969 resultados para Multi-frequency Bioimpedance


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We present and analyze experimental results on the emission characteristics of a 1.5 ?m distributed feedback tapered master-oscillator power-amplifier in a wide range of steady-state injection conditions, showing different emission regimes under cw operation: stable single frequency emission, multi-frequency Fabry-Perot-like emission, and self-pulsation operation.


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La presente tesis revisa y analiza algunos aspectos fundamentales relativos al comportamiento de los sensores basados en resonadores piezoeléctricos TSM (Thickness Shear Mode), así como la aplicación de los mismos al estudio y caracterización de dos medios viscoelásticos de gran interés: los fluidos magnetoreológicos y los biofilms microbianos. El funcionamiento de estos sensores está basado en la medida de sus propiedades resonantes, las cuales varían al entrar en contacto con el material que se quiere analizar. Se ha realizado un análisis multifrecuencial, trabajando en varios modos de resonancia del transductor, en algunas aplicaciones incluso de forma simultánea (excitación pulsada). Se han revisado fenómenos como la presencia de microcontactos en la superficie del sensor y la resonancia de capas viscoelásticas de espesor finito, que pueden afectar a los sensores de cuarzo de manera contraria a lo que predice la teoría convencional (Sauerbrey y Kanazawa), pudiéndonos llevar a incrementos positivos de la frecuencia de resonancia. Además, se ha estudiado el efecto de una deposición no uniforme sobre el resonador piezoeléctrico. Para ello se han medido deposiciones de poliuretano, modelándose la respuesta del resonador con estas deposiciones mediante FEM. El modelo numérico permite estudiar el comportamiento del resonador al modificar distintas variables geométricas (espesor, superficie, no uniformidad y zona de deposición) de la capa depositada. Se ha demostrado que para espesores de entre un cuarto y media longitud de onda aproximadamente, una capa viscoelástica no uniforme sobre la superficie del sensor, amplifica el incremento positivo del desplazamiento de la frecuencia de resonancia en relación con una capa uniforme. Se ha analizado también el patrón geométrico de la sensibilidad del sensor, siendo también no uniforme sobre su superficie. Se han aplicado sensores TSM para estudiar los cambios viscoelásticos que se producen en varios fluidos magneto-reológicos (FMR) al aplicarles distintos esfuerzos de cizalla controlados por un reómetro. Se ha podido ver que existe una relación directa entre diversos parámetros reológicos obtenidos con el reómetro (fuerza normal, G’, G’’, velocidad de deformación, esfuerzo de cizalla…) y los parámetros acústicos, caracterizándose los FMR tanto en ausencia de campo magnético, como con campo magnético aplicado a distintas intensidades. Se han estudiado las ventajas que aporta esta técnica de medida sobre la técnica basada en un reómetro comercial, destacando que se consigue caracterizar con mayor detalle algunos aspectos relevantes del fluido como son la deposición de partículas (estabilidad del fluido), el proceso de ruptura de las estructuras formadas en los FMR tanto en presencia como en ausencia de campo magnético y la rigidez de los microcontactos que aparecen entre partículas y superficies. También se han utilizado sensores de cuarzo para monitorear en tiempo real la formación de biofilms de Staphylococcus epidermidis y Eschericia coli sobre los propios resonadores de cristal de cuarzo sin ningún tipo de recubrimiento, realizándose ensayos con cepas que presentan distinta capacidad de producir biofilm. Se mostró que, una vez que se ha producido una primera adhesión homogénea de las bacterias al sustrato, podemos considerar el biofilm como una capa semi-infinita, de la cual el sensor de cuarzo refleja las propiedades viscoelásticas de la región inmediatamente contigua al resonador, no siendo sensible a lo que sucede en estratos superiores del biofilm. Los experimentos han permitido caracterizar el módulo de rigidez complejo de los biofilms a varias frecuencias, mostrándose que el parámetro característico que indica la adhesión de un biofilm tanto en el caso de S. epidermidis como de E. coli, es el incremento de G’ (relacionado con la elasticidad o rigidez de la capa), el cual viene ligado a un incremento de la frecuencia de resonancia del sensor. ABSTRACT This thesis reviews and analyzes some key aspects of the behavior of sensors based on piezoelectric resonators TSM (Thickness Shear Mode) and their applications to the study and characterization in two viscoelastic media of great interest: magnetorheological fluids and microbial biofilms. The operation of these sensors is based on the analysis of their resonant properties that vary in contact with the material to be analyzed. We have made a multi-frequency analysis, working in several modes of resonance of the transducer, in some applications even simultaneously (by impulse excitation). We reviewed some phenomena as the presence of micro-contacts on the sensor surface and the resonance of viscoelastic layers of finite thickness, which can affect quartz sensors contrary to the conventional theory predictions (Sauerbrey and Kanazawa), leading to positive resonant frequency shifts. In addition, we studied the effect of non-uniform deposition on the piezoelectric resonator. Polyurethane stools have been measured, being the resonator response to these depositions modeled by FEM. The numerical model allows studying the behavior of the resonator when different geometric variables (thickness, surface non-uniformity and deposition zone) of the deposited layer are modified. It has been shown that for thicknesses between a quarter and a half of a wavelength approximately, non-uniform deposits on the sensor surface amplify the positive increase of the resonance frequency displacement compared to a uniform layer. The geometric pattern of the sensor sensitivity was also analyzed, being also non-uniform over its surface. TSM sensors have been applied to study the viscoelastic changes occurring in various magneto-rheological fluids (FMR) when subjected to different controlled shear stresses driven by a rheometer. It has been seen that there is a direct relationship between various rheological parameters obtained with the rheometer (normal force, G', G'', stress, shear rate ...) and the acoustic parameters, being the FMR characterized both in the absence of magnetic field, and when the magnetic field was applied at different intensities. We have studied the advantages of this technique over the characterization methods based on commercial rheometers, noting that TSM sensors are more sensitive to some relevant aspects of the fluid as the deposition of particles (fluid stability), the breaking process of the structures formed in the FMR both in the presence and absence of magnetic field, and the rigidity of the micro-contacts appearing between particles and surfaces. TSM sensors have also been used to monitor in real time the formation of biofilms of Staphylococcus epidermidis and Escherichia coli on the quartz crystal resonators themselves without any coating, performing tests with strains having different ability to produce biofilm. It was shown that, once a first homogeneous adhesion of bacteria was produced on the substrate, the biofilm can be considered as a semi-infinite layer and the quartz sensor reflects only the viscoelastic properties of the region immediately adjacent to the resonator, not being sensitive to what is happening in upper layers of the biofilm. The experiments allow the evaluation of the biofilm complex stiffness module at various frequencies, showing that the characteristic parameter that indicates the adhesion of a biofilm for the case of both S. epidermidis and E. coli, is an increased G' (related to the elasticity or stiffness of the layer), which is linked to an increase in the resonance frequency of the sensor.


