110 resultados para N-demethylation


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Background: Hypomethylation of the paternal imprinting center region 1 (ICR1) is the most frequent molecular cause of Silver-Russell syndrome (SRS). Clinical evidence suggests that patients with this epimutation have mild IGF1 insensitivity. Objective: To assess in vitro IGF1 action in fibroblast culture from a patient with SRS and IGF1 insensitivity. Methods: Fibroblast cultures from one patient with SRS due to ICR1 demethylation and controls were established. The SRS patient has severe growth failure, elevated IGF1 level, and poor growth rate during human recombinant GH treatment. IGF1 action was assessed by cell proliferation, AKT, and p42/44-MAPK phosphorylation. Gene expression was determined by real-time PCR. Results: Despite normal IGF1R sequence and expression, fibroblast proliferation induced by IGF1 was 50% lower in SRS fibroblasts in comparison with controls. IGF1 and insulin promoted a p42/44-MAPK activation in SRS fibroblasts 40 and 36%, respectively, lower than that in control fibroblasts. On the other hand, p42/44-MAPK activation induced by EGF stimulation was only slightly reduced (75% in SRS fibroblasts in comparison with control), suggesting a general impairment in MAPK pathway with a greater impairment of the stimulation induced by insulin and IGF1 than by EGF. A PCR array analysis disclosed a defect in MAPK pathway characterized by an increase in DUSP4 and MEF2C gene expressions in patient fibroblasts. Conclusion: A post-receptor IGF1 insensitivity was characterized in one patient with SRS and ICR1 hypomethylation. Although based on one unique severely affected patient, these results raise an intriguing mechanism to explain the postnatal growth impairment observed in SRS patients that needs confirmation in larger cohorts.


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Zur Untersuchung der speziesspezifischen Transformationsprozesse des Quecksilbers in der Umwelt wurden erstmalig Mikrokosmosexperimente unter Verwendung von isotopenangereicherten Verbindungen durchgeführt. Es wurden naturrelevante Bedingungen simuliert, um eine spätere Übertragbarkeit der Ergebnisse auf den biogeochemischen Kreislauf des Quecksilbers zu gewährleisten. Die aufgebauten Mikrokosmen bestanden aus Boden/Pflanzen/Luft-Kompartimenten. Der Boden der Mikrokosmen wurde mit isotopenangereicherten Quecksilberspezies dotiert. Durch die Verwendung von isotopenangereicherten Verbindungen, verbunden mit gleichzeitiger ICP/MS-Detektion, konnten auftretende Transformationsprozesse beobachtet werden. Die Messung der Quecksilberspezies erfolgte mittels GC-ICP/MS nach vorheriger Derivatisierung mit Natriumtetraethylborat und Anreicherung per 'purge and trap'.Die Massenspuren der einzelnen Quecksilberisotope wurden für alle Quecksilberspezies gemessen und daraus dann für jede Spezies die Isotopenverhältnisse gebildet. Bei einer Änderung des Isotopenverhältnisses kann von einer Speziestransformation ausgegangen werden.Aus den Mikrokosmosexperimenten, denen Methylquecksilber als angereicherte Isotopenverbindung zugegeben wurde, konnte gefolgert werden, dass Methylquecksilber im Boden zunächst zu anorganischem Quecksilber demethyliert wurde. Im Anschluss daran erfolgte eine Reduktion zu elementarem Quecksilber. Dieses gebildete elementare Quecksilber verflüchtigte sich nahezu vollständig (ca. 90-100%) vom Boden in die Atmosphäre.Bei der Zugabe von anorganischem Quecksilber als angereicherte Isotopenverbindung in den Boden wurde vorwiegend eine Reduktion zu elementarem Quecksilber beobachtet, das dann in die Atmosphäre emittiert. Es konnte aber auch eine geringe Methylierung (ca. 5%) zu Methylquecksilber beobachtet werden. Daraus kann gefolgert werden, dass die methylierten Quecksilberverbindungen eine wesentliche Rolle im natürlichen Kreislauf des Quecksilbers spielen.Parallel zu den Mikrokosmosexperimenten wurden Feldversuche in einem flussnahen Feuchtgebiet, aus dem auch der Boden für die Mikrokosmosexperimente entnommen worden war, durchgeführt. In den Feldversuchen wurden Quecksilberkonzentrationen und der Quecksilberfluss zwischen dem Boden und der Atmosphäre mit Hilfe von Flusskammerexperimenten bestimmt. Es konnten mit Hilfe von Mikrokosmen, die natürliche Verhältnisse simulieren sollten, und mit Hilfe verschieden angereicherter Isotopenspikes erstmals Speziestransformationen des Quecksilbers direkt beobachtet werden. Die GC-ICP/MS-Methode ermöglichte eine eindeutige Identifikation von Edukt und Produkt der jeweiligen Umwandlung. Allerdings wurde die Untersuchung eingeschränkt durch die irreversiblen biologischen Veränderungen in den eingesetzten Mikrokosmen nach über einer Woche und durch die Notwendigkeit, vergleichsweise hohe Konzentrationen der Spikes einzusetzen, um eine statistisch signifikante Auswertung der Veränderung der Isotopenverhältnisse zu erreichen. Somit sind Mikrokosmosexperimente nur eingeschränkt für Untersuchungen des Quecksilberverhaltens geeignet.Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit ist es aber gelungen, die Mikrokosmenexperimente unter Verwendung von isotopenangereicherten Verbindungen und der GC-ICP/MS-Methode als leistungsstarkes Verfahren zur Beobachtung von Speziestransformationsprozessen des Quecksilbers zu etablieren.


