824 resultados para Multiple-Antenna information theory


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The security of quantum key distribution protocols is guaranteed by the laws of quantum mechanics. However, a precise analysis of the security properties requires tools from both classical cryptography and information theory. Here, we employ recent results in non-asymptotic classical information theory to show that information reconciliation imposes fundamental limitations on the amount of secret key that can be extracted in the finite key regime. In particular, we find that an often used approximation for the information leakage during one-way information reconciliation is flawed and we propose an improved estimate.


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Averaged event-related potential (ERP) data recorded from the human scalp reveal electroencephalographic (EEG) activity that is reliably time-locked and phase-locked to experimental events. We report here the application of a method based on information theory that decomposes one or more ERPs recorded at multiple scalp sensors into a sum of components with fixed scalp distributions and sparsely activated, maximally independent time courses. Independent component analysis (ICA) decomposes ERP data into a number of components equal to the number of sensors. The derived components have distinct but not necessarily orthogonal scalp projections. Unlike dipole-fitting methods, the algorithm does not model the locations of their generators in the head. Unlike methods that remove second-order correlations, such as principal component analysis (PCA), ICA also minimizes higher-order dependencies. Applied to detected—and undetected—target ERPs from an auditory vigilance experiment, the algorithm derived ten components that decomposed each of the major response peaks into one or more ICA components with relatively simple scalp distributions. Three of these components were active only when the subject detected the targets, three other components only when the target went undetected, and one in both cases. Three additional components accounted for the steady-state brain response to a 39-Hz background click train. Major features of the decomposition proved robust across sessions and changes in sensor number and placement. This method of ERP analysis can be used to compare responses from multiple stimuli, task conditions, and subject states.


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Defects in the XPG DNA repair endonuclease gene can result in the cancer-prone disorders xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) or the XP–Cockayne syndrome complex. While the XPG cDNA sequence was known, determination of the genomic sequence was required to understand its different functions. In cells from normal donors, we found that the genomic sequence of the human XPG gene spans 30 kb, contains 15 exons that range from 61 to 1074 bp and 14 introns that range from 250 to 5763 bp. Analysis of the splice donor and acceptor sites using an information theory-based approach revealed three splice sites with low information content, which are components of the minor (U12) spliceosome. We identified six alternatively spliced XPG mRNA isoforms in cells from normal donors and from XPG patients: partial deletion of exon 8, partial retention of intron 8, two with alternative exons (in introns 1 and 6) and two that retained complete introns (introns 3 and 9). The amount of alternatively spliced XPG mRNA isoforms varied in different tissues. Most alternative splice donor and acceptor sites had a relatively high information content, but one has the U12 spliceosome sequence. A single nucleotide polymorphism has allele frequencies of 0.74 for 3507G and 0.26 for 3507C in 91 donors. The human XPG gene contains multiple splice sites with low information content in association with multiple alternatively spliced isoforms of XPG mRNA.


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In the first part of this work, we show how certain techniques from quantum information theory can be used in order to obtain very sharp embeddings between noncommutative Lp-spaces. Then, we use these estimates to study the classical capacity with restricted assisted entanglement of the quantum erasure channel and the quantum depolarizing channel. In particular, we exactly compute the capacity of the first one and we show that certain nonmultiplicative results hold for the second one.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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The problem of distributed compression for correlated quantum sources is considered. The classical version of this problem was solved by Slepian and Wolf, who showed that distributed compression could take full advantage of redundancy in the local sources created by the presence of correlations. Here it is shown that, in general, this is not the case for quantum sources, by proving a lower bound on the rate sum for irreducible sources of product states which is stronger than the one given by a naive application of Slepian-Wolf. Nonetheless, strategies taking advantage of correlation do exist for some special classes of quantum sources. For example, Devetak and Winter demonstrated the existence of such a strategy when one of the sources is classical. Optimal nontrivial strategies for a different extreme, sources of Bell states, are presented here. In addition, it is explained how distributed compression is connected to other problems in quantum information theory, including information-disturbance questions, entanglement distillation and quantum error correction.


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The performance of "typical set (pairs) decoding" for ensembles of Gallager's linear code is investigated using statistical physics. In this decoding method, errors occur, either when the information transmission is corrupted by atypical noise, or when multiple typical sequences satisfy the parity check equation as provided by the received corrupted codeword. We show that the average error rate for the second type of error over a given code ensemble can be accurately evaluated using the replica method, including the sensitivity to message length. Our approach generally improves the existing analysis known in the information theory community, which was recently reintroduced in IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory 45, 399 (1999), and is believed to be the most accurate to date. © 2002 The American Physical Society.


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The modem digital communication systems are made transmission reliable by employing error correction technique for the redundancies. Codes in the low-density parity-check work along the principles of Hamming code, and the parity-check matrix is very sparse, and multiple errors can be corrected. The sparseness of the matrix allows for the decoding process to be carried out by probability propagation methods similar to those employed in Turbo codes. The relation between spin systems in statistical physics and digital error correcting codes is based on the existence of a simple isomorphism between the additive Boolean group and the multiplicative binary group. Shannon proved general results on the natural limits of compression and error-correction by setting up the framework known as information theory. Error-correction codes are based on mapping the original space of words onto a higher dimensional space in such a way that the typical distance between encoded words increases.


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A novel approach, based on statistical mechanics, to analyze typical performance of optimum code-division multiple-access (CDMA) multiuser detectors is reviewed. A `black-box' view ot the basic CDMA channel is introduced, based on which the CDMA multiuser detection problem is regarded as a `learning-from-examples' problem of the `binary linear perceptron' in the neural network literature. Adopting Bayes framework, analysis of the performance of the optimum CDMA multiuser detectors is reduced to evaluation of the average of the cumulant generating function of a relevant posterior distribution. The evaluation of the average cumulant generating function is done, based on formal analogy with a similar calculation appearing in the spin glass theory in statistical mechanics, by making use of the replica method, a method developed in the spin glass theory.


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We analyze, using the replica method of statistical mechanics, the theoretical performance of coded code-division multiple-access (CDMA) systems in which regular low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes are used for channel coding.


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This Thesis addresses the problem of automated false-positive free detection of epileptic events by the fusion of information extracted from simultaneously recorded electro-encephalographic (EEG) and the electrocardiographic (ECG) time-series. The approach relies on a biomedical case for the coupling of the Brain and Heart systems through the central autonomic network during temporal lobe epileptic events: neurovegetative manifestations associated with temporal lobe epileptic events consist of alterations to the cardiac rhythm. From a neurophysiological perspective, epileptic episodes are characterised by a loss of complexity of the state of the brain. The description of arrhythmias, from a probabilistic perspective, observed during temporal lobe epileptic events and the description of the complexity of the state of the brain, from an information theory perspective, are integrated in a fusion-of-information framework towards temporal lobe epileptic seizure detection. The main contributions of the Thesis include the introduction of a biomedical case for the coupling of the Brain and Heart systems during temporal lobe epileptic seizures, partially reported in the clinical literature; the investigation of measures for the characterisation of ictal events from the EEG time series towards their integration in a fusion-of-knowledge framework; the probabilistic description of arrhythmias observed during temporal lobe epileptic events towards their integration in a fusion-of-knowledge framework; and the investigation of the different levels of the fusion-of-information architecture at which to perform the combination of information extracted from the EEG and ECG time-series. The performance of the method designed in the Thesis for the false-positive free automated detection of epileptic events achieved a false-positives rate of zero on the dataset of long-term recordings used in the Thesis.


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The current formal as well as not formal definitions of the concept "Information” are presented in the paper.