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The aim of this Thesis work is to study the multi-frequency properties of the Ultra Luminous Infrared Galaxy (ULIRG) IRAS 00183-7111 (I00183) at z = 0.327, connecting ALMA sub-mm/mm observations with those at high energies in order to place constraints on the properties of its central power source and verify whether the gas traced by the CO may be responsible for the obscuration observed in X-rays. I00183 was selected from the so-called Spoon diagnostic diagram (Spoon et al. 2007) for mid-infrared spectra of infrared galaxies based on the equivalent width of the 6.2 μm Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH) emission feature versus the 9.7 μm silicate strength. Such features are a powerful tool to investigate the contribution of star formation and AGN activity in this class of objects. I00183 was selected from the top-left region of the plot where the most obscured sources, characterized by a strong Si absorption feature, are located. To link the sub-mm/mm to the X-ray properties of I00183, ALMA archival Cycle 0 data in Band 3 (87 GHz) and Band 6 (270 GHz) have been calibrated and analyzed, using CASA software. ALMA Cycle 0 was the Early Science program for which data reprocessing is strongly suggested. The main work of this Thesis consisted in reprocessing raw data to provide an improvement with respect to the available archival products and results, which were obtained using standard procedures. The high-energy data consists of Chandra, XMM-Newton and NuSTAR observations which provide a broad coverage of the spectrum in the energy range 0.5 − 30 keV. Chandra and XMM archival data were used, with an exposure time of 22 and 22.2 ks, respectively; their reduction was carried out using CIAO and SAS software. The 100 ks NuSTAR are still private and the spectra were obtained by courtesy of the PI (K. Iwasawa). A detailed spectral analysis was done using XSPEC software; the spectral shape was reproduced starting from simple phenomenological models, and then more physical models were introduced to account for the complex mechanisms that involve this source. In Chapter 1, an overview of the scientific background is discussed, with a focus on the target, I00183, and the Spoon diagnostic diagram, from which it was originally selected. In Chapter 2, the basic principles of interferometry are briefly introduced, with a description of the calibration theory applied to interferometric observations. In Chapter 3, ALMA and its capabilities, both current and future, are shown, explaining also the complex structure of the ALMA archive. In Chapter 4, the calibration of ALMA data is presented and discussed, showing also the obtained imaging products. In Chapter 5, the analysis and discussion of the main results obtained from ALMA data is presented. In Chapter 6, the X-ray observations, data reduction and spectral analysis are reported, with a brief introduction to the basic principle of X-ray astronomy and the instruments from which the observations were carried out. Finally, the overall work is summarized, with particular emphasis on the main obtained results and the possible future perspectives.