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Die Vegetation ist die wichtigste Quelle von organischen flüchtigen Verbindungen (auf Englisch volatile organic compounds,VOCs), die einen bemerkenswerten Einfluss auf der Chemie und Physik der Atmosphäre haben. VOCs beeinflussen die oxidative Kapazität der Atmosphäre und tragen zu der Bildung und zum Wachstum von sekundären organischen Aerosolen bei, welche einerseits eine Streuung und Reflektierung der Energie verursachen und andererseits sich an der Bildung und Entwicklung von Wolken beteiligen. Ziel dieser Arbeit war die Beschreibung und der Vergleich von VOC Emissionen aus Pflanzen aus zwei verschiedenen Ökosystemen: Mediterranes Ökosystem und Tropisches Ökosystem. Für diese Aufgabe wurden gewöhnliche Pflanzen von beiden Ökosystemen untersucht. Siebzehn Pflanzenspezies aus der Mittelmeergebiet, welches bekannt ist für seine Vielfalt an VOC emittierenden Pflanzen, wurden in die Untersuchungen einbezogen. Im Gegensatz zum mediterranen Ökosystem sind nur wenig Information verfügbar über VOC Emissionen aus Blättern tropischer Baumspezies. Vor diesem Hintergrund wurden sechsundzwanzig Baumspezies aus verschiedenen Ökotypen des Amazonasbeckens (Terra firme, Várzea und Igapó) wurden auf VOC Emissionen auf Blattebene mit einem Küvetten-System untersucht. Analysen von flüchtigen organischen Verbindungen wurden online mit PTR-MS und offline mittels Sammlung auf entsprechenden Adsorbern (Kartuschen) und nachfolgender GC-FID Analyse untersucht. Die höchsten Emissionen wurden für Isoprene beobachtete, gefolgt durch Monoterpene, Methanol und Aceton. Die meisten Mittelmeer Spezies emittierten eine hohe Vielfalt an Monoterpenspezies, hingegen zeigten nur fünf tropische Pflanzenspezies eine Monoterpene mit einen sehr konservativen Emissionsprofil (α-Pinen>Limonen>Sabinen >ß-Pinen). Mittelmeerpflanzen zeigten zusätzlich Emissionen von Sesquiterpenen, während bei der Pflanzen des Amazonas Beckens keine Sesquiterpenemissionen gefunden wurden. Dieser letzte Befund könnte aber auch durch eine niedrigere Sensitivität des Messsystems während der Arbeiten im Amazonasgebiet erklärt werden. Zusätzlich zu den Isoprenoidemissionen waren Methanolemissionen als Indikator für Wachtumsvorgänge sehr verbreitet in den meisten Pflanzenspezies aus tropischen und mediterranen Gebieten. Einige Pflanzenspezies beider Ökosystemen zeigten Acetonemissionen. rnrnVOC Emissionen werde durch eine große Vielfalt an biotischen und abiotischen Faktoren wie Lichtintensität, Temperatur, CO2 und Trockenheit beeinflusst. Ein anderer, öfter übersehener Faktor, der aber sehr wichtig ist für das Amazonas Becken, ist die regelmäßige Überflutung. In dieser Untersuchung wir fanden heraus, dass am Anfang einer Wurzelanoxie, die durch die Überflutung verursacht wurde, Ethanol und Acetaldehyd emittiert werden können, vor allem in Pflanzenspezies, die schlechter an eine unzureichende Sauerstoffversorgung bei Flutung adaptiert sind, wie z.B. Vatairea guianensis. Die Spezies Hevea spruceana, welche besser an Überflutung adaptiert ist, könnte möglicherweise der gebildete Ethanol sofort remetabolisieren ohne es zu emittieren. Nach einer langen Periode einer Überflutung konnte allerdings keine Emission mehr beobachtet werden, was auf eine vollständige Adaptation mit zunehmender Dauer schließen lässt. Als Reaktion auf den ausgelösten Stress können Isoprenoidemissionen ebenfalls kurzfristig nach einigen Tage an Überflutung zunehmen, fallen dann aber dann nach einer langen Periode zusammen mit der Photosynthese, Transpiration und stomatäre Leitfähigkeit deutlich ab.rnrnPflanzen Ontogenese ist anscheinend von Bedeutung für die Qualität und Quantität von VOC Emissionen. Aus diesem Grund wurden junge und erwachsene Blätter einiger gut charakterisierten Pflanzen Spezies aus dem Mittelmeerraum auf VOC Emissionen untersucht. Standard Emissionsfaktoren von Isopren waren niedriger in jungen Blättern als in erwachsene Blätter. Hingegen wurden höhere Monoterpen- und Sesquiterpenemissionen in jungen Blätter einiger Pflanzenspezies gefunden. Dieser Befund deutet auf eine potentielle Rolle dieser VOCs als Abwehrkomponenten gegen Pflanzenfresser oder Pathogene bei jungen Blätter hin. In einigen Fällen variierte auch die Zusammensetzung der Monoterpen- und Sesquiterpenspezies bei jungen und erwachsenen Blättern. Methanolemissionen waren, wie erwartet, höher in jungen Blättern als in ausgewachsenen Blättern, was mit der Demethylierung von Pectin bei der Zellwandreifung erklärt werden kann. Diese Befunde zu Änderungen der Emissionskapazität der Vegetation können für zukünftige Modellierungen herangezogen werden. rn


