964 resultados para Multi-instance and multi-sample fusion


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Gait and face are two important biometrics for human identification. Complementary properties of these two biometrics suggest fusion of them. The relationship between gait and face in the fusion is affected by the subject-to-camera distance. On the one hand, gait is a suitable biometric trait for human recognition at a distance. On the other hand, face recognition is more reliable when the subject is close to the camera. This paper proposes an adaptive fusion method called distance-driven fusion to combine gait and face for human identification in video. Rather than predefined fixed fusion rules, distance-driven fusion dynamically adjusts its rule according to the subject-to-camera distance in real time. Experimental results show that distance-driven fusion performs better than not only single biometric, but also the conventional
static fusion rules including MEAN, PRODUCT, MIN, and MAX.


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Most work on multi-biometric fusion is based on static fusion rules which cannot respond to the changes of the environment and the individual users. This paper proposes adaptive multi-biometric fusion, which dynamically adjusts the fusion rules to suit the real-time external conditions. As a typical example, the adaptive fusion of gait and face in video is studied. Two factors that may affect the relationship between gait and face in the fusion are considered, i.e., the view angle and the subject-to-camera distance. Together they determine the way gait and face are fused at an arbitrary time. Experimental results show that the adaptive fusion performs significantly better than not only single biometric traits, but also those widely adopted static fusion rules including SUM, PRODUCT, MIN, and MAX.


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The Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI) is frequently used to assess positive changes following a traumatic event. The aim of the study is to examine the factor structure and the latent mean invariance of PTGI. A sample of 205 (M age = 54.3, SD = 10.1) women diagnosed with breast cancer and 456 (M age = 34.9, SD = 12.5) adults who had experienced a range of adverse life events were recruited to complete the PTGI and a socio-demographic questionnaire. We use Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to test the factor-structure and multi-sample CFA to examine the invariance of the PTGI between the two groups. The goodness of fit for the five-factor model is satisfactory for breast cancer sample (χ2(175) = 396.265; CFI = .884; NIF = .813; RMSEA [90% CI] = .079 [.068, .089]), and good for non-clinical sample (χ2(172) = 574.329; CFI = .931; NIF = .905; RMSEA [90% CI] = .072 [.065, .078]). The results of multi-sample CFA show that the model fit indices of the unconstrained model are equal but the model that uses constrained factor loadings is not invariant across groups. The findings provide support for the original five-factor structure and for the multidimensional nature of posttraumatic growth (PTG). Regarding invariance between both samples, the factor structure of PTGI and other parameters (i.e., factor loadings, variances, and co-variances) are not invariant across the sample of breast cancer patients and the non-clinical sample.


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We are currently witnessing an era where interaction with computers is no longer limited to conventional methods (i.e. keyboard and mouse). Human Computer Interaction (HCI) as a progressive field of research, has opened up alternatives to the traditional interaction techniques. Embedded Infrared (IR) sensors, Accelerometers and RGBD cameras have become common inputs for devices to recognize gestures and body movements. These sensors are vision based and as a result the devices that incorporate them will be reliant on presence of light. Ultrasonic sensors on the other hand do not suffer this limitation as they utilize properties of sound waves. These sensors however, have been mainly used for distance detection and not with HCI devices. This paper presents our approach in developing a multi-dimensional interaction input method and tool Ultrasonic Gesture-based Interaction (UGI) that utilizes ultrasonic sensors. We demonstrate how these sensors can detect object movements and recognize gestures. We present our approach in building the device and demonstrate sample interactions with it. We have also conducted a user study to evaluate our tool and its distance and micro gesture detection accuracy. This paper reports these results and outlines our future work in the area.


