932 resultados para NETTRA-P1.
The goal of this work was to compare the differences between human immunodeficiency Virus type 1 (HIV-1) of B and F1 Subtypes in the acquisition of major and rninot- protease inhibitor (P1)-associated resistance mutations and of other polymorphisms at the protease (PR) gene, through a cross sectional Study. PR sequences from subtypes B and F1 isolates matched according to P1 exposure time from Brazilian patients were included in this study. Sequences were separated in four groups: 24 and 90 from children and 141 and 99 from adults infected with isolates of subtypes F1 and B, respectively. For comparison, 211 subype B and 79 subtype F1 PR sequences from drug-naive individuals Were included. Demographic and clinical data were similar among B- and F1-infected patients. In untreated patients, Mutations L1OV, K20R, and M361 were more frequent in subtype F1, while L63P, A7IT, and V771 were more prevalent in Subtype B. In treated patients, K20M, D30N, G73S, 184V, and L90M, were More prevalent in subtype B, and K20T and N88S Were more prevalent in Subtype F1. A higher proportion of subtype F1 than Of subtype B Strains Containing other polymorphisms was observed. V82L mutation was Present With increased frequency in isolates from children compared to isolates from adults infected with both subtypes. We could observe a faster resistance emergence in children than in adults, during treatment with protease inhibitors. This data provided evidence that, although rates of overall drug resistance do not differ between subtypes B and F1, the former accumulates resistance at higher proportion in specific amino acid positions of protease when compared to the latter. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In the present work we investigated the effects of Crotalus durissus terrificus venom (CdtV) on the pulmonary mechanic events [static and dynamic elastance, resistive (Delta P1) and viscoelastic pressures (Delta P2)] and histology after intramuscular injection of saline solution (control) or venom (0.6 mu g/g). The static and dynamic elastance values were increased significantly after 3 It of venom inoculation, but were reduced at control values in the other periods studied. The Delta P1 values that correspond to the resistive properties of lung tissue presented a significant increase after 6 h of CdtV injection, reducing to basal levels 12 h after the venom injection. In Delta P2 analysis, correspondent to viscoelastic components, an increase occurred 12 h after the venom injection, returning to control values at 24 h. CdtV also caused an increase of leukocytes recruitment (3-24 h) to the airways wall as well as to the lung parenchyma. In conclusion, C. durissus terrificus rattlesnake venom leads to lung injury which is reverted, after 24 h of inoculation. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
OBJECTIVE: A giant fusiform aneurysm in the posterior cerebral artery (PCA) is rare, as is fenestration of the PCA and basilar apex variation. We describe the angiographic and surgical findings of a giant fusiform aneurysm in the P1-P2 PCA segment associated with PCA bilateral fenestration and superior cerebellar artery double origin. CLINICAL PRESENTATION: A 26-year-old woman presented with a 2-month history of visual blurring. Digital subtraction angiography showed a giant (2.5 cm) fusiform PCA aneurysm in the right P1-P2 segment. The 3-dimensional view showed a caudal fusion pattern from the upper portion of the basilar artery associated with a bilateral long fenestration of the P1 and P2 segments and superior cerebellar artery double origin. INTERVENTION: Surgical trapping of the right P1 -P2 segment, including the posterior communicating artery, was performed by a pretemporal approach. Angiograms performed 3 and 13 months after surgery showed complete aneurysm exclusion, and the PCA was permeated and filled the PCA territory. Clinical follow-up at 14 months showed the patient with no deficits and a return to normal life. CONCLUSION: To our knowledge, this is the first report of a giant fusiform aneurysm of the PCA associated with P1-P2 segment fenestration and other variations of the basilar apex (bilateral superior cerebellar artery duplication and caudal fusion). Comprehension of the embryology and anatomy of the PCA and its related vessels and branches is fundamental to the decision-making process for a PCA aneurysm, especially when parent vessel occlusion is planned.
Type 1, X-linked Hyper-IgM syndrome (HIGM1) is caused by mutations in the gene encoding the CD154 protein, also known as CD40 ligand (CD40LG). CD40L is expressed in activated T cells and interacts with CD40 receptor expressed on B lymphocytes and dendritic cells. Affected patients present cellular and humoral immune defects, with infections by intracellular, opportunistic and extracellular pathogens. In the present study we investigated the molecular defects underlying disease in four patients with HIGM1. We identified four distinct CD40L mutations, two of them which have not been previously described. P1 harboured the novel p.G227X mutation which abolished CD40L expression. P2 had a previously described frame shift deletion in exon 2 (p.I53fsX65) which also prevented protein expression. P3 demonstrated the previously known p.V126D change in exon 4, affecting the TNF homology (TNFH) domain. Finally, P4 evidenced the novel p.F229L mutation also located in the TNFH domain. In silico analysis of F229L predicted the change to be pathological, affecting the many hydrophobic interactions of this residue. Precise molecular diagnosis in HIGM syndrome allows reliable detection of carriers, making genetic counselling and prenatal diagnosis possible.