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The aim of this thesis was to investigate the regenerative potential of alternative sources of stem cells, derived from human dental pulp (hDPSCs) and amniotic fluid (hAFSCs) and, specifically, to evaluate their capability to be committed towards osteogenic and myogenic lineages, for the eventual applicability of these stem cells to translational strategies in regenerative medicine of bone and skeletal muscle tissues. The in vitro bone production by stem cells may represent a radical breakthrough in the treatment of pathologies and traumas characterized by critical bone mass defects, with no medical or surgical solution. Human DPSCs and AFSCs were seeded and pre-differentiated on different scaffolds to test their capability to subsequently reach the osteogenic differentiation in vivo, in order to recover critical size bone defects. Fibroin scaffold resulted to be the best scaffold promoting mature bone formation and defect correction when combined to both hDPSCs and hAFSCs. This study also described a culture condition that might allow human DPSCs to be used for human cell therapy in compliance with good manufacturing practices (GMPs): the use of human serum (HS) promoted the expansion and the osteogenic differentiation of hDPSCs in vitro and, furthermore, allowed pre-differentiated hDPSCs to regenerate critical size bone defects in vivo. This thesis also showed that hDPSCs and hAFSCs can be differentiated towards the myogenic lineage in vitro, either when co-cultured with murine myoblasts and when differentiated alone after DNA demethylation treatment. Interestingly, when injected into dystrophic muscles of SCID/mdx mice - animal model of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) - hDPSCs and hAFSCs pre-differentiated after demethylating treatment were able to regenerate the skeletal muscle tissue and, particularly, to restore dystrophin expression. These observations suggest that human DPSCs and AFSCs might be eventually applied to translational strategies, in order to enhance the repair of injured skeletal muscles in DMD patients.


