918 resultados para Mobile social computing


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This paper describes an end-user model for a domestic pervasive computing platform formed by regular home objects. The platform does not rely on pre-planned infrastructure; instead, it exploits objects that are already available in the home and exposes their joint sensing, actuating and computing capabilities to home automation applications. We advocate an incremental process of the platform formation and introduce tangible, object-like artifacts for representing important platform functions. One of those artifacts, the application pill, is a tiny object with a minimal user interface, used to carry the application, as well as to start and stop its execution and provide hints about its operational status. We also emphasize streamlining the user's interaction with the platform. The user engages any UI-capable object of his choice to configure applications, while applications issue notifications and alerts exploiting whichever available objects can be used for that purpose. Finally, the paper briefly describes an actual implementation of the presented end-user model. © (2010) by International Academy, Research, and Industry Association (IARIA).


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Employee collaboration and knowledge sharing is vital for manufacturing organisations wishing to be successful in an ever-changing global market place; Product Development (PD) teams, in particular, rely heavily on these activities to generate innovative designs and enhancements to existing product ranges. To this end, the purpose of this paper is to present the results of a validation study carried out during an Engineering Education Scheme project to confirm the benefits of using bespoke Web 2.0-based groupware to improve employee collaboration and knowledge sharing between dispersed PD teams. The results of a cross-sectional survey concluded that employees would welcome greater usage of social computing technologies. The study confirmed that groupware offers the potential to deliver a more effective collaborative and knowledge sharing environment with additional communication channels on offer. Furthermore, a series of recommended guidelines are presented to show how PD teams, operating in globally dispersed organisations, may use Web 2.0 tools to improve employee collaboration and knowledge sharing.


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The General Election for the 56th United Kingdom Parliament was held on 7 May 2015. Tweets related to UK politics, not only those with the specific hashtag ”#GE2015”, have been collected in the period between March 1 and May 31, 2015. The resulting dataset contains over 28 million tweets for a total of 118 GB in uncompressed format or 15 GB in compressed format. This study describes the method that was used to collect the tweets and presents some analysis, including a political sentiment index, and outlines interesting research directions on Big Social Data based on Twitter microblogging.


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The key nodes in network play the critical role in system recovery and survival. Many traditional key nodes selection algorithms utilize the characters of the physical topology to find the key nodes. But they can hardly succeed in the mobile ad hoc network due to the mobility nature of the network. In this paper we propose a social-aware Kcore selection algorithm to work in the Pocket Switched Network. The social view of the network suggests the social position of the mobile nodes can help to find the key nodes in the Pocket Switched Network. The S-Kcore selection algorithm is designed to exploit the nodes' social features to improve the performance in data communication. Experiments use the NS2 shows S-Kcore selection algorithm workable in the Pocket Switched Network. Furthermore, with the social behavior information, those key nodes are more suitable to represent and improve the whole network's performance.


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Now days, the online social networks (OSN) have gained considerable popularity. More and more people use OSN to share their interests and make friends, also the OSN helps users overcome the geographical barriers. With the development of OSN, there is an important problem users have to face that is trust evaluation. Before user makes friends with a stranger, the user need to consider the following issues: Can a stranger be trusted? How much the stranger can be trusted? How to measure the trust of a stranger? In this paper, we take two factors, Degree and Contact Interval into consideration, which produce a new trust evaluation model (T-OSN). T-OSN is aimed to solve how to evaluate the trust value of an OSN user, also which is more efficient, more reliable and easy to implement. Base on our research, this model can be used in wide range, such as online social network (OSN) trust evaluation, mobile network message forwarding, ad hoc wireless networking, routing message on Internet and peer-to-peer file sharing network. The T-OSN model has following obvious advantages compare to other trust evaluate methods. First of all, it is not base on features of traditional social network, such as, distance and shortest path. We choose the special features of OSN to build up the model, that is including numbers of friends(Degree) and contact frequency(Contact Interval). These species features makes our model more suitable to evaluate OSN users trust value. Second, the formulations of our model are quite simple but effective. That means, to calculate the result by using our formulations will not cost too much resources. Last but not least, our model is easy to implement for an OSN website, because of the features that we used in our model, such as numbers of friends and contact frequency are easy to obtain. To sum up, our model is using a few resources to obtain a valuable trust value that can help OSN users to solve an important security problem, we believe that will be big step - or development of OSN.