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Surveillance networks are typically monitored by a few people, viewing several monitors displaying the camera feeds. It is then very difficult for a human operator to effectively detect events as they happen. Recently, computer vision research has begun to address ways to automatically process some of this data, to assist human operators. Object tracking, event recognition, crowd analysis and human identification at a distance are being pursued as a means to aid human operators and improve the security of areas such as transport hubs. The task of object tracking is key to the effective use of more advanced technologies. To recognize an event people and objects must be tracked. Tracking also enhances the performance of tasks such as crowd analysis or human identification. Before an object can be tracked, it must be detected. Motion segmentation techniques, widely employed in tracking systems, produce a binary image in which objects can be located. However, these techniques are prone to errors caused by shadows and lighting changes. Detection routines often fail, either due to erroneous motion caused by noise and lighting effects, or due to the detection routines being unable to split occluded regions into their component objects. Particle filters can be used as a self contained tracking system, and make it unnecessary for the task of detection to be carried out separately except for an initial (often manual) detection to initialise the filter. Particle filters use one or more extracted features to evaluate the likelihood of an object existing at a given point each frame. Such systems however do not easily allow for multiple objects to be tracked robustly, and do not explicitly maintain the identity of tracked objects. This dissertation investigates improvements to the performance of object tracking algorithms through improved motion segmentation and the use of a particle filter. A novel hybrid motion segmentation / optical flow algorithm, capable of simultaneously extracting multiple layers of foreground and optical flow in surveillance video frames is proposed. The algorithm is shown to perform well in the presence of adverse lighting conditions, and the optical flow is capable of extracting a moving object. The proposed algorithm is integrated within a tracking system and evaluated using the ETISEO (Evaluation du Traitement et de lInterpretation de Sequences vidEO - Evaluation for video understanding) database, and significant improvement in detection and tracking performance is demonstrated when compared to a baseline system. A Scalable Condensation Filter (SCF), a particle filter designed to work within an existing tracking system, is also developed. The creation and deletion of modes and maintenance of identity is handled by the underlying tracking system; and the tracking system is able to benefit from the improved performance in uncertain conditions arising from occlusion and noise provided by a particle filter. The system is evaluated using the ETISEO database. The dissertation then investigates fusion schemes for multi-spectral tracking systems. Four fusion schemes for combining a thermal and visual colour modality are evaluated using the OTCBVS (Object Tracking and Classification in and Beyond the Visible Spectrum) database. It is shown that a middle fusion scheme yields the best results and demonstrates a significant improvement in performance when compared to a system using either mode individually. Findings from the thesis contribute to improve the performance of semi-automated video processing and therefore improve security in areas under surveillance.


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We describe recent biologically-inspired mapping research incorporating brain-based multi-sensor fusion and calibration processes and a new multi-scale, homogeneous mapping framework. We also review the interdisciplinary approach to the development of the RatSLAM robot mapping and navigation system over the past decade and discuss the insights gained from combining pragmatic modelling of biological processes with attempts to close the loop back to biology. Our aim is to encourage the pursuit of truly interdisciplinary approaches to robotics research by providing successful case studies.


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While past knowledge-based approaches to service innovation have emphasized the role of knowledge integration in the delivery of customer-focused solutions, these approaches do not adequately address the complexities inherent in knowledge acquisition and integration in project-oriented firms. Adopting a dynamic capability framework and building on knowledge-based approaches to innovation, the current study examines how the interplay of learning capabilities and knowledge integration capability impacts service innovation and sustained competitive advantage. This two-stage multi-sample study finds that entrepreneurial project-oriented service firms in their quest for competitive advantage through greater innovation invest in knowledge acquisition and integration capabilities. Implications for theory and practice are discussed and directions for future research provided.


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While existing multi-biometic Dempster-Shafer the- ory fusion approaches have demonstrated promising perfor- mance, they do not model the uncertainty appropriately, sug- gesting that further improvement can be achieved. This research seeks to develop a unified framework for multimodal biometric fusion to take advantage of the uncertainty concept of Dempster- Shafer theory, improving the performance of multi-biometric authentication systems. Modeling uncertainty as a function of uncertainty factors affecting the recognition performance of the biometric systems helps to address the uncertainty of the data and the confidence of the fusion outcome. A weighted combination of quality measures and classifiers performance (Equal Error Rate) are proposed to encode the uncertainty concept to improve the fusion. We also found that quality measures contribute unequally to the recognition performance, thus selecting only significant factors and fusing them with a Dempster-Shafer approach to generate an overall quality score play an important role in the success of uncertainty modeling. The proposed approach achieved a competitive performance (approximate 1% EER) in comparison with other Dempster-Shafer based approaches and other conventional fusion approaches.


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Automatic labeling of white matter fibres in diffusion-weighted brain MRI is vital for comparing brain integrity and connectivity across populations, but is challenging. Whole brain tractography generates a vast set of fibres throughout the brain, but it is hard to cluster them into anatomically meaningful tracts, due to wide individual variations in the trajectory and shape of white matter pathways. We propose a novel automatic tract labeling algorithm that fuses information from tractography and multiple hand-labeled fibre tract atlases. As streamline tractography can generate a large number of false positive fibres, we developed a top-down approach to extract tracts consistent with known anatomy, based on a distance metric to multiple hand-labeled atlases. Clustering results from different atlases were fused, using a multi-stage fusion scheme. Our "label fusion" method reliably extracted the major tracts from 105-gradient HARDI scans of 100 young normal adults. © 2012 Springer-Verlag.


