904 resultados para NEURAL PLASTICITY


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Sound localization relies on the neural processing of monaural and binaural spatial cues that arise from the way sounds interact with the head and external ears. Neurophysiological studies of animals raised with abnormal sensory inputs show that the map of auditory space in the superior colliculus is shaped during development by both auditory and visual experience. An example of this plasticity is provided by monaural occlusion during infancy, which leads to compensatory changes in auditory spatial tuning that tend to preserve the alignment between the neural representations of visual and auditory space. Adaptive changes also take place in sound localization behavior, as demonstrated by the fact that ferrets raised and tested with one ear plugged learn to localize as accurately as control animals. In both cases, these adjustments may involve greater use of monaural spectral cues provided by the other ear. Although plasticity in the auditory space map seems to be restricted to development, adult ferrets show some recovery of sound localization behavior after long-term monaural occlusion. The capacity for behavioral adaptation is, however, task dependent, because auditory spatial acuity and binaural unmasking (a measure of the spatial contribution to the “cocktail party effect”) are permanently impaired by chronically plugging one ear, both in infancy but especially in adulthood. Experience-induced plasticity allows the neural circuitry underlying sound localization to be customized to individual characteristics, such as the size and shape of the head and ears, and to compensate for natural conductive hearing losses, including those associated with middle ear disease in infancy.


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Classical and operant conditioning principles, such as the behavioral discrepancy-derived assumption that reinforcement always selects antecedent stimulus and response relations, have been studied at the neural level, mainly by observing the strengthening of neuronal responses or synaptic connections. A review of the literature on the neural basis of behavior provided extensive scientific data that indicate a synthesis between the two conditioning processes based mainly on stimulus control in learning tasks. The resulting analysis revealed the following aspects. Dopamine acts as a behavioral discrepancy signal in the midbrain pathway of positive reinforcement, leading toward the nucleus accumbens. Dopamine modulates both types of conditioning in the Aplysia mollusk and in mammals. In vivo and in vitro mollusk preparations show convergence of both types of conditioning in the same motor neuron. Frontal cortical neurons are involved in behavioral discrimination in reversal and extinction procedures, and these neurons preferentially deliver glutamate through conditioned stimulus or discriminative stimulus pathways. Discriminative neural responses can reliably precede operant movements and can also be common to stimuli that share complex symbolic relations. The present article discusses convergent and divergent points between conditioning paradigms at the neural level of analysis to advance our knowledge on reinforcement.


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It has long been believed that resistance training is accompanied by changes within the nervous system that play an important role in the development of strength. Many elements of the nervous system exhibit the potential for adaptation in response to resistance training, including supraspinal centres, descending neural tracts, spinal circuitry and the motor end plate connections between motoneurons and muscle fibres. Yet the specific sites of adaptation along the neuraxis have seldom been identified experimentally, and much of the evidence for neural adaptations following resistance training remains indirect. As a consequence of this current lack of knowledge, there exists uncertainty regarding the manner in which resistance training impacts upon the control and execution of functional movements. We aim to demonstrate that resistance training is likely to cause adaptations to many neural elements that are involved in the control of movement, and is therefore likely to affect movement execution during a wide range of tasks. We review a small number of experiments that provide evidence that resistance training affects the way in which muscles that have been engaged during training are recruited during related movement tasks. The concepts addressed in this article represent an important new approach to research on the effects of resistance training. They are also of considerable practical importance, since most individuals perform resistance training in the expectation that it will enhance their performance in-related functional tasks.


