171 resultados para Mollusc


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Analyses of long-term time series of North Sea plankton and sea surface temperature (SST) data reveal that the annual planktonic larval abundance of three benthic phyla, Echinodermata, Arthropoda, and Mollusca, responds positively and immediately to SST. Long-term outcomes for the planktonic abundance of these three phyla are different, however. The planktonic larvae of echinoderms and decapod crustaceans have increased in abundance from 1958 to 2005, and especially since the mid-1980s, as North Sea SST has increased. In contrast, the abundance of bivalve mollusc larvae has declined, despite the positive year-to-year relationship between temperature and bivalve larval abundance continuing to hold. We argue that the changes in meroplankton abundance, coincident with increased phytoplankton and declining holoplankton, reflect the synchronous effect of rising SST and related changes in the pelagic community on the reproduction and recruitment of many benthic marine invertebrates. Under this scenario, the long-term decline in bivalve mollusc larvae will reflect increased predation on the settled larvae and adults by benthic decapods. These alterations in the zooplankton may therefore describe an ecosystem-wide restructuring of North Sea trophic interactions.


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Differences in shell morphology in the intertidal prosobranch mollusc Calliostoma zizyphinum were studied from a number of sites within four geographical reo ions of the British Isles with varying exposures to wave action and crab predation. Mean values of damage scarring were highest in shells sampled from Strangford Lough, Northern Ireland, and lowe;t in individuals from the Atlantic Coast. Shells collected front the Isle of Man were smaller than those from either the Atlantic coast of Ireland or Strangford Lough. Shells front Strangford Lough had taller shells (higher aspect ratio) than shells from the County Down and Atlantic Coast and shells from the County Down coast were more squat (lower aspect ratio) than those from all other areas. Shells from Strangford Lough were significantly thinner than shells from all other geographical areas. The relationships between shell damage scarring and shell size and tallness were not consistent among areas. Shells from Strangford Lough are notable in showing a steep, positive relationship between shell size and scarring and a steep, negative relationship between scarring and tallness. The unusual shell phenotypes observed in shells from Strangford 1,Lough may be explained by rapid shell growth, which would not only allow Calliostoma to attain a size refuge from crab predators but also to recover successfully from repeated crab attacks on the shell lip. Such a strategy would result in larger, thinner shells with a high number of damage scars.


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Anew species of fossil polyplacophoran from the Danian (Lower Palaeocene) of Denmark is described from over 450 individual disarticulated plates. The polyplacophorans originate from the 'nose-chalk' in the classical Danish locality of Fakse Quarry, an unconsolidated coral limestone in which aragonitic mollusc shells are preserved through transformation into calcite. In plate architecture and sculpture, the new Danish material is similar to Recent Leptochiton spp., but differs in its underdeveloped apophyses and high dorsal elevation (height/width ca. 0.54). Cladistic analysis of 55 original shell characters coded for more than loo Recent and fossil species in the order Lepiclopleurida shows very high resolution of interspecific relationships, but does not consistently recover traditional genera or subgenera. Inter-relationships within the suborder Lepidopleurina are of particular interest as it is often considered the most 'basal' neoloricate lineage. In a local context, the presence of chitons in the faunal assemblage of Fakse contributes evidence of shallow depositional depth for at least some elements of this Palaeocene seabed, a well-studied formation of azooxanthellic coral limestones. This new record for Denmark represents a well-dated and ecologically well-understood fossil chiton with potential value for understanding the radiation of the Neotoricata.


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This study investigated the taxonomy and distribution of the deep-sea polyplacophoran mollusc Nierstraszella Sirenko, 1992 in the Indo-West Pacific, based on a collection of 516 specimens collected in the Philippines and Solomon Islands. Although seven species names have historically been proposed in this group of chitons, all have been considered as synonyms of the monotypic N. lineata (Nierstrasz, 1905). Morphological examination of this new material reveals the presence of two species. N. lineata is distinct from N. andamanica (Smith, 1906), based on morphological characters given in the original species description and very distinctly different morphology of aesthete pores in the shell surface. Furthermore, populations of N. andamanica in the Philippines and Solomon Islands are locally colonized with the epibiotic (ectoparasitic) bryozoan Pseudobathyalozoon profundum d'Hondt, 2006. These bryozoans attach ventrally to the girdle of the host chiton and the erect zooids feed within the pallial cavity, among the chiton's gills.


