970 resultados para Monoclonal Antibody
Immunohistochemical screening for monoclonal antibodies prepared by immunization of mice with a rat osteoblastic cell population led to identification of one antibody that reacted against a small population of cells present in the soft connective tissue compartment of 21 days fetal rat calvaria. The morphology of the cells and the immunohistochemical staining characteristics (a distinct intracellular granular pattern) suggested that the antibody might be reacting specifically against mast cells. We used combined histochemistry and immunohistochemistry to further characterize this antibody, designated RCJ102. Cryosections containing calvaria bone, soft connective tissues and skin were prepared from the top of the head of 21 days fetal rats, and from adult rats cryosections of lung, muscle, adipose tissue and small intestine were prepared. Some sections were labelled by indirect immunofluorescence with RCJ102; corresponding sections were labelled histochemically with toluidine blue. There was a direct correspondence between mast cells identified histochemically and cells labelling with RCJ102 in all tissues except intestine, in which the mast cell detectable by histochemistry were not labelled by RCJ102. These results suggest that the RCJ102 antibody will be a valuable new reagent for further elucidation of the heterogeneity described between connective tissue and intestinal mucosal mast cells.
Introduction: Ovarian adenocarcinoma is frequently detected at the late stage, when therapy efficacy is limited and death occurs in up to 50% of the cases. A potential novel treatment for this disease is a monoclonal antibody that recognizes phosphate transporter sodium-dependent phosphate transporter protein 2b (NaPi2b). Materials and Methods: To better understand the expression of this protein in different histologic types of ovarian carcinomas, we immunostained 50 tumor samples with anti-NaPi2b monoclonal antibody MX35 and, in parallel, we assessed the expression of the gene encoding NaPi2b (SCL34A2) by in silico analysis of microarray data. Results: Both approaches detected higher expression of NaPi2b (SCL34A2) in ovarian carcinoma than in normal tissue. Moreover, a comprehensive analysis indicates that SCL34A2 is the only gene of the several phosphate transporters genes whose expression differentiates normal from carcinoma samples, suggesting it might exert a major role in ovarian carcinomas. Immunohistochemical and mRNA expression data have also shown that 2 histologic subtypes of ovarian carcinoma express particularly high levels of NaPi2b: serous and clear cell adenocarcinomas. Serous adenocarcinomas are the most frequent, contrasting with clear cell carcinomas, rare, and with worse prognosis. Conclusion: This identification of subgroups of patients expressing NaPi2b may be important in selecting cohorts who most likely should be included in future clinical trials, as a recently generated humanized version of MX35 has been developed.
In Brazil, the species Tityus serrulatus is responsible for the most severe cases of scorpion envenomation. There is currently a need for new scorpion anti-venoms that are more effective and less harmful. This study attempted to produce human monoclonal antibodies capable of inhibiting the activity of T. serrulatus venom (TsV), using the Griffin.1 library of human single-chain fragment-variable (scFv) phage antibodies. Four rounds of phage antibody selection were performed, and the round with the highest phage antibody titer was chosen for the production of monoclonal phage antibodies and for further analysis. The scFv 2A, designated serrumab, was selected for the production and purification of soluble antibody fragments. In a murine peritoneal macrophage cell line (J774.1), in vitro assays of the cytokines interleukin (IL)-6, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha, and IL-10 were performed. In male BALB/c mice, in vivo assays of plasma urea, creatinine, aspartate transaminase, and glucose were performed, as well as of neutrophil recruitment and leukocyte counts. It was found that serrumab inhibited the TsV-induced increases in the production of IL-6, TNF alpha, and IL-10 in J774.1 cells. The in vivo inhibition assay showed that serrumab also prevented TsV-induced increases in the plasma levels of urea, creatinine, aspartate transaminase, and glucose, as well as preventing the TsV-induced increase in neutrophil recruitment. The results indicate that the human monoclonal antibody serrumab is a candidate for inclusion in a mixture of specific antibodies to the various toxins present in TsV. Therefore, serrumab shows promise for use in the production of new anti-venom.