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- Purpose Although leadership and organizational scholars have suggested that the virtue of wisdom may promote outstanding leadership behavior, this proposition has rarely been empirically tested. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationships between transformational leadership, narcissism, and five dimensions of wisdom as conceptualized by the well-established Berlin wisdom paradigm. General mental ability and emotional intelligence were considered relevant control variables. - Design/methodology/approach Interview, test, and questionnaire data were obtained from 77 employees of a high school and from two or three colleagues of each employee. Data were analyzed using hierarchical regression analyses. - Findings After controlling for general mental ability and emotional intelligence, narcissism and the wisdom dimension relativism of values and life priorities were negatively related to transformational leadership, and the wisdom dimension recognition and management of uncertainty was positively related to transformational leadership. The other three wisdom dimensions, rich factual knowledge about life, rich procedural knowledge about life, and lifespan contextualism, were not significantly related to transformational leadership. - Research limitations/implications Limitations to be addressed in future studies include the cross-sectional design and the relatively small and specialized sample. - Practical implications Tentative implications for leadership training and development are outlined. - Originality/value This multi-method and multi-source study represents the first empirical investigation that examines links between well-established wisdom and leadership constructs in the work context.


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The motivation behind the fusion of Intrusion Detection Systems was the realization that with the increasing traffic and increasing complexity of attacks, none of the present day stand-alone Intrusion Detection Systems can meet the high demand for a very high detection rate and an extremely low false positive rate. Multi-sensor fusion can be used to meet these requirements by a refinement of the combined response of different Intrusion Detection Systems. In this paper, we show the design technique of sensor fusion to best utilize the useful response from multiple sensors by an appropriate adjustment of the fusion threshold. The threshold is generally chosen according to the past experiences or by an expert system. In this paper, we show that the choice of the threshold bounds according to the Chebyshev inequality principle performs better. This approach also helps to solve the problem of scalability and has the advantage of failsafe capability. This paper theoretically models the fusion of Intrusion Detection Systems for the purpose of proving the improvement in performance, supplemented with the empirical evaluation. The combination of complementary sensors is shown to detect more attacks than the individual components. Since the individual sensors chosen detect sufficiently different attacks, their result can be merged for improved performance. The combination is done in different ways like (i) taking all the alarms from each system and avoiding duplications, (ii) taking alarms from each system by fixing threshold bounds, and (iii) rule-based fusion with a priori knowledge of the individual sensor performance. A number of evaluation metrics are used, and the results indicate that there is an overall enhancement in the performance of the combined detector using sensor fusion incorporating the threshold bounds and significantly better performance using simple rule-based fusion.


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P wave velocity of the pumice sample from the middle Okinawa Trough and andesite sample from vicinity Yingdao volcanic island, Kyushu Japan were measured at temperature (from room temperature to 1500 C) and pressure (from room pressure to 2.4GPa) using a multi-anvil pressure apparatus called the YJ-3000 press. The measured data shows that at low temperature and low pressure (<1GPa, <800degreesC), the P wave velocity of pumice is lower than that of andesite, while at high temperature and high pressure (>1GPa, >800degreesC) the P wave velocity of pumice and andesite. becomes consistent (5.9km/s). The paper points out that 1GPa/800degreesC is the point of thermodynamic phase transformation Okinawa Trough pumice and vicinity andesite, and the point is deeper than 18km.