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Effective conservation and management of top predators requires a comprehensive understanding of their distributions and of the underlying biological and physical processes that affect these distributions. The Mid-Atlantic Bight shelf break system is a dynamic and productive region where at least 32 species of cetaceans have been recorded through various systematic and opportunistic marine mammal surveys from the 1970s through 2012. My dissertation characterizes the spatial distribution and habitat of cetaceans in the Mid-Atlantic Bight shelf break system by utilizing marine mammal line-transect survey data, synoptic multi-frequency active acoustic data, and fine-scale hydrographic data collected during the 2011 summer Atlantic Marine Assessment Program for Protected Species (AMAPPS) survey. Although studies describing cetacean habitat and distributions have been previously conducted in the Mid-Atlantic Bight, my research specifically focuses on the shelf break region to elucidate both the physical and biological processes that influence cetacean distribution patterns within this cetacean hotspot.

In Chapter One I review biologically important areas for cetaceans in the Atlantic waters of the United States. I describe the study area, the shelf break region of the Mid-Atlantic Bight, in terms of the general oceanography, productivity and biodiversity. According to recent habitat-based cetacean density models, the shelf break region is an area of high cetacean abundance and density, yet little research is directed at understanding the mechanisms that establish this region as a cetacean hotspot.

In Chapter Two I present the basic physical principles of sound in water and describe the methodology used to categorize opportunistically collected multi-frequency active acoustic data using frequency responses techniques. Frequency response classification methods are usually employed in conjunction with net-tow data, but the logistics of the 2011 AMAPPS survey did not allow for appropriate net-tow data to be collected. Biologically meaningful information can be extracted from acoustic scattering regions by comparing the frequency response curves of acoustic regions to theoretical curves of known scattering models. Using the five frequencies on the EK60 system (18, 38, 70, 120, and 200 kHz), three categories of scatterers were defined: fish-like (with swim bladder), nekton-like (e.g., euphausiids), and plankton-like (e.g., copepods). I also employed a multi-frequency acoustic categorization method using three frequencies (18, 38, and 120 kHz) that has been used in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank which is based the presence or absence of volume backscatter above a threshold. This method is more objective than the comparison of frequency response curves because it uses an established backscatter value for the threshold. By removing all data below the threshold, only strong scattering information is retained.

In Chapter Three I analyze the distribution of the categorized acoustic regions of interest during the daytime cross shelf transects. Over all transects, plankton-like acoustic regions of interest were detected most frequently, followed by fish-like acoustic regions and then nekton-like acoustic regions. Plankton-like detections were the only significantly different acoustic detections per kilometer, although nekton-like detections were only slightly not significant. Using the threshold categorization method by Jech and Michaels (2006) provides a more conservative and discrete detection of acoustic scatterers and allows me to retrieve backscatter values along transects in areas that have been categorized. This provides continuous data values that can be integrated at discrete spatial increments for wavelet analysis. Wavelet analysis indicates significant spatial scales of interest for fish-like and nekton-like acoustic backscatter range from one to four kilometers and vary among transects.

