489 resultados para Minério maciço hidrotermal
A indústria cerâmica tem grande papel ambiental quando o assunto é reciclagem de rejeitos. A grande produção industrial que vem se desenvolvendo na Região Norte do país abre espaço para utilização de rejeitos como substituto de matéria-prima na produção de cerâmicas. Esta substituição, além da vantagem ambiental, também confere vantagens às características físicas da cerâmica produzida. O presente trabalho visou estudar os efeitos causados pela incorporação de rejeito de minério de manganês em formulações de cerâmica argilosa, para avaliar até que ponto é possível incorporar o referido rejeito sem que haja prejuízo das propriedades dos produtos. Foram propostas algumas formulações contendo quantidades variadas de rejeito. Os corpos-de-prova obtidos por prensagem foram sinterizados de 1000 ºC a 1200 ºC por 2 h. Os resultados mostraram que o rejeito atua como fundente, melhorando propriedades do material, diminuindo a porosidade e absorção de água e aumentando a resistência mecânica das peças cerâmicas.
Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC
O Maciço Sararé ocorre no sudoeste de Mato Grosso, intrusivo no Domínio Jauru, e encontra-se controlado por trend tectônico NW-SE ligado a tectônica regional transcorrente e, tardiamente, por feições tectônicas rúpteis NE-SW. É constituído por três fácies petrográficas principais denominadas biotita-monzogranito, muscovita-monzogranito e monzogranito, que apresentam contatos transicionais. São rochas leucocráticas, de cor vermelha a rosada, isotrópicas e eqüi/ineqüigranulares a localmente porfiríticas. Os dados geoquímicos as classificam como rochas do tipo S, peraluminosas, alto K, quimicamente restritas e evoluídas em relação a SiO2 alcançando teores em torno de 75%. Os valores de REE apresentam-se dispostos em três curvas assimétricas, evidenciando fácies distintas e mostrando uma redução destes valores e das anomalias de Eu para a fase final. O maciço representa intrusões diferenciadas, geradas a partir da fusão de material da crosta superior em ambiente de colisão continental no final do evento Aguapeí-Sunsás.
O Maciço do Rio Apa corresponde à porção meridional do Cráton Amazônico no sudoeste do estado de Mato Grosso do Sul e é constituído pelas rochas de idade paleoproterozóicas do Complexo Rio Apa, Grupo Alto Tererê e suítes plutono - vulcânica ácida do Grupo Amoguijá, dividido em suítes Intrusiva Alumiador e Vulcânica Serra da Bocaina. A suíte vulcânica é caracterizada nas serras de São Francisco e Bocaina, constituída dominantemente por termos de composição álcali - riólitos a riólitos, incluindo em menores proporções riodacitos, andesitos e dacitos. É constituída por uma diversidade textural de rochas subvulcânicas, vulcânicas e variedades vulcanoclásticas. Os depósitos piroclásticos de maior expressão são constituídos por partículas piroclásticas imersas em matriz afanítica de granulometria fina ou amorfa, onde se pode distinguir quartzo, feldspato, clorita, sericita, micrólitos de carbonato, esferulitos esparsos e vidro vulcânico reliquiar. As rochas piroclásticas são representadas por brechas, tufos, ignimbritos, aglomerados, lapilitos e púmices, contendo geralmente vitroclastos, litoclastos e cristaloclastos, púmices, fiammes, glass shards, esferulitos, vesículas e amígdalas. São rochas cálcio - alcalinas pertencentes à série de alto potássio de caráter predominantemente peraluminoso e definem magmatismo sincolisional e encontram - se geneticamente associadas à evolução do Arco Magmático Amoguijá. Palavras-chave: Maciço Rio Apa, Suíte Vulcânica Serra da Bocaina, litogeoquímica, petrografia.