Masticatory muscle function three years after surgical correction of class III dentofacial deformity
Individuals with dentofacial deformities have masticatory muscle changes. The objective of the present study was to determine the effect of interdisciplinary treatment in patients with dentofacial deformities regarding electromyographic activity (EMG) of masticatory muscles three years after surgical correction. Thirteen patients with class III dentofacial deformities were studied, considered as group PI (before surgery) and group P3 (3 years to 3 years and 8 months after surgery). Fifteen individuals with no changes in facial morphology or dental occlusion were studied as controls. The participants underwent EMG examination of the temporal and masseter muscles during mastication and biting. Evaluation of the amplitude interval of EMG activity revealed a difference between P1 and P3 and no difference between P3 and the control group. In contrast, evaluation of root mean square revealed that, in general, P3 values were higher only when compared with PI and differed from the control group. There was an improvement in the EMG activity of the masticatory muscles, mainly observed in the masseter muscle, with values close to those of the control group in one of the analyses.
Objective: To analyse the effect of integrated orthodontic treatment, orthognathic surgery and orofacial myofunctional therapy on masseter muscle thickness in patients with class III dentofacial deformity three years after orthognathic surgery. Design: A longitudinal study was conducted on 13 patients with class III dentofacial deformities, denoted here as group P1 (before surgery) and group P3 (same patients 3 years to 3 years and 8 months after surgery). Fifteen individuals with no changes in facial morphology or dental occlusion were assigned to the control group (CG). Masseter muscle ultrasonography was performed in the resting and biting situations in the three groups. Data were analysed statistically by a mixed-effects linear model considering a level of significance of P < 0.05. Results: Significantly higher values (P < 0.01) of masseter muscle thickness (cm) were detected in group P3 (right rest: 0.82 +/- 0.16, left rest: 0.87 +/- 0.21, right bite: 1 +/- 0.22, left bite: 1.04 +/- 0.28) compared to group P1 (right rest: 0.63 +/- 0.19, left rest: 0.64 +/- 0.15, right bite: 0.87 +/- 0.16, left bite: 0.88 +/- 0.14). Between P3 and CG (right rest: 1.02 +/- 0.19, left rest: 1 +/- 0.19, right bite: 1.18 +/- 0.22, left bite: 1.16 +/- 0.22) there was a significant difference on the right side of the muscle (P < 0.05) in both situations and on the left side at rest. Conclusion: The proposed treatment resulted in improved masseter muscle thickness in patients with class III dentofacial deformity. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
BACKGROUND: Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) is a valuable alternative to fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) for preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) because it allows full karyotype analysis. However, this approach requires the cryopreservation of biopsied embryos until results are available. The aim of this study is to reduce the hybridization period of CGH, in order to make this short-CGH technique suitable for PGS of Day-3 embryos, avoiding the cryopreservation step. METHODS: Thirty-two fibroblasts from six aneuploid cell lines (Coriell) and 48 blastomeres from 10 Day-4 embryos, discarded after PGS by FISH with 9 probes (9-chr-FISH), were analysed by short-CGH. A reanalysis by the standard 72 h-CGH and FISH using telomeric probes was performed when no concordant results between short-CGH and FISH diagnosis were observed. The short-CGH was subsequently applied in a clinical case of advanced maternal age. RESULTS: In 100% of the fibroblasts analysed, the characteristic aneuploidies of each cell line were detected by short-CGH. The results of the 48 blastomeres screened by short-CGH were supported by both 72 h-CGH results and FISH reanalysis. The chromosomes most frequently involved in aneuploidy were 22 and 16, but aneuploidies for the other chromosomes, excepting 1, 10 and 13, were also detected. Forty-one of the 94 aneuploid events observed (43.6%) corresponded to chromosomes which are not analysed by 9-chr-FISH. CONCLUSIONS: We have performed a preliminary validation of the short-CGH technique, including one clinical case, suggesting this approach may be applied to Day-3 aneuploidy analysis, thereby avoiding embryo cryopreservation and perhaps helping to improve implantation rate after PGS.