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Ketamine, a phencyclidine derivative, is used for induction of anesthesia, as an anesthetic drug for short term surgical interventions and in subanesthetic doses for postoperative pain relief. Ketamine undergoes extensive hepatic first-pass metabolism. Enantioselective capillary electrophoresis with multiple isomer sulfated -cyclodextrin as chiral selector was used to identify cytochrome P450 enzymes involved in hepatic ketamine and norketamine biotransformation in vitro. The N-demethylation of ketamine to norketamine and subsequently the biotransformation of norketamine to other metabolites were studied via analysis of alkaline extracts of in vitro incubations of racemic ketamine and racemic norketamine with nine recombinantly expressed human cytochrome P450 enzymes and human liver microsomes. Norketamine was formed by CYP3A4, CYP2C19, CYP2B6, CYP2A6, CYP2D6 and CYP2C9, whereas CYP2B6 and CYP2A6 were identified to be the only enzymes which enable the hydroxylation of norketamine. The latter two enzymes produced metabolic patterns similar to those found in incubations with human liver microsomes. The kinetic data of ketamine N-demethylation with CYP3A4 and CYP2B6 were best described with the Michaelis-Menten model and the Hill equation, respectively. This is the first study elucidating the individual enzymes responsible for hydroxylation of norketamine. The obtained data suggest that in vitro biotransformation of ketamine and norketamine is stereoselective.


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Ketamine, an injectable anesthetic and analgesic consisting of a racemic mixture of S-and R-ketamine, is routinely used in veterinary and human medicine. Nevertheless, metabolism and pharmacokinetics of ketamine have not been characterized sufficiently in most animal species. An enantioselective CE assay for ketamine and its metabolites in microsomal preparations is described. Racemic ketamine was incubated with pooled microsomes from humans, horses and dogs over a 3 h time interval with frequent sample collection. CE data revealed that ketamine is metabolized enantioselectively to norketamine (NK), dehydronorketamine and three hydroxylated NK metabolites in all three species. The metabolic patterns formed differ in production rates of the metabolites and in stereoselectivity of the hydroxylated NK metabolites. In vitro pharmacokinetics of ketamine N-demethylation were established by incubating ten different concentrations of racemic ketamine and the single enantiomers of ketamine for 8 min and data modeling was based on Michaelis-Menten kinetics. These data revealed a reduced intrinsic clearance of the S-enantiomer in the racemic mixture compared with the single S-enantiomer in human microsomes, no difference in equine microsomes and the opposite effect in canine microsomes. The findings indicate species differences with possible relevance for the use of single S-ketamine versus racemic ketamine in the clinic.


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Effectively assessing subtle hepatic metabolic functions by novel non-invasive tests might be of clinical utility in scoring NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) and in identifying altered metabolic pathways. The present study was conducted on 39 (20 lean and 19 obese) hypertransaminasemic patients with histologically proven NAFLD {ranging from simple steatosis to severe steatohepatitis [NASH (non-alcoholic steatohepatitis)] and fibrosis} and 28 (20 lean and eight overweight) healthy controls, who underwent stable isotope breath testing ([(13)C]methacetin and [(13)C]ketoisocaproate) for microsomal and mitochondrial liver function in relation to histology, serum hyaluronate, as a marker of liver fibrosis, and body size. Compared with healthy subjects and patients with simple steatosis, NASH patients had enhanced methacetin demethylation (P=0.001), but decreased (P=0.001) and delayed (P=0.006) ketoisocaproate decarboxylation, which was inversely related (P=0.001) to the degree of histological fibrosis (r=-0.701), serum hyaluronate (r=-0.644) and body size (r=-0.485). Ketoisocaproate decarboxylation was impaired further in obese patients with NASH, but not in patients with simple steatosis and in overweight controls. NASH and insulin resistance were independently associated with an abnormal ketoisocaproate breath test (P=0.001). The cut-off value of 9.6% cumulative expired (13)CO(2) for ketoisocaproate at 60 min was associated with the highest prediction (positive predictive value, 0.90; negative predictive value, 0.73) for NASH, yielding an overall sensitivity of 68% and specificity of 94%. In conclusion, both microsomal and mitochondrial functions are disturbed in NASH. Therefore stable isotope breath tests may usefully contribute to a better and non-invasive characterization of patients with NAFLD.