O Maciço Granítico Capão Bonito encontra-se associado à evolução da granitogênese neoproterozóica da Província Mantiqueira Central e localiza-se no sudeste do estado de São Paulo, intrusivo em rochas epimetamórficas do Grupo Açungui (Formação Votuverava) e em rochas do Complexo Granítico Três Córregos. As suas rochas afloram junto à borda da Bacia do Paraná e encontram-se parcialmente encobertas por rochas sedimentares do Grupo Itararé e por sedimentos recentes da Bacia do Paraná. Suas rochas estão distribuídas na forma de um corpo alongado e paralelo a direção NE-SW das principais zonas de cisalhamento. È constituído por sienogranitos vermelhos, holo- a leucocráticos com biotita e rara hornblenda, inequigranulares de granulação média a grossa a porfiríticos e isotrópicos a levemente cataclásticos nas zonas marginais. São rochas pertencentes às séries cálcio-alcalinas alto potássio a shoshonítica ou às séries subalcalinas potássicas e caráter metaluminoso a peraluminoso. O magmatismo é compatível com os granitos do tipo A, tardi-orogênicos a anorogênicos de ambiente intraplaca, a partir da fusão de material da crosta inferior com emplacement associado à estrutura transtensiva correlacionada às zonas de cisalhamentos, em um ambiente extensional ao final do evento colisional da Orogênese Ribeira.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The mining research is a complex activity, which should preferably involve the combination of direct and indirect techniques of geological research. The increasing demand for base metals in domestic and international markets provide the revaluation of mineral occurrences, which can be converted into deposits and mines. This paper presents the results of the application of geophysical methods of electric resistivity and induced polarization in main foliation parallel to the arrangement of the area, in a deposit of oxides and hydroxides in massive and disseminated ores, docked in gneisses and quartzites, located in the municipality of Itapira, in the North of the State of São Paulo in Brazil. Inversion models indicate the predominance of high cargabilidade that partially coincide with low resistivity values. Integration of geophysical data made possible the drafting of sections of electric walking with cross-checking distance x depth, for detailing your target. The integrated analysis of geophysical and geological structural data leads to the conclusion that the primary mining suffers structural control with the regional foliation in ores
The area where the study was conducted is located in the central-western state of Goias. It geologically inserts the northern portion of the Greenstone Belt of Faina which belongs to the Archean terranes that fits in Brasília Fold Belt and Tocantins Structural Province. This region is known for its greenstone lode gold potential and it was heavily exploited by pioneers and prospectors, leaving many records for where they have been through. Preliminary work done by Orinoco Brasil Mineração in their required areas at the region showed that the environment is promising for gold mineralization and that the ore is controlled by structures. Therefore the objectives of this work were the geological and structural mapping in semi detail scale to improve geological, stratigraphic and structural controls present attributing possible ore understanding. With the development of the work there were recognized on the desktop three structural domains separated by a thrust fault. For each domain were discriminated the geological units ranging in gneisses, quartzites formed from coarse sediments arcoseanos, and schists. By mapping structures there were found five deformation phases, Dn-2, Dn-1, the Dn event that generated the main foliation (Sn) in high representation and two post-stages Dn with brittle late manifestations. The detail mapping of the Rattlesnake Gallery showed that the mineralized quartz vein is consistent with axial-plane foliation Sn-2 belonging to the oldest deformation Dn-2 phase and that the high grade is distributed in the hinge region folds of the same phase
The Bom Futuro tin deposit is located in Ariquemes, north-central state of Rondônia. Since its discovery in the late 80s, the tin deposit of Bom Futuro has been explored and considered one of the leading Brazilian producers of cassiterite, exploring it mainly in secondary deposits (placers) in the vicinity of the hill Bom Futuro. The primary mineralization occurs in the contacts between quartz veins and pegmatites with the rocks of the hill and its exploitation has been the goal of new studies in the area. These bodies occur in all rock types of the hill, leading edges of hydrothermal alteration with each rock. The focus of the study is the characterization of hydrothermal alteration through the analysis of the edges of pegmatitic veins intruded on each of the main rock types found on the hill Bom Futuro, which are: biotite gneiss, biotite amphibolite, subvolcanic breccia, topaz leucogranite, topaz leucoriolito and micro melassienito porphyry. The analysis and comparison showed familiarities between the edges of alteration encountered, and possible subdivision into three main zones: the inner zone or the vein itself, intermediate zone or transition zone and the change zone where the passage of hydrothermal features to rocks features is gradual. The cassiterite and sphalerite were found scattered in three zones, however in larger quantities in the intermediate zone, near the contact
Located in Apiaí, Vale do Ribeira, southern region of São Paulo state, the Usina do Calabouço areas (CIEM / CPRM) and Morro do Ouro (Parque Municipal do Morro do Ouro), were targeted for stud ies due to its old buildings, respectively a foundry in lead ore, called Experimental de Chumbo e Prata (Usina Calabouço), and a gold mine with processing plant of the gold-bearing ore produced there. Nowadays, the areas are used for public visitation, and in both places the rests of the buildings remains. Particularly in the CIEM/CPRM, due to the materials witch was produced before, it can suggest the existence of anomalous amounts of the involved metals (CIEM / CPRM) and possible contaminations by chemical products used in the improvement of the auriferous ore (P. M. Morro do Ouro). These potential contamination were confirmed with geochemical survey of soils and current sediments accomplished in both areas, for the elements arsenic, cadmium, lead, copper, mercury, silver and zinc, which were used as parameters guiding values for soil and groundwater the state of São Paulo (CETESB), and watershed values stipulated by CPRM (poor, background and anomalous), in it rising geochemistry during Folha Apiaí's execution (SG-22-X-B-V).
