964 resultados para Multidimensional DCT
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Saúde
La relación del Gobierno de Kirchner con el poder Legislativo implicó un proceso de concentración del poder en manos del Ejecutivo, no obstante lo cual, a poco de iniciado el mandato de Cristina Fernández, la relación con el Congreso queda en el medio de una crisis que llegó a poner en duda la propia continuidad de la presidenta. Este proyecto pretende examinar las características de este proceso delegativo en sus diferentes dimensiones, con el fin de entender el origen de esta crisis y especificar sus alcances. En este marco, la dinámica de la relación entre el Congreso y el Ejecutivo pareciera corresponder a lo que especifica la Teoría del Cártel tal como ha sido reformulada por Jones y Hwang. Esta perspectiva, no obstante, se centra exclusivamente en los aspectos distributivos de la relación entre el Ejecutivo y el Legislativo, obviando la dimensión electoral y la ideológicodiscursiva. Dadas las características del Gobierno de Kirchner, en este proyecto abordaremos el estudio de aquella relación desde una perspectiva multidimensional, tomando en cuenta no sólo los aspectos distributivos, sino también los electorales y los discursivos. La pregunta que guía nuestro trabajo es por qué las estrategias de acumulación desplegadas simultáneamente en las tres dimensiones, no lograron (o sólo lo hicieron parcialmente) desactivar el carácter condicional de la delegación de los jefes políticos provinciales al liderzgo presidencial. Nuestra hipótesis general es que, aún cuando el Gobierno consiguió reforzar sustancialmente su posición en la dimensión distributiva a partir de la prolongación de la situación de emergencia, tuvo un éxito parcial en las dimensiones electoral e ideológico-discursiva. Sin compromiso ideológico articulado en un discurso común, y sin una conexión electoral que vincule los intereses electorales a nivel provincial con los del nivel nacional, la estrategia distributiva sólo puede contener parcialmente la defección de buena parte del oficialismo en el Congreso frente a una crisis de grandes proporciones.
Genuinely multidimensional schemes, hyperbolic systems, wave equations, Euler equations, evolution Galerkin schemes, space-time conservative methods, high order accuracy, shock solutions
In this paper we obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for double trigonometric series to belong to generalized Lorentz spaces, not symmetric in general. Estimates for the norms are given in terms of coefficients.
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In most psychological tests and questionnaires, a test score is obtained bytaking the sum of the item scores. In virtually all cases where the test orquestionnaire contains multidimensional forced-choice items, this traditionalscoring method is also applied. We argue that the summation of scores obtained with multidimensional forced-choice items produces uninterpretabletest scores. Therefore, we propose three alternative scoring methods: a weakand a strict rank preserving scoring method, which both allow an ordinalinterpretation of test scores; and a ratio preserving scoring method, whichallows a proportional interpretation of test scores. Each proposed scoringmethod yields an index for each respondent indicating the degree to whichthe response pattern is inconsistent. Analysis of real data showed that withrespect to rank preservation, the weak and strict rank preserving methodresulted in lower inconsistency indices than the traditional scoring method;with respect to ratio preservation, the ratio preserving scoring method resulted in lower inconsistency indices than the traditional scoring method
Evaluation of segmentation methods is a crucial aspect in image processing, especially in the medical imaging field, where small differences between segmented regions in the anatomy can be of paramount importance. Usually, segmentation evaluation is based on a measure that depends on the number of segmented voxels inside and outside of some reference regions that are called gold standards. Although some other measures have been also used, in this work we propose a set of new similarity measures, based on different features, such as the location and intensity values of the misclassified voxels, and the connectivity and the boundaries of the segmented data. Using the multidimensional information provided by these measures, we propose a new evaluation method whose results are visualized applying a Principal Component Analysis of the data, obtaining a simplified graphical method to compare different segmentation results. We have carried out an intensive study using several classic segmentation methods applied to a set of MRI simulated data of the brain with several noise and RF inhomogeneity levels, and also to real data, showing that the new measures proposed here and the results that we have obtained from the multidimensional evaluation, improve the robustness of the evaluation and provides better understanding about the difference between segmentation methods.
