903 resultados para Motteux, Peter Anthony, 1660-1718.
n.s. no.4(1980)
Bd.1 (1811)
Bd.2 (1811)
Aquest treball de recerca presenta l’objectiu de demostrar la vigència del concepte d’educació i política de Paulo Freire en l’actualitat a través de Peter McLaren. És a dir, no estudiar l’obra de Freire i de McLaren per separat sinó la validesa d’aquests conceptes freireans en el pensament mclarenià d’avui en dia. Justificar com la pedagogia de Freire, a partir de McLaren, continua vigent. Es realitza a partir de la recerca de textos de l’obra freireana per mostrar que avui en dia posseeix una riquesa i actualitat sorprenents.
Résumé : Les maladies cardiovasculaires restent la première cause de mortalité dans notre pays. Elles sont associées à des facteurs de risque (FRCV) bien connus comme le diabète ou la dyslipidémie. Nous résumons ici les principaux résultats de l'étude CoLaus concernant d'une part la prévalence du diabète et de la dyslipidémie et certaines caractéristiques de leur prise en charge.Les découvertes récentes concernant de nouveaux déterminants génétiques impliqués dans ces FRCV sont présentées de manière succincte. La contribution de ces données génétiques est également discutée dans une perspective de prise en charge clinique.[Abstract] Cardiovascular diseases remain the first cause of mortality in our country. They are associated with well known risk factors such as diabetes and dyslipidemia. Herein we summarize main results of the CoLaus study regarding, first the prevalence and characteristics of the treatment of these risk factors.Then we present recent discoveries of new genetic determinants associated with these risk factors. Finally, we discuss whether this knowledge changes our current clinical management of our patients.
Background: Cardio-vascular diseases (CVD), their well established risk factors (CVRF) and mental disorders are common and co-occur more frequently than would be expected by chance. However, the pathogenic mechanisms and course determinants of both CVD and mental disorders have only been partially identified.Methods/Design: Comprehensive follow-up of CVRF and CVD with a psychiatric exam in all subjects who participated in the baseline cross-sectional CoLaus study (2003-2006) (n=6'738) which also included a comprehensive genetic assessment. The somatic investigation will include a shortened questionnaire on CVRF, CV events and new CVD since baseline and measurements of the same clinical and biological variables as at baseline. In addition, pro-inflammatory markers, persistent pain and sleep patterns and disorders will be assessed. In the case of a new CV event, detailed information will be abstracted from medical records. Similarly, data on the cause of death will be collected from the Swiss National Death Registry. The comprehensive psychiatric investigation of the CoLaus/PsyCoLaus study will use contemporary epidemiological methods including semi-structured diagnostic interviews, experienced clinical interviewers, standardized diagnostic criteria including threshold according to DSM-IV and sub-threshold syndromes and supplementary information on risk and protective factors for disorders. In addition, screening for objective cognitive impairment will be performed in participants older than 65 years.Discussion: The combined CoLaus/PsyCoLaus sample provides a unique opportunity to obtain prospective data on the interplay between CVRF/CVD and mental disorders, overcoming limitations of previous research by bringing together a comprehensive investigation of both CVRF and mental disorders as well as a large number of biological variables and a genome-wide genetic assessment in participants recruited from the general population.