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Il presente documento si prefigge di affrontare lo sviluppo di un idea astratta e di descrivere accuratamente il processo che la trasforma in un prodotto finito. L'idea in questione si basa su un'applicazione Mobile per Android ed il conseguente progetto si articola su un portale di gestione di eventi (MiRambla) del quale l'app rappresenta una sua estensione. Tramite diversi step tra i quali descrizione del mondo social mobile, analisi, progettazione e sviluppo di affronterà tutto il lavoro che sta dietro alla creazione di quest'applicazione.


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L’obiettivo del progetto di tesi svolto è quello di realizzare un servizio di livello middleware dedicato ai dispositivi mobili che sia in grado di fornire il supporto per l’offloading di codice verso una infrastruttura cloud. In particolare il progetto si concentra sulla migrazione di codice verso macchine virtuali dedicate al singolo utente. Il sistema operativo delle VMs è lo stesso utilizzato dal device mobile. Come i precedenti lavori sul computation offloading, il progetto di tesi deve garantire migliori performance in termini di tempo di esecuzione e utilizzo della batteria del dispositivo. In particolare l’obiettivo più ampio è quello di adattare il principio di computation offloading a un contesto di sistemi distribuiti mobili, migliorando non solo le performance del singolo device, ma l’esecuzione stessa dell’applicazione distribuita. Questo viene fatto tramite una gestione dinamica delle decisioni di offloading basata, non solo, sullo stato del device, ma anche sulla volontà e/o sullo stato degli altri utenti appartenenti allo stesso gruppo. Per esempio, un primo utente potrebbe influenzare le decisioni degli altri membri del gruppo specificando una determinata richiesta, come alta qualità delle informazioni, risposta rapida o basata su altre informazioni di alto livello. Il sistema fornisce ai programmatori un semplice strumento di definizione per poter creare nuove policy personalizzate e, quindi, specificare nuove regole di offloading. Per rendere il progetto accessibile ad un più ampio numero di sviluppatori gli strumenti forniti sono semplici e non richiedono specifiche conoscenze sulla tecnologia. Il sistema è stato poi testato per verificare le sue performance in termini di mecchanismi di offloading semplici. Successivamente, esso è stato anche sottoposto a dei test per verificare che la selezione di differenti policy, definite dal programmatore, portasse realmente a una ottimizzazione del parametro designato.


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L'obiettivo principale di questa tesi è quello di approfondire il tema della comunicazione e sincronizzazione dati nel contesto di uno specifico caso di studio di sistema informatico a supporto del lavoro cooperativo per il soccorso in emergenza: a partire dai requisiti del caso applicativo, secondo cui agli operatori deve essere possibile utilizzare il sistema anche a fronte di disconnessioni dei propri dispositivi mobili, emerge infatti la necessità di un middleware a cui il livello applicativo demandi le funzionalità di sincronizzare le informazioni prodotte durante le operazioni, in modo da promuovere uno scambio di informazioni che migliori e supporti l'azione del singolo e conseguentemente del team. Quindi, dopo aver introdotto la tematica ed analizzato il caso di studio da affrontare, viene descritta l'esplorazione del panorama tecnologico volta alla ricerca di strumenti o approcci che possano mitigare la complessità nella realizzazione di questa funzionalità. Nel panorama tecnologico considerato, comprendente framework per servizi web, MOM e database, uno strumento di particolare interesse è stato individuato in CouchDB, un database NoSQL, grazie alle sue funzionalità di replica e sincronizzazione e alla presenza di una libreria per lo sviluppo su dispositivi mobili: su di esso è stata effettuata una breve fase di sperimentazione volta a saggiarne in maniera più concreta le potenzialità anche in relazione alla valutazione di fattibilità per il caso applicativo considerato.