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We have isolated a cDNA clone from the honeybee brain encoding a dopamine receptor, AmDop2, which is positively coupled to adenylyl cyclase. The transmembrane domains of this receptor are 88% identical to the orthologous Drosophila D2 dopamine receptor, DmDop2, though phylogenetic analysis and sequence homology both indicate that invertebrate and vertebrate D2 receptors are quite distinct. In situ hybridization to mRNA in whole-mount preparations of honeybee brains reveals gene expression in the mushroom bodies, a primary site of associative learning. Furthermore, two anatomically distinct cell types in the mushroom bodies exhibit differential regulation of AmDop2 expression. In all nonreproductive females (worker caste) and reproductive males (drones) the receptor gene is strongly and constitutively expressed in all mushroom body interneurons with small cell bodies. In contrast, the large cell-bodied interneurons exhibit dramatic plasticity of AmDop2 gene expression. In newly emerged worker bees (cell-cleaning specialists) and newly emerged drones, no AmDop2 transcript is observed in the large interneurons whereas this transcript is abundant in these cells in the oldest worker bees (resource foragers) and older drones. Differentiation of the mushroom body interneurons into two distinct classes (i.e., plastic or nonplastic with respect to AmDop2 gene expression) indicates that this receptor contributes to the differential regulation of distinct neural circuits. Moreover, the plasticity of expression observed in the large cells implicates this receptor in the behavioral maturation of the bee.


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Depression is associated with decreased serotonin metabolism and functioning in the central nervous system, evidenced by both animal models of depression and clinical patient studies. Depression is also accompanied by decreased hippocampal neurogenesis in diverse animal models. Neurogenesis is mainly defined in dentate gyrus of hippocampus as well as subventricular zone. Moreover, hypothalamus, amygdala, olfactory tubercle, and piriform cortex are reported with evidences of adult neurogenesis. Physical exercise is found to modulate adult neurogenesis significantly, and results in mood improvement. The cellular mechanism such as adult neurogenesis upregulation was considered as one major mood regulator following exercise. The recent advances in molecular mechanisms underlying exercise-regulated neurogenesis have widen our understanding in brain plasticity in physiological and pathological conditions, and therefore better management of different psychiatric disorders.


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The functionality of adult neocortical circuits can be altered by novel experiences or learning. This functional plasticity appears to rely on changes in the strength of neuronal connections that were established during development. Here we will describe some of our studies in which we have addressed whether structural changes, including the remodeling of axons and dendrites with synapse formation and elimination, could underlie experience-dependent plasticity in the adult neocortex. Using 2-photon laser-scanning microscopes and transgenic mice expressing GFP in a subset of pyramidal cells, we have observed that a small subset of dendritic spines continuously appear and disappear on a daily basis, whereas the majority of spines persists for months. Axonal boutons from different neuronal classes displayed similar behavior, although the extent of remodeling varied. Under baseline conditions, new spines in the barrel cortex were mostly transient and rarely survived for more than a week. However, when every other whisker was trimmed, the generation and loss of persistent spines was enhanced. Ultrastructural reconstruction of previously imaged spines and boutons showed that new spines slowly form synapses. New spines persisting for a few days always had synapses, whereas very young spines often lacked synapses. New synapses were predominantly found on large, multi-synapse boutons, suggesting that spine growth is followed by synapse formation, preferentially on existing boutons. Altogether our data indicate that novel sensory experience drives the stabilization of new spines on subclasses of cortical neurons and promotes the formation of new synapses. These synaptic changes likely underlie experience-dependent functional remodeling of specific neocortical circuits.


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Neural development and plasticity are regulated by neural adhesion proteins, including the polysialylated form of NCAM (PSA-NCAM). Podocalyxin (PC) is a renal PSA-containing protein that has been reported to function as an anti-adhesin in kidney podocytes. Here we show that PC is widely expressed in neurons during neural development. Neural PC interacts with the ERM protein family, and with NHERF1/2 and RhoA/G. Experiments in vitro and phenotypic analyses of podxl-deficient mice indicate that PC is involved in neurite growth, branching and axonal fasciculation, and that PC loss-of-function reduces the number of synapses in the CNS and in the neuromuscular system. We also show that whereas some of the brain PC functions require PSA, others depend on PC per se. Our results show that PC, the second highly sialylated neural adhesion protein, plays multiple roles in neural development.