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This paper discusses the marine and terrestrial shell on Epipalaeolithic to Classical-period sites in the Cyrenaican coastlands, northeast Libya, with particular reference to the Haua Fteah, with parallel studies at a late-Roman farmstead and two small caves. Together they provide evidence for coastal and terrestrial environments and for the continued nutritional importance of gastropods to humans during the Holocene. Land snail evidence is consistent with regional vegetation in coastal Cyrenaica becoming increasingly open through the Holocene, as a result of some combination of climate change and human impact. Marine species suggest that the coastline near the Haua had been rocky throughout the Holocene. At Hagfet al-Gama, changing faunas provide evidence for sand encroachment onto a previously rocky shoreline in Hellenistic times. A biometric study of Osilinus turbinatus shows that in the archaeological sites these shells are systematically smaller than modern specimens, providing evidence for long-term dietary stress in the human populations around the Haua Fteah, with particularly severe stress in parts of the Epipalaeolithic. A biometric study of Patella spp. provided evidence for size selection, but also seems to show evidence for resource pressure. It is unlikely that variations in resource pressure seen in the mollusc biometrics are the result of climatic stress or natural ecological factors and explanations must be sought in society-environment dynamics.


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Voltage-sensitive ionic currents were identified and characterised in ventricular myocytes of the bivalve mollusc, Mytilus edulis, using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique. Two outward currents could be distinguished. A potassium A current (I-A) activated at - 30 mV from a holding potential of - 60 mV. This transient current was inactivated by holding the cells at a potential of - 40 mV and was also blocked by applying 4-aminopyridine (3 mM) to the external bath solution. A second current was identified as a delayed rectifier (I-K). This also activated at - 30 mV but exhibited a sustained time course and was still activated at a holding potential of - 40 mV. Both outward currents were reduced in the presence of tetraethylammonium ions (30 mM). A small number of heart cells also showed an inward sodium current (I-Na). This current appeared at potentials more positive than - 50 mV, reached a maximum at - 20 mV, and decreased with further depolarisation. I-Na was inactivated at a holding potential of - 40 mV and was blocked by tetrodotoxin (1 mu M). A second inward current had a sustained time course and was not inactivated by holding the cell at a potential of -40 mV, and was also not abolished by tetrodotoxin. This current peaked at 0 mV, decreasing with further depolarisation. Furthermore, it was enhanced by the addition of barium ions (3 mM) to the bath and was blocked by external cobalt (2 mM) or nifedipine (15 mu M) These findings are consistent with this being an L-type calcium current (I-Ca) The possible physiological roles of these currents in M. edulis heart are discussed. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


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FMRFamide was isolated originally from neural-tissue extracts of a bivalve mollusc, since when either authentic FMRFamide or a series of structurally-related peptides have been isolated from representative arthropods, annelids and many additional molluscs. However, to date no information exists as to the definitive presence and primary structure of a FaRP in a free-living flatworm. Here, we report the isolation and primary structure of a FaRP from the free-living turbellarian, Artioposthia triangulata, a species from which NPF has been previously structurally-characterised. Unlike molluscs and insects, in which several FaRP a are expressed, only a single member of this family was detected in this turbellarian. The primary structure of this turbellarian FaRP was established as Arg-Tyr-Ile-Arg-Phe-NH2 (RYIRFamide) and the molecular mass as 752.7 Da. These data have established unequivocally that FaRPs occur in the nervous systems of the most phylogenetically-ancient invertebrates which display bilaterally-symmetrical neuronal plans and that authentic FMRFamide is probably not the original member of the family in molecular evolutionary terms.


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The marine topshell, Phorcus (Osilinus) turbinatus, is a common component of many archaeological sites in the Mediterranean. This species has been successfully used as a palaeoclimate proxy in Italy. To test whether d18O from P. turbinatus shells can serve as a reliable palaeoclimate archive for other regions of the Mediterranean, we collected live P. turbinatus from the northeast coast of Malta each month for a year. The d18OSHELL values of the outermost growth increments of these live-collected shells ranged between-0.4 and+2.4‰. These values correspond to growing temperatures calculated from shell edge d18O of between 15 °C and 27 °C. Calculated shell edge sea surface temperatures are highly correlated with instrumental records of sea surface temperature recorded over the period of collection. The individuals analysed for this study are smaller than P. turbinatus from populations studied elsewhere in the Mediterranean. Nonetheless, d18OSHELL provides a robust record of sea surface temperatures, suggesting that smaller/younger shells in archaeological deposits can still provide reliable palaeothermometry records. This study extends the upper growth limit P. turbinatus by 2 °C compared with the previous studies of P. turbinatus in the Mediterranean and suggests that, contrary to the previous studies, growth shutdown does not occur in all P. turbinatus when sea surface temperatures exceed 25 °C. This may reflect the higher sample resolution that can be obtained from smaller/faster growing shells, or it may reflect actual higher growth tolerances of P. turbinatus populations in Malta. By showing that P. turbinatus precipitate their shells in d18O equilibrium with surrounding sea water, this study reinforces the potential for the stable isotope chemistry of P. turbinatus shells preserved in Mediterranean archaeological sites to provide a window into the climate and seasonality regimes of the past.


