905 resultados para Motor-rotor simplified model


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In this paper, we present the design and development details of a micro air vehicle (MAV) built around a quadrotor configuration. A survey of implemented MAVs suggests that a quadrotor design has several advantages over other configurations, especially in the context of swarm intelligence applications. Our design approach consists of three stages. However, the focus of this paper is restricted to the first stage that involves selection of crucial components such as motor-rotor pair, battery source, and structural material. The application of MAVs are broad-ranging, from reconnaissance to search and rescue, and have immense potential in the rapidly advancing field of swarm intelligence.


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Our work is motivated by geographical forwarding of sporadic alarm packets to a base station in a wireless sensor network (WSN), where the nodes are sleep-wake cycling periodically and asynchronously. We seek to develop local forwarding algorithms that can be tuned so as to tradeoff the end-to-end delay against a total cost, such as the hop count or total energy. Our approach is to solve, at each forwarding node enroute to the sink, the local forwarding problem of minimizing one-hop waiting delay subject to a lower bound constraint on a suitable reward offered by the next-hop relay; the constraint serves to tune the tradeoff. The reward metric used for the local problem is based on the end-to-end total cost objective (for instance, when the total cost is hop count, we choose to use the progress toward sink made by a relay as the reward). The forwarding node, to begin with, is uncertain about the number of relays, their wake-up times, and the reward values, but knows the probability distributions of these quantities. At each relay wake-up instant, when a relay reveals its reward value, the forwarding node's problem is to forward the packet or to wait for further relays to wake-up. In terms of the operations research literature, our work can be considered as a variant of the asset selling problem. We formulate our local forwarding problem as a partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP) and obtain inner and outer bounds for the optimal policy. Motivated by the computational complexity involved in the policies derived out of these bounds, we formulate an alternate simplified model, the optimal policy for which is a simple threshold rule. We provide simulation results to compare the performance of the inner and outer bound policies against the simple policy, and also against the optimal policy when the source knows the exact number of relays. Observing the good performance and the ease of implementation of the simple policy, we apply it to our motivating problem, i.e., local geographical routing of sporadic alarm packets in a large WSN. We compare the end-to-end performance (i.e., average total delay and average total cost) obtained by the simple policy, when used for local geographical forwarding, against that obtained by the globally optimal forwarding algorithm proposed by Kim et al. 1].


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The discovery of a Higgs boson with a mass of 126 GeV at the LHC when combined with the non-observation of new physics both in direct and indirect searches imposes strong constraints on supersymmetric models and in particular on the top squark sector. The experiments for direct detection of dark matter have provided with yet more constraints on the neutralino LSP mass and its interactions. After imposing limits from the Higgs, flavour and dark matter sectors, we examine the feasibility for a light stop in the context of the pMSSM, in light of current results for stop and other SUSY searches at the LHC. We only require that the neutralino dark matter explains a fraction of the cosmologically measured dark matter abundance. We find that a stop with mass below similar to 500 GeV is still allowed. We further study various probes of the light stop scenario that could be performed at the LHC Run-II either through direct searches for the light and heavy stop, or SUSY searches not currently available in simplified model results. Moreover we study the characteristics of heavy Higgs for the points in the parameter space allowed by all the available constraints and illustrate the region with large cross sections to fermionic or electroweakino channels. Finally we show that nearly all scenarios with a small stop-LSP mass difference will be tested by Xenon1T provided the NLSP is a chargino, thus probing a region hard to access at the LHC.


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In this paper, motivated by observations of non-exponential decay times in the stochastic binding and release of ligand-receptor systems, exemplified by the work of Rogers et al on optically trapped DNA-coated colloids (Rogers et al 2013 Soft Matter 9 6412), we explore the general problem of polymer-mediated surface adhesion using a simplified model of the phenomenon in which a single polymer molecule, fixed at one end, binds through a ligand at its opposite end to a flat surface a fixed distance L away and uniformly covered with receptor sites. Working within the Wilemski-Fixman approximation to diffusion-controlled reactions, we show that for a flexible Gaussian chain, the predicted distribution of times f(t) for which the ligand and receptor are bound is given, for times much shorter than the longest relaxation time of the polymer, by a power law of the form t(-1/4). We also show when the effects of chain stiffness are incorporated into this model (approximately), the structure of f(t) is altered to t(-1/2). These results broadly mirror the experimental trends in the work cited above.