Die Nuklearmedizin ist ein modernes und effektives Werkzeug zur Erkennung und Behandlung von onkologischen Erkrankungen. Molekulare Bildgebung, die auf dem Einsatz von Radiopharmaka basiert, beinhaltet die Einzel-Photonen-Emissions-Tomographie (SPECT) und Positronenemissions¬tomographie (PET) und ermöglicht die nicht-invasive Visualisierung von Tumoren auf nano-und picomolarer Ebene.rnDerzeit werden viele neue Tracer für die genauere Lokalisierung von kleinen Tumoren und Metastasen eingeführt und hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung untersucht. Die meisten von ihnen sind Protein-basierte Biomoleküle, die die Natur selbst als Antigene für die Tumorzellen produziert. Dabei spielen Antikörper und Antikörper-Fragmente eine wichtige Rolle in der Tumor-Diagnostik und Behandlung. Die PET-Bildgebung mit Antikörpern und Antikörperfragmenten bezeichnet man als immuno-PET. Ein wichtiger Aspekt hierbei ist, dass entsprechende Radiopharmaka benötigt werden, deren Halbwertszeit mit der Halbwertszeit der Biomoleküle korreliert ist.rnIn neueren Arbeiten wird 90Nb als potenzieller Kandidat für die Anwendung in der immuno-PET vorgeschlagen. Seine Halbwertszeit von 14,6 Stunden ist geeignet für die Anwendung mit Antikörperfragmenten und einige intakten Antikörpern. 90Nb hat eine relativ hohen Anteil an Positronenemission von 53% und eine optimale Energie für die β+-Emission von 0,35 MeV, die sowohl eine hohe Qualität der Bildgebung als auch eine niedrige Aktivitätsmenge des Radionuklids ermöglicht.rnErsten grundlegende Untersuchungen zeigten: i) dass 90Nb in ausreichender Menge und Reinheit durch Protonen-Bombardierung des natürlichen Zirkonium Targets produziert, ii) aus dem Targetmaterial in entsprechender radiochemischer Reinheit isoliert und iii) zur Markierung des monoklonalen Antikörpers (Rituximab) verwendet werden kann und iv) dieser 90Nb-markierte mAb eine hohe in vitro Stabilität besitzt. Desweiteren wurde eine alternative und schnelle Abtrennungsmethode entwickelt, die es erlaubt 90Nb, mit einer geeigneten radiochemischen und radionuklidischen Reinheit für eine anschließende Markierung von Biomolekülen in einer Stunde zu aufzureinigen. Schließlich wurden erstmals 90Nb-markierte Biomolekülen in vivo untersucht. Desweiteren wurden auch Experimente durchgeführt, um den optimalen bifunktionellen Chelatbildner (BFC) für 90Niob zu finden. Mehrere BFC wurden hinsichtlich Komplexbildung mit NbV untersucht. Desferrioxamin (Df) erwies sich als geeignetster Chelator für 90Nb. Der monoklonale Antikörper Bevacizumab (Avastin®) wurde mit 90Nb markiert und eine Biodistributionsstudie und eine PET-Untersuchung durchgeführt. Alle diese Ergebnisse zeigten, dass 90Nb ein vielversprechendes Radionuklid für die Immuno-PET ist, welches sogar für weitere kommerzielle Anwendungen in der klinischen Routine geeignet zu sein scheint.rn
High overexpression of somatostatin receptors in neuroendocrine tumors allows imaging and radiotherapy with radiolabeled somatostatin analogues. To ascertain whether a tumor is suitable for in vivo somatostatin receptor targeting, its somatostatin receptor expression has to be determined. There are specific indications for use of immunohistochemistry for the somatostatin receptor subtype 2A, but this has up to now been limited by the lack of an adequate reliable antibody. The aim of this study was to correlate immunohistochemistry using the new monoclonal anti-somatostatin receptor subtype 2A antibody UMB-1 with the gold standard in vitro method quantifying somatostatin receptor levels in tumor tissues. A UMB-1 immunohistochemistry protocol was developed, and tumoral UMB-1 staining levels were compared with somatostatin receptor binding site levels quantified with in vitro I-[Tyr]-octreotide autoradiography in 89 tumors. This allowed defining an immunohistochemical staining threshold permitting to distinguish tumors with somatostatin receptor levels high enough for clinical applications from those with low receptor expression. The presence of >10% positive tumor cells correctly predicted high receptor levels in 95% of cases. In contrast, absence of UMB-1 staining truly reflected low or undetectable somatostatin receptor expression in 96% of tumors. If 1% to 10% of tumor cells were stained, a weak staining intensity was suggestive of low somatostatin receptor levels. This study allows for the first time a reliable recommendation for eligibility of an individual patient for in vivo somatostatin receptor targeting based on somatostatin receptor immunohistochemistry. Under optimal methodological conditions, UMB-1 immunohistochemistry may be equivalent to in vitro receptor autoradiography.