In Chapter Four I analyze the fine scale distribution of cetaceans in the shelf break system of the Mid-Atlantic Bight using corrected sightings per trackline region, classification trees, multidimensional scaling, and random forest analysis. I describe habitat for common dolphins, Risso’s dolphins and sperm whales. From the distribution of cetacean sightings, patterns of habitat start to emerge: within the shelf break region of the Mid-Atlantic Bight, common dolphins were sighted more prevalently over the shelf while sperm whales were more frequently found in the deep waters offshore and Risso’s dolphins were most prevalent at the shelf break. Multidimensional scaling presents clear environmental separation among common dolphins and Risso’s dolphins and sperm whales. The sperm whale random forest habitat model had the lowest misclassification error (0.30) and the Risso’s dolphin random forest habitat model had the greatest misclassification error (0.37). Shallow water depth (less than 148 meters) was the primary variable selected in the classification model for common dolphin habitat. Distance to surface density fronts and surface temperature fronts were the primary variables selected in the classification models to describe Risso’s dolphin habitat and sperm whale habitat respectively. When mapped back into geographic space, these three cetacean species occupy different fine-scale habitats within the dynamic Mid-Atlantic Bight shelf break system.

In Chapter Five I present a summary of the previous chapters and present potential analytical steps to address ecological questions pertaining the dynamic shelf break region. Taken together, the results of my dissertation demonstrate the use of opportunistically collected data in ecosystem studies; emphasize the need to incorporate middle trophic level data and oceanographic features into cetacean habitat models; and emphasize the importance of developing more mechanistic understanding of dynamic ecosystems.


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Multi-frequency eddy current measurements are employed in estimating pressure tube (PT) to calandria tube (CT) gap in CANDU fuel channels, a critical inspection activity required to ensure fitness for service of fuel channels. In this thesis, a comprehensive characterization of eddy current gap data is laid out, in order to extract further information on fuel channel condition, and to identify generalized applications for multi-frequency eddy current data. A surface profiling technique, generalizable to multiple probe and conductive material configurations has been developed. This technique has allowed for identification of various pressure tube artefacts, has been independently validated (using ultrasonic measurements), and has been deployed and commissioned at Ontario Power Generation. Dodd and Deeds solutions to the electromagnetic boundary value problem associated with the PT to CT gap probe configuration were experimentally validated for amplitude response to changes in gap. Using the validated Dodd and Deeds solutions, principal components analysis (PCA) has been employed to identify independence and redundancies in multi-frequency eddy current data. This has allowed for an enhanced visualization of factors affecting gap measurement. Results of the PCA of simulation data are consistent with the skin depth equation, and are validated against PCA of physical experiments. Finally, compressed data acquisition has been realized, allowing faster data acquisition for multi-frequency eddy current systems with hardware limitations, and is generalizable to other applications where real time acquisition of large data sets is prohibitive.


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Multi-frequency Eddy Current (EC) inspection with a transmit-receive probe (two horizontally offset coils) is used to monitor the Pressure Tube (PT) to Calandria Tube (CT) gap of CANDU® fuel channels. Accurate gap measurements are crucial to ensure fitness of service; however, variations in probe liftoff, PT electrical resistivity, and PT wall thickness can generate systematic measurement errors. Validated mathematical models of the EC probe are very useful for data interpretation, and may improve the gap measurement under inspection conditions where these parameters vary. As a first step, exact solutions for the electromagnetic response of a transmit-receive coil pair situated above two parallel plates separated by an air gap were developed. This model was validated against experimental data with flat-plate samples. Finite element method models revealed that this geometrical approximation could not accurately match experimental data with real tubes, so analytical solutions for the probe in a double-walled pipe (the CANDU® fuel channel geometry) were generated using the Second-Order Vector Potential (SOVP) formalism. All electromagnetic coupling coefficients arising from the probe, and the layered conductors were determined and substituted into Kirchhoff’s circuit equations for the calculation of the pickup coil signal. The flat-plate model was used as a basis for an Inverse Algorithm (IA) to simultaneously extract the relevant experimental parameters from EC data. The IA was validated over a large range of second layer plate resistivities (1.7 to 174 µΩ∙cm), plate wall thickness (~1 to 4.9 mm), probe liftoff (~2 mm to 8 mm), and plate-to plate gap (~0 mm to 13 mm). The IA achieved a relative error of less than 6% for the extracted FP resistivity and an accuracy of ±0.1 mm for the LO measurement. The IA was able to achieve a plate gap measurement with an accuracy of less than ±0.7 mm error over a ~2.4 mm to 7.5 mm probe liftoff and ±0.3 mm at nominal liftoff (2.42±0.05 mm), providing confidence in the general validity of the algorithm. This demonstrates the potential of using an analytical model to extract variable parameters that may affect the gap measurement accuracy.


