957 resultados para Mucosa nasal


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1. The presence of an active acyl-CoA–lysolecithin (1-acylglycerophosphorylcholine) acyltransferase was demonstrated in rat intestinal mucosa. 2. ATP and CoA were necessary for the incorporation of free [1-14C]oleic acid into lecithin (phosphatidylcholine). 3. The reaction was about 20 times as fast with [1-14C]oleoyl-CoA as with free oleic acid, CoA and ATP. 4. With 1-acylglycerophosphorylcholine as the acceptor, both oleic acid and palmitic acid were incorporated into the β-position of lecithin; the incorporation of palmitic acid was 60% of that of oleic acid. 5. Of the various analogues of lysolecithin tested as acyl acceptors from [1-14C]oleoyl CoA, a lysolecithin with a long-chain fatty acid at the 1-position was most efficient. 6. The enzyme was mostly present in the brush-border-free particulate fraction of the intestinal mucosa. 7. Of the various tissues of rats tested for the activity, intestinal mucosa was found to be the most active, with testes, liver, kidneys and spleen following it in decreasing order.


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Young male rats maintained on a diet containing 1% cholesterol were sacrificed at the end of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, and 7th week. Acetone powders prepared from their intestinal mucosa and pancreas were tested for the synthetic and hydrolytic activities for Vitamin A and cholesterol esters. The esterifying activity of the mucosal enzymes for both Vitamin A and cholesterol increased progressively up to the end of the 5th week; the increase in esterification of cholesterol was more marked with respect to saturated fatty acids, as compared to the unsaturated ones. The pancreatic enzymes remained unaffected. It is suggested that one of the reasons for the accumulation of cholesterol esters in animal tissues may be the increased esterification of the sterol in the mucosa induced by dietary cholesterol.


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Design and development of a piezoelectric polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) thin film based nasal sensor to monitor human respiration pattern (RP) from each nostril simultaneously is presented in this paper. Thin film based PVDF nasal sensor is designed in a cantilever beam configuration. Two cantilevers are mounted on a spectacle frame in such a way that the air flow from each nostril impinges on this sensor causing bending of the cantilever beams. Voltage signal produced due to air flow induced dynamic piezoelectric effect produce a respective RP. A group of 23 healthy awake human subjects are studied. The RP in terms of respiratory rate (RR) and Respiratory air-flow changes/alterations obtained from the developed PVDF nasal sensor are compared with RP obtained from respiratory inductance plethysmograph (RIP) device. The mean RR of the developed nasal sensor (19.65 +/- A 4.1) and the RIP (19.57 +/- A 4.1) are found to be almost same (difference not significant, p > 0.05) with the correlation coefficient 0.96, p < 0.0001. It was observed that any change/alterations in the pattern of RIP is followed by same amount of change/alterations in the pattern of PVDF nasal sensor with k = 0.815 indicating strong agreement between the PVDF nasal sensor and RIP respiratory air-flow pattern. The developed sensor is simple in design, non-invasive, patient friendly and hence shows promising routine clinical usage. The preliminary result shows that this new method can have various applications in respiratory monitoring and diagnosis.


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Background: Deviated nasal septum (DNS) is one of the major causes of nasal obstruction. Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) nasal sensor is the new technique developed to assess the nasal obstruction caused by DNS. This study evaluates the PVDF nasal sensor measurements in comparison with PEAK nasal inspiratory flow (PNIF) measurements and visual analog scale (VAS) of nasal obstruction. Methods: Because of piezoelectric property, two PVDF nasal sensors provide output voltage signals corresponding to the right and left nostril when they are subjected to nasal airflow. The peak-to-peak amplitude of the voltage signal corresponding to nasal airflow was analyzed to assess the nasal obstruction. PVDF nasal sensor and PNIF were performed on 30 healthy subjects and 30 DNS patients. Receiver operating characteristic was used to analyze the DNS of these two methods. Results: Measurements of PVDF nasal sensor strongly correlated with findings of PNIF (r = 0.67; p < 0.01) in DNS patients. A significant difference (p < 0.001) was observed between PVDF nasal sensor measurements and PNIF measurements of the DNS and the control group. A cutoff between normal and pathological of 0.51 Vp-p for PVDF nasal sensor and 120 L/min for PNIF was calculated. No significant difference in terms of sensitivity of PVDF nasal sensor and PNIF (89.7% versus 82.6%) and specificity (80.5% versus 78.8%) was calculated. Conclusion: The result shows that PVDF measurements closely agree with PNIF findings. Developed PVDF nasal sensor is an objective method that is simple, inexpensive, fast, and portable for determining DNS in clinical practice.


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This paper presents the design technique that has been adopted for packaging of Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) nasal sensor for biomedical applications. The PVDF film with the dimension of length 10mm, width 5mm and thickness 28 mu m was firmly adhered on one end of plastic base (8mmx5mmx30 mu m) in such a way that it forms a cantilever configuration leaving the other end free for deflection. Now with the leads attached on the surface of the PVDF film, the cantilever configuration becomes the PVDF nasal sensor. For mounting a PVDF nasal sensor, a special headphone was designed, that can fit most of the human head sizes. Two flexible strings are soldered on either side of the headphone. Two identical PVDF nasal sensors were then connected to either side of flexible string of the headphone in such a way that they are placed below the right and left nostrils respectively without disturbing the normal breathing. When a subject wares headphone along with PVDF nasal sensors, two voltage signals due to the piezoelectric property of the PVDF film were generated corresponding to his/her nasal airflow from right and left nostril. The entire design was made compact, so that PVDF nasal sensors along with headphone can be made portable. No special equipment or machines are needed for mounting the PVDF nasal sensors. The time required for packaging of PVDF nasal sensors was less and the approximate cost of the entire assembly (PVDF nasal sensors + headphone) was very nominal.