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Abstract Mobile Edge Computing enables the deployment of services, applications, content storage and processing in close proximity to mobile end users. This highly distributed computing environment can be used to provide ultra-low latency, precise positional awareness and agile applications, which could significantly improve user experience. In order to achieve this, it is necessary to consider next-generation paradigms such as Information-Centric Networking and Cloud Computing, integrated with the upcoming 5th Generation networking access. A cohesive end-to-end architecture is proposed, fully exploiting Information-Centric Networking together with the Mobile Follow-Me Cloud approach, for enhancing the migration of content-caches located at the edge of cloudified mobile networks. The chosen content-relocation algorithm attains content-availability improvements of up to 500 when a mobile user performs a request and compared against other existing solutions. The performed evaluation considers a realistic core-network, with functional and non-functional measurements, including the deployment of the entire system, computation and allocation/migration of resources. The achieved results reveal that the proposed architecture is beneficial not only from the users’ perspective but also from the providers point-of-view, which may be able to optimize their resources and reach significant bandwidth savings.


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Questa tesi è incentrata sulla revisione del classico modello di infrastruttura Cloud. Le motivazioni sono da ricercare nelle condizioni operative reali della maggior parte dei dispositivi connessi alla rete attualmente. Si parla di ambiente ostile riferendosi a network popolate da molti dispositivi dalle limitate caratteristiche tecniche e spesso collegati con canali radio, molto più instabili delle connessioni cablate. Allo scenario va ad aggiungersi la necessità crescente di mobilità che limita ulteriormente i vantaggi derivanti dall'utilizzo dell’infrastruttura Cloud originale. La trattazione propone il modello Edge come estensione del Cloud. Esso ne amplia il ventaglio di utilizzo, favorendo aree di applicazione che stanno acquisendo maggiore influenza negli ultimi periodi e che richiedono una revisione delle vecchie infrastrutture Cloud, dettata dalle caratteristiche stringenti che necessitano per un'operatività soddisfacente.


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Mobile Cloud Computing promises to overcome the physical limitations of mobile devices by executing demanding mobile applications on cloud infrastructure. In practice, implementing this paradigm is difficult; network disconnection often occurs, bandwidth may be limited, and a large power draw is required from the battery, resulting in a poor user experience. This thesis presents a mobile cloud middleware solution, Context Aware Mobile Cloud Services (CAMCS), which provides cloudbased services to mobile devices, in a disconnected fashion. An integrated user experience is delivered by designing for anticipated network disconnection, and low data transfer requirements. CAMCS achieves this by means of the Cloud Personal Assistant (CPA); each user of CAMCS is assigned their own CPA, which can complete user-assigned tasks, received as descriptions from the mobile device, by using existing cloud services. Service execution is personalised to the user's situation with contextual data, and task execution results are stored with the CPA until the user can connect with his/her mobile device to obtain the results. Requirements for an integrated user experience are outlined, along with the design and implementation of CAMCS. The operation of CAMCS and CPAs with cloud-based services is presented, specifically in terms of service description, discovery, and task execution. The use of contextual awareness to personalise service discovery and service consumption to the user's situation is also presented. Resource management by CAMCS is also studied, and compared with existing solutions. Additional application models that can be provided by CAMCS are also presented. Evaluation is performed with CAMCS deployed on the Amazon EC2 cloud. The resource usage of the CAMCS Client, running on Android-based mobile devices, is also evaluated. A user study with volunteers using CAMCS on their own mobile devices is also presented. Results show that CAMCS meets the requirements outlined for an integrated user experience.