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Visual perception of body motion is vital for everyday activities such as social interaction, motor learning or car driving. Tumors to the left lateral cerebellum impair visual perception of body motion. However, compensatory potential after cerebellar damage and underlying neural mechanisms remain unknown. In the present study, visual sensitivity to point-light body motion was psychophysically assessed in patient SL with dysplastic gangliocytoma (Lhermitte-Duclos disease) to the left cerebellum before and after neurosurgery, and in a group of healthy matched controls. Brain activity during processing of body motion was assessed by functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Alterations in underlying cerebro-cerebellar circuitry were studied by psychophysiological interaction (PPI) analysis. Visual sensitivity to body motion in patient SL before neurosurgery was substantially lower than in controls, with significant improvement after neurosurgery. Functional MRI in patient SL revealed a similar pattern of cerebellar activation during biological motion processing as in healthy participants, but located more medially, in the left cerebellar lobules III and IX. As in normalcy, PPI analysis showed cerebellar communication with a region in the superior temporal sulcus, but located more anteriorly. The findings demonstrate a potential for recovery of visual body motion processing after cerebellar damage, likely mediated by topographic shifts within the corresponding cerebro-cerebellar circuitry induced by cerebellar reorganization. The outcome is of importance for further understanding of cerebellar plasticity and neural circuits underpinning visual social cognition.


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Intracellular glucose signalling pathways control the secretion of glucagon and insulin by pancreatic islet α- and β-cells, respectively. However, glucose also indirectly controls the secretion of these hormones through regulation of the autonomic nervous system that richly innervates this endocrine organ. Both parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems also impact endocrine pancreas postnatal development and plasticity in adult animals. Defects in these autonomic regulations impair β-cell mass expansion during the weaning period and β-cell mass adaptation in adult life. Both branches of the autonomic nervous system also regulate glucagon secretion. In type 2 diabetes, impaired glucose-dependent autonomic activity causes the loss of cephalic and first phases of insulin secretion, and impaired suppression of glucagon secretion in the postabsorptive phase; in diabetic patients treated with insulin, it causes a progressive failure of hypoglycaemia to trigger the secretion of glucagon and other counterregulatory hormones. Therefore, identification of the glucose-sensing cells that control the autonomic innervation of the endocrine pancreatic and insulin and glucagon secretion is an important goal of research. This is required for a better understanding of the physiological control of glucose homeostasis and its deregulation in diabetes. This review will discuss recent advances in this field of investigation.


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Neural development and plasticity are regulated by neural adhesion proteins, including the polysialylated form of NCAM (PSA-NCAM). Podocalyxin (PC) is a renal PSA-containing protein that has been reported to function as an anti-adhesin in kidney podocytes. Here we show that PC is widely expressed in neurons during neural development. Neural PC interacts with the ERM protein family, and with NHERF1/2 and RhoA/G. Experiments in vitro and phenotypic analyses of podxl-deficient mice indicate that PC is involved in neurite growth, branching and axonal fasciculation, and that PC loss-of-function reduces the number of synapses in the CNS and in the neuromuscular system. We also show that whereas some of the brain PC functions require PSA, others depend on PC per se. Our results show that PC, the second highly sialylated neural adhesion protein, plays multiple roles in neural development.