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Diffuse optical tomography (DOT) using near-infrared light is a promising tool for non-invasive imaging of deep tissue. This technique is capable of quantitative reconstruction of absorption (mu(a)) and scattering coefficient (mu(s)) inhomogeneities in the tissue. The rationale for reconstructing the optical property map is that the absorption coefficient variation provides diagnostic information about metabolic and disease states of the tissue. The aim of DOT is to reconstruct the internal tissue cross section with good spatial resolution and contrast from noisy measurements non-invasively. We develop a region-of-interest scanning system based on DOT principles. Modulated light is injected into the phantom/tissue through one of the four light emitting diode sources. The light traversing through the tissue gets partially absorbed and scattered multiple times. The intensity and phase of the exiting light are measured using a set of photodetectors. The light transport through a tissue is diffusive in nature and is modeled using radiative transfer equation. However, a simplified model based on diffusion equation (DE) can be used if the system satisfies following conditions: (a) the optical parameter of the inhomogeneity is close to the optical property of the background, and (b) mu(s) of the medium is much greater than mu(a) (mu(s) >> mu(a)). The light transport through a highly scattering tissue satisfies both of these conditions. A discrete version of DE based on finite element method is used for solving the inverse problem. The depth of probing light inside the tissue depends on the wavelength of light, absorption, and scattering coefficients of the medium and the separation between the source and detector locations. Extensive simulation studies have been carried out and the results are validated using two sets of experimental measurements. The utility of the system can be further improved by using multiple wavelength light sources. In such a scheme, the spectroscopic variation of absorption coefficient in the tissue can be used to arrive at the oxygenation changes in the tissue. (C) 2016 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Pressure wave refrigerators (PWR) refrigerate the gas through periodical expansion waves. Due to its simple structure and robustness, PWR may have many potential applications if the efficiency becomes competitive with existing alternative devices. In order to improve the efficiency, the characteristics of wave propagation in a PWR are studied by experiment, numerical simulation and theoretical analysis. Based on the experimental results and numerical simulation, a simplified model is suggested, which includes the assumptions of flux-equilibrium and conservation of the free energy. This allows the independent analysis of the operation parameters and design specifics. Furthermore, the optimum operation condition can be deduced. Some considerations to improve the PWR efficiency are also given.


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Resumen: La dificultad con las redes radica en que, al ser de uso colectivo, generan conflictos sobre sus derechos de propiedad y obligaciones de pago. Por eso, existe una controversia sobre el más eficiente modo para su provisión, que se extiende desde el laissez faire hasta la dictadura. En el camino, se puede detener en algún tipo de consenso, basado en el diseño de mecanismos, adecuado para hacer revelar sus preferencias a los participantes. El proceso implica un intercambio de derechos entre los agentes para arribar a la asignación definitiva. Si, mediante una subasta, se obliga a los participantes a realizar ofertas de intercambio de derechos, los costos de transacción se reducen y la fluidez no puede sino ser mayor. Y ante una mayor fluidez en el intercambio, siempre será posible alcanzar una asignación más eficiente de esos derechos de propiedad. Para mostrar la conveniencia de esta alternativa, en este trabajo se presenta un modelo simplificado de diseño de mecanismos en donde se analiza la eficiencia asignativa de la regla propuesta.


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This paper presents a general self-consistent theory of evolution and propagation of wavelets on the galactic disk. A simplified model for this theory, i. e. the thin transition-layer approximation is proposed.There are three types of solutions to the basic equation governing the evolution of wavelets on the disk: (ⅰ) normal propagating type; (ⅱ) swing type; (ⅲ) general evolving type. The results show that the first two types are applicable to a certain domain on the galactic disk and a certain region of the wave number of wavelets. The third is needed to join the other two types and to yield a coherent total picture of the wave motion. From the present theory, it can be seen that the well-known "swing theory" of the G-L sheet model holds only for a certain class of basic states of galaxies.


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This paper deals with in detail the permanence of the spiral structure of galaxies andthe characters of waser mechanism. A simplified model of galaxy is adopted. Variousdynamical characters of density waves are studied using numerical calculation method. Theresults verify very well the switch character f waser and the tunnel effect of density wavesat the potential barrier of corotation circle as is shown in a previous work of the author.


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Pressure wave refrigerators (PWR) refrigerate the gas through periodical expansion waves. Due to its simple structure and robustness, PWR may have many potential applications if the efficiency becomes competitive with existing alternative devices. In order to improve the efficiency, the characteristics of wave propagation in a PWR are studied by experiment, numerical simulation and theoretical analysis. Based on the experimental results and numerical simulation, a simplified model is suggested, which includes the assumptions of flux-equilibrium and conservation of the free energy. This allows the independent analysis of the operation parameters and design specifics. Furthermore, the optimum operation condition can be deduced. Some considerations to improve the PWR efficiency are also given.


