951 resultados para Modeling. Simulation


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Our generation of computational scientists is living in an exciting time: not only do we get to pioneer important algorithms and computations, we also get to set standards on how computational research should be conducted and published. From Euclid’s reasoning and Galileo’s experiments, it took hundreds of years for the theoretical and experimental branches of science to develop standards for publication and peer review. Computational science, rightly regarded as the third branch, can walk the same road much faster. The success and credibility of science are anchored in the willingness of scientists to expose their ideas and results to independent testing and replication by other scientists. This requires the complete and open exchange of data, procedures and materials. The idea of a “replication by other scientists” in reference to computations is more commonly known as “reproducible research”. In this context the journal “EAI Endorsed Transactions on Performance & Modeling, Simulation, Experimentation and Complex Systems” had the exciting and original idea to make the scientist able to submit simultaneously the article and the computation materials (software, data, etc..) which has been used to produce the contents of the article. The goal of this procedure is to allow the scientific community to verify the content of the paper, reproducing it in the platform independently from the OS chosen, confirm or invalidate it and especially allow its reuse to reproduce new results. This procedure is therefore not helpful if there is no minimum methodological support. In fact, the raw data sets and the software are difficult to exploit without the logic that guided their use or their production. This led us to think that in addition to the data sets and the software, an additional element must be provided: the workflow that relies all of them.


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This thesis presents a methodology for measuring thermal properties in situ, with a special focus on obtaining properties of layered stack-ups commonly used in armored vehicle components. The technique involves attaching a thermal source to the surface of a component, measuring the heat flux transferred between the source and the component, and measuring the surface temperature response. The material properties of the component can subsequently be determined from measurement of the transient heat flux and temperature response at the surface alone. Experiments involving multilayered specimens show that the surface temperature response to a sinusoidal heat flux forcing function is also sinusoidal. A frequency domain analysis shows that sinusoidal thermal excitation produces a gain and phase shift behavior typical of linear systems. Additionally, this analysis shows that the material properties of sub-surface layers affect the frequency response function at the surface of a particular stack-up. The methodology involves coupling a thermal simulation tool with an optimization algorithm to determine the material properties from temperature and heat flux measurement data. Use of a sinusoidal forcing function not only provides a mechanism to perform the frequency domain analysis described above, but sinusoids also have the practical benefit of reducing the need for instrumentation of the backside of the component. Heat losses can be minimized by alternately injecting and extracting heat on the front surface, as long as sufficiently high frequencies are used.


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Virtual reality (VR) techniques to understand and obtain conclusions of data in an easy way are being used by the scientific community. However, these techniques are not used frequently for analyzing large amounts of data in life sciences, particularly in genomics, due to the high complexity of data (curse of dimensionality). Nevertheless, new approaches that allow to bring out the real important data characteristics, arise the possibility of constructing VR spaces to visually understand the intrinsic nature of data. It is well known the benefits of representing high dimensional data in tridimensional spaces by means of dimensionality reduction and transformation techniques, complemented with a strong component of interaction methods. Thus, a novel framework, designed for helping to visualize and interact with data about diseases, is presented. In this paper, the framework is applied to the Van't Veer breast cancer dataset is used, while oncologists from La Paz Hospital (Madrid) are interacting with the obtained results. That is to say a first attempt to generate a visually tangible model of breast cancer disease in order to support the experience of oncologists is presented.


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Com o objetivo de aumentar o lucro de plantas químicas, a Otimização em Tempo Real (RTO) é uma ferramenta que busca determinar as condições ótimas operacionais do processo em estado estacionário, respeitando as restrições operacionais estabelecidas. Neste trabalho foi realizada a implementação prática de um ciclo RTO em um processo de destilação por recompressão de vapor (VRD), propileno-propano, da Refinaria de Paulínia (Petrobras S.A.), a partir de dados históricos da planta. Foram consideradas as principais etapas de um ciclo clássico de RTO: identificação de estado estacionário, reconciliação de dados, estimação de parâmetros e otimização econômica. Essa unidade foi modelada, simulada e otimizada em EMSO (Environment for Modeling, Simulation and Optimization), um simulador de processos orientado a equações desenvolvido no Brasil. Foram analisados e comparados dois métodos de identificação de estado estacionário, um baseado no teste estatístico F e outro baseado em wavelets. Ambos os métodos tiveram resultados semelhantes e mostraram-se capazes de identificar os estados estacionários de forma satisfatória, embora seja necessário o ajuste de parâmetros na sua implementação. Foram identificados alguns pontos estacionários para serem submetidos ao ciclo RTO e foi possível verificar a importância de partir de um estado estacionário para a continuidade do ciclo, já que essa é uma premissa do método. A partir dos pontos analisados, os resultados deste estudo mostram que o RTO é capaz de aumentar o ganho econômico entre 2,5-24%, dependendo das condições iniciais consideradas, o que pode representar ganhos de até 18 milhões de dólares por ano. Além disso, para essa unidade, verificou-se que o compressor é um equipamento limitante no aumento de ganho econômico do processo.


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Federal Highway Administration, Office of Traffic Management and IVHS, Washington, D.C.


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Federal Highway Administration, Office of Research and Development, Washington, D.C.


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Federal Highway Administration, Office of Research and Development, Washington, D.C.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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Federal Highway Administration, Office of Research and Development, Washington, D.C.


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Texas Department of Transportation, Austin


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Federal Highway Administration, Office of Research and Development, Washington, D.C.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.


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Federal Highway Administration, Office of Research and Development, Washington, D.C.


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National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Washington, D.C.