973 resultados para Mucogengival junction
The paper describes a field study focused on the dispersion of a traffic-related pollutant within an area close to a busy intersection between two street canyons in Central London. Simultaneous measurements of airflow, traffic flow and carbon monoxide concentrations ([CO]) are used to explore the causes of spatial variability in [CO] over a full range of background wind directions. Depending on the roof-top wind direction, evidence of both flow channelling and recirculation regimes were identified from data collected within the main canyon and the intersection. However, at the intersection, the merging of channelled flows from the canyons increased the flow complexity and turbulence intensity. These features, coupled with the close proximity of nearby queuing traffic in several directions, led to the highest overall time-average measured [CO] occurring at the intersection. Within the main street canyon, the data supported the presence of a helical flow regime for oblique roof-top flows, leading to increased [CO] on the canyon leeward side. Predominant wind directions led to some locations having significantly higher diurnal average [CO] due to being mostly on the canyon leeward side during the study period. For all locations, small changes in the background wind direction could cause large changes in the in-street mean wind angle and local turbulence intensity, implying that dispersion mechanisms would be highly sensitive to small changes in above roof flows. During peak traffic flow periods, concentrations within parallel side streets were approximately four times lower than within the main canyon and intersection which has implications for controlling personal exposure. Overall, the results illustrate that pollutant concentrations can be highly spatially variable over even short distances within complex urban geometries, and that synoptic wind patterns, traffic queue location and building topologies all play a role in determining where pollutant hot spots occur.
Here, we identify the Arabidopsis thaliana ortholog of the mammalian DEAD box helicase, eIF4A-III, the putative anchor protein of exon junction complex (EJC) on mRNA. Arabidopsis eIF4A-III interacts with an ortholog of the core EJC component, ALY/Ref, and colocalizes with other EJC components, such as Mago, Y14, and RNPS1, suggesting a similar function in EJC assembly to animal eIF4A-III. A green fluorescent protein (GFP)-eIF4A-III fusion protein showed localization to several subnuclear domains: to the nucleoplasm during normal growth and to the nucleolus and splicing speckles in response to hypoxia. Treatment with the respiratory inhibitor sodium azide produced an identical response to the hypoxia stress. Treatment with the proteasome inhibitor MG132 led to accumulation of GFP-eIF4A-III mainly in the nucleolus, suggesting that transition of eIF4A-III between subnuclear domains and/or accumulation in nuclear speckles is controlled by proteolysis-labile factors. As revealed by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching analysis, the nucleoplasmic fraction was highly mobile, while the speckles were the least mobile fractions, and the nucleolar fraction had an intermediate mobility. Sequestration of eIF4A-III into nuclear pools with different mobility is likely to reflect the transcriptional and mRNA processing state of the cell.
Planning a Holliday: A new mode of binding to a stacked-X, four-way Holliday junction is described in which a chromophore molecule binds across the center of the junction and two adenine residues are replaced by the acridine chromophores at either side of the crossover. This binding mode is specific for the Holliday junction and does not cause unwinding of the DNA helices.
The role of metal ions in determining the solution conformation of the Holliday junction is well established, but to date the picture of metal ion binding from structural studies of the four-way DNA junction is very incomplete. Here we present two refined structures of the Holliday junction formed by the sequence d(TCGGTACCGA) in the presence of Na+ and Ca2+, and separately with Sr2+ to resolutions of 1.85 Angstrom and 1.65 Angstrom, respectively. This sequence includes the ACC core found to promote spontaneous junction formation, but its structure has not previously been reported. Almost complete hydration spheres can be defined for each metal cation. The Na+ sites, the most convincing observation of such sites in junctions to date, are one on either face of the junction crossover region, and stabilise the ordered hydration inside the junction arms. The four Ca2+ sites in the same structure are at the CG/CG steps in the minor groove. The Sr2+ ions occupy the TC/AG, GG/CC, and TA/TA sites in the minor groove, giving ten positions forming two spines of ions, spiralling through the minor grooves within each arm of the stacked-X structure. The two structures were solved in the two different C2 lattices previously observed, with the Sr2+ derivative crystallising in the more highly symmetrical form with two-fold symmetry at its centre. Both structures show an opening of the minor groove face of the junction of 8.4degrees in the Ca2+ and Na+ containing structure, and 13.4degrees in the Sr2+ containing structure. The crossover angles at the junction are 39.3degrees and 43.3degrees, respectively. In addition to this, a relative shift in the base pair stack alignment of the arms of 2.3 Angstrom is observed for the Sr2+ containing structure only. Overall these results provide an insight into the so-far elusive stabilising ion structure for the DNA Holliday junction. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Direct measurement of strain field in a mechanically loaded Norway spruce branch-stem junction was performed by means of electronic speckle pattern analysis. Results were compared with strain distribution in a polyester cast of identical shape as the branch-stem junction, and a simplified polyester model consisting of two half-cylinders. Compared to polyester models, the branch-stem junction was characterised by a very homogeneous distribution of strain, which can be interpreted as a homogeneous distribution of stress in terms of fraction of material strength. This optimised transfer of mechanical load from the branch to the stem is achieved by a combination of naturally optimised shape with, additionally, optimised mechanical wood properties in the junction area.