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The effect of the laser spot size on the neutron yield of table-top nuclear fusion from explosions of a femtosecond intense laser pulse heated deuterium clusters is investigated by using a simplified model, in which the cluster size distribution and the energy attenuation of the laser as it propagates through the cluster jet are taken into account. It has been found that there exists a proper laser spot size for the maximum fusion neutron yield for a given laser pulse and a specific deuterium gas cluster jet. The proper spot size, which is dependent on the laser parameters and the cluster jet parameters, has been calculated and compared with the available experimental data. A reasonable agreement between the calculated results and the published experimental results is found.


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Our understanding of the structure and evolution of the deep Earth is strongly linked to knowledge of the thermodynamic properties of rocky materials at extreme temperatures and pressures. In this thesis, I present work that helps constrain the equation of state properties of iron-bearing Mg-silicate perovskite as well as oxide-silicate melts. I use a mixture of experimental, statistical, and theoretical techniques to obtain knowledge about these phases. These include laser-heated diamond anvil cell experiments, Bayesian statistical analysis of powder diffraction data, and the development of a new simplified model for understanding oxide and silicate melts at mantle conditions. By shedding light on the thermodynamic properties of such ubiquitous Earth-forming materials, I hope to aid our community’s progress toward understanding the large-scale processes operating in the Earth’s mantle, both in the modern day and early in Earth’s history.


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The dependence of the maximum and average energies of protons, which were produced in the interaction of an intense laser pulse (similar to 1 x 10(16) W cm(-2), 65 fs) with hydrogen clusters in a gas jet backed up to 80 bar at liquid nitrogen temperature (similar to 80 K), on the backing pressure has been studied. The general trend of the proton energy dependence on the square of the average cluster radius, which is determined by a calibrated Rayleigh scattering measurement, is similar to that described by theory under the single size approximation. Calculations are made to fit the experimental results under a simplified model by taking into account both a log-normal cluster size distribution and the laser intensity attenuation in the interaction volume. A very good agreement between the experimental proton energy spectra and the calculations is obtained in the high- energy part of the proton energy distributions, but a discrepancy of the fits is revealed in the low-energy part at higher backing pressures which are associated with denser flows. A possible mechanism which would be responsible for this discrepancy is discussed. Finally, from the fits, a variation of the cluster size distributions was revealed to be dependent on the gas backing pressure as well as on the evolving time of the gas flow of clusters.


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[ES]El Trabajo de Fin de Grado que se presenta tiene por objeto la contribución a un proyecto de investigación mediante el análisis y diseño de una mesa de posicionamiento basada en flexión para un mecanismo de nanoposicionamiento XY. Dicho proyecto se integra dentro de una línea de investigación promovida por la Universidad del País Vasco y el grupo empresarial EGILE CORPORATION XXI, especializado en la fabricación de componentes y mecanizados de alta precisión. Consiste en rediseñar la mesa de un mecanismo de nanoposicionamiento. Para ello se parte de un diseño actual y mediante la modificación de su geometría, se pretende obtener unas mejores prestaciones en cuanto a precisión, facilidad de predicción del comportamiento y amplitud del movimiento. Las tareas a llevar a cabo serán las siguientes: obtención de un modelo simplificado de la mesa, convirtiendo las juntas flexibles reales en juntas tradicionales con una cierta rigidez torsional; definición de la geometría en base a los requisitos fijados, tanto de amplitud como de precisión; y verificación del diseño elegido, mediante el cálculo por MEF del rango de movimiento y precisión del mismo, frecuencias naturales y relación entre la fuerza aplicada y el movimiento obtenido.


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El trabajo analiza los precios de la electricidad del mercado diario español. En el mismo se realiza un estudio del mercado eléctrico español y sus componentes junto con un análisis de los cambios regulatorios más significativos durante el periodo muestral. A partir de allí, se analiza la muestra a través de los estadísticos descriptivos principales. Luego se presenta un modelo general que es analizado a partir de los resultados empíricos principales obtenidos con su estimación. Finalmente, se realizan ajustes al mismo para obtener un modelo simplificado que se ajuste mejor a lo que se quiere conseguir, que es analizar la evolución de los precios de la electricidad. Los resultados del ajuste arrojan que los precios horarios dependen en su mayor parte de los precios de las horas anteriores. También que el modelo recoge muy bien la estacionalidad mensual y horaria que presenta la muestra. Por otro lado, características de la serie de precios como son la volatilidad y los saltos no quedan bien recogidos por el modelo, lo que lleva a plantearse la búsqueda de modelos alternativos.