Recombinant cathepsin D aspartic protease of Schistosoma japonicum cleaved human IgG in vitro in a time and dose-dependent manner. Optimal cleavage was seen at pH 3.6-4.5; modest cleavage remained at pH 5.0, and no cleavage was detected above pH 5.0. Amino terminal sequencing of the major cleavage fragments of human IgG identified a Fab fragment from the VH1 domain, and 2 cleavage sites in the CH2 domain below the hinge region. The P1 and P1' residues at the 2 CH2 cleavage sites were Phe254-Leu255 and Leu325-Thr326, indicating a preference by the schistosome protease for bulky hydrophobic residues flanking the scissile bond. No cleavage of the immunoglobulin light chain was detected. In addition, the recombinant schistosome protease indiscriminately degraded the human serum proteins complement C3 and serum albumin into numerous small fragments. These results demonstrate specific cleavage of human IgG by the recombinant schistosome aspartic protease, and highlight the broad range digestive specificity of the enzyme which may play a role in the degradation of host serum proteins ingested as part of the schistosome bloodmeal.
Recombinant forms of the dengue 2 virus NS3 protease linked to a 40-residue co-factor, corresponding to part of NS2B, have been expressed in Escherichia coli and shown to be active against para-nitroanilide substrates comprising the P6-P1 residues of four substrate cleavage sequences. The enzyme is inactive alone or after the addition of a putative 13-residue co-factor peptide but is active when fused to the 40-residue co-factor, by either a cleavable or a noncleavable glycine linker. The NS4B/NS5 cleavage site was processed most readily, with optimal processing conditions being pH 9, I = 10 mm, 1 mm CHAPS, 20% glycerol. A longer 10-residue peptide corresponding to the NS2B/NS3 cleavage site (P6-P4') was a poorer substrate than the hexapeptide (P6-P1) para-nitroanilide substrate under these conditions, suggesting that the prime side substrate residues did not contribute significantly to protease binding. We also report the first inhibitors of a co-factor-complexed, catalytically active flavivirus NS3 protease. Aprotinin was the only standard serine protease inhibitor to be active, whereas a number of peptide substrate analogues were found to be competitive inhibitors at micromolar concentrations.
Following treatment with bracken fern (Pteridium aquilinum) extract and bracken spores a number of DNA adducts were detected by P-32-postlabeling. Three of these adducts have been described previously (Povey et al., Br. J. Cancer (1996) 74, 1342-1348) and in this study, using a slightly different protocol, four new adducts, with higher chromatographic mobility, were detected at levels ranging from 50 to 230% of those previously described, When DNA was treated in vitro with activated ptaquiloside (APT) and analysed by butanol extraction or nuclease P1 treatment, only one adduct was detected by P-32-postlabeling, This adduct was not present in the DNA from mice treated with bracken fern or spores, suggesting either that bracken contains genotoxins other than ptaquiloside or that the metabolism of ptaquiloside produces genotoxins not reflected by activated ptaquiloside. However, as the ATP-derived adduct has been detected previously in ileal DNA of bracken-fed calves, species-specific differences in the metabolism of bracken genotoxins may exist, thereby leading to differences in their biological outcomes. (C) 2001 Academic Press.
Foram investigados efeitos da intervenção cognitivo-comportamental sobre a adesão inadequada à terapia antirretroviral. Participaram dois homens (P1 e P2) acometidos pela Aids. Uma mulher soropositiva (P3) funcionou como controle. Foram comparadas avaliações de comportamento de adesão, estratégias de enfrentamento, expectativa de autoeficácia para aderir à terapia e variáveis biológicas de três momentos - linha de base (LB), imediatamente após (M2) e três meses depois (M3) da intervenção. Os participantes P1 e P2 relataram aumentos nos níveis de adesão à terapia, nos escores de autoeficácia e no enfrentamento focalizado no problema. A participante P3 manteve adesão insuficiente e baixos escores de autoeficácia. Conclui-se que a intervenção cognitivo-comportamental teve efeitos positivos sobre a adesão à terapia antirretroviral. _______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o potencial evocado miogênico vestibular em pacientes com esclerose múltipla, como método de auxílio diagnóstico. FORMA DE ESTUDO: Caso-controle. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Estudamos um grupo-controle (n=15) de indivíduos normais e um grupo experimental (n=15) que foi composto por pacientes com diagnóstico de esclerose múltipla. Ambos os grupos foram submetidos ao exame de potencial evocado miogênico vestibular. Em cada orelha foram aplicados 200 estímulos na forma de cliques e repetidos por 2 ciclos consecutivos com objetivo de avaliar a reprodutibilidade. Os eletrodos ativos de superfície foram colocados no Ssuperior do músculo esternocleidomastoideo e de referência na borda anterior da clavícula ipsilateral. Os indivíduos foram instruídos à rotação lateral da cabeça em direção contralateral à orelha estimulada. RESULTADOS: Obtivemos no potencial evocado miogênico vestibular respostas rápidas, reprodutíveis e bifásicas. A latência das ondas P1 e N2 e amplitude P1-N2 apresentaram um maior valor no grupo experimental quando comparada com o grupo-controle. Não observamos diferença significativa nas respostas das ondas P1 e N2 e amplitude P1-N2 quando comparamos as orelhas. Verificamos que os indivíduos com esclerose múltipla apresentaram ausência de respostas em 30% dos casos. Ao avaliarmos os indivíduos do grupo experimental com sintomas otoneurológicos e compararmos com os pacientes sem sintomas, observamos que a latência da onda P1, N2 e amplitude P1-N2 estiveram maiores nos casos sintomáticos. CONCLUSÃO: O potencial evocado miogênico vestibular foi considerado um bom método de auxílio diagnóstico da via vestíbulo-espinal nos casos de esclerose múltipla.