This paper assesses the potential for using building integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) roof shingles made from triple-junction amorphous silicon (3a-Si) for electrification and as a roofing material in tropical countries, such as Accra, Ghana. A model roof was constructed using triple-junction amorphous (3a-Si) PV on one section and conventional roofing tiles on the other. The performance of the PV module and tiles were measured, over a range of ambient temperatures and solar irradiance. PVSyst (a computer design software) was used to determine the most appropriate angle of tilt. It was observed that 3a-Si performs well in conditions such as Accra, because it is insensitive to high temperatures. Building integration gives security benefits, and reduces construction costs and embodied energy, compared to freestanding PV systems. Again, it serves as a means of protection from salt spray from the oceans and works well even when shaded. However, compared to conventional roofing materials, 3a-Si would increase the indoor temperature by 1-2 °C depending on the surface area of the roof covered with the PV modules. The results presented in this research enhance the understanding of varying factors involved in the selection of an appropriate method of PV installation to offset the short falls of the conventional roofing material in Ghana.
Gene compensation by members of the myogenic regulatory factor (MRF) family has been proposed to explain the apparent normal adult phenotype of MyoD(-/-) mice. Nerve and field stimulation were used to investigate contraction properties of muscle from MyoD(-/-) mice, and molecular approaches were used to investigate satellite-cell behavior. We demonstrate that MyoD deletion results in major alterations in the organization of the neuromuscular junction, which have a dramatic influence on the physiological contractile properties of skeletal muscle. Second, we show that the lineage progression of satellite cells (especially initial proliferation) in the absence of MyoD is abnormal and linked to perturbations in the nuclear localization of beta-catenin, a key readout of canonical Wnt signaling. These results show that MyoD has unique functions in both developing and adult skeletal muscle that are not carried out by other members of the MRF family.
Over the last 25years, "mindblindness" (deficits in representing mental states) has been one of the primary explanations behind the hallmark social-communication difficulties in autism spectrum conditions (ASC). However, highlighting neural systems responsible for mindblindness and their relation to variation in social impairments has remained elusive. In this study we show that one of the neural systems responsible for mindblindness in ASC and its relation to social impairments is the right temporo-parietal junction (RTPJ). Twenty-nine adult males with ASC and 33 age and IQ-matched Controls were scanned with fMRI while making reflective mentalizing or physical judgments about themselves or another person. Regions of interest within mentalizing circuitry were examined for between-group differences in activation during mentalizing about self and other and correlations with social symptom severity. RTPJ was the only mentalizing region that responded atypically in ASC. In Controls, RTPJ was selectively more responsive to mentalizing than physical judgments. This selectivity for mentalizing was not apparent in ASC and generalized across both self and other. Selectivity of RTPJ for mentalizing was also associated with the degree of reciprocal social impairment in ASC. These results lend support to the idea that RTPJ is one important neural system behind mindblindness in ASC. Understanding the contribution of RTPJ in conjunction with other neural systems responsible for other component processes involved in social cognition will be illuminating in fully explaining the hallmark social-communication difficulties of autism.
