700 resultados para Multilayer Perceptron
There are several papers on pruning methods in the artificial neural networks area. However, with rare exceptions, none of them presents an appropriate statistical evaluation of such methods. In this article, we proved statistically the ability of some methods to reduce the number of neurons of the hidden layer of a multilayer perceptron neural network (MLP), and to maintain the same landing of classification error of the initial net. They are evaluated seven pruning methods. The experimental investigation was accomplished on five groups of generated data and in two groups of real data. Three variables were accompanied in the study: apparent classification error rate in the test group (REA); number of hidden neurons, obtained after the application of the pruning method; and number of training/retraining epochs, to evaluate the computational effort. The non-parametric Friedman's test was used to do the statistical analysis.
ANN statistical image recognition method for computer vision in agricultural mobile robot navigation
The main application area in this project, is to deploy image processing and segmentation techniques in computer vision through an omnidirectional vision system to agricultural mobile robots (AMR) used for trajectory navigation problems, as well as localization matters. Thereby, computational methods based on the JSEG algorithm were used to provide the classification and the characterization of such problems, together with Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) for image recognition. Hence, it was possible to run simulations and carry out analyses of the performance of JSEG image segmentation technique through Matlab/Octave computational platforms, along with the application of customized Back-propagation Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) algorithm and statistical methods as structured heuristics methods in a Simulink environment. Having the aforementioned procedures been done, it was practicable to classify and also characterize the HSV space color segments, not to mention allow the recognition of segmented images in which reasonably accurate results were obtained. © 2010 IEEE.
The prediction of the traffic behavior could help to make decision about the routing process, as well as enables gains on effectiveness and productivity on the physical distribution. This need motivated the search for technological improvements in the Routing performance in metropolitan areas. The purpose of this paper is to present computational evidences that Artificial Neural Network ANN could be use to predict the traffic behavior in a metropolitan area such So Paulo (around 16 million inhabitants). The proposed methodology involves the application of Rough-Fuzzy Sets to define inference morphology for insertion of the behavior of Dynamic Routing into a structured rule basis, without human expert aid. The dynamics of the traffic parameters are described through membership functions. Rough Sets Theory identifies the attributes that are important, and suggest Fuzzy relations to be inserted on a Rough Neuro Fuzzy Network (RNFN) type Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) and type Radial Basis Function (RBF), in order to get an optimal surface response. To measure the performance of the proposed RNFN, the responses of the unreduced rule basis are compared with the reduced rule one. The results show that by making use of the Feature Reduction through RNFN, it is possible to reduce the need for human expert in the construction of the Fuzzy inference mechanism in such flow process like traffic breakdown. © 2011 IEEE.
This paper presents an experimental research on the use of eddy current testing (ECT) and artificial neural networks (ANNs) in order to identify the gauge and position of steel bars immersed in concrete structures. The paper presents details of the ECT probe and concrete specimens constructed for the tests, and a study about the influence of the concrete on the values of measured voltages. After this, new measurements were done with a greater number of specimens, simulating a field condition and the results were used to generate training and validation vectors for multilayer perceptron ANNs. The results show a high percentage of correct identification with respect to both, the gauge of the bar and of the thickness of the concrete cover. © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
Grinding is a parts finishing process for advanced products and surfaces. However, continuous friction between the workpiece and the grinding wheel causes the latter to lose its sharpness, thus impairing the grinding results. This is when the dressing process is required, which consists of sharpening the worn grains of the grinding wheel. The dressing conditions strongly affect the performance of the grinding operation; hence, monitoring them throughout the process can increase its efficiency. The objective of this study was to estimate the wear of a single-point dresser using intelligent systems whose inputs were obtained by the digital processing of acoustic emission signals. Two intelligent systems, the multilayer perceptron and the Kohonen neural network, were compared in terms of their classifying ability. The harmonic content of the acoustic emission signal was found to be influenced by the condition of dresser, and when used to feed the neural networks it is possible to classify the condition of the tool under study.
Grinding is a workpiece finishing process for advanced products and surfaces. However, the constant friction between workpiece and grinding wheel causes the latter to lose its sharpness, thereby impairing the result of the grinding process. When this occurs, the dressing process is essential to sharpen the worn grains of the grinding wheel. The dressing conditions strongly influence the performance of the grinding operation; hence, monitoring them throughout the process can increase its efficiency. The purpose of this study was to classify the wear condition of a single-point dresser using intelligent systems whose inputs were obtained by digitally processing acoustic emission signals. Two multilayer perceptron (MLP) neural networks were compared for their classification ability, one using the root mean square (RMS) statistics and another the ratio of power (ROP) statistics as input. In this study, it was found that the harmonic content of the acoustic emission signal is influenced by the condition of the dresser, and that the condition of the tool under study can be classified by using the aforementioned statistics to feed a neural network. © IFAC.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA
O conhecimento prévio do valor da carga é de extrema importância para o planejamento e operação dos sistemas de energia elétrica. Este trabalho apresenta os resultados de um estudo investigativo da aplicação de Redes Neurais Artificiais do tipo Perceptron Multicamadas com treinamento baseado na Teoria da Informação para o problema de Previsão de Carga a curto prazo. A aprendizagem baseada na Teoria da Informação se concentra na utilização da quantidade de informação (Entropia) para treinamento de uma rede neural artificial. Dois modelos previsores são apresentados sendo que os mesmos foram desenvolvidos a partir de dados reais fornecidos por uma concessionária de energia. Para comparação e verificação da eficiência dos modelos propostos um terceiro modelo foi também desenvolvido utilizando uma rede neural com treinamento baseado no critério clássico do erro médio quadrático. Os resultados alcançados mostraram a eficiência dos sistemas propostos, que obtiveram melhores resultados de previsão quando comparados ao sistema de previsão baseado na rede treinada pelo critério do MSE e aos sistemas previsores já apresentados na literatura.
Esse trabalho compara os algoritmos C4.5 e MLP (do inglês “Multilayer Perceptron”) aplicados a avaliação de segurança dinâmica ou (DSA, do inglês “Dynamic Security Assessment”) e em projetos de controle preventivo, com foco na estabilidade transitória de sistemas elétricos de potência (SEPs). O C4.5 é um dos algoritmos da árvore de decisão ou (DT, do inglês “Decision Tree”) e a MLP é um dos membros da família das redes neurais artificiais (RNA). Ambos os algoritmos fornecem soluções para o problema da DSA em tempo real, identificando rapidamente quando um SEP está sujeito a uma perturbação crítica (curto-circuito, por exemplo) que pode levar para a instabilidade transitória. Além disso, o conhecimento obtido de ambas as técnicas, na forma de regras, pode ser utilizado em projetos de controle preventivo para restaurar a segurança do SEP contra perturbações críticas. Baseado na formação de base de dados com exaustivas simulações no domínio do tempo, algumas perturbações críticas específicas são tomadas como exemplo para comparar os algoritmos C4.5 e MLP empregadas a DSA e ao auxílio de ações preventivas. O estudo comparativo é testado no sistema elétrico “New England”. Nos estudos de caso, a base de dados é gerada por meio do programa PSTv3 (“Power System Toolbox”). As DTs e as RNAs são treinada e testadas usando o programa Rapidminer. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que os algoritmos C4.5 e MLP são promissores nas aplicações de DSA e em projetos de controle preventivo.