Monoclonal antibodies (mabs) were generated against whole sonicated Neospora caninum tachyzoites as immunogen. Initial ELISA screening of the reactivity of hybridoma culture supernatants using the same antigen and antigen treated with sodium periodate prior to antibody binding resulted in the identification of 8 supernatants with reactivity against putative carbohydrate epitopes. Following immunoblotting, mab6D12 (IgG1), binding a 52/48-kDa doublet, and mab6C6 (IgM), binding a 190/180-kDa doublet, were selected for further studies. Immunofluorescence of tachyzoite-infected cultures localized the corresponding epitopes not to the surface, but to interior epitopes at the apical part of N. caninum tachyzoites. During in vitro tachyzoite to bradyzoite stage conversion, mab6C6 labeling translocated toward the cyst periphery, while for mab6D12 no changes in localization were noted. Upon extraction of tachyzoites with the nonionic detergent Triton-X-100, the 52-kDa band recognized by mab6D12 was present exclusively in the insoluble, cytoskeletal fraction of both N. caninum and Toxoplasma gondii tachyzoites. Tandem mass spectrometry analysis identified this protein as N. caninum beta tubulin. The 48-kDa band labeled by mab6D12 was a Vero cell protein contamination. The protein(s) reacting with mab6C6 could not be conclusively identified by mass spectrometry. Immunofluorescence consistently failed to label T. gondii tachyzoites, indicating that beta tubulin in T. gondii and N. caninum could be differentially modified or that the reactive epitope in T. gondii is masked. Immunogold TEM of isolated apical cytoskeletal preparations and dual immunofluorescence with antibody to tubulin confirmed that mab6D12 binds to the anterior part of apical complex-associated microtubules. The sodium periodate sensitivity of the beta tubulin associated epitope was confirmed by immunoblotting and ELISA, and treatment of N. caninum cytoskeletal proteins with sialidase prior to mab6D12 labeling resulted in a profound loss of antibody binding, suggesting that mab6D12 reacts with sialylated beta tubulin.
Zymosan-induced peritonitis is associated with an increased production of reactive nitrogen oxides that may contribute to the often-observed failure of multiple organ systems in this model of acute inflammation. Quantitative biochemical evidence is provided for a marked 13-fold increase in protein-bound 3-nitrotyrosine (NTyr), a biomarker of reactive nitrogen oxides, in liver tissue of zymosan-treated rats. In order to investigate the localization of NTyr in this affected tissue, a monoclonal antibody, designated 39B6, was raised against 3-(4-hydroxy-3-nitrophenylacetamido) propionic acid-bovine serum albumin conjugate and its performance characterized. 39B6 was judged by competition ELISA to be approximately 2 orders of magnitude more sensitive than a commercial anti-NTyr monoclonal antibody. Binding characteristics of 39B6 were similar, but not identical, to that of a commercial affinity-purified polyclonal antibody in ELISA and immunohistochemical analyses. Western blot experiments revealed high specificity of 39B6 against NTyr and increased immunoreactivity of specific proteins from liver tissue homogenates of zymosan-treated rats. Immunohistochemical analysis of liver sections indicated a marked zymosan-induced increase in immunofluorescent staining, which was particularly intense in or adjacent to nonparenchymal cells, but not in the parenchymal cells of this tissue. Quantitative analysis of fractions enriched in these cell populations corroborated the immunofluorescent data, although the relative amounts detected in response to zymosan treatment was greatly reduced compared to whole liver tissue. These results demonstrate the high specificity of the newly developed antibody and its usefulness in Western blot and immunohistochemical analysis for NTyr, confirm the presence of NTyr by complementary methods, and suggest the possible involvement of reactive nitrogen oxides in hepatic vascular dysfunction.