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The advances in low power micro-processors, wireless networks and embedded systems have raised the need to utilize the significant resources of mobile devices. These devices for example, smart phones, tablets, laptops, wearables, and sensors are gaining enormous processing power, storage capacity and wireless bandwidth. In addition, the advancement in wireless mobile technology has created a new communication paradigm via which a wireless network can be created without any priori infrastructure called mobile ad hoc network (MANET). While progress is being made towards improving the efficiencies of mobile devices and reliability of wireless mobile networks, the mobile technology is continuously facing the challenges of un-predictable disconnections, dynamic mobility and the heterogeneity of routing protocols. Hence, the traditional wired, wireless routing protocols are not suitable for MANET due to its unique dynamic ad hoc nature. Due to the reason, the research community has developed and is busy developing protocols for routing in MANET to cope with the challenges of MANET. However, there are no single generic ad hoc routing protocols available so far, which can address all the basic challenges of MANET as mentioned before. Thus this diverse range of ever growing routing protocols has created barriers for mobile nodes of different MANET taxonomies to intercommunicate and hence wasting a huge amount of valuable resources. To provide interaction between heterogeneous MANETs, the routing protocols require conversion of packets, meta-model and their behavioural capabilities. Here, the fundamental challenge is to understand the packet level message format, meta-model and behaviour of different routing protocols, which are significantly different for different MANET Taxonomies. To overcome the above mentioned issues, this thesis proposes an Interoperable Framework for heterogeneous MANETs called IF-MANET. The framework hides the complexities of heterogeneous routing protocols and provides a homogeneous layer for seamless communication between these routing protocols. The framework creates a unique Ontology for MANET routing protocols and a Message Translator to semantically compare the packets and generates the missing fields using the rules defined in the Ontology. Hence, the translation between an existing as well as newly arriving routing protocols will be achieved dynamically and on-the-fly. To discover a route for the delivery of packets across heterogeneous MANET taxonomies, the IF-MANET creates a special Gateway node to provide cluster based inter-domain routing. The IF-MANET framework can be used to develop different middleware applications. For example: Mobile grid computing that could potentially utilise huge amounts of aggregated data collected from heterogeneous mobile devices. Disaster & crises management applications can be created to provide on-the-fly infrastructure-less emergency communication across organisations by utilising different MANET taxonomies.


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Las TIC son inseparables de la museografía in situ e imprescindibles en la museografía en red fija y móvil. En demasiados casos se han instalado prótesis tecnológicas para barnizar de modernidad el espacio cultural, olvidando que la tecnología debe estar al servicio de los contenidos de manera que resulte invisible y perfectamente imbricada con la museografía tradicional. Las interfaces móviles pueden fusionar museo in situ y en red y acompañar a las personas más allá del espacio físico. Esa fusión debe partir de una base de datos narrativa y abierta a obras materiales e inmateriales de otros museos de manera que no se trasladen las limitaciones del museo físico al virtual. En el museo in situ tienen sentido las instalaciones hipermedia inmersivas que faciliten experiencias culturales innovadoras. La interactividad (relaciones virtuales) debe convivir con la interacción (relaciones físicas y personales) y estar al servicio de todas las personas, partiendo de que todas, todos tenemos limitaciones. Trabajar interdisciplinarmente ayuda a comprender mejor el museo para ponerlo al servicio de las personas.


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Mobile cloud computing can effectively address the resource limitations of mobile devices, and is therefore essential to enable extensive resource consuming mobile computing and communication applications. Of all the mobile cloud computing applications, data outsourcing, such as iCloud, is fundamental, which outsources a mobile user's data to external cloud servers and accordingly provides a scalable and always on approach for public data access. With the security and privacy issues related to outsourced data becoming a rising concern, encryption on outsourced data is often necessary. Although encryption increases the quality of protection (QoP) of data outsourcing, it significantly reduces data usability and thus harms the mobile user's quality of experience (QoE). How to strike a balance between QoP and QoE is therefore an important yet challenging task. In this article we focus on the fundamental problem of QoP and QoE provisioning in searchable encryption of data outsourcing. We develop a fine-grained data search scheme and discuss its implementation on encrypted mobile cloud data, which is an effective balance between QoE and QoP in mobile cloud data outsourcing.


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In mobile cloud computing, a fundamental application is to outsource the mobile data to external cloud servers for scalable data storage. The outsourced data, however, need to be encrypted due to the privacy and confidentiality concerns of their owner. This results in the distinguished difficulties on the accurate search over the encrypted mobile cloud data. To tackle this issue, in this paper, we develop the searchable encryption for multi-keyword ranked search over the storage data. Specifically, by considering the large number of outsourced documents (data) in the cloud, we utilize the relevance score and k-nearest neighbor techniques to develop an efficient multi-keyword search scheme that can return the ranked search results based on the accuracy. Within this framework, we leverage an efficient index to further improve the search efficiency, and adopt the blind storage system to conceal access pattern of the search user. Security analysis demonstrates that our scheme can achieve confidentiality of documents and index, trapdoor privacy, trapdoor unlinkability, and concealing access pattern of the search user. Finally, using extensive simulations, we show that our proposal can achieve much improved efficiency in terms of search functionality and search time compared with the existing proposals.