiche "Progenitor"-Isotope von Elementen bis zum Thorium und Uran bildet. Bei dem sich anschliessendem Ausfrieren der Neutroneneinfangreaktionen bei 10^9 K und 10^20 Neutronen pro cm^3 erfolgt dann der beta-Rückzerfall der ursprünglichen r-Prozesskerne zum Tal der Stabilität. Diese Nicht-Gleichgewichts-Phase wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit in einer Parameterstudie eingehend untersucht. Abschliessend werden astrophysikalische Bedingungen definiert, unter denen die gesamte Verteilung der solaren r-Prozess-Isotopenhäufigkeiten reproduziert werden können.
Context. The rotational evolution of isolated neutron stars is dominated by the magnetic field anchored to the solid crust of the star. Assuming that the core field evolves on much longer timescales, the crustal field evolves mainly though Ohmic dissipation and the Hall drift, and it may be subject to relatively rapid changes with remarkable effects on the observed timing properties. Aims. We investigate whether changes of the magnetic field structure and strength during the star evolution may have observable consequences in the braking index n. This is the most sensitive quantity to reflect small variations of the timing properties that are caused by magnetic field rearrangements. Methods. We performed axisymmetric, long-term simulations of the magneto-thermal evolution of neutron stars with state-of-the-art microphysical inputs to calculate the evolution of the braking index. Relatively rapid magnetic field modifications can be expected only in the crust of neutron stars, where we focus our study. Results. We find that the effect of the magnetic field evolution on the braking index can be divided into three qualitatively different stages depending on the age and the internal temperature: a first stage that may be different for standard pulsars (with n ~ 3) or low field neutron stars that accreted fallback matter during the supernova explosion (systematically n < 3); in a second stage, the evolution is governed by almost pure Ohmic field decay, and a braking index n > 3 is expected; in the third stage, at late times, when the interior temperature has dropped to very low values, Hall oscillatory modes in the neutron star crust result in braking indices of a high absolute value and both positive and negative signs. Conclusions. Current magneto-thermal evolution models predict a large contribution to the timing noise and, in particular, to the braking index, from temporal variations of the magnetic field. Models with strong (≳ 1014 G) multipolar or toroidal components, even with a weak (~1012 G) dipolar field are consistent with the observed trend of the timing properties.
Over the past decade, the numerical modeling of the magnetic field evolution in astrophysical scenarios has become an increasingly important field. In the crystallized crust of neutron stars the evolution of the magnetic field is governed by the Hall induction equation. In this equation the relative contribution of the two terms (Hall term and Ohmic dissipation) varies depending on the local conditions of temperature and magnetic field strength. This results in the transition from the purely parabolic character of the equations to the hyperbolic regime as the magnetic Reynolds number increases, which presents severe numerical problems. Up to now, most attempts to study this problem were based on spectral methods, but they failed in representing the transition to large magnetic Reynolds numbers. We present a new code based on upwind finite differences techniques that can handle situations with arbitrary low magnetic diffusivity and it is suitable for studying the formation of sharp current sheets during the evolution. The code is thoroughly tested in different limits and used to illustrate the evolution of the crustal magnetic field in a neutron star in some representative cases. Our code, coupled to cooling codes, can be used to perform long-term simulations of the magneto-thermal evolution of neutron stars.
Observations of magnetars and some of the high magnetic field pulsars have shown that their thermal luminosity is systematically higher than that of classical radio-pulsars, thus confirming the idea that magnetic fields are involved in their X-ray emission. Here we present the results of 2D simulations of the fully coupled evolution of temperature and magnetic field in neutron stars, including the state-of-the-art kinetic coefficients and, for the first time, the important effect of the Hall term. After gathering and thoroughly re-analysing in a consistent way all the best available data on isolated, thermally emitting neutron stars, we compare our theoretical models to a data sample of 40 sources. We find that our evolutionary models can explain the phenomenological diversity of magnetars, high-B radio-pulsars, and isolated nearby neutron stars by only varying their initial magnetic field, mass and envelope composition. Nearly all sources appear to follow the expectations of the standard theoretical models. Finally, we discuss the expected outburst rates and the evolutionary links between different classes. Our results constitute a major step towards the grand unification of the isolated neutron star zoo.