The N6 Plateau presents an iron-ore occurence in Carajás Mineral Province, standing near to actually operating deposits. Geological mapping in 1:10,000 scale and integration of geochemical, geophysical, petrography and drilling turns possible interpretation of his geological evolution. The mapped area has lithotypes from Archean Grão Pará Group, comprising very lowgrade metamorphic basic rocks and iron formation and an Proterozoic sedimentary association of conglomeratic sandstones called as Caninana Unity. The structural geology in given by a regional scale homoclinal, where the Grão Pará Group strata dips towards SW, as a part of the Northern Limb of the Carajás Fold. Subsequent deformation associated to the installation of the Carajás Shear Zone presents as E-W fold axis. Geochemical evidence permits to consider de Parauapebas Formation as the rocks which has been hydrothermally-altered to outsourcing fluids responsible to deposition of iron formations in the oceanic system, including different signatures which can be interpreted as possible sub-embayments in the Carajás Basin. The iron ore in the area occurs in subsurface as very fine friable hematite generated by supergenous enrichment of the iron formation. The conceived geologic model differs from the current academic proposal on the fact that hydrothermal alteration has been involved on the jaspelite enrichment. Metamorphism on the Parauapebas Formation presents paragenesis considered as ocean-floor metamorphism which precedes de deformation insofar as the rocks show no tectonic fabric referring to shallow crust evolution. Geophysical methods such as magnetometry and gravimetry presents excellent results for structural interpretation in uneven exposed terrain
The present study aimed to analyze the floristic and structural descriptors of tree species natural regeneration in a forest sector with synchronized bamboo (Merostachys multiramea Hackel) die-off (CT) and an adjacent area with continuous canopy cover (ST) in an araucaria forest fragment in the municipality of Lages, Santa Catarina state. A total of 14, 5x5m, plots (six plots in CT sector and eight in ST sector) were allocated, where all tree species regenerative individual with circumference at breast height smaller than 15cm and height higher than 25cm was measured (diameter at soil level) and identified. The richest families were: Myrtaceae (nine), Solanaceae (six) and Aquifoliaceae (four). The Shannon Diversity Index in ST and CT sectors were respectively 2.73 and 2.31. The species with the highest importance values in CT sector were Solanum variabile, Piptocarpha angustifolia, Mimosa scabrella, Jacaranda puberula and Solanum pseudoquina. In ST sector, the species with highest importance values were Myrsine lorentziana, Casearia decandra, Cinnamodendron dinisii, Drimys brasiliensis and Ilex paraguariensis. The results showed that the synchronized bamboo die-off influenced the spatial variation in the floristic and structural descriptors of the tree species natural regeneration.
Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais - FC
The granitic massif Capão Bonito is located in the southwest of the State of São Paulo and is associated with Neoproterozoic evolution of Central Mantiqueira Province. Its rocks outcrop along the edge of the Paraná Basin in a body with elongated shape whose major axis has a general NE-SW, covering an area of approximately 110km2. Occurs in intrusive epimetamorphic rocks of Votuverava Formation, Acungui Group and granitic rocks of the Três Córregos Complex and their placement is related to a brittle tectonics of NE-SW direction shear zones. In metasediments, when preserved from deformational features imposed by mylonitic deformation, preserve up textures and mineralogy of contact metamorphism with development of mineral in albite-epidote and hornblende hornfels facies. The Massif Capão Bonito consists of red syenogranites, holo-leucocratic with biotite and rare hornblende, medium to coarse inequigranulars and isotropic lightly mylonitic and / or cataclastic in marginal regions. Commercially are called Vermelho Capão Bonito and for export as Ruby Red Granite. Rocks belonging to the calcium-alkaline high potassium to shoshonitic series or the series subalkaline potassic and metaluminous to peraluminous character. The magmatism is compatible with granite type A, tardi-orogenic to anorogenic of intraplate environment, from the crust material with lower melting emplacement associated with correlated transtensive structure to shear zones in an extensional environment at the end of collisional event of Orogênese Ribeira. Metamorphism occurred in the region in the greenschist facies, low to medium, generating quartzites, phyllites, schists, and calcium-silicate metabasics
Pós-graduação em Geociências e Meio Ambiente - IGCE