KBPA-101 is a human monoclonal antibody of the immunoglobulin M isotype, which is directed against the O-polysaccharide moiety of Pseudomonas aeruginosa serotype O11. This double-blind, dose escalation study evaluated the safety and pharmacokinetics of KBPA-101 in 32 healthy volunteers aged 19 to 46 years. Each subject received a single intravenous infusion of KBPA-101 at a dose of 0.1, 0.4, 1.2, or 4 mg/kg of body weight or placebo infused over 2 h. Plasma samples for pharmacokinetic assessments were taken before infusion as well as 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 2.5, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24, 36, and 48 h and 4, 7, 10, and 14 days after start of dosing. Plasma concentrations of KBPA-101 were detected with mean maximum concentrations of drug in plasma of 1,877, 7,571, 24,923, and 83,197 ng/ml following doses of 0.1, 0.4, 1.2, and 4.0 mg/kg body weight, respectively. The mean elimination half-life was between 70 and 95 h. The mean volume of distribution was between 4.76 and 5.47 liters. Clearance ranged between 0.039 and 0.120 liters/h. At the highest dose of 4.0 mg/kg, plasma KBPA-101 levels were greater than 5,000 ng/ml for 14 days. KBPA-101 exhibited linear kinetics across all doses. No anti-KBPA-101 antibodies were detected after dosing in any subject. Overall, the human monoclonal antibody KBPA-101 was well tolerated over the entire dose range in healthy volunteers, and no serious adverse events have been reported.
Human colon cancer cells, LS180 and 174T, exhibit monoclonal antibody (mAb) 1083-17-1A and 5E113 defined tumor associated antigens. By radioimmunoassay, LS180 cells expressed the highest amount of mAb1083 defined antigens among the cell lines tested. Another mAb, 5E113, competed with mAb1083 for binding to LS180 cells, suggesting that both mAbs might bind onto identical (or adjacent) epitopes. By Scatchard analysis, about one million copies of the epitopes were present on LS180 colon cancer cells. The affinity of mAb1083 binding to the cells was 2.97 x 10('10) M('-1); the Sipsian heteroclonality value of mAb1083 was 0.9, thus approximating a single clone of reactive antibody. The qualitative studies showed that the epitopes were probably not carbohydrate because of their sensitivity to proteinases and not to mixed glucosidases and neuraminidase. The tunicamycin homologue B(,2) inhibited the incoporation of ('3)H-labeled galactose but not uptake of ('35)S-labeled methionine, nor expression of monoclonal antibody defined antigens providing further evidence to exclude the possibility of carbohydrate epitopes. There was evidence that the epitope might be partially masked in its "native" conformation, since short exposure or low dose treatment with proteases increased mAbs binding. The best detergent for antigen extraction, as detected by dot blotting and competitive inhibition assays, was octylglucoside at 30 mM concentration. Three methods, immunoprecipitation, Western blotting and photoaffinity labeling, were used to determine the molecular nature of the antigens. These results demonstrated that the antibody bound both 43 K daltons (KD) and 22 KD proteins.^ An in vitro cell-mediated immune approach was also used to attempt identifying function for the antigens. The strategy was to use mAbs to block cytotoxic effector cell killing. However, instead of blocking, the mAb1083 and 5E113 showed strong antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicities (ADCCs) in the in vitro xenoimmune assay system. In addition, cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs), natural killer cells, and K cell activity were found. Since even the F(ab')2 fragment of mAbs did not inhibit the cytolytic effect, the mAbs defined antigens may not be major target molecules for CTLs. In summary, two molecular species of tumor antigen(s) were identified by mAbs to be present on colon tumor cell lines, LS180 and LS174T. (Abstract shortened with permission of author.) ^