Cognitive impaired population face with innumerable problems in their daily life. Surprisingly, they are not provided with any help to perform those tasks for which they have difficulties. As a consequence, it is necessary to develop systems that allow those people to live independently and autonomously. Living in a technological era, people could take advantage of the available technology, being provided with some solutions to their needs. This paper presents a platform that assists users with remembering where their possessions are. Mainly, an object recognition process together with an intelligent scheduling applications are integrated in an Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) environment.
Este trabalho objetivou analisar o efeito de distintas pressões de serviço no coeficiente de variação da vazão (CVQ) de sistemas de irrigação por gotejamento, operando com água residuária da castanha de caju. O experimento foi montado no esquema de parcelas subsubdivididas, tendo, nas parcelas, as pressões de serviço (70, 140, 210 e 280 kPa), nas subparcelas, os modelos de gotejadores (G1, G2 e G3) e, nas subsubparcelas, os períodos das avaliações (0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140 e 160 horas), no delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com três repetições. O CVQ das unidades de irrigação, bem como as características físico-químicas da água residuária, foram determinados a cada 20 h, até completar o tempo de operação de 160 h. Os resultados indicaram que a água residuária da castanha de caju representa risco de obstrução de gotejadores, em relação às características pH, cálcio, magnésio, manganês e sólidos suspensos. O entupimento parcial dos gotejadores acarretou aumento do CVQ, nas unidades de irrigação; e as unidades de irrigação que funcionaram na pressão de serviço P1 (70 kPa) apresentaram maior nível de entupimento de gotejadores, em relação às demais, em função da menor velocidade de escoamento de efluente no interior dos emissores.
OBJETIVO: Analisar a tendência da letalidade e da incidência da doença meningocócica no período de 1993 a 1998 na região de Campinas, SP, abrangendo cinco municípios de seu entorno (1,2 milhões de habitantes). MÉTODOS: Foi realizado estudo longitudinal retrospectivo de todos os casos notificados (375) da doença meningocócica pela vigilância epidemiológica regional. Por meio de análise de regressão logística foram identificados os fatores associados ao aumento da letalidade dessa doença. RESULTADOS: Os anos de 1996 e de 1997 apresentaram maiores coeficientes de letalidade (23,8%), coincidindo com picos de incidência do sorogrupo B, altos percentuais de meningococcemia e menor investigação etiológica. Observou-se padrão sazonal e predomínio da circulação da Neisseria meningitidis das cepas B:4:P1.15 e C:2b:P1.3. Os fatores relacionados com o aumento da letalidade pela análise de regressão logística foram: presença de meningococcemia, com ou sem meningite (odds ratio ajustado (ORaj) 13,88 e intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC) 4,68-42,13); idade acima de 30 anos (ORaj 6,42; IC 2,32-17,80); idade inferior a 1 ano (ORaj 2,95; IC 1,55-5,63); e sorogrupo B (ORaj 2,33; IC 1,14- 4,79). CONCLUSÕES: A septicemia, a idade e o sorogrupo mostraram-se variáveis preditoras de morte. Em alguns anos os coeficientes de letalidade apresentaram-se altos, indicando a necessidade de investigação da qualidade e da agilidade da assistência à saúde na prevenção dos óbitos. O percentual de identificação etiológica dos casos dificultou conclusões mais precisas sobre o comportamento epidemiológico das cepas.