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CE-ESI multistage IT-MS (CE-MS(n), n < or = 4) and computer simulation of fragmentation are demonstrated to be effective tools to detect and identify phase I and phase II metabolites of hydromorphone (HMOR) in human urine. Using the same CE conditions as previously developed for the analysis of urinary oxycodone and its metabolites, HMOR and its phase I metabolites produced by N-demethylation, 6-keto-reduction and N-oxidation and phase II conjugates of HMOR and its metabolites formed with glucuronic acid, glucose, and sulfuric acid could be detected in urine samples of a patient that were collected during a pharmacotherapy episode with daily ingestion of 48 mg of HMOR chloride. The CE-MS(n) data obtained with the HMOR standard, synthesized hydromorphol and hydromorphone-N-oxide, and CYP3A4 in vitro produced norhydromorphone were employed to identify the metabolites. This approach led to the identification of previously unknown HMOR metabolites, including HMOR-3O-glucide and various N-oxides, structures for which no standard compounds or mass spectra library data were available. Furthermore, the separation of alpha- and beta-hydromorphol, the stereoisomers of 6-keto-reduced HMOR, was achieved by CE in the presence of the single isomer heptakis(2,3-diacetyl-6-sulfato)-beta-CD. The obtained data indicate that the urinary excretion of alpha-hydromorphol is larger than that of beta-hydromorphol.


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Polymorphic CYP2D6 is the enzyme that activates the opioid analgesic tramadol by O-demethylation to M1. Our objective was to determine the opioid effects measured by pupillary response to tramadol of CYP2D6 genotyped volunteers in relation to the disposition of tramadol and M1 in plasma. Tramadol displayed phenotypic pharmacokinetics and it was possible to identify PM subjects with >99% confidence from the metabolic ratio (MR) in a single blood sample taken between 2.5 and 24 h post-dose. Homozygous extensive metabolizers (EM) differed from poor metabolizers (PM), with an almost three-fold greater (P=0.0014) mean maximal pupillary constriction (Emax). Significant correlations between the AUC and Cmax values of M1 versus pupillary constriction were found. The corresponding correlations of pharmacokinetic parameters for tramadol itself were weaker and negative. The strongest correlations were for the single-point metabolic ratios at all sampling intervals versus the effects, with rs ranging from 0.85 to 0.89 (p0.01). It is concluded that the concept of dual opioid/non-opioid action of the drug, though considerably stronger in EMs, is valid for both EM and PM subjects. This is the theoretical basis for the frequent use and satisfactory efficacy of tramadol in clinical practice when given to genetically non-selected population.


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A robust CE method for the simultaneous determination of the enantiomers of ketamine and norketamine in equine plasma is described. It is based upon liquid-liquid extraction of ketamine and norketamine at alkaline pH from 1 mL plasma followed by analysis of the reconstituted extract by CE in the presence of a pH 2.5 Tris-phosphate buffer containing 10 mg/mL highly sulfated beta-CD as chiral selector. Enantiomer plasma levels between 0.04 and 2.5 microg/mL are shown to provide linear calibration graphs. Intraday and interday precisions evaluated from peak area ratios (n = 5) at the lowest calibrator concentration are < 8 and < 14%, respectively. The LOD for all enantiomers is 0.01 microg/mL. After i.v. bolus administration of 2.2 mg/kg racemic ketamine, the assay is demonstrated to provide reliable data for plasma samples of ponies under isoflurane anesthesia, of ponies premedicated with xylazine, and of one horse that received romifidine, L-methadone, guaifenisine, and isoflurane. In animals not premedicated with xylazine, the ketamine N-demethylation is demonstrated to be enantioselective. The concentrations of the two ketamine enantiomers in plasma are equal whereas S-norketamine is found in a larger amount than R-norketamine. In the group receiving xylazine, data obtained do not reveal this stereoselectivity.