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Objective: The aim of this study is to validate the applicability of the PolyVinyliDene Fluoride (PVDF) nasal sensor to assess the nasal airflow, in healthy subjects and patients with nasal obstruction and to correlate the results with the score of Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Methods: PVDF nasal sensor and VAS measurements were carried out in 50 subjects (25-healthy subjects and 25 patients). The VAS score of nasal obstruction and peak-to-peak amplitude (Vp-p) of nasal cycle measured by PVDF nasal sensors were analyzed for right nostril (RN) and left nostril (LN) in both the groups. Spearman's rho correlation was calculated. The relationship between PVDF nasal sensor measurements and severity of nasal obstruction (VAS score) were assessed by ANOVA. Results: In healthy group, the measurement of nasal airflow by PVDF nasal sensor for RN and LN were found to be 51.14 +/- 5.87% and 48.85 +/- 5.87%, respectively. In patient group, PVDF nasal sensor indicated lesser nasal airflow in the blocked nostrils (RN: 23.33 +/- 10.54% and LN: 32.24 +/- 11.54%). Moderate correlation was observed in healthy group (r = 0.710, p < 0.001 for RN and r = 0.651, p < 0.001 for LN), and moderate to strong correlation in patient group (r = 0.751, p < 0.01 for RN and r = 0.885, p < 0.0001 for LN). Conclusion: PVDF nasal sensor method is a newly developed technique for measuring the nasal airflow. Moderate to strong correlation was observed between PVDF nasal sensor data and VAS scores for nasal obstruction. In our present study, PVDF nasal sensor technique successfully differentiated between healthy subjects and patients with nasal obstruction. Additionally, it can also assess severity of nasal obstruction in comparison with VAS. Thus, we propose that the PVDF nasal sensor technique could be used as a new diagnostic method to evaluate nasal obstruction in routine clinical practice. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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A correção de deformidades esqueléticas da face por meio de um tratamento ortodôntico-cirúrgico tornou-se uma opção segura e previsível. Os movimentos ósseos são milimetricamente calculados e executados cirurgicamente, assim como a oclusão é meticulosamente engrenada através dos movimentos ortodônticos. Os efeitos que os tecidos moles sofrem com as cirurgias ortognáticas são, no entanto, menos previsíveis, e apesar do principal objetivo da cirurgia ortognática ser uma melhora funcional, o componente estético é sem dúvida de extrema importância. Em especial, a região de base alar apresenta resultados muito variáveis, a despeito dos bons resultados esqueléticos atingidos. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar 2 diferentes tipos de sutura utilizados na região de base do nariz, e observar qual tipo apresenta um resultado que melhor acompanhe os movimentos realizados pelo tecido esquelético. Trinta e cinco pacientes foram aleatoriamente distribuídos em 2 grupos. O grupo 1 funcionou como controle e os pacientes receberam a plicatura nasal intra-oral, que é o tipo de plicatura nasal mais descrito na literatura. Já os pacientes do grupo 2 receberam plicatura nasal extra-oral. Para análise estatística foram calculadas as médias e desvios padrões dos grupos, e a hipótese nula de que não havia diferença entre os 2 grupos foi testata com o teste T de Student. Em ambos os grupos ocorreu um alargamento da base do nariz, porém a média de alargamento do grupo 1 foi de 2,50 milímetros (mm), enquanto que a média de alargamento do grupo 2 foi de 1,26 mm. Além disso, o desvio padrão foi menor para o grupo 2, e a hipótese nula foi rejeitada (p<0,05), demonstrando que a diferença entre os grupos foi estatisticamente significativa. Pôde-se concluir que quando objetiva-se um controle mais previsível e rigoroso da base do nariz, a plicatura nasal extra-oral cumprirá melhor esta função.


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O emprego de técnicas imunoistoquímicas, utilizando marcadores biológicos como o Ki67, que permite a avaliação do índice de proliferação celular em neoplasias malignas, vem sendo preconizado como um importante caminho de investigação do comportamento biológico das neoplasias malignas, tendo como consequências contribuições para o estabelecimento do prognóstico e desenvolvimento de novos protocolos terapêuticos. Neste trabalho, utiliza-se o método imunoistoquímico da avidina-biotina-peroxidase avaliada a expressão de Ki67 no parênquima de amostras de carcinomas de células escamosas da mucosa bucal com diferentes graus de diferenciação histológica. Além disso, a quantificação da área de infiltrado inflamatório foi avaliada. Os resultados demonstraram que a resposta imunológica celular é o principal mecanismo de defesa no carcinoma de células escamosas da mucosa bucal, expressada pelo grande número de linfócitos T e macrófagos e a expressão de Ki67 está relacionado ao índice mitótico e, consequentemente, à proliferação celular e, também, à diferenciação da neoplasia.