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Spatial hearing refers to a set of abilities enabling us to determine the location of sound sources, redirect our attention toward relevant acoustic events, and recognize separate sound sources in noisy environments. Determining the location of sound sources plays a key role in the way in which humans perceive and interact with their environment. Deficits in sound localization abilities are observed after lesions to the neural tissues supporting these functions and can result in serious handicaps in everyday life. These deficits can, however, be remediated (at least to a certain degree) by the surprising capacity of reorganization that the human brain possesses following damage and/or learning, namely, the brain plasticity. In this thesis, our aim was to investigate the functional organization of auditory spatial functions and the learning-induced plasticity of these functions. Overall, we describe the results of three studies. The first study entitled "The role of the right parietal cortex in sound localization: A chronometric single pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation study" (At et al., 2011), study A, investigated the role of the right parietal cortex in spatial functions and its chronometry (i.e. the critical time window of its contribution to sound localizations). We concentrated on the behavioral changes produced by the temporarily inactivation of the parietal cortex with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). We found that the integrity of the right parietal cortex is crucial for localizing sounds in the space and determined a critical time window of its involvement, suggesting a right parietal dominance for auditory spatial discrimination in both hemispaces. In "Distributed coding of the auditory space in man: evidence from training-induced plasticity" (At et al., 2013a), study B, we investigated the neurophysiological correlates and changes of the different sub-parties of the right auditory hemispace induced by a multi-day auditory spatial training in healthy subjects with electroencephalography (EEG). We report a distributed coding for sound locations over numerous auditory regions, particular auditory areas code specifically for precise parts of the auditory space, and this specificity for a distinct region is enhanced with training. In the third study "Training-induced changes in auditory spatial mismatch negativity" (At et al., 2013b), study C, we investigated the pre-attentive neurophysiological changes induced with a training over 4 days in healthy subjects with a passive mismatch negativity (MMN) paradigm. We showed that training changed the mechanisms for the relative representation of sound positions and not the specific lateralization themselves and that it changed the coding in right parahippocampal regions. - L'audition spatiale désigne notre capacité à localiser des sources sonores dans l'espace, de diriger notre attention vers les événements acoustiques pertinents et de reconnaître des sources sonores appartenant à des objets distincts dans un environnement bruyant. La localisation des sources sonores joue un rôle important dans la façon dont les humains perçoivent et interagissent avec leur environnement. Des déficits dans la localisation de sons sont souvent observés quand les réseaux neuronaux impliqués dans cette fonction sont endommagés. Ces déficits peuvent handicaper sévèrement les patients dans leur vie de tous les jours. Cependant, ces déficits peuvent (au moins à un certain degré) être réhabilités grâce à la plasticité cérébrale, la capacité du cerveau humain à se réorganiser après des lésions ou un apprentissage. L'objectif de cette thèse était d'étudier l'organisation fonctionnelle de l'audition spatiale et la plasticité induite par l'apprentissage de ces fonctions. Dans la première étude intitulé « The role of the right parietal cortex in sound localization : A chronometric single pulse study » (At et al., 2011), étude A, nous avons examiné le rôle du cortex pariétal droit dans l'audition spatiale et sa chronométrie, c'est-à- dire le moment critique de son intervention dans la localisation de sons. Nous nous sommes concentrés sur les changements comportementaux induits par l'inactivation temporaire du cortex pariétal droit par le biais de la Stimulation Transcrânienne Magnétique (TMS). Nous avons démontré que l'intégrité du cortex pariétal droit est cruciale pour localiser des sons dans l'espace. Nous avons aussi défini le moment critique de l'intervention de cette structure. Dans « Distributed coding of the auditory space : evidence from training-induced plasticity » (At et al., 2013a), étude B, nous avons examiné la plasticité cérébrale induite par un entraînement des capacités de discrimination auditive spatiale de plusieurs jours. Nous avons montré que le codage des positions spatiales est distribué dans de nombreuses régions auditives, que des aires auditives spécifiques codent pour des parties données de l'espace et que cette spécificité pour des régions distinctes est augmentée par l'entraînement. Dans « Training-induced changes in auditory spatial mismatch negativity » (At et al., 2013b), étude C, nous avons examiné les changements neurophysiologiques pré- attentionnels induits par un entraînement de quatre jours. Nous avons montré que l'entraînement modifie la représentation des positions spatiales entraînées et non-entrainées, et que le codage de ces positions est modifié dans des régions parahippocampales.


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Playing a musical instrument demands the engagement of different neural systems. Recent studies about the musician"s brain and musical training highlight that this activity requires the close interaction between motor and somatosensory systems. Moreover, neuroplastic changes have been reported in motor-related areas after short and long-term musical training. Because of its capacity to promote neuroplastic changes, music has been used in the context of stroke neurorehabilitation. The majority of patients suffering from a stroke have motor impairments, preventing them to live independently. Thus, there is an increasing demand for effective restorative interventions for neurological deficits. Music-supported Therapy (MST) has been recently developed to restore motor deficits. We report data of a selected sample of stroke patients who have been enrolled in a MST program (1 month intense music learning). Prior to and after the therapy, patients were evaluated with different behavioral motor tests. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) was applied to evaluate changes in the sensorimotor representations underlying the motor gains observed. Several parameters of excitability of the motor cortex were assessed as well as the cortical somatotopic representation of a muscle in the affected hand. Our results revealed that participants obtained significant motor improvements in the paretic hand and those changes were accompanied by changes in the excitability of the motor cortex. Thus, MST leads to neuroplastic changes in the motor cortex of stroke patients which may explain its efficacy.