By the use of Moloney murine sarcoma virus (Mo-MSV)-induced rat bone tumor (RBT) cells as immunogens, and the hybridoma technique, a mouse hybridoma clone was isolated in Dr. Chan's lab (Chan et al., 1983), which produced a monoclonal antibody, designated MC. MC detected specific antigens in three different Mo-MSV-transformed rat cell lines: 78A1 WRC, RBT and 6M2 (NRK cells infected with the ts110 mutant of Mo-MSV), but not in their untransformed counterparts. These antigens are tentatively termed transformation associated proteins (TAP). In this study, TAP were hypothesized to be the rat specific proteins which are activated by Mo-MSV and play an important role in cellular transformation, and were further investigated. Their properties are summarized as follows: (1) TAP may represent cellular products localized in the cytoplasm of 6M2 cells. (2) The expression of TAP is temperature-sensitive and related to cellular transformation, and probably activated by the v-mos gene products. The optimal temperature for the expression of both P85('gag-mos), the only known viral transforming protein in 6M2 cells, and TAP was 28(DEGREES)C. The expression of both P85('gag-mos) and TAP was proportional to the degree of transformation of 6M2 cells. (3) There were four antigenically-related forms of intracellular TAP (P66, P63, P60 and P58) in 6M2 cells. After synthesis, the 58Kd TAP was probably converted to one of the other three forms. These three polypeptides (P66, P63 and P60) were rapidly converted to two (P68 and P64) and subsequently secreted to the extracellular medium with a 50% secretion rate of 78 min. The conversion of these molecular sizes of TAP is probably related to glycosylation. Inhibition of TAP glycosylation by 0.5 ug/ml of tunicamycin could retard the secretion rate of TAP by 39%. (4) TAP are phosphoproteins, but not associated with any protein kinase activity. (5) TAP have been purified, and found to be mitogenic NRK-2 cells. TAP can bind to the receptors of NRK-2 cells with a K(,d) of 1.4 pM and with about 2 x 10('5) binding sites for TAP per NRK-2 cell. (6) Some weak proteolytic activity was found to associate with purified TAP. ^
Context: Despite tremendous strides in HIV treatment over the past decade, resistance remains a major problem. A growing number of patients develop resistance and require new therapies to suppress viral replication. ^ Objective: To assess the safety of multiple administrations of the anti-CD4 receptor (anti-CD4) monoclonal antibody ibalizumab given as intravenous (IV) infusions, in three dosage regimens, in subjects infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1). ^ Design: Phase 1, multi-center, open-label, randomized clinical trial comparing the safety, pharmacokinetics and antiviral activity of three dosages of ibalizumab. ^ Setting: Six clinical trial sites in the United States. ^ Participants: A total of twenty-two HIV-positive patients on no anti-retroviral therapy or a stable failing regimen. ^ Intervention: Randomized to one of two treatment groups in Arms A and B followed by non-randomized enrollment in Arm C. Patients randomized to Arm A received 10 mg/kg of ibalizumab every 7 days, for a total of 10 doses; patients randomized to Arm B received a total of six doses of ibalizumab; a single loading dose of 10 mg/kg on Day 1 followed by five maintenance doses of 6 mg/kg every 14 days, starting at Week 1. Patients assigned to Arm C received 25 mg/kg of ibalizumab every 14 days for a total of 5 doses. All patients were followed for safety for an additional 7 to 8 weeks. ^ Main Outcome Measures: Clinical and laboratory assessments of safety and tolerability of multiple administrations of ibalizumab in HIV-infected patients. Secondary measures of efficacy include HIV-1 RNA (viral load) measurements. ^ Results: 21 patients were treatment-experienced and 1 was naïve to HIV therapy. Six patients were failing despite therapy and 15 were on no current HIV treatment. Mean baseline viral load (4.78 log 10; range 3.7-5.9) and CD4+ cell counts (332/μL; range 89-494) were similar across cohorts. Mean peak decreases in viral load from baseline of 0.99 log10(1.11 log10, and 0.96 log 10 occurred by Wk 2 in Cohorts A, B and C, respectively. Viral loads decreased by >1.0 log10 in 64%; 4 patients viral loads were suppressed to < 400 copies/mL. Viral loads returned towards baseline by Week 9 with reduced susceptibility to ibalizumab. CD4+ cell counts rose transiently and returned toward baseline. Maximum median elevations above BL in CD4+ cell counts for Cohorts A, B and C were +257, +198 and +103 cells/μL, respectively and occurred within 3 Wks in 16 of 22 subjects. The half-life of ibalizumab was 3-3.5 days and elimination was characteristic of capacity-limited kinetics. Administration of ibalizumab was well tolerated. Four serious adverse events were reported during the study. None of these events were related to study drug. Headache, nausea and cough were the most frequently reported treatment emergent adverse events and there were no laboratory abnormalities related to study drug. ^ Conclusions: Ibalizumab administered either weekly or bi-weekly was safe, well tolerated, and demonstrated antiviral activity. Further studies with ibalizumab in combination with standard antiretroviral treatments are warranted.^