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Published records, original data from recent field work on all of the islands of the Azores (NE Atlantic), and a revision of the entire mollusc collection deposited in the Department of Biology of the University of the Azores (DBUA) were used to compile a checklist of the shallow-water Polyplacophora of the Azores. Lepidochitona cf. canariensis and Tonicella rubra are reported for the first time for this archipelago, increasing the recorded Azorean fauna to seven species.


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Molluscs are a diverse animal phylum with a formidable fossil record. Although there is little doubt about the monophyly of the eight extant classes, relationships between these groups are controversial.We analysed a comprehensive multilocus molecular data set for molluscs, the first to include multiple species from all classes, including five monoplacophorans in both extant families. Our analyses of fivemarkers resolve two major clades: the first includes gastropods and bivalves sister to Serialia (monoplacophorans and chitons), and the second comprises scaphopods sister to aplacophorans and cephalopods. Traditional groupings such as Testaria, Aculifera, and Conchifera are rejected by our data with significant Approximately Unbiased (AU) test values. A new molecular clock indicates that molluscs had a terminal Precambrian origin with rapid divergence of all eight extant classes in the Cambrian. Therecovery of Serialia as a derived, Late Cambrian clade is potentially in line with the stratigraphic chronology of morphologically heterogeneous early mollusc fossils. Serialia is in conflict with traditional molluscan classifications and recent phylogenomic data. Yet our hypothesis, as others from molecular data, implies frequent molluscan shell and body transformations by heterochronic shifts in development and multiple convergent adaptations, leading to the variable shells and body plans in extant lineages.


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Mollusk shells are frequently radiocarbon dated and provide reliable calibrated age ranges when the regional marine reservoir correction is well-established. For mollusks from an estuarine environment the reservoir correction may be significantly different than the regional marine reservoir correction due to the input of bedrock or soil derived carbonates. Some mollusk species such as oysters are tolerant of a significant range of salinities which makes it difficult to determine which reservoir correction is appropriate. A case study is presented of an anomalous radiocarbon age for an oyster shell paint dish found in the fabric of the ruined nave walls of St Mary's Church, Shoreham-by-Sea, West Sussex, England. Stable isotopes (delta O-18 and delta C-13) were used to establish the type of environment in which the oyster had lived. Paired marine and terrestrial samples from a nearby medieval site were radiocarbon dated to provide an appropriate reservoir correction.


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The Jutland peninsula in northern Denmark is home to the Limfjord, one of the largest estuarine bodies of water in the region. Human inhabitance of the Limfjord’s surrounding coastlines stretches back further than 7,800 cal BP, with anthropogenic influence on the landscape beginning approximately 6,000 cal BP. Understanding how the Limfjord as a system has changed throughout time is useful in comprehending subsistence patterns and anthropogenic influence. This research is part of a larger project aimed at discerning subsistence patterns and environmental change in the region. Following the Younger Dryas, as the Fennoscandian ice sheet began to melt, Denmark experienced isostatic rebound, which contributed to the complex sea level history in the region. Between ice melt and isostatic rebound, the Jutland peninsula experienced many transgression and regression events. Connections to surrounding seas have shifted throughout time, with most attention focused on the western connection of the Limfjord with the North Sea, which has experienced numerous closures and subsequent re-openings throughout the Holocene. Furthermore, the Limfjord-North Sea connection has been the focal point of research because of the west to east water flow in the system, and the present day higher salinity in the west compared to the east. Little to no consideration has been paid to the influence of the Kattegat and Baltic on the Limfjord until now. A 10m sediment core was taken from Sebbersund (near Nibe, Limfjord), along the connection between the Limfjord and the Kattegat in the east to understand how the eastern part of the system has changed and differed from changes observed in the west. The Sebbersund sequence spans a majority of the Holocene, from 9600 cal BP to 1030 cal BP, determined via radiocarbon dating of terrestrial macrofossils and bulk sediment. Over this time period palaeoenvironmental conditions were reconstructed through the use of geochemical analyses (13C, 15N, C:N), physical sediment analyses, dinoflagellate cyst abundances and molluscan analyses. apart from two instances of low salinity, one at the top and one at the bottom of the core, the sequence has a strong marine signal for a majority of the Holocene. Radiocarbon dating of bulk sediment samples showed the presence of old carbon in the system, creating an age offset between 1,300 ± 200 and 2,800 ± 200 calibrated 14C years compared to the age-depth curve based on the terrestrial macrofossils. This finding, along with the strong marine influence in the system, discerned through geochemical data, dinoflagellate cyst and mollusc counts, is important for obtaining accurate radiocarbon ages in the region and stresses the importance of understanding both the marine and freshwater reservoir effects. The marine dominance in the eastern Limfjord differs from the west, which is characterized by a number of freshwater events when the North Sea connection was closed off during the Holocene. The eastern connection was open to the Kattegat throughout a large portion of the Holocene, with influx of open ocean water entering the system during periods of higher sea level.