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Playing a musical instrument demands the engagement of different neural systems. Recent studies about the musician"s brain and musical training highlight that this activity requires the close interaction between motor and somatosensory systems. Moreover, neuroplastic changes have been reported in motor-related areas after short and long-term musical training. Because of its capacity to promote neuroplastic changes, music has been used in the context of stroke neurorehabilitation. The majority of patients suffering from a stroke have motor impairments, preventing them to live independently. Thus, there is an increasing demand for effective restorative interventions for neurological deficits. Music-supported Therapy (MST) has been recently developed to restore motor deficits. We report data of a selected sample of stroke patients who have been enrolled in a MST program (1 month intense music learning). Prior to and after the therapy, patients were evaluated with different behavioral motor tests. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) was applied to evaluate changes in the sensorimotor representations underlying the motor gains observed. Several parameters of excitability of the motor cortex were assessed as well as the cortical somatotopic representation of a muscle in the affected hand. Our results revealed that participants obtained significant motor improvements in the paretic hand and those changes were accompanied by changes in the excitability of the motor cortex. Thus, MST leads to neuroplastic changes in the motor cortex of stroke patients which may explain its efficacy.


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Playing a musical instrument demands the engagement of different neural systems. Recent studies about the musician"s brain and musical training highlight that this activity requires the close interaction between motor and somatosensory systems. Moreover, neuroplastic changes have been reported in motor-related areas after short and long-term musical training. Because of its capacity to promote neuroplastic changes, music has been used in the context of stroke neurorehabilitation. The majority of patients suffering from a stroke have motor impairments, preventing them to live independently. Thus, there is an increasing demand for effective restorative interventions for neurological deficits. Music-supported Therapy (MST) has been recently developed to restore motor deficits. We report data of a selected sample of stroke patients who have been enrolled in a MST program (1 month intense music learning). Prior to and after the therapy, patients were evaluated with different behavioral motor tests. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) was applied to evaluate changes in the sensorimotor representations underlying the motor gains observed. Several parameters of excitability of the motor cortex were assessed as well as the cortical somatotopic representation of a muscle in the affected hand. Our results revealed that participants obtained significant motor improvements in the paretic hand and those changes were accompanied by changes in the excitability of the motor cortex. Thus, MST leads to neuroplastic changes in the motor cortex of stroke patients which may explain its efficacy.


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Ample evidence indicates that inhibitory control (IC), a key executive component referring to the ability to suppress cognitive or motor processes, relies on a right-lateralized fronto-basal brain network. However, whether and how IC can be improved with training and the underlying neuroplastic mechanisms remains largely unresolved. We used functional and structural magnetic resonance imaging to measure the effects of 2 weeks of training with a Go/NoGo task specifically designed to improve frontal top-down IC mechanisms. The training-induced behavioral improvements were accompanied by a decrease in neural activity to inhibition trials within the right pars opercularis and triangularis, and in the left pars orbitalis of the inferior frontal gyri. Analyses of changes in brain anatomy induced by the IC training revealed increases in grey matter volume in the right pars orbitalis and modulations of white matter microstructure in the right pars triangularis. The task-specificity of the effects of training was confirmed by an absence of change in neural activity to a control working memory task. Our combined anatomical and functional findings indicate that differential patterns of functional and structural plasticity between and within inferior frontal gyri enhanced the speed of top-down inhibition processes and in turn IC proficiency. The results suggest that training-based interventions might help overcoming the anatomic and functional deficits of inferior frontal gyri manifesting in inhibition-related clinical conditions. More generally, we demonstrate how multimodal neuroimaging investigations of training-induced neuroplasticity enable revealing novel anatomo-functional dissociations within frontal executive brain networks. Hum Brain Mapp 36:2527-2543, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.