Inflammatory destruction of insulin-producing β cells in the pancreatic islets is the hallmark of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, a spontaneous autoimmune disease of non-obese diabetic mice resembling human juvenile (type I) diabetes. Histochemical analysis of diabetic pancreata revealed that mononuclear cells infiltrating the islets and causing autoimmune insulitis, as well as local islet cells, express the CD44 receptor; hyaluronic acid, the principal ligand of CD44, is detected in the islet periphery and islet endothelium. Injection of anti-CD44 mAb 1 hr before cell transfer of diabetogenic splenocytes and subsequently on alternate days for 4 weeks induced considerable resistance to diabetes in recipient mice, reflected by reduced insulitis. Contact sensitivity to oxazolone was not influenced by this treatment. A similar antidiabetic effect was observed even when the anti-CD44 mAb administration was initiated at the time of disease onset: i.e., 4–7 weeks after cell transfer. Administration of the enzyme hyaluronidase also induced appreciable resistance to insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, suggesting that the CD44–hyaluronic acid interaction is involved in the development of the disease. These findings demonstrate that CD44-positive inflammatory cells may be a potential therapeutic target in insulin-dependent diabetes.
New Zealand black x New Zealand white (NZB/W) F1 mice spontaneously develop an autoimmune syndrome with notable similarities to human systemic lupus erythematosus. Female NZB/WF1 mice produce high titers of antinuclear antibodies and invariably succumb to severe glomerulonephritis by 12 months of age. Although the development of the immune-complex nephritis is accompanied by abundant local and systemic complement activation, the role of proinflammatory complement components in disease progression has not been established. In this study we have examined the contribution of activated terminal complement proteins to the pathogenesis of the lupus-like autoimmune disease. Female NZB/W F1 mice were treated with a monoclonal antibody (mAb) specific for the C5 component of complement that blocks the cleavage of C5 and thus prevents the generation of the potent proinflammatory factors C5a and C5b-9. Continuous therapy with anti-C5 mAb for 6 months resulted in significant amelioration of the course of glomerulonephritis and in markedly increased survival. These findings demonstrate an important role for the terminal complement cascade in the progression of renal disease in NZB/W F1 mice, and suggest that mAb-mediated C5 inhibition may be a useful approach to the therapy of immune-complex glomerulonephritis in humans.
The tissue distribution of CD4 lymphocytes in normal C57/BL mice and CD4 knockout mice was determined by biodistribution measurements and gamma camera imaging with an 111In-labeled rat IgG2b monoclonal antibody directed against the murine CD-4 antigen. In normal mice high concentrations of antibody accumulated in the spleen and lymph nodes. At 45 hr after injection, the concentration of radiolabel in the spleen and lymph nodes of normal mice were 10- to 20-fold greater than in the corresponding tissue of the CD4 knockout mice and nonlymphoid tissues of both types of mice. At 24 and 45 hr, gamma camera images showed high concentrations of radiolabeled antibody in lymph node and spleen of normal but not knockout mice. These results indicate that radioimmunoscintigraphy with 111In-anti-CD4 is an excellent method for studying tissue distribution of CD lymphocytes in mice. Using an equivalent anti-human CD antibody, this method might be useful for studying the pathophysiology of conditions in which these cells play a critical role and for monitoring therapies for these disorders.