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The freshwater mollusc Lymnaea stagnalis was utilized in this study to further the understanding of how network properties change as a result of associative learning, and to determine whether or not this plasticity is dependent on previous experience during development. The respiratory and neural correlates of operant conditioning were first determined in normally reared Lymnaea. The same procedure was then applied to differentially reared Lymnaea, that is, animals that had never experienced aerial respiration during their development. The aim was to determine whether these animals would demonstrate the same responses to the training paradigm. In normally reared animals, a behavioural reduction in aerial respiration was accompanied by numerous changes within the neural network. Specifically, I provide evidence of changes at the level of the respiratory central pattern generator and the motor output. In the differentially reared animals, there was little behavioural data to suggest learning and memory. There were, however, significant differences in the network parameters, similar to those observed in normally reared animals. This demonstrated an effect of operant conditioning on differentially reared animals. In this thesis, I have identified additional correlates of operant conditioning in normally reared animals and provide evidence of associative learning in differentially reared animals. I conclude plasticity is not dependent on previous experience, but is rather ontogenetically programmed within the neural network.


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Retinoic acid, a derivative of vitamin A, is known to play diverse roles in development and regeneration. Previous research in the mollusc Lymnaea stagnalis has shown that a gradient of all-trans retinoic acid attracts the growth cones of cultured neurons. The present study investigates the sub-cellular mechanisms within the growth cones of Lymnaea pedal A neurons which mediate the attractive response to a gradient of alltrans retinoic acid. In this study, the mechanism of growth cone turning is shown to be local, as neurites mechanically isolated from their cell body retain the capacity to turn towards an exogenous gradient of all-trans retinoic acid. The turning response is dependent on the initiation of protein synthesis and calcium influx, but does not appear to involve signaling through protein kinase C (PKC). The retinoid X receptor (RXR), which classically functions as a transcription factor, was also shown to be involved in the turning response, functioning locally through a non-genomic pathway. These data show, for the first time in any species, that all-trans retinoic acid's chemotropic action involves a local mechanism involving non-genomic signaling through the RXR. As retinoic acid is known to playa role in regeneration, understanding the mechanisms underlying retinoic acid signaling may lead to further advances in regenerative neuroscience.


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À partir des ovocytes de la palourde Spisula solidissima, un ADNc codant un récepteur nommé Spi-OAR a été cloné et séquencé. Une analyse de la séquence en acides aminés a indiqué que ce nouveau récepteur possède une forte similarité avec les récepteurs β-adrénergiques et les récepteurs à octopamine. En effet, il est étroitement lié à la classe des récepteurs à octopamine « β-adrénergique-like » couplés à une protéine Gs. L’ADNc de Spi-OAR a été introduit dans un vecteur d'expression (pCEP4) et un épitope reconnaissable par un anticorps commercial a été ajouté au segment N-terminal. Cette construction a été transfectée dans des cellules hôtes (HEK 293) et des études d’immunofluorescence ont montré une expression efficace du récepteur au niveau membranaire. Également, des mesures d'AMPc pour les cellules exprimant Spi-OAR ont révélé une augmentation de ce messager secondaire lors de l'ajout de l'octopamine, et dans une moindre mesure, la tyramine, tandis que la dopamine, la sérotonine et l'histamine n’ont engendré aucun effet. Une légère activité constitutive de ce récepteur dans les cellules hôtes a été observée. De plus, une analyse RT-PCR avec des oligonucléotides spécifiques a révélé l'ARNm de Spi-OAR non seulement dans les ovocytes, mais aussi dans les gonades, le cœur, les muscles adducteurs, les branchies et les ganglions suggérant que ce récepteur soit exprimé de façon ubiquitaire dans divers tissus et dans différents stades embryonnaires chez la palourde. En outre, des études avec des ovocytes isolés n'ont montré aucun effet de l’octopamine sur la réactivation méiotique. Des études éventuelles pourront finalement confirmer le rôle fonctionnel de Spi-OAR.