We report the single-crystal X-ray structure for the complex of the bisacridine bis-(9-aminooctyl(2-(dimethylaminoethyl)acridine-4-carboxamide)) with the oligonucleotide d(CGTACG)2 to a resolution of 2.4 Å. Solution studies with closed circular DNA show this compound to be a bisintercalating threading agent, but so far we have no crystallographic or NMR structural data conforming to the model of contiguous intercalation within the same duplex. Here, with the hexameric duplex d(CGTACG), the DNA is observed to undergo a terminal cytosine base exchange to yield an unusual guanine quadruplex intercalation site through which the bisacridine threads its octamethylene linker to fuse two DNA duplexes. The 4-carboxamide side-chains form anchoring hydrogen-bonding interactions with guanine O6 atoms on each side of the quadruplex. This higher-order DNA structure provides insight into an unexpected property of bisintercalating threading agents, and suggests the idea of targeting such compounds specifically at four-way DNA junctions.
DNA-strand exchange is a vital step in the recombination process, of which a key intermediate is the four-way DNA Holliday junction formed transiently in most living organisms. Here, the single-crystal structure at a resolution of 2.35 Å of such a DNA junction formed by d(CCGGTACCGG)2, which has crystallized in a more highly symmetrical packing mode to that previously observed for the same sequence, is presented. In this case, the structure is isomorphous to the mismatch sequence d(CCGGGACCGG)2, which reveals the roles of both lattice and DNA sequence in determining the junction geometry. The helices cross at the larger angle of 43.0° (the previously observed angle for this sequence was 41.4°) as a right-handed X. No metal cations were observed; the crystals were grown in the presence of only group I counter-cations.
The structure of the duplex d[CG(5-BrU)ACG]2 bound to 9-bromophenazine-4-carboxamide has been solved through MAD phasing at 2.0 Å resolution. It shows an unexpected and previously unreported intercalation cavity stabilized by the drug and novel binding modes of Co2+ ions at certain guanine N7 sites. For the intercalation cavity the terminal cytosine is rotated to pair with the guanine of a symmetry-related duplex to create a pseudo-Holliday junction geometry, with two such cavities linked through the minor groove interactions of the N2/N3 guanine sites at an angle of 40°, creating a quadruplex-like structure. The mode of binding of the drug is shown to be disordered, with the major conformations showing the side chain bound to the N7 position of adjacent guanines. The other end of the duplex exhibits a terminal base fraying in the presence of Co2+ ions linking symmetry-related guanines, causing the helices to intertwine through the minor groove. The stabilization of the structure by the intercalating drug shows that this class of compound may bind to DNA junctions as well as duplex DNA or to strand-nicked DNA (‘hemi-intercalated'), as in the cleavable complex. This suggests a structural basis for the dual poisoning of topoisomerase I and II enzymes by this family of drugs.
Neuronal gap junctions are receiving increasing attention as a physiological means of intercellular communication, yet our understanding of them is poorly developed when compared to synaptic communication. Using microfluorimetry, we demonstrate that differentiation of SN56 cells (hybridoma cells derived from murine septal neurones) leads to the spontaneous generation of Ca(2+) waves. These waves were unaffected by tetrodotoxin (1microM), but blocked by removal of extracellular Ca(2+), or addition of non-specific Ca(2+) channel inhibitors (Cd(2+) (0.1mM) or Ni(2+) (1mM)). Combined application of antagonists of NMDA receptors (AP5; 100microM), AMPA/kainate receptors (NBQX; 20microM), nicotinic AChR receptors (hexamethonium; 100microM) or inotropic purinoceptors (brilliant blue; 100nM) was also without effect. However, Ca(2+) waves were fully prevented by carbenoxolone (200microM), halothane (3mM) or niflumic acid (100microM), three structurally diverse inhibitors of gap junctions, and mRNA for connexin 36 was detected by PCR. Whole-cell patch-clamp recordings revealed spontaneous inward currents in voltage-clamped cells which we inhibited by Cd(2+), Ni(2+) or niflumic acid. Our data suggest that differentiated SN56 cells generated spontaneous Ca(2+) waves which are propagated by intercellular gap junctions. We propose that this system can be exploited conveniently for the development of neuronal gap junction modulators.