La localitat de Cumbe és una comunitat tradicional que es troba al tram baix del riu Jaguaribe situat a l’estat de Ceará (Brasil) i que ha viscut centenars d’anys a partir de les pràctiques extractives que es porten a terme a l’ecosistema del manglar. Fa 20 anys va aparèixer a la regió una nova economia basada en l’explotació intensiva. L’aqüicultura destinada a la cria de gamba està causant danys severs a l’ecosistema del manglar i perjudicant greument la font d’ingressos de moltes famílies, amenaçant la continuïtat de l’economia local i deteriorant la qualitat de vida de les persones que s’hi dediquen. A partir de l’observació personal i la immersió en aquesta societat s’ha detectat que l’economia tradicional està infravalorada pel govern i per les persones que donen suport a l’aqüicultura. Per aquest motiu s’han creat una sèrie d’indicadors, a partir de les activitats extractives del cranc, que posin en valor aquesta economia tradicional envers la nova economia emergent.
AIMS: Adolescent mental health problems require treatment and care that are adapted to their needs. To evaluate this issue, it was decided to implement a multidimensional instrument focused on a global approach to adolescent social and behavioural functioning, combined with the ICD-10 classification. METHODS: The combination of an assessment interview and a classification tool enabled the method to integrate the measurement of several domains of patient-based outcome rather than focus on the measurement of symptoms. A group of 68 adolescents from an inpatient unit were compared with 67 adolescents from the general population. RESULTS: Results suggest that adolescents from the care unit adopt significantly riskier behaviour compared with adolescents from the control group. As expected, the main problems identified refer to the psychological and familial areas. A cluster analysis was performed and provided three different profiles: a group with externalizing disorders and two groups with internalizing disorders. On the basis of a structured interview it was possible to obtain information in a systematic way about the adolescents' trajectory (delinquency, physical and sexual abuse, psychoactive substance use). CONCLUSION: It was shown that treatment and care should not focus exclusively on mental health symptoms, but also upon physical, psychological and social aspects of the adolescent. A global approach helps in the consideration of the multitude of factors which must be taken into account when working with people with serious mental health problems and may help to turn the care unit's activity more specifically towards the needs of these adolescents.
This paper establishes a general framework for metric scaling of any distance measure between individuals based on a rectangular individuals-by-variables data matrix. The method allows visualization of both individuals and variables as well as preserving all the good properties of principal axis methods such as principal components and correspondence analysis, based on the singular-value decomposition, including the decomposition of variance into components along principal axes which provide the numerical diagnostics known as contributions. The idea is inspired from the chi-square distance in correspondence analysis which weights each coordinate by an amount calculated from the margins of the data table. In weighted metric multidimensional scaling (WMDS) we allow these weights to be unknown parameters which are estimated from the data to maximize the fit to the original distances. Once this extra weight-estimation step is accomplished, the procedure follows the classical path in decomposing a matrix and displaying its rows and columns in biplots.
This paper examines properties of optimal poverty assistance programs under different informational environments using an income maintenanceframework. To that end, we make both the income generating ability andthe disutility of labor of individuals unobservable, and compare theresulting benefit schedules with those of programs found in the UnitedStates since Welfare Reform (1996). We find that optimal programs closelyresemble a Negative Income Tax with a Benefit Reduction rate that dependson the distribution of population characteristics. A policy of workfare(unpaid public sector work) is inefficient when disutility of labor isunobservable, but minimum work requirements (for paid work) may be usedin that same environment. The distortions to work incentives and thepresence of minimum work requirements depend on the observability andrelative importance of the population's characteristics.
We study the Brownian motion in velocity-dependent fields of force. Our main result is a Smoluchowski equation valid for moderate to high damping constants. We derive that equation by perturbative solution of the Langevin equation and using functional derivative techniques.