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This thesis bases on horizontal research project “The research about the fine structure and mechanical parameters of abutment jointed rock mass of high arch dam on Jinping Ⅰ Hydropower Station, Yalong River” and “The research about the fine structure and mechanical parameters of the columnar basalt rock mass on Baihetan Hydropower Station, Jinsha River”. A rounded system about the fine structure description and rock mass classification is established. This research mainly contains six aspects as follow: (1) Methods about fine structure description of the window rock mass; (2) The window rock mass classification about the fine structure; (3) Model test study of intermittent joints; (4) Window rock mass strength theory; (5) Numerical experimentations about window rock mass; (6) The multi-source fusion of mechanical parameters based on Bayes principle. Variation of intact rock strength and joint conditions with the weathering and relaxation degree is studied through the description of window rock mass. And four principal parameters: intact rock point load strength, integration degree of window rock mass, joint conditions, and groundwater condition is selected to assess the window rock mass. Window rock mass is classified into three types using the results of window rock mass fine structure description combined with joints develop model. Scores about intact rock strength, integrality condition, divisional plane condition and groundwater conditions are given based on window rock mass fine structure description. Then quality evaluation about two different types of rock mass: general joint structure and columnar jointing structure are carried out to use this window rock mass classification system. Application results show that the window rock mass classification system is effective and applicable. Aimed at structural features of window structure of “the rock mass damaged by recessive fracture”, model tests and numerical models are designed about intermittent joints. By conducting model tests we get shear strength under different normal stress in integrated samples, through samples and intermittent joints samples. Also, the changing trends of shear strength in various connectivity rates are analyzed. We numerically simulate the entire process of direct shear tests by using PFC2D. In order to tally the stress-strain curve of numerical simulation with experimental tests about both integrated samples and through samples, we adjust mechanical factors between particles. Through adopting the same particle geometric parameter, the numerical sample of intermittent joints in different connective condition is re-built. At the same time, we endow the rock bridges and joints in testing samples with the fixed particle contacting parameters, and conduct a series of direct shear tests. Then the destructive process and mechanical parameters in both micro-prospective and macro-prospective are obtained. By synthesizing the results of numerical and sample tests and analyzing the evolutionary changes of stress and strain on intermittent joints plane, we conclude that the centralization of compressive stress on rock bridges increase the shear strength of it. We discuss the destructive mechanics of intermittent joints rock under direct shear condition, meanwhile, divide the whole shear process into five phases, which are elasticity phase, fracture initiation phase, peak value phase, after-peak phase and residual phase. In development of strength theory, the shear strength mechanisms of joint and rock bridge are analyzed respectively. In order to apply the deducted formulation conveniently in the real projects, a relationship between these formulations and Mohr-Coulomb hypothesis is built up. Some sets of numerical simulation methods, i.e. the distinct element method (UDEC) based on in-situ geology mapping are developed and introduced. The working methods about determining mechanical parameters of intact rock and joints in numerical model are studied. The operation process and analysis results are demonstrated detailed from the research on parameters of rock mass based on numerical test in the Jinping Ⅰ Hydropower Station and Baihetan Hydropower Station. By comparison,the advantages and disadvantages are discussed. Results about numerical simulation study show that we can get the shear strength mechanical parameters by changing the load conditions. The multi-source rock mass mechanical parameters can be fused by the Bayes theory, which are test value, empirical value and theoretical value. Then the value range and its confidence probability of different rock mass grade are induced and these data supports the reliability design.


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Classifying novel terrain or objects front sparse, complex data may require the resolution of conflicting information from sensors working at different times, locations, and scales, and from sources with different goals and situations. Information fusion methods can help resolve inconsistencies, as when evidence variously suggests that an object's class is car, truck, or airplane. The methods described here consider a complementary problem, supposing that information from sensors and experts is reliable though inconsistent, as when evidence suggests that an object's class is car, vehicle, and man-made. Underlying relationships among objects are assumed to be unknown to the automated system or the human user. The ARTMAP information fusion system used distributed code representations that exploit the neural network's capacity for one-to-many learning in order to produce self-organizing expert systems that discover hierarchical knowledge structures. The system infers multi-level relationships among groups of output classes, without any supervised labeling of these relationships.


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A rapid liquid chromatographic-tandem mass spectrometric (LC-MS/MS) multi-residue method for the simultaneous quantitation and identification of sixteen synthetic growth promoters and bisphenol A in bovine milk has been developed and validated. Sample preparation was straightforward, efficient and economically advantageous. Milk was extracted with acetonitrile followed by phase separation with NaCl. After centrifugation, the extract was purified by dispersive solid-phase extraction with C18 sorbent material. The compounds were analysed by reversed-phase LC-MS/MS using both positive and negative ionization and operated in multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode, acquiring two diagnostic product ions from each of the chosen precursor ions for unambiguous confirmation. Total chromatographic run time was less than 10 min for each sample. The method was validated at a level of 1 mu g L-1. A wide variety of deuterated internal standards were used to improve method performance. The accuracy and precision of the method were satisfactory for all analytes. The confirmative quantitative liquid chromatographic tandem mass spectrometric (LC-MS/MS) method was validated according to Commission Decision 2002/657/EC. The decision limit (CC alpha) and the detection capability (CC beta) were found to be below the chosen validation level of 1 mu g L-1 for all compounds. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.