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The effect of the opioid antagonists naloxone-3-glucuronide and N-methylnaloxone on rat colon motility after morphine stimulation was measured. The rat model consisted of the isolated, vascularly perfused colon. The antagonists (10(-4) M, intraluminally) and morphine (10(-4) M, intra-arterially) were administered from 20 to 30 and from 10 to 50 min, respectively. Colon motility was determined by the luminal outflow. The antagonist concentrations in the luminal and venous outflow were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography. Naloxone-3-glucuronide and N-methylnaloxone reversed the morphine-induced reduction of the luminal outflow to baseline within 10 and 20 min, respectively. These antagonists were then excreted in the luminal outflow and could not be found in the venous samples. Naloxone, produced by hydrolysis or demethylation, was not detectable. In conclusion, highly polar naloxone derivatives peripherally antagonize the motility-lowering effect of morphine in the perfused isolated rat colon, are stable, and are not able to cross the colon-mucosal blood barrier.


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CE with multiple isomer sulfated-CD as selector was used for the simultaneous analysis of the stereoisomers of ketamine, norketamine, 5,6-dehydronorketamine and hydroxylated metabolites of norketamine in liquid/liquid extracts of (i) in vitro incubations with ketamine or norketamine and equine liver microsomes and (ii) plasma and urine of ponies receiving a target-controlled infusion of ketamine under isoflurane anesthesia. Hydroxynorketamine metabolites with the hydroxy group at the cyclohexanone ring could be shown to be formed stereoselectively both in vitro and in vivo. Due to the lack of standard compounds, urinary extracts were fractionated by HPLC followed by characterization of the collected fractions with CE and LC-MS(n) with 0.7 mmu mass discrimination. Comparison of LC-MS(n) data obtained with the fractions, an in vitro microsomal sample, and both pony urine and hydrolyzed pony urine led to the identification of four hydroxylated norketamine metabolites with hydroxylation at the cyclohexanone ring, two with hydroxylation at the aromatic ring and four hydroxylated metabolites of ketamine. Due to the lower detection sensitivity, only the four hydroxynorketamine metabolites with hydroxylation at the cyclohexanone ring were observed by CE. The data suggest that demethylation of ketamine followed by hydroxylation of norketamine at the cyclohexanone ring is the major metabolic pathway in equine species and that the ketamine metabolism is highly stereoselective.


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The CYP17A1 gene is the qualitative regulator of steroidogenesis. Depending on the presence or absence of CYP17 activities mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids or adrenal androgens are produced. The expression of the CYP17A1 gene is tissue as well as species-specific. In contrast to humans, adrenals of rodents do not express the CYP17A1 gene and have therefore no P450c17 enzyme for cortisol production, but produce corticosterone. DNA methylation is involved in the tissue-specific silencing of the CYP17A1 gene in human placental JEG-3 cells. We investigated the role of DNA methylation for the tissue-specific expression of the CYP17A1 gene in rodents. Rats treated with the methyltransferase inhibitor 5-aza-deoxycytidine excreted the cortisol metabolite tetrahydrocortisol in their urine suggesting that treatment induced CYP17 expression and 17alpha-hydroxylase activity through demethylation. Accordingly, bisulfite modification experiments identified a methylated CpG island in the CYP17 promoter in DNA extracted from rat adrenals but not from testes. Both methyltransferase and histone deacetylase inhibitors induced the expression of the CYP17A1 gene in mouse adrenocortical Y1 cells which normally do not express CYP17, indicating that the expression of the mouse CYP17A1 gene is epigenetically controlled. The role of DNA methylation for CYP17 expression was further underlined by the finding that a reporter construct driven by the mouse -1041 bp CYP17 promoter was active in Y1 cells, thus excluding the lack of essential transcription factors for CYP17 expression in these adrenal cells.