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The purpose of the present study was to investigate percentage body fat (%BF) differences in three Spanish dance disciplines and to compare skinfold and bioelectrical impedance predictions of body fat percentage in the same sample. Seventy-six female dancers, divided into three groups, Classical (n=23), Spanish (n=29) and Flamenco (n=24), were measured using skinfold measurements at four sites: triceps, subscapular, biceps and iliac crest, and whole body multi-frequency bioelectrical impedance (BIA). The skin-fold measures were used to predict body fat percentage via Durnin and Womersley's and Segal, Sun and Yannakoulia equations by BIA. Differences in percent fat mass between groups (Classical, Spanish and Flamenco) were tested by using repeated measures analysis (ANOVA). Also, Pearson's product-moment correlations were performed on the body fat percentage values obtained using both methods. In addition, Bland-Altman plots were used to assess agreement, between anthropometric and BIA methods. Repeated measures analysis of variance did not found differences in %BF between modalities (p<0.05). Fat percentage correlations ranged from r= 0.57 to r=0.97 (all, p<0.001). Bland-Altman analysis revealed differences between BIA Yannakoulia as a reference method with BIA Segal (-0.35 ± 2.32%, 95%CI: -0.89to 0.18, p=0.38), with BIA Sun (-0.73 ± 2.3%, 95%CI: -1.27 to -0.20, p=0.014) and Durnin-Womersley (-2.65 ± 2,48%, 95%CI: -3.22 to -2.07, p<0.0001). It was concluded that body fat percentage estimates by BIA compared with skinfold method were systematically different in young adult female ballet dancers, having a tendency to produce underestimations as %BF increased with Segal and Durnin-Womersley equations compared to Yannakoulia, concluding that these methods are not interchangeable.


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Altough nowadays DMTA is one of the most used techniques to characterize polymers thermo-mechanical behaviour, it is only effective for small amplitude oscillatory tests and limited to a single frequency analysis (linear regime). In this thesis work a Fourier transform based experimental system has proven to give hint on structural and chemical changes in specimens during large amplitude oscillatory tests exploiting multi frequency spectral analysis turning out in a more sensitive tool than classical linear approach. The test campaign has been focused on three test typologies: Strain sweep tests, Damage investigation and temperature sweep tests.


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Background: Bioimpedance techniques provide a reliable method of assessing unilateral lymphedema in a clinical setting. Bioimpedance devices are traditionally used to assess body composition at a current frequency of 50 kHz. However, these devices are not transferable to the assessment of lymphedema, as the sensitivity of measuring the impedance of extracellular fluid is frequency dependent. It has previously been shown that the best frequency to detect extracellular fluid is 0 kHz (or DC). However, measurement at this frequency is not possible in practice due to the high skin impedance at DC, and an estimate is usually determined from low frequency measurements. This study investigated the efficacy of various low frequency ranges for the detection of lymphedema. Methods and Results: Limb impedance was measured at 256 frequencies between 3 kHz and 1000 kHz for a sample control population, arm lymphedema population, and leg lymphedema population. Limb impedance was measured using the ImpediMed SFB7 and ImpediMed L-Dex® U400 with equipotential electrode placement on the wrists and ankles. The contralateral limb impedance ratio for arms and legs was used to calculate a lymphedema index (L-Dex) at each measurement frequency. The standard deviation of the limb impedance ratio in a healthy control population has been shown to increase with frequency for both the arm and leg. Box and whisker plots of the spread of the control and lymphedema populations show that there exists good differentiation between the arm and leg L-Dex measured for lymphedema subjects and the arm and leg L-Dex measured for control subjects up to a frequency of about 30 kHz. Conclusions: It can be concluded that impedance measurements above a frequency of 30 kHz decrease sensitivity to extracellular fluid and are